After BYU Honor Code change, LDS Church now says same-sex relationships are ‘not compatible’


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Provo • Despite removing the section on “homosexual behavior” from its Honor Code last month, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has clarified for the first time that same-sex romantic behavior is still “not compatible” with the rules at Brigham Young University.

The surprising announcement came Wednesday morning after weeks of questions about the change and after LGBTQ students had celebrated what they hoped that it meant. Many said they recently came out as gay only because they believed — and were told by some Honor Code staff — that the school and faith now allowed it.

“We felt like we finally had a place and then they ripped it away again,” said junior Katie Guerrero, who is bisexual.

In the afternoon, hundreds of students met in the campus quad to protest what they saw as a painful reversal by BYU. They solemnly sang church hymns and marched in a circle. One person clung to a poster that read, “Jesus said love everyone." And they chanted together, “The Honor Code is honor-less."

After BYU Honor Code change, LDS Church now says same-sex relationships are ‘not compatible’ with the faith’s rules

I'm not sure why there is surprise.
People who live inside echo chambers are always shocked when something 'From Outside' leaks into their tiny little heads.
People who live inside echo chambers are always shocked when something 'From Outside' leaks into their tiny little heads.
Tiny little heads? Like yours ? Consider the your own echo chamber. Your own bubble. The world is changing. Society is changing? Standards of human decency are evolving . Unfortunately some of you are not. Deal with it.
People who live inside echo chambers are always shocked when something 'From Outside' leaks into their tiny little heads.
Tiny little heads? Like yours ? Consider the your own echo chamber. Your own bubble. The world is changing. Society is changing? Standards of human decency are evolving . Unfortunately some of you are not. Deal with it.
Listen to the forum degenerate lecturing us on decency.....roflmfao!
People who live inside echo chambers are always shocked when something 'From Outside' leaks into their tiny little heads.
Tiny little heads? Like yours ? Consider the your own echo chamber. Your own bubble. The world is changing. Society is changing? Standards of human decency are evolving . Unfortunately some of you are not. Deal with it.

"Standards of human decency are evolving." .

Or rather to NORMAL peoples they are devolving, I do not think that most NORMAL peoples would consider promoting the Propaganda of the LGBTQ Agenda of Transgender and buttfucking to be any type of human decency, more like the promotion of Mental Illness and the promotion of two males engaging in something NOT that different from Bestiality, they might as well just buttfuck a dog, no different than what they do.
People who live inside echo chambers are always shocked when something 'From Outside' leaks into their tiny little heads.
Tiny little heads? Like yours ? Consider the your own echo chamber. Your own bubble. The world is changing. Society is changing? Standards of human decency are evolving . Unfortunately some of you are not. Deal with it.
Listen to the forum degenerate lecturing us on decency.....roflmfao!

People who live inside echo chambers are always shocked when something 'From Outside' leaks into their tiny little heads.
Tiny little heads? Like yours ? Consider the your own echo chamber. Your own bubble. The world is changing. Society is changing? Standards of human decency are evolving . Unfortunately some of you are not. Deal with it.

lol sociopaths like you have no 'standards' of decency. Who are you trying to bullshit here? Quit being ridiculous.
If people who have too much time on their hands didn't spend so much of it worried about what other people do, we would have a much happier world. Why would this prohibition have to be in the honor code in the first place? Why this emphasis on forcing everyone to be "normal," according to somebody's interpretation of "normal?" There should be something much more substantial to any religion than just an overriding sexual obsession.
Provo • Despite removing the section on “homosexual behavior” from its Honor Code last month, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has clarified for the first time that same-sex romantic behavior is still “not compatible” with the rules at Brigham Young University.

The surprising announcement came Wednesday morning after weeks of questions about the change and after LGBTQ students had celebrated what they hoped that it meant. Many said they recently came out as gay only because they believed — and were told by some Honor Code staff — that the school and faith now allowed it.

“We felt like we finally had a place and then they ripped it away again,” said junior Katie Guerrero, who is bisexual.

In the afternoon, hundreds of students met in the campus quad to protest what they saw as a painful reversal by BYU. They solemnly sang church hymns and marched in a circle. One person clung to a poster that read, “Jesus said love everyone." And they chanted together, “The Honor Code is honor-less."

After BYU Honor Code change, LDS Church now says same-sex relationships are ‘not compatible’ with the faith’s rules

I'm not sure why there is surprise.

I always find Mormon Homophobia amusing, because the only reason they are out in the middle of the fucking desert is that people didn't approve of their polygamy/pedophilia in the 19th century and chased them out of state after state.

You think they'd have a little more sympathy.
If people who have too much time on their hands didn't spend so much of it worried about what other people do, we would have a much happier world. Why would this prohibition have to be in the honor code in the first place? Why this emphasis on forcing everyone to be "normal," according to somebody's interpretation of "normal?" There should be something much more substantial to any religion than just an overriding sexual obsession.

^^^^^A load of nonsense. Faggots literally scream and jump up and down for attention, and then snivel when they get it. They don't get to control the dialogue and the reaction to their deviant agenda and mental illness, nor do they get to deliberately make up fake 'science' and whine when it gets proven to be utter bullshit.

Those in the Peanut Gallery can read through this media agenda and see if it looks familar; it's right out of the Communist propagandist Gramsci's program for destroying societies resistant to totalitarianism and sociopathic degeneracy. Goebbels was a big fan, too, as was Saul Alinsky; his Rules For Radicals is Gramsci For Dope Addled Dummies.


