US warns Pakistan not to free Daniel Pearl killer Omar Saeed


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
WASHINGTON: Distracted by domestic political wrangles and the holiday season in its final weeks in office, the outgoing Trump administration still managed to zero in on Pakistan trying to spring yet another terrorist, Omar Saeed, accused of murdering Wall Street Journalist Daniel Pearl, from prison, warning that it is closely following the matter.
"We are deeply concerned by the reports of the December 24 ruling of Sindh high court to release multiple terrorists responsible for the murder of Daniel Pearl. We have been assured that the accused have not been released at this time," the State Department said in a readout on Thursday, without mentioning Saeed's name.

A court in Pakistan earlier this week ordered the release of the British-born terrorist who was accused of killing WSJ South Asia correspondent Daniel Pearl in 2002 after government prosecutors failed to make the case against him although 18 years have passed since the gruesome murder. Sheikh was acquitted of the murder earlier this year but had remained in jail after an appeal against that decision began.
But the Sindh high court in Karachi ruled this week that Sheikh's temporary detention was illegal and he should be released soon.
The State Department, however, cottoned on to the judicial caper and virtually called for his continued incarceration.
"We understand that this case is ongoing and will be following closely. We continue to stand with the Pearl family through this extremely difficult process. We continue to honour Daniel Pearl’s legacy as a courageous journalist," it tweeted.

Or else what?

I like how this paper operates as if Pakistan did a complete turnaround.
WASHINGTON: Distracted by domestic political wrangles and the holiday season in its final weeks in office, the outgoing Trump administration still managed to zero in on Pakistan trying to spring yet another terrorist, Omar Saeed, accused of murdering Wall Street Journalist Daniel Pearl, from prison, warning that it is closely following the matter.
"We are deeply concerned by the reports of the December 24 ruling of Sindh high court to release multiple terrorists responsible for the murder of Daniel Pearl. We have been assured that the accused have not been released at this time," the State Department said in a readout on Thursday, without mentioning Saeed's name.

A court in Pakistan earlier this week ordered the release of the British-born terrorist who was accused of killing WSJ South Asia correspondent Daniel Pearl in 2002 after government prosecutors failed to make the case against him although 18 years have passed since the gruesome murder. Sheikh was acquitted of the murder earlier this year but had remained in jail after an appeal against that decision began.
But the Sindh high court in Karachi ruled this week that Sheikh's temporary detention was illegal and he should be released soon.
The State Department, however, cottoned on to the judicial caper and virtually called for his continued incarceration.
"We understand that this case is ongoing and will be following closely. We continue to stand with the Pearl family through this extremely difficult process. We continue to honour Daniel Pearl’s legacy as a courageous journalist," it tweeted.

Or else what?

I like how this paper operates as if Pakistan did a complete turnaround.

turn around from what?
WASHINGTON: Distracted by domestic political wrangles and the holiday season in its final weeks in office, the outgoing Trump administration still managed to zero in on Pakistan trying to spring yet another terrorist, Omar Saeed, accused of murdering Wall Street Journalist Daniel Pearl, from prison, warning that it is closely following the matter.
"We are deeply concerned by the reports of the December 24 ruling of Sindh high court to release multiple terrorists responsible for the murder of Daniel Pearl. We have been assured that the accused have not been released at this time," the State Department said in a readout on Thursday, without mentioning Saeed's name.

A court in Pakistan earlier this week ordered the release of the British-born terrorist who was accused of killing WSJ South Asia correspondent Daniel Pearl in 2002 after government prosecutors failed to make the case against him although 18 years have passed since the gruesome murder. Sheikh was acquitted of the murder earlier this year but had remained in jail after an appeal against that decision began.
But the Sindh high court in Karachi ruled this week that Sheikh's temporary detention was illegal and he should be released soon.
The State Department, however, cottoned on to the judicial caper and virtually called for his continued incarceration.
"We understand that this case is ongoing and will be following closely. We continue to stand with the Pearl family through this extremely difficult process. We continue to honour Daniel Pearl’s legacy as a courageous journalist," it tweeted.

Or else what?

I like how this paper operates as if Pakistan did a complete turnaround.

turn around from what?
Supporting terrorism.
The "guy" was found guilty and on death row. It was overturned in April of this year. It was being appealed. The "guy" has a track record as well. The "guy" admitted that he killed Daniel Pearl from the beginning.

From here:
This is a joke, right? Trump just pardoned a group of American war criminals.

A fan of Omar Saeed then? Anything to contribute to the OP?
Pardoning war criminals has consequences. America will be paying a price for scumbag Trump for a very long long time.

Ok. Since you insist. Take note. you elected a man who created the first Patriot Act and a woman that suppressed evidence in a death penalty case. You did nothing but express hatred for Donald Trump daily just as your media and campaigners instructed you to do. Meanwhile you paid little attention to policy. You appeared to be so happy after that election for your billionaires.

So, you got what you wanted and I'm sure you will be able to provide the right propaganda for the next war. It will be a shame and you might even wipe a tear from your eye. You will do as you are told.
So, you got what you
What does that have to do with the mentally ill president pardoning war criminals? Nothing.
What did any of that have to do with the OP? Nothing. Thanks for playing.
Simple. We just pardoned people who killed a crowd of innocent iraqis. Other muslim countries will use that against us and release/pardon those who have murdered our citizens. Come on, you can puzzle that out.
We will be paying for this election.
Don’t you think we might be seeing fallout from Trump pardoning the killers of Iraqi civilians? That was a high profile case.

I don't think that any type of security should be contracted out. Looking for a show of hands of people that began to rethink this when Blackwater changed to Academi after being purchased by investors. No? I don't care at this point.
So, you got what you
What does that have to do with the mentally ill president pardoning war criminals? Nothing.
What did any of that have to do with the OP? Nothing. Thanks for playing.
Simple. We just pardoned people who killed a crowd of innocent iraqis. Other muslim countries will use that against us and release/pardon those who have murdered our citizens. Come on, you can puzzle that out.
Except that isn't what happened here, is it?
There are quite a few Pakistani citizens and officials who are just ine with the murder of Daniel Pearl. And our corrupt, mentally ill president increased that number with his pardon of the Blackwater murderers. Have whatever opinion of that you like, but it is a fact. Also a fact: some people in Pakistan and Iraq (including government officials) look at the Pearl case as of today and say, "16 more to go, until we break even with the US". Again, have whatever opinion you like of those crazy people, but this is a fact. Was it worth it?
We will be paying for this election.
Don’t you think we might be seeing fallout from Trump pardoning the killers of Iraqi civilians? That was a high profile case.

I don't think that any type of security should be contracted out. Looking for a show of hands of people that began to rethink this when Blackwater changed to Academi after being purchased by investors. No? I don't care at this point.
I agree about security or military actions being given to cOnttactors. But frankly I think this, coming on the heels of pardoning those killers, is a direct reaction to that.
So, you got what you
What does that have to do with the mentally ill president pardoning war criminals? Nothing.
What did any of that have to do with the OP? Nothing. Thanks for playing.
Simple. We just pardoned people who killed a crowd of innocent iraqis. Other muslim countries will use that against us and release/pardon those who have murdered our citizens. Come on, you can puzzle that out.
Except that isn't what happened here, is it?
Well, you are invited to go reason with the iraqis and pakistanis on that one. What they a muslim jihadi being acquitted of murdering a US civilian, and the US trying to subvert the Pakistani legal system to make sure he is punished. What they also see is the US pardoning 4 men who were convicted (not acquitted) of slaughtering 17 Iraqi civilians. I invite you to go tell them what is wrong with their thinking. Good luck!

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