What if the President asked your advice? What would you recommend?

if the president was Trump I'd tell him to grow the fk up.
^ And I see, Siete, that you are setting a fine example of "grown-up language" we should use, to demand equal respect for ourselves as we show to others using such language! ^


last time I checked grown ups said fk more often than 2 year olds.

Yes Siete and which age group is bombing and shooting at each other in the streets:
adults or 2 year olds?

street shootings, cursing ... same thing.
I would tell him to declare martial law execute all of the people oshit put into the government, hold military tribunals to make all of the dnc and the democratic party sitting members answer to the charges he decides to have them investigated for from spitting on the sidewalk to murder and treason to espionage. Then as the tribunals find each one guilty, have them hung (or shot as they have that choice), in public forums .After all of the dimshits and their communist coconspirators are exterminated time to run the Republicans that think like dimshits that the people work for them instead of the republicans working for the people. Investigate and try them with the same ferocity and the same outcome. Institute all of his agenda while under martial law, and then when it is finished restart the government with ONLY the Constitution, and the bill of rights. Request a review and clarification of every word INCLUDING who has rights, citizens or any dog in the world.
if the president was Trump I'd tell him to grow the fk up.
^ And I see, Siete, that you are setting a fine example of "grown-up language" we should use, to demand equal respect for ourselves as we show to others using such language! ^


last time I checked grown ups said fk more often than 2 year olds.

Yes Siete and which age group is bombing and shooting at each other in the streets:
adults or 2 year olds?

street shootings, cursing ... same thing.

The common factor Siete is turf wars and defending pack mentality and pecking order.

If we focus on empowering all people and groups to govern themselves, and not waste resources competing with each other to dominate bully and abuse, we could get more done by districts, states and even whole parties.

We need to channel our energy and resources more effectively. Badmouthing and bullying each other to prove dominance ends up distracting and detracting resources from common-ground solutions, that would end the whole media trend of blaming other groups for the problems in order to grab for power.
I would tell him to declare martial law execute all of the people oshit put into the government, hold military tribunals to make all of the dnc and the democratic party sitting members answer to the charges he decides to have them investigated for from spitting on the sidewalk to murder and treason to espionage. Then as the tribunals find each one guilty, have them hung (or shot as they have that choice), in public forums .After all of the dimshits and their communist coconspirators are exterminated time to run the Republicans that think like dimshits that the people work for them instead of the republicans working for the people. Investigate and try them with the same ferocity and the same outcome. Institute all of his agenda while under martial law, and then when it is finished restart the government with ONLY the Constitution, and the bill of rights. Request a review and clarification of every word INCLUDING who has rights, citizens or any dog in the world.

Thanks 12icer instead of hanging abusers as traitors for treason, I would create a grievance process to assess and settle the debts to taxpayers, and make those people or parties responsible for the wrongs to pay back and invest in corrections and reforms.

The abuses by leaders and officials taking donations and votes through the Democratic Party alone could pay for converting failed prisons and detention into sustainable health care, and create jobs for inmates and immigrants to stop the burdens on govt welfare. the Libertarians I know are long ready to set up a grand jury system with teeth, where people check govt directly instead of an incestuous system of lawyers and politicians covering for each other to keep campaign donations flowing. The State of California could redefine and finance their own economy based on remediation work to restore natural environment and wildlife/ecosystems, where the wealth of their land, and the value of the work to maintain wilderness as national landmarks, can be banked against to issue local currency that represents labor and educational credits required to do this work over time.

(for local labor-backed currency, see www.ithacahours.com
or look up the Times Bank in DC for barter currency managed by online database)

Given that the damages and debts exceed the available capital, the federal reserve system could be used to create accounts for each case of mass corruption, and manage credits owed back to taxpayers which can be used to "finance" jobs and education/training to implement the reforms and corrections and create sustainable programs that would pay back over time. The value of the programs and the districts affected could be held as collateral against the debts, instead of cities or states declaring bankruptcy. Just assess the total cost of corrections, and longterm jobs fixing the problems caused by abuse waste or corruption. And make that the value of the state economy to issue currency against, backed by the labor in working hours and research & development on reforms. We could fund education and jobs with the money that is owed taxpayers for the corporate abuses of govt, if we work together to charge this back to the wrongdoers. And either make those responsible pay off these debts, or sell the shares in debts to taxpayers and investors who would own the programs as collateral while credit is applied to the work needed to reform the broken systems.
Last edited:
Seriously, very seriously, I would recommend the president dedicate himself to following the words of Marcus Aurelius:

If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it.
In honor of Obama's birthday today (regardless what country you believe this occurred in), HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my evil twin. Almost. My birthdate is August 5, 1966, while Obama's is August 4, 1961. (And August 6 is Children's World Peace Day and Worldwide Forgiveness Day, both events I celebrate and promote.)

What's ironic is even though I oppose Obama's abuse and overriding of Constitutional process of Govt, some of his writings on proposed reforms are almost "mirror images" of things I've written. From microlending to a "national security force" where citizens get involved as a team.

