Air Force said NO. 12K of them.

I don't know what doc told you, but you are telling us is completely wrong, "vax" (by Pfizer) has been cleared by FDA for all adults, which includes doctors.
I trust my doc more than I do the FDA. But you go ahead and goosestep.
That was stupid as hell.

Yes, you are not going to infect the entire population, but you will infect some and you will probably iterate the virus more and infect more if unvaccinated and unmasked.

What you do here effects others and if everyone got vaccinated we would be long done dealing with Covid-19 as a national emergency.
I don't give a rats ass if you are full of vax. Why the fuck are you determined to harass those who aren't?
Go fuck yourself.
I trust my doc more than I do the FDA. But you go ahead and goosestep.
You can trust your cadilogist to inform your opinion on infectious desease all you want.

However, as a matter of FACT, the national authoritative body on clearing drugs and vaccinations is FDA and they did clear it.

The complication in mrG's lungs almost certainly has to do with his Covid-19 infection, and was likely avoidable if he got his ass vaccinated instead of listening to cranks like you.
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You can trust your cadilogist to inform your opinion on infectious desease all you want.

However, as a matter of FACT, the national authritative body on clearing drugs and vaccinations is FDA and they did clear it.

The complication in mrG's lungs almost certainly has to do with his Covid-19 infection, and was likely avoidable if he got his ass vaccinated instead of listening to cranks like you.
He IS vaxxed, fucktard. He is a democrat and believes in them. His problem is probably from the vax itself.

And for the record...I CAN talk about MrG. YOU CAN'T. Do it again and I will report your sorry ass.
I don't give a rats ass if you are full of vax. Why the fuck are you determined to harass those who aren't?
Go fuck yourself.
?? Who did I harrass?

Refuting bullshit on discussion fourms is not harrassment.
?? Who did I harrass?

Refuting bullshit on discussion fourms is not harrassment.
You are not refuting. You are DEMANDING. And very stupid/misinformed. Everyone here knows my husband is Dem AND has been vaxxed. Twice. His problems began AFTER the vax. So go fuck yourself.
He IS vaxxed, fucktard. He is a democrat and believes in them. His problem is probably from the vax itself.

And for the record...I CAN talk about MrG. YOU CAN'T. Do it again and I will report your sorry ass.
You didn't see you mention mrG before (searched for "mrG"), all I saw was you talking about your friend and her boyfriend having it without saying they had the vaccination, I assumed mrG to be one fo them.
You are not refuting. You are DEMANDING.
If you don't want to read what I say, then go ahead and put me on ignore.

You playing a victim on a discussion forum, because someone is questioning what you say is kinda pathetic.
You didn't see you mention mrG before (searched for "mrG"), all I saw was you talking about your friend and her boyfriend having it without saying they had the vaccination, I assumed mrG to be one fo them.
You assumed wrongly. Again, go fuck yourself.
If you don't want to read what I say, then go ahead and put me on ignore.

You playing a victim on a discussion forum, because someone is questioning what you say is kinda pathetic.
I will continue to keep a watch on you and wait for the opportunity to report you for falsly accussing someone of something you know nothing about. Tread carefully, asswipe.

I am no victim and you didn't question me, moron. You ASSumed.
I will continue to keep a watch on you and wait for the opportunity to report you for falsly accussing someone of something you know nothing about. Tread carefully, asswipe.

I am no victim and you didn't question me, moron. You ASSumed.
Yep snowflake, you do that.

Make sure to read everything very carefully.
Equally phony. No mentions of duty stations, ribbons or rank. If you want to copy one, make it believable.

Personally, I don't demand one as that is the tactic of a keyboard warrior.

The DD-214 does not list duty stations.

If you had ever seen one up close you would know this.

You keep proving yourself a fraud with each post.
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Ok truth teller, lets see if you can answer this:

1% of 320 million people in America is how much?

Also, how many times is "under 1%" more deadly than influenza?

It's not 1% of the entire population of the US you fucktard.

God damn you're stupid. Learn what the fuck the 1% number comes from before you make an idiot out of yourself.
The DD-214 does not list duty stations.

If you had ever seen one up close you would know this.

You keep proving yourself a fraud with each post.
That would be you and your continued insistence that everyone bow to your rules, as insipid as they and you are.
The death rate for COIVD is 2%, that is 1.94% percentage points more than the flu, or for those of you that are not good with math, 32 times higher than COVID

All sources with any vestige of credibility put the death rate for the #CoronaHoax2020 virus at about 1⁄10 of that.

And I suspect that is off on the high side, by quite a bit. I have no doubt that there are a lot more people, than anyone is assuming or counting into any claimed statistics, who have been infected with this virus, have had no symptoms, and have never been tested. In fact, if this virus is anywhere close to being as contagious as the fraudulent fearmongers have deceived most of the public into thinking it is, then I see no realistic possibility that nearly everyone hasn't been infected with it, or will soon be; so with a much higher infection rate than assumed, that would mean a much lower rate of death or serious harm to those infected.

And we already know that the death count has been greatly, fraudulently exaggerated, by counting deaths as #CoronaHoax deaths, that were, in fact, from other causes entirely.
That would be you and your continued insistence that everyone bow to your rules, as insipid as they and you are.

No, that would be you outing yourself for the 10th time by claiming duty stations are listed on the DD214. You are not even a very good liar, you are too fucking lazy to look at one on line and see what all is on them
the vaccine does not impede what natural immunity might be there
Good grief, so otherwise those with natural immunity, uhhhhhhh just go on and get the shot in order to satisfy the demigods/democrat's, and this so they can claim victory on the issue eh ? That's all it is with these Democrat's, where as they want to be right so bad, that they will say dumb stuff like you just in hopes to win the issue.
Good grief, so otherwise those with natural immunity, uhhhhhhh just go on and get the shot in order to satisfy the demigods/democrat's, and this so they can claim victory on the issue eh ? That's all it is with these Democrat's, where as they want to be right so bad, that they will say dumb stuff like you just in hopes to win the issue.

I never said any such thing, I merely stated a fact. I am sorry that triggered you so very much

If you do not wish to the get the vaccine I support that 100% and I do not think the Govt should force you unless you happen to work for them.
No, that would be you outing yourself for the 10th time by claiming duty stations are listed on the DD214. You are not even a very good liar, you are too fucking lazy to look at one on line and see what all is on them
Various ribbons tell the story, but you have none. Even an incompetent assholes like you would receive something if they actually served. You have none, so what does that say about your valor? Nothing since in you it is nonexistent. But keep crying for relevance and keep getting ignored for your claims, when not called out as being the liar you are.

BTW, what happened to you when you said you would no longer communicate with me? Another lie.

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