After Unmasking debacle, can we admit that the fix is in and the Coup Plotters all walk?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Sessions, Huber, Horowitz, Barr, Durham and Graham read like a Murderer's Row of Deep State Operatives all working Borg like single-mindedly to protect the Traitors in our government, especially at the Intel Agencies who are just waiting for the next American Taliban Presidency to turn that apparatus against the American people.

Sure, Comey, et. al, got fired, but so what? What fired when the real punishment was the firing squad? No wonder smirking Obama laughed when he delivered, "No one, including the president, is above the law." He knows they're all above the law.

I tend to agree more and more with PoliticalChic that it looks like the handwriting is on the wall and it's just a question of when and no longer IF America we knew is completely finished.

Were the roles reversed and Bush were caught (properly) spying on Born in Kenya Barack, Pelosi and the dems would have insisted that the public executions of the entire Bush Administration been televised in schools so that the lessons would never be forgotten.

Maybe, if he's reelected, Trump will appoint Hillary as AG. She can't do any worse than Barr
Sessions, Huber, Horowitz, Barr, Durham and Graham read like a Murderer's Row of Deep State Operatives all working Borg like single-mindedly to protect the Traitors in our government, especially at the Intel Agencies who are just waiting for the next American Taliban Presidency to turn that apparatus against the American people.

Sure, Comey, et. al, got fired, but so what? What fired when the real punishment was the firing squad? No wonder smirking Obama laughed when he delivered, "No one, including the president, is above the law." He knows they're all above the law.

I tend to agree more and more with PoliticalChic that it looks like the handwriting is on the wall and it's just a question of when and no longer IF America we knew is completely finished.

Were the roles reversed and Bush were caught (properly) spying on Born in Kenya Barack, Pelosi and the dems would have insisted that the public executions of the entire Bush Administration been televised in schools so that the lessons would never be forgotten.

Maybe, if he's reelected, Trump will appoint Hillary as AG. She can't do any worse than Barr
Sessions, Huber, Horowitz, Barr, Durham and Graham read like a Murderer's Row of Deep State Operatives all working Borg like single-mindedly to protect the Traitors in our government, especially at the Intel Agencies who are just waiting for the next American Taliban Presidency to turn that apparatus against the American people.

Sure, Comey, et. al, got fired, but so what? What fired when the real punishment was the firing squad? No wonder smirking Obama laughed when he delivered, "No one, including the president, is above the law." He knows they're all above the law.

I tend to agree more and more with PoliticalChic that it looks like the handwriting is on the wall and it's just a question of when and no longer IF America we knew is completely finished.

Were the roles reversed and Bush were caught (properly) spying on Born in Kenya Barack, Pelosi and the dems would have insisted that the public executions of the entire Bush Administration been televised in schools so that the lessons would never be forgotten.

Maybe, if he's reelected, Trump will appoint Hillary as AG. She can't do any worse than Barr
You forgot to mention SOCIALISM, ANTIFA, BLM and EMAILS.
How do you expect to rise up through the ranks with such failure?
This sums it up perfectly.....

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

When the Left takes the last will suddenly dawn on them that freedom was never free, and a gun in the closet never guaranteed freedom....but too late
Sessions, Huber, Horowitz, Barr, Durham and Graham read like a Murderer's Row of Deep State Operatives all working Borg like single-mindedly to protect the Traitors in our government, especially at the Intel Agencies who are just waiting for the next American Taliban Presidency to turn that apparatus against the American people.

Sure, Comey, et. al, got fired, but so what? What fired when the real punishment was the firing squad? No wonder smirking Obama laughed when he delivered, "No one, including the president, is above the law." He knows they're all above the law.

I tend to agree more and more with PoliticalChic that it looks like the handwriting is on the wall and it's just a question of when and no longer IF America we knew is completely finished.

Were the roles reversed and Bush were caught (properly) spying on Born in Kenya Barack, Pelosi and the dems would have insisted that the public executions of the entire Bush Administration been televised in schools so that the lessons would never be forgotten.

Maybe, if he's reelected, Trump will appoint Hillary as AG. She can't do any worse than Barr
Oh, didn't you know...Hillary is gonna be the Secretary of Defense for Biden
Sessions, Huber, Horowitz, Barr, Durham and Graham read like a Murderer's Row of Deep State Operatives all working Borg like single-mindedly to protect the Traitors in our government, especially at the Intel Agencies who are just waiting for the next American Taliban Presidency to turn that apparatus against the American people.