Here is my answer posted on Yahoo 'a decado ago' (7/1/2007) when someone else asked the question

"What if the president of your country asked you for your advice?

They would like to help the poor people leave behind their traditional technology so that they can take advantage of better health care and deal with people coming into there territory. What would you suggest that would be given to these people to hellp them change their way of life for the better.....'

What if the president of your country asked you for your advice?

Best Answer chosen by Asker [of 7 answers posted]

Best Answer:
1. Build more teaching hospitals that provide scholarships to interns in medical education in exchange for service in public health care. Reduce class sizes in schools to create more jobs for more teachers while providing better education and individual attention to students. Promote peer mediation and means for school communities to vote on or decide their own policies on prayer and religion, sex education, creation/evolution, etc.

2. Create a federal banking program, modeled after the federal reserve, where loans are issued in the form of notes against the debt owed to victims of fraud and civil rights violations. This would allow taxpayers to be paid back for corruption or malfeasance by government or corporate wrongdoing, such as Enron. And the loans could be used to finance rebuilding of impoverished areas to help low-income people to become owners of land, homes and businesses. Microlending is not a handout, but promotes financial education and training, and could eventually replace the current welfare system. Microfinancing to promote property and business ownership would also be a feasible alternative to reparations for slavery; but restitution for all civil rights violations could be provided this way.

3. Expand the Justice Dept. into the Dept. of Peace and Justice. Create and train a peace force of civilian volunteers to work with leaders and citizens in oppressed or at-risk areas to prevent war and violence. Add "mediation and consensus" to the choices along with "trial by judge" and "trial by jury." Add a third house of Congress based on "proportional representation" by party, where all groups have representation, and any one or any group can propose legislation, but bills are written by joint committees and endorsed by consensus. So the point is for opposing groups to work out the issues that divide them and create legislation that fairly represents the whole public, not one side over the other.

4. I would allow and encourage the President and Vice President to come from different parties to balance the ticket. I would recommend using the President's position to focus on external affairs, or foreign policy; and use the Vice President position to focus on internal affairs or domestic policy. As President of the Senate, the Vice President can make sure there is consensus among the 100 Senators on legislation that touches on "church and state" issues such as gay marriage, the death penalty/abortion/euthanasia, school prayer and evolution/creation, immigration and war, etc. in order to prevent any religious imposition by one group over another. For example, in order to remove the unfair bias against women in criminalizing abortion, I would propose legislation that holds men responsible for the consequences of sex, by making it a lesser degree of rape (punishable by mandatory counseling or other restitution) if sex results in an unwanted child, unwanted pregnancy or unwanted abortion or other injury to the woman.

5. Foreign policy -- Define a civil procedure by which minority states can petition for independence from the parent country WITHOUT bloodshed, war or violence. Since history shows that independence is a natural stage in social development, why not define a process and provide a mentoring or support system by which states can take steps to become self-governing and economically viable, with civil infrastructure and educational and social resources to support a healthy population.

6. Immigration -- Build a series of campus complexes across the Mexican border to create city-states for dual citizens to live legally while accessing educational and work opportunities, health care and other services. U.S. Residents and businesses that have committed violations of immigration laws can either provide voluntary or mandatory restitution in the form of community service hours or investing money or other resources to build "North Mexico" so that no one has to break the law in order to seek a better life. The border state will include a maximum security prison system and correctional facility, so that the armed prison guards will double as border patrol. Inmates will include sex offenders, who need to be segregated from the general population while seeking therapy, and violent conflicts who will lose their citizenship for the duration of their sentence, to create a space for an immigrant applying for citizenship who wants to be a law-abiding productive member of society. So this system would enforce respect for laws as the requirement of citizenship by rewarding civil behavior and punishing violation or abuse of rights and freedoms by loss of citizenship and serving time across the border.

7. For sex offenders who have committed rape or murder, these convicts could serve restitution by working in factories in place of child laborers. So in place of the lives or childhood dreams they destroyed, they can save the lives of young children otherwise sold into slavery or sex trafficking, who can then go to school and get an education to have a better life. So I would propose this system as a joint program between the government, which would provide the military security, and the Catholic church which supports immigrant services, is opposed to the death penalty, and believes in restitution and rehabilitation.

8. Constitutional reform, education, and compliance - I would support legislation that requires corporations and citizens to respect the same Constitutional rights and freedoms required of government, including the Bill of Rights and the Code of Ethics for Government Service. Set up a grievance process for Constitutional compliance, modeled after OSHA process, and mediation process that requires consensus to resolve conflicts between parties. Any state or community, local or foreign, where corporations enjoy Constitutional rights and freedoms, the local population would be guaranteed the same. I would also apply the petitioning and mediation process to help embattled regions worldwide to resolve political and religious conflicts. For local areas, such as the Headwaters Redwood Forest in California and Freedmen's Town in Houston, restitution for corporate and government abuses of public resources and civil rights would be invested in preserving these areas as National Parks. All government agencies and institutions would be reviewed for Constitutional compliance or violation, and reformed or removed accordingly and/or replaced with an appropriate private or nonprofit organization funded voluntarily instead of with public taxes.