A prime example is how they have many of you using the word 'gay' instead of 'homosexual fetishist' to describe the deviants and pedophile friendly 'rights' hoax.
Provo • Despite removing the section on “homosexual behavior” from its Honor Code last month, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has clarified for the first time that same-sex romantic behavior is still “not compatible” with the rules at Brigham Young University.

The surprising announcement came Wednesday morning after weeks of questions about the change and after LGBTQ students had celebrated what they hoped that it meant. Many said they recently came out as gay only because they believed — and were told by some Honor Code staff — that the school and faith now allowed it.

“We felt like we finally had a place and then they ripped it away again,” said junior Katie Guerrero, who is bisexual.

In the afternoon, hundreds of students met in the campus quad to protest what they saw as a painful reversal by BYU. They solemnly sang church hymns and marched in a circle. One person clung to a poster that read, “Jesus said love everyone." And they chanted together, “The Honor Code is honor-less."

After BYU Honor Code change, LDS Church now says same-sex relationships are ‘not compatible’ with the faith’s rules

I'm not sure why there is surprise.

I always find Mormon Homophobia amusing, because the only reason they are out in the middle of the fucking desert is that people didn't approve of their polygamy/pedophilia in the 19th century and chased them out of state after state.

You think they'd have a little more sympathy.

Using fake words like 'homophobia' is another example of warping language use to try and shout down dissenting facts about faggots and deviants.
Using fake words like 'homophobia' is another example of warping language use to try and shout down dissenting facts about faggots and deviants.

Okay, buddy.

Homosexuality is bad because...

(Please finish that sentence without including some variation of "God says it's bad" or "I think it's icky." )

Hint. You can't. You have no dissenting 'facts', you just don't like it. Which is fine. But admit that this is your hangup, not theirs.
Using fake words like 'homophobia' is another example of warping language use to try and shout down dissenting facts about faggots and deviants.

Okay, buddy.

Homosexuality is bad because...

(Please finish that sentence without including some variation of "God says it's bad" or "I think it's icky." )

Hint. You can't. You have no dissenting 'facts', you just don't like it. Which is fine. But admit that this is your hangup, not theirs.

Hint: you've already read them all, and you just want to waste my time with repetition and playing ' I Touched You Last!!!' rubbish.
If people who have too much time on their hands didn't spend so much of it worried about what other people do, we would have a much happier world. Why would this prohibition have to be in the honor code in the first place? Why this emphasis on forcing everyone to be "normal," according to somebody's interpretation of "normal?" There should be something much more substantial to any religion than just an overriding sexual obsession.

^^^^^A load of nonsense. Faggots literally scream and jump up and down for attention, and then snivel when they get it. They don't get to control the dialogue and the reaction to their deviant agenda and mental illness, nor do they get to deliberately make up fake 'science' and whine when it gets proven to be utter bullshit.

Those in the Peanut Gallery can read through this media agenda and see if it looks familar; it's right out of the Communist propagandist Gramsci's program for destroying societies resistant to totalitarianism and sociopathic degeneracy. Goebbels was a big fan, too, as was Saul Alinsky; his Rules For Radicals is Gramsci For Dope Addled Dummies.


A prime example is how they have many of you using the word 'gay' instead of 'homosexual fetishist' to describe the deviants and pedophile friendly 'rights' hoax.

Wow! You typed all the right buzzwords for generating hate! Impressive. You said that the "f#gg#ts" scream and jump up and down for attention, but they don't do this any more than, say, the preacher-creatures, who are always jumping up and down to get attention. The whole whining "Christian conservative" extravaganza does it. Most LGBTs I've known just live their lives. They haven't been bothering anybody. But the right-wing supposedly "religious" make a career out of it

I used to think that religion was all good, but the more I've seen of it, the more I realize that there is a lot of evil in it. Look at the mess that the religion based on the life of Jesus has become. Now it's just an effort to turn people into atheists and get people to vote for a fascist society. The teachings of Jesus have been relegated to nothing.
If people who have too much time on their hands didn't spend so much of it worried about what other people do, we would have a much happier world. Why would this prohibition have to be in the honor code in the first place? Why this emphasis on forcing everyone to be "normal," according to somebody's interpretation of "normal?" There should be something much more substantial to any religion than just an overriding sexual obsession.

^^^^^A load of nonsense. Faggots literally scream and jump up and down for attention, and then snivel when they get it. They don't get to control the dialogue and the reaction to their deviant agenda and mental illness, nor do they get to deliberately make up fake 'science' and whine when it gets proven to be utter bullshit.

Those in the Peanut Gallery can read through this media agenda and see if it looks familar; it's right out of the Communist propagandist Gramsci's program for destroying societies resistant to totalitarianism and sociopathic degeneracy. Goebbels was a big fan, too, as was Saul Alinsky; his Rules For Radicals is Gramsci For Dope Addled Dummies.


A prime example is how they have many of you using the word 'gay' instead of 'homosexual fetishist' to describe the deviants and pedophile friendly 'rights' hoax.

Wow! You typed all the right buzzwords for generating hate! Impressive. You said that the "f#gg#ts" scream and jump up and down for attention, but they don't do this any more than, say, the preacher-creatures, who are always jumping up and down to get attention. The whole whining "Christian conservative" extravaganza does it. Most LGBTs I've known just live their lives. They haven't been bothering anybody. But the right-wing supposedly "religious" make a career out of it

I used to think that religion was all good, but the more I've seen of it, the more I realize that there is a lot of evil in it. Look at the mess that the religion based on the life of Jesus has become. Now it's just an effort to turn people into atheists and get people to vote for a fascist society. The teachings of Jesus have been relegated to nothing.
I can't be bothered with that ridiculous fool any more

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