Sure, Comey, et. al, got fired, but so what? What fired when the real punishment was the firing squad? No wonder smirking Obama laughed when he delivered, "No one, including the president, is above the law." He knows they're all above the law.

I tend to agree more and more with PoliticalChic that it looks like the handwriting is on the wall and it's just a question of when and no longer IF America we knew is completely finished.

Were the roles reversed and Bush were caught (properly) spying on Born in Kenya Barack, Pelosi and the dems would have insisted that the public executions of the entire Bush Administration been televised in schools so that the lessons would never be forgotten.

Maybe, if he's reelected, Trump will appoint Hillary as AG. She can't do any worse than Barr
Boo hoo hoo... your dumbass dreams never come true.
Sessions, Huber, Horowitz, Barr, Durham and Graham read like a Murderer's Row of Deep State Operatives all working Borg like single-mindedly to protect the Traitors in our government, especially at the Intel Agencies who are just waiting for the next American Taliban Presidency to turn that apparatus against the American people.

Sure, Comey, et. al, got fired, but so what? What fired when the real punishment was the firing squad? No wonder smirking Obama laughed when he delivered, "No one, including the president, is above the law." He knows they're all above the law.

I tend to agree more and more with PoliticalChic that it looks like the handwriting is on the wall and it's just a question of when and no longer IF America we knew is completely finished.

Were the roles reversed and Bush were caught (properly) spying on Born in Kenya Barack, Pelosi and the dems would have insisted that the public executions of the entire Bush Administration been televised in schools so that the lessons would never be forgotten.

Maybe, if he's reelected, Trump will appoint Hillary as AG. She can't do any worse than Barr
Boo hoo hoo... your dumbass dreams never come true.

Yours won't either....unless you just like being used and made a fool of.
Sessions, Huber, Horowitz, Barr, Durham and Graham read like a Murderer's Row of Deep State Operatives all working Borg like single-mindedly to protect the Traitors in our government, especially at the Intel Agencies who are just waiting for the next American Taliban Presidency to turn that apparatus against the American people.

Sure, Comey, et. al, got fired, but so what? What fired when the real punishment was the firing squad? No wonder smirking Obama laughed when he delivered, "No one, including the president, is above the law." He knows they're all above the law.

I tend to agree more and more with PoliticalChic that it looks like the handwriting is on the wall and it's just a question of when and no longer IF America we knew is completely finished.

Were the roles reversed and Bush were caught (properly) spying on Born in Kenya Barack, Pelosi and the dems would have insisted that the public executions of the entire Bush Administration been televised in schools so that the lessons would never be forgotten.

Maybe, if he's reelected, Trump will appoint Hillary as AG. She can't do any worse than Barr

Once again, everyone is lying except Trump.

How many times are you going to fall for this bullshit, Frank? Ever since Clinton was President, and FOX News came on the air, FOX and the Republican Party having been making up stuff about Democrats, getting Congress, the Senate, or the FBI to investigate these rumours, and finding nothing.

More than 25 investigations of the Clintons. 12 years of investigations of the Obama Administration and no one has found any crimes the Democrats have committed, much less any evidence to indict them on.

How many times are you going to continue to believe the obvious - the Democrats aren’t the crooks here.

Trump will be spending the rest of his life in prison and you’ll still be claiming the Russia Investigation was a hoax.

You’re like a guy walking around with a “kick me” sign on your back who can’t figure out why everybody is kicking him.
Sessions, Huber, Horowitz, Barr, Durham and Graham read like a Murderer's Row of Deep State Operatives all working Borg like single-mindedly to protect the Traitors in our government, especially at the Intel Agencies who are just waiting for the next American Taliban Presidency to turn that apparatus against the American people.

Sure, Comey, et. al, got fired, but so what? What fired when the real punishment was the firing squad? No wonder smirking Obama laughed when he delivered, "No one, including the president, is above the law." He knows they're all above the law.

I tend to agree more and more with PoliticalChic that it looks like the handwriting is on the wall and it's just a question of when and no longer IF America we knew is completely finished.

