Alexei Navalny ally arrested by Russian police


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Russian police raided the home of opposition activist Lyubov Sobol early on Friday morning before detaining her for further questioning, Kremlin critic and close ally Alexei Navalny has said.

The dissident lawyer posted a video on Twitter of police banging at Sobol's door, followed by footage of the officers loitering outside the Moscow apartment and then covering the security camera with duct tape.

I'm betting she didn't see that coming.

But, Russia thinks that this is all made up so that the West can impose sanctions.
Well who'd have ever predicted this?

I gotta say, this Navalny character had balls of steel to return to the motherland. When Novachok fails, the next step is getting hurled off a balcony or shot on a bridge in the shadow of the Kremlin.

But Putin needn't worry about sanctions for the next 25 days. ;)
She thinks she’s cute, nice smile, perfect teeth, and meanwhile her opposition party’s dentists are pulling all of our teeth they can get their pliers on. She sings in perfect tune with the liberal choir, all her ducks in a row. All her security cams running on Youtube with a video of the mean cops for the pleasure of her viewers.

Establishment hack. Doesn't look, smell, or sound like a dissident to me.
And his wife (not his sister or niece?) Yulia Navalnaya -- uses the name Navalny as a maiden name in the feminine form -- whereas Lyubov Sobol actually uses the correct form (masculine, married, or adult, not maiden or feminine) of her husband’s family name.

Her current husband is reportedly Sergey Mokhov, but he is not the man whose family name she is still using -- because her maiden name is Fedenyova.

>>> In Russian, Sobol's first name, Lyubov, means “love.”
>>> Whereas her last name “Sobol” is name of “sable” the fur-bearing animal

They wonder why we think these people are spies?
>>> Russian authorities are accusing Sobol and others of barging into an old woman’s apartment in Moscow while wearing uniforms used by the state consumer health watchdog after tricking a delivery person into allowing them to enter the complex, according to Reuters.​
>>> But Sobol’s supporters say she was at the apartment of a security operative allegedly involved in the near fatal poisoning of Navalny, according to Reuters.​
>>> “They are locking up the mother of a small child for two days to tell everybody: don’t dig into this case,” Navalny tweeted in Russian, according to a translation from Reuters. “Don’t dare to mess with our killers and poisoners and knock on their doors. These killers are untouchable.”​
There’s a certain level of stupidity here. Knock on enough doors looking for a killer, expect to be killed.

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