9. Invest medical research into documenting the existence and treatment of spiritual "viruses" or negative "demonic" energies that cause mental and criminal illness and addictions so proper treatment can be made accessible to prevent victims of these. Addicts or offenders or their families could be required to report crimes in order for convicts to qualify to serve sentences locally if they cooperate with authorities; while those who evade the law or obstruct justice would lose the right to citizenship and be forced to serve time in foreign prisons for the length of the sentence. This would encourage people to come forward to receive treatment for criminal addiction or illness, and provide harsher punishment to those who refuse to seek help to change their behavior.

10. Tax reform -- legislation that allows citizens to choose options to fund that do not violate their religious beliefs, such as those alternatives mentioned above: life in foreign labor or community service as an alternative to capital punishment; service in the peace force as opposed to military and war; options to fund private schools, private prisons, privatized social security that recognizes same sex partnerships and benefits; more effective sex and spiritual education to prevent abandoned children, unwanted pregnancies, and abortions, etc. Instead of punishing tax evasion by imprisonment, restitution or fines could be paid into funding alternative solutions and programs listed above.

emilynghiem 1 decade ago


From your near-evil twin who believes in constitutional limits on govt giving taxpayers free choice in fund reforms we believe in to prevent imposing conflict.

May your visions of microlending to rebuild the economy finally come to fruition when parties agree to work together instead of against each other.


I would tell him to stop watching all TV and visit forums like this one if he wants to get the real scoop and the straight truth.
I'd say fight the progressives using everything at your disposal. That's what you do when attacked under a witch hunt, and nobody has more power than you.

I'd explain his policies are ROCK SOLID, and it's refreshing to see someone with the bronze to carry it out.

I'd say it's refreshing to hear blunt honesty. If the liberals can't handle the truth they're of no value to begin with. They're simply a detriment living under false narratives and are either foolish and/or have bad intentions.

I'd say watch your mouth. Sometimes he says shit that's out-of-line that has no place in the White House.
Seriously, very seriously, I would recommend the president dedicate himself to following the words of Marcus Aurelius:

If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it.

Excellent NYcarbineer!
Very short and direct, in Trump's own style.
And glad you and I agree on a very good post!

Reminds me of the 4 way Test from Rotary International:

- Is it the truth?

- Is it fair to all concerned?

- Will it build goodwill and better friendships?

- Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Values of Rotary - The 4-Way Test | Rotary Club of Moorpark
In honor of Obama's birthday today (regardless what country you believe this occurred in), HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my evil twin. Almost. My birthdate is August 5, 1966, while Obama's is August 4, 1961. (And August 6 is Children's World Peace Day and Worldwide Forgiveness Day, both events I celebrate and promote.)

What's ironic is even though I oppose Obama's abuse and overriding of Constitutional process of Govt, some of his writings on proposed reforms are almost "mirror images" of things I've written. From microlending to a "national security force" where citizens get involved as a team.

Here is my answer posted on Yahoo 'a decado ago' (7/1/2007) when someone else asked the question

"What if the president of your country asked you for your advice?

They would like to help the poor people leave behind their traditional technology so that they can take advantage of better health care and deal with people coming into there territory. What would you suggest that would be given to these people to hellp them change their way of life for the better.....'

What if the president of your country asked you for your advice?

Best Answer chosen by Asker [of 7 answers posted]

Best Answer:
1. Build more teaching hospitals that provide scholarships to interns in medical education in exchange for service in public health care. Reduce class sizes in schools to create more jobs for more teachers while providing better education and individual attention to students. Promote peer mediation and means for school communities to vote on or decide their own policies on prayer and religion, sex education, creation/evolution, etc.

2. Create a federal banking program, modeled after the federal reserve, where loans are issued in the form of notes against the debt owed to victims of fraud and civil rights violations. This would allow taxpayers to be paid back for corruption or malfeasance by government or corporate wrongdoing, such as Enron. And the loans could be used to finance rebuilding of impoverished areas to help low-income people to become owners of land, homes and businesses. Microlending is not a handout, but promotes financial education and training, and could eventually replace the current welfare system. Microfinancing to promote property and business ownership would also be a feasible alternative to reparations for slavery; but restitution for all civil rights violations could be provided this way.

3. Expand the Justice Dept. into the Dept. of Peace and Justice. Create and train a peace force of civilian volunteers to work with leaders and citizens in oppressed or at-risk areas to prevent war and violence. Add "mediation and consensus" to the choices along with "trial by judge" and "trial by jury." Add a third house of Congress based on "proportional representation" by party, where all groups have representation, and any one or any group can propose legislation, but bills are written by joint committees and endorsed by consensus. So the point is for opposing groups to work out the issues that divide them and create legislation that fairly represents the whole public, not one side over the other.

4. I would allow and encourage the President and Vice President to come from different parties to balance the ticket. I would recommend using the President's position to focus on external affairs, or foreign policy; and use the Vice President position to focus on internal affairs or domestic policy. As President of the Senate, the Vice President can make sure there is consensus among the 100 Senators on legislation that touches on "church and state" issues such as gay marriage, the death penalty/abortion/euthanasia, school prayer and evolution/creation, immigration and war, etc. in order to prevent any religious imposition by one group over another. For example, in order to remove the unfair bias against women in criminalizing abortion, I would propose legislation that holds men responsible for the consequences of sex, by making it a lesser degree of rape (punishable by mandatory counseling or other restitution) if sex results in an unwanted child, unwanted pregnancy or unwanted abortion or other injury to the woman.

5. Foreign policy -- Define a civil procedure by which minority states can petition for independence from the parent country WITHOUT bloodshed, war or violence. Since history shows that independence is a natural stage in social development, why not define a process and provide a mentoring or support system by which states can take steps to become self-governing and economically viable, with civil infrastructure and educational and social resources to support a healthy population.

6. Immigration -- Build a series of campus complexes across the Mexican border to create city-states for dual citizens to live legally while accessing educational and work opportunities, health care and other services. U.S. Residents and businesses that have committed violations of immigration laws can either provide voluntary or mandatory restitution in the form of community service hours or investing money or other resources to build "North Mexico" so that no one has to break the law in order to seek a better life. The border state will include a maximum security prison system and correctional facility, so that the armed prison guards will double as border patrol. Inmates will include sex offenders, who need to be segregated from the general population while seeking therapy, and violent conflicts who will lose their citizenship for the duration of their sentence, to create a space for an immigrant applying for citizenship who wants to be a law-abiding productive member of society. So this system would enforce respect for laws as the requirement of citizenship by rewarding civil behavior and punishing violation or abuse of rights and freedoms by loss of citizenship and serving time across the border.

7. For sex offenders who have committed rape or murder, these convicts could serve restitution by working in factories in place of child laborers. So in place of the lives or childhood dreams they destroyed, they can save the lives of young children otherwise sold into slavery or sex trafficking, who can then go to school and get an education to have a better life. So I would propose this system as a joint program between the government, which would provide the military security, and the Catholic church which supports immigrant services, is opposed to the death penalty, and believes in restitution and rehabilitation.

8. Constitutional reform, education, and compliance - I would support legislation that requires corporations and citizens to respect the same Constitutional rights and freedoms required of government, including the Bill of Rights and the Code of Ethics for Government Service. Set up a grievance process for Constitutional compliance, modeled after OSHA process, and mediation process that requires consensus to resolve conflicts between parties. Any state or community, local or foreign, where corporations enjoy Constitutional rights and freedoms, the local population would be guaranteed the same. I would also apply the petitioning and mediation process to help embattled regions worldwide to resolve political and religious conflicts. For local areas, such as the Headwaters Redwood Forest in California and Freedmen's Town in Houston, restitution for corporate and government abuses of public resources and civil rights would be invested in preserving these areas as National Parks. All government agencies and institutions would be reviewed for Constitutional compliance or violation, and reformed or removed accordingly and/or replaced with an appropriate private or nonprofit organization funded voluntarily instead of with public taxes.

9. Invest medical research into documenting the existence and treatment of spiritual "viruses" or negative "demonic" energies that cause mental and criminal illness and addictions so proper treatment can be made accessible to prevent victims of these. Addicts or offenders or their families could be required to report crimes in order for convicts to qualify to serve sentences locally if they cooperate with authorities; while those who evade the law or obstruct justice would lose the right to citizenship and be forced to serve time in foreign prisons for the length of the sentence. This would encourage people to come forward to receive treatment for criminal addiction or illness, and provide harsher punishment to those who refuse to seek help to change their behavior.

10. Tax reform -- legislation that allows citizens to choose options to fund that do not violate their religious beliefs, such as those alternatives mentioned above: life in foreign labor or community service as an alternative to capital punishment; service in the peace force as opposed to military and war; options to fund private schools, private prisons, privatized social security that recognizes same sex partnerships and benefits; more effective sex and spiritual education to prevent abandoned children, unwanted pregnancies, and abortions, etc. Instead of punishing tax evasion by imprisonment, restitution or fines could be paid into funding alternative solutions and programs listed above.

emilynghiem 1 decade ago


From your near-evil twin who believes in constitutional limits on govt giving taxpayers free choice in fund reforms we believe in to prevent imposing conflict.

May your visions of microlending to rebuild the economy finally come to fruition when parties agree to work together instead of against each other.

Fokking rant.

And yet another jab at our revered BHO. He brought health care to the needy. And he killed UBL. Dubya failed at both.

Anway to get to the main point of the title sans rant, I would tell Trump:

1 - bomb the sh!t out of N.Korea;

2 - tell the Israelis to bomb the sh!t out of Iran;

3 - tell Russia to keep bombing the sh!t out of ISIS/L;

4 - shut the fokk up and get rid of his I-phone.
I'd say fight the progressives using everything at your disposal. That's what you do when attacked under a witch hunt, and nobody has more power than you.

I'd explain his policies are ROCK SOLID, and it's refreshing to see someone with the bronze to carry it out.

I'd say it's refreshing to hear blunt honesty. If the liberals can't handle the truth they're of no value to begin with. They're simply a detriment living under false narratives and are either foolish and/or have bad intentions.

I'd say watch your mouth. Sometimes he says shit that's out-of-line that has no place in the White House.

I agree TheDude he should watch his mouth and listen to his wisest spiritual counselors when they advise him
to stick to what is universally true, wise, uplifting and beneficial to all.

As for "fighting the progressives" I'd say the best way to cut through the obstructionist tactics and negative bullying
is to find points and principles of agreement, and build teams and coalitions around that across party lines.

Sean Hannity said on the air, when explaining he identifies not as Republican but Conservative,
that he has been preaching the solutions to health care is HEATH CARE CO-OPS --
Well, guess what the Green and Socialist Democrats believe in -- worker owned business co-ops
and health care co-ops.

The only thing preventing these people from collaborating on the same plans
is the partisan fight for power, where CAREER politicians on both left and right
are too busy bashing and bullying each other for political points.

I'd tell Trump it is a mistake to either push a policy to such an extreme it violates the beliefs of others,
or to COMPROMISE out of fear of alienating and losing voter support, so that opposite evil occurs.

The effective approach is to find where parties AGREE on a solution so NOBODY compromises!

So the one point I would take issue with is that it has to be a fight against sides.
The fight is like getting all people pushing on the same side of the car to get it
out of the ditch and back onto the road, so we can jumpstart the engine and get it going.

Fighting and blaming the other side for pushing in the wrong direction
gets both sides deadlocked while the car is stuck in between. The
efforts and resources wasted on both sides cancel each other out.

If we agree what direction and what path to take to get where we all want to be,
then we can QUIT fighting and start working on each part that all the parties can play.

Getting people to find and focus on common "win-win" solutions
is 98% of the battle. the other 98% is following up on the plans
that will take several generations to bring to fruition. We need to start planning now.
And put together such solid, sustainable plans that regardless which parties are
in office for the next 50-100 years, we agree to keep moving forward on the
same plans and perfecting them as we go; but not passing BS political ploys
just to give appearances for points, only to have those contested and repealed later.

Why not start with a road map we agree has been troubleshot and conflicts removed?
Why not work together to eliminate points of objection, and/or to separate on beliefs
or creeds where people and parties aren't going to budge? Why not accept those
differences and build the plans around them, and/or separate funding where parties
don't agree to fund the same plans?

The only fight and competition should be friendly: competing to create the most
cost-effective consensual solutions, and fighting against the fear that we can't
ever agree and work together. You'd be surprised. Sometimes it's the few points
we actually agree on that build the foundation for the most stable sensible solutions.

The health care cooperatives is one example.
If we can agree to create adequate medical school and service sites to
meet the demands of the public in each district, city and county; that would
solve not only the immigration conflicts by creating enough jobs for people
seeking work, but could be applied to govt reforms renovating public
institutions from VA and public houses and schools to prisons and other detention centers.

Turning prisons and mental health wards into functional medical schools and clinics
would be something the most liberal progressives, socialists, communists and even
anarchists would support as long as the ownership is localized to empower the community.

The biggest fight is overcoming the fear of change and conflict.
People are so used to having to bully to get their way,
they aren't used to the idea of working together on goals shared in common.

The change in perception this calls for
can't happen in an environment where people
only want to egg on more fighting to dominate each other.

I think Trump's ministerial counsel could guide him in the
right direction, and he just needs to listen to the right
people to see how the right ideas align with different groups.

We are not each other's enemies, but fear dividing us is
what is eating our lunch and wasting resources
until we learn to work smarter by aligning our plans.
In honor of Obama's birthday today (regardless what country you believe this occurred in), HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my evil twin. Almost. My birthdate is August 5, 1966, while Obama's is August 4, 1961. (And August 6 is Children's World Peace Day and Worldwide Forgiveness Day, both events I celebrate and promote.)

What's ironic is even though I oppose Obama's abuse and overriding of Constitutional process of Govt, some of his writings on proposed reforms are almost "mirror images" of things I've written. From microlending to a "national security force" where citizens get involved as a team.

Here is my answer posted on Yahoo 'a decado ago' (7/1/2007) when someone else asked the question

"What if the president of your country asked you for your advice?

They would like to help the poor people leave behind their traditional technology so that they can take advantage of better health care and deal with people coming into there territory. What would you suggest that would be given to these people to hellp them change their way of life for the better.....'

What if the president of your country asked you for your advice?

Best Answer chosen by Asker [of 7 answers posted]

Best Answer:
1. Build more teaching hospitals that provide scholarships to interns in medical education in exchange for service in public health care. Reduce class sizes in schools to create more jobs for more teachers while providing better education and individual attention to students. Promote peer mediation and means for school communities to vote on or decide their own policies on prayer and religion, sex education, creation/evolution, etc.

2. Create a federal banking program, modeled after the federal reserve, where loans are issued in the form of notes against the debt owed to victims of fraud and civil rights violations. This would allow taxpayers to be paid back for corruption or malfeasance by government or corporate wrongdoing, such as Enron. And the loans could be used to finance rebuilding of impoverished areas to help low-income people to become owners of land, homes and businesses. Microlending is not a handout, but promotes financial education and training, and could eventually replace the current welfare system. Microfinancing to promote property and business ownership would also be a feasible alternative to reparations for slavery; but restitution for all civil rights violations could be provided this way.

3. Expand the Justice Dept. into the Dept. of Peace and Justice. Create and train a peace force of civilian volunteers to work with leaders and citizens in oppressed or at-risk areas to prevent war and violence. Add "mediation and consensus" to the choices along with "trial by judge" and "trial by jury." Add a third house of Congress based on "proportional representation" by party, where all groups have representation, and any one or any group can propose legislation, but bills are written by joint committees and endorsed by consensus. So the point is for opposing groups to work out the issues that divide them and create legislation that fairly represents the whole public, not one side over the other.

4. I would allow and encourage the President and Vice President to come from different parties to balance the ticket. I would recommend using the President's position to focus on external affairs, or foreign policy; and use the Vice President position to focus on internal affairs or domestic policy. As President of the Senate, the Vice President can make sure there is consensus among the 100 Senators on legislation that touches on "church and state" issues such as gay marriage, the death penalty/abortion/euthanasia, school prayer and evolution/creation, immigration and war, etc. in order to prevent any religious imposition by one group over another. For example, in order to remove the unfair bias against women in criminalizing abortion, I would propose legislation that holds men responsible for the consequences of sex, by making it a lesser degree of rape (punishable by mandatory counseling or other restitution) if sex results in an unwanted child, unwanted pregnancy or unwanted abortion or other injury to the woman.

5. Foreign policy -- Define a civil procedure by which minority states can petition for independence from the parent country WITHOUT bloodshed, war or violence. Since history shows that independence is a natural stage in social development, why not define a process and provide a mentoring or support system by which states can take steps to become self-governing and economically viable, with civil infrastructure and educational and social resources to support a healthy population.

6. Immigration -- Build a series of campus complexes across the Mexican border to create city-states for dual citizens to live legally while accessing educational and work opportunities, health care and other services. U.S. Residents and businesses that have committed violations of immigration laws can either provide voluntary or mandatory restitution in the form of community service hours or investing money or other resources to build "North Mexico" so that no one has to break the law in order to seek a better life. The border state will include a maximum security prison system and correctional facility, so that the armed prison guards will double as border patrol. Inmates will include sex offenders, who need to be segregated from the general population while seeking therapy, and violent conflicts who will lose their citizenship for the duration of their sentence, to create a space for an immigrant applying for citizenship who wants to be a law-abiding productive member of society. So this system would enforce respect for laws as the requirement of citizenship by rewarding civil behavior and punishing violation or abuse of rights and freedoms by loss of citizenship and serving time across the border.

7. For sex offenders who have committed rape or murder, these convicts could serve restitution by working in factories in place of child laborers. So in place of the lives or childhood dreams they destroyed, they can save the lives of young children otherwise sold into slavery or sex trafficking, who can then go to school and get an education to have a better life. So I would propose this system as a joint program between the government, which would provide the military security, and the Catholic church which supports immigrant services, is opposed to the death penalty, and believes in restitution and rehabilitation.

8. Constitutional reform, education, and compliance - I would support legislation that requires corporations and citizens to respect the same Constitutional rights and freedoms required of government, including the Bill of Rights and the Code of Ethics for Government Service. Set up a grievance process for Constitutional compliance, modeled after OSHA process, and mediation process that requires consensus to resolve conflicts between parties. Any state or community, local or foreign, where corporations enjoy Constitutional rights and freedoms, the local population would be guaranteed the same. I would also apply the petitioning and mediation process to help embattled regions worldwide to resolve political and religious conflicts. For local areas, such as the Headwaters Redwood Forest in California and Freedmen's Town in Houston, restitution for corporate and government abuses of public resources and civil rights would be invested in preserving these areas as National Parks. All government agencies and institutions would be reviewed for Constitutional compliance or violation, and reformed or removed accordingly and/or replaced with an appropriate private or nonprofit organization funded voluntarily instead of with public taxes.

9. Invest medical research into documenting the existence and treatment of spiritual "viruses" or negative "demonic" energies that cause mental and criminal illness and addictions so proper treatment can be made accessible to prevent victims of these. Addicts or offenders or their families could be required to report crimes in order for convicts to qualify to serve sentences locally if they cooperate with authorities; while those who evade the law or obstruct justice would lose the right to citizenship and be forced to serve time in foreign prisons for the length of the sentence. This would encourage people to come forward to receive treatment for criminal addiction or illness, and provide harsher punishment to those who refuse to seek help to change their behavior.

10. Tax reform -- legislation that allows citizens to choose options to fund that do not violate their religious beliefs, such as those alternatives mentioned above: life in foreign labor or community service as an alternative to capital punishment; service in the peace force as opposed to military and war; options to fund private schools, private prisons, privatized social security that recognizes same sex partnerships and benefits; more effective sex and spiritual education to prevent abandoned children, unwanted pregnancies, and abortions, etc. Instead of punishing tax evasion by imprisonment, restitution or fines could be paid into funding alternative solutions and programs listed above.

emilynghiem 1 decade ago


From your near-evil twin who believes in constitutional limits on govt giving taxpayers free choice in fund reforms we believe in to prevent imposing conflict.

May your visions of microlending to rebuild the economy finally come to fruition when parties agree to work together instead of against each other.

Fokking rant.

And yet another jab at our revered BHO. He brought health care to the needy. And he killed UBL. Dubya failed at both.

Anway to get to the main point of the title sans rant, I would tell Trump:

1 - bomb the sh!t out of N.Korea;

2 - tell the Israelis to bomb the sh!t out of Iran;

3 - tell Russia to keep bombing the sh!t out of ISIS/L;

4 - shut the fokk up and get rid of his I-phone.

Dear yiostheoy ???
Did you even READ what I wrote?
as the solution to ending poverty. SO WHERE IS IT?
And I believe he can still implement the right programs
outside office, like how Carter did more with Habitat
for Humanity after he left office. So can Obama, How is that bashing?

I think the work he can do by empowering local communities nationwide
will have MORE IMPACT than the unconstitutional legislation he passed
through federal govt, which conservatives are going to lobby to shift back to states.

Instead of leading the masses he had following him,
to empower them to create their OWN localized programs
CREATING JOBS providing the services needed for health care,

How can you "credit Obama" for abusing funds not authorized by Congress
where the lawsuit against this WON IN COURT where Obama's use of funds

yiostheoy do you understand that under ACA,
billions if not trillions of taxes went to bailout corporate insurance
still can't afford the coverage under those terms? Why --
because no provisions, facilities or programs were created
to DELIVER low cost health care: we haven't even begun
to expand enough medical programs to TRAIN enough
service providers to serve the mass populations.

The solutions I said I AGREE with Obama on are:
* criminal justice reform
* microlending
* effective education to uplift African Americans

A 3 punch combination ending with an upper cut to the jaw of the establishment.
Thanks eagle1462010

I think Cruz can better dismantle out of control govt with
Constitutional tax reforms. Trump is not a Constitutionalist,
but as long as he listens to those like Cruz who are, we can get
govt back on track. And shift social programs back to
states and people to fund as they believe instead of fighting on a federal level
not designed for such sensitive issues govt cannot regulate on our behalf.

Go Cruz! Go Trump! Sanders and Paul!
If we team up, we can clean up govt by
answering the grievances that all parties
have researched where govt has run amok.
Collectively, that's a lot of dirt, damages and debts
we can agree to charge back to wrongdoers and
credit back to taxpayers who should not be punished
for the crimes and corruption of others. The party leaders
can pull this off, and Trump could be the one to pull them all together
on a central plan that utilizes their best talents and knowledge to clean up govt messes and abuses.
A 3 punch combination ending with an upper cut to the jaw of the establishment.
Thanks eagle1462010

I think Cruz can better dismantle out of control govt with
Constitutional tax reforms. Trump is not a Constitutionalist,
but as long as he listens to those who are, we can get
govt back on track. And shift social programs back to
states and people to fund as they believe instead of fighting on a federal level
not designed for such sensitive issues govt cannot regulate on our behalf.

Go Cruz! Go Trump! Sanders and Paul!
If we team up, we can clean up govt by
answering the grievances that all parties
have researched where govt has run amok.
Collectively, that's a lot of dirt, damages and debts
we can agree to charge back to wrongdoers and
credit back to taxpayers who should not be punished
for the crimes and corruption of others. The party leaders
can pull this off, and Trump could be the one to pull them all together
on a central plan that utilizes their best talents and knowledge to clean up govt messes and abuses.
Cruz is a fokking insane ego maniac.

He wants to play Ronnie Reagan in a movie.
In honor of Obama's birthday today (regardless what country you believe this occurred in), HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my evil twin. Almost. My birthdate is August 5, 1966, while Obama's is August 4, 1961. (And August 6 is Children's World Peace Day and Worldwide Forgiveness Day, both events I celebrate and promote.)

What's ironic is even though I oppose Obama's abuse and overriding of Constitutional process of Govt, some of his writings on proposed reforms are almost "mirror images" of things I've written. From microlending to a "national security force" where citizens get involved as a team.

Here is my answer posted on Yahoo 'a decado ago' (7/1/2007) when someone else asked the question

"What if the president of your country asked you for your advice?

They would like to help the poor people leave behind their traditional technology so that they can take advantage of better health care and deal with people coming into there territory. What would you suggest that would be given to these people to hellp them change their way of life for the better.....'

What if the president of your country asked you for your advice?

Best Answer chosen by Asker [of 7 answers posted]

Best Answer:
1. Build more teaching hospitals that provide scholarships to interns in medical education in exchange for service in public health care. Reduce class sizes in schools to create more jobs for more teachers while providing better education and individual attention to students. Promote peer mediation and means for school communities to vote on or decide their own policies on prayer and religion, sex education, creation/evolution, etc.

2. Create a federal banking program, modeled after the federal reserve, where loans are issued in the form of notes against the debt owed to victims of fraud and civil rights violations. This would allow taxpayers to be paid back for corruption or malfeasance by government or corporate wrongdoing, such as Enron. And the loans could be used to finance rebuilding of impoverished areas to help low-income people to become owners of land, homes and businesses. Microlending is not a handout, but promotes financial education and training, and could eventually replace the current welfare system. Microfinancing to promote property and business ownership would also be a feasible alternative to reparations for slavery; but restitution for all civil rights violations could be provided this way.

3. Expand the Justice Dept. into the Dept. of Peace and Justice. Create and train a peace force of civilian volunteers to work with leaders and citizens in oppressed or at-risk areas to prevent war and violence. Add "mediation and consensus" to the choices along with "trial by judge" and "trial by jury." Add a third house of Congress based on "proportional representation" by party, where all groups have representation, and any one or any group can propose legislation, but bills are written by joint committees and endorsed by consensus. So the point is for opposing groups to work out the issues that divide them and create legislation that fairly represents the whole public, not one side over the other.

4. I would allow and encourage the President and Vice President to come from different parties to balance the ticket. I would recommend using the President's position to focus on external affairs, or foreign policy; and use the Vice President position to focus on internal affairs or domestic policy. As President of the Senate, the Vice President can make sure there is consensus among the 100 Senators on legislation that touches on "church and state" issues such as gay marriage, the death penalty/abortion/euthanasia, school prayer and evolution/creation, immigration and war, etc. in order to prevent any religious imposition by one group over another. For example, in order to remove the unfair bias against women in criminalizing abortion, I would propose legislation that holds men responsible for the consequences of sex, by making it a lesser degree of rape (punishable by mandatory counseling or other restitution) if sex results in an unwanted child, unwanted pregnancy or unwanted abortion or other injury to the woman.

5. Foreign policy -- Define a civil procedure by which minority states can petition for independence from the parent country WITHOUT bloodshed, war or violence. Since history shows that independence is a natural stage in social development, why not define a process and provide a mentoring or support system by which states can take steps to become self-governing and economically viable, with civil infrastructure and educational and social resources to support a healthy population.

6. Immigration -- Build a series of campus complexes across the Mexican border to create city-states for dual citizens to live legally while accessing educational and work opportunities, health care and other services. U.S. Residents and businesses that have committed violations of immigration laws can either provide voluntary or mandatory restitution in the form of community service hours or investing money or other resources to build "North Mexico" so that no one has to break the law in order to seek a better life. The border state will include a maximum security prison system and correctional facility, so that the armed prison guards will double as border patrol. Inmates will include sex offenders, who need to be segregated from the general population while seeking therapy, and violent conflicts who will lose their citizenship for the duration of their sentence, to create a space for an immigrant applying for citizenship who wants to be a law-abiding productive member of society. So this system would enforce respect for laws as the requirement of citizenship by rewarding civil behavior and punishing violation or abuse of rights and freedoms by loss of citizenship and serving time across the border.

7. For sex offenders who have committed rape or murder, these convicts could serve restitution by working in factories in place of child laborers. So in place of the lives or childhood dreams they destroyed, they can save the lives of young children otherwise sold into slavery or sex trafficking, who can then go to school and get an education to have a better life. So I would propose this system as a joint program between the government, which would provide the military security, and the Catholic church which supports immigrant services, is opposed to the death penalty, and believes in restitution and rehabilitation.

8. Constitutional reform, education, and compliance - I would support legislation that requires corporations and citizens to respect the same Constitutional rights and freedoms required of government, including the Bill of Rights and the Code of Ethics for Government Service. Set up a grievance process for Constitutional compliance, modeled after OSHA process, and mediation process that requires consensus to resolve conflicts between parties. Any state or community, local or foreign, where corporations enjoy Constitutional rights and freedoms, the local population would be guaranteed the same. I would also apply the petitioning and mediation process to help embattled regions worldwide to resolve political and religious conflicts. For local areas, such as the Headwaters Redwood Forest in California and Freedmen's Town in Houston, restitution for corporate and government abuses of public resources and civil rights would be invested in preserving these areas as National Parks. All government agencies and institutions would be reviewed for Constitutional compliance or violation, and reformed or removed accordingly and/or replaced with an appropriate private or nonprofit organization funded voluntarily instead