Were the roles reversed and Bush were caught (properly) spying on Born in Kenya Barack, Pelosi and the dems would have insisted that the public executions of the entire Bush Administration been televised in schools so that the lessons would never be forgotten.

Maybe, if he's reelected, Trump will appoint Hillary as AG. She can't do any worse than Barr

Key indictments wouldn't BE for "unmasking".. That's just an issue with too many people having access to the NSA collection system.. It's a SMALL part of the total sad saga... It is important to KNOW who was doing it -- but it would never be PUBLICLY prosecuted because the whole deal is at the highest clearance levels.. The way that stuff is handled is to have the agencies these would be coup plotter worked for PULL THEIR clearances and make them INELIGIBLE for FUTURE CLEARANCES,.. NOT part of any PUBLIC spectacle other than there MIGHT be a notice that their clearances were pulled.. People cleared at that level get "courtesy clearances" even AFTER they leave office so that they can "answer questions" from subsequent Admins..

So -- DO NOT be sad.. The PUBLIC legal issues are in lying to the FISA court, LEAKING classified info or EVEN lying to the FBI or Congress in the course of the investigations.
The bias isn't left/right.....Never has been.

It is The State vs. the peasants....And far too many of the peasants are good with their lot, as long as they can watch Cardi B's butt wiggle.

Only about 4 people at this forum understand this.

The rest worship one or the other offered elected "Gods" and their "Parties"
The vast irony of the "Deep State" fable is that Trump has created something of his own that is unaccountable, opaque and disinterested in the democratic process.

Yep...when you place your faith and salvation in elected or appointed people in Washington....what could possibly go wrong?
Electing a politically retarded motherfucker that thinks accountability and rule of law is an evil plot is not the answer to any problem we have.
The vast irony of the "Deep State" fable is that Trump has created something of his own that is unaccountable, opaque and disinterested in the democratic process.

Yep...when you place your faith and salvation in elected or appointed people in Washington....what could possibly go wrong?
Electing a politically retarded motherfucker that thinks accountability and rule of law is an evil plot is not the answer to any problem we have.

Good....then you definitely are NOT voting for Biden.

Glad to hear you came to your senses.

You should try 3rd party....I suggest Jan Jorgensen
Sessions, Huber, Horowitz, Barr, Durham and Graham read like a Murderer's Row of Deep State Operatives all working Borg like single-mindedly to protect the Traitors in our government, especially at the Intel Agencies who are just waiting for the next American Taliban Presidency to turn that apparatus against the American people.

Sure, Comey, et. al, got fired, but so what? What fired when the real punishment was the firing squad? No wonder smirking Obama laughed when he delivered, "No one, including the president, is above the law." He knows they're all above the law.

I tend to agree more and more with PoliticalChic that it looks like the handwriting is on the wall and it's just a question of when and no longer IF America we knew is completely finished.

Were the roles reversed and Bush were caught (properly) spying on Born in Kenya Barack, Pelosi and the dems would have insisted that the public executions of the entire Bush Administration been televised in schools so that the lessons would never be forgotten.

Maybe, if he's reelected, Trump will appoint Hillary as AG. She can't do any worse than Barr
Boo hoo hoo... your dumbass dreams never come true.

Yours won't either....unless you just like being used and made a fool of.

We’re not the ones who let ourselves be lied to all the time. We’re the ones who told you there was no “there”, there.

When are you going to stop believing ANYTHING the Trump Administration says? I stopped believing anything when Trump made this big broo ha ha over the size of his Inauguration crowd.
And if they can tie together enough FBI/Intel personnel who violate laws and agencies policies they can also charge on election interference laws and general misuse of their official powers as a larger conspiracy..
The vast irony of the "Deep State" fable is that Trump has created something of his own that is unaccountable, opaque and disinterested in the democratic process.

Yep...when you place your faith and salvation in elected or appointed people in Washington....what could possibly go wrong?
Electing a politically retarded motherfucker that thinks accountability and rule of law is an evil plot is not the answer to any problem we have.

Good....then you definitely are NOT voting for Biden.

Glad to hear you came to your senses.

You should try 3rd party....I suggest Jan Jorgensen
Since you are incapable of taking a critical look at your leader you are a tiny insignificant part of the problem. If Trump actually represents anything you value he has betrayed you and you still love him all the same. Pathetic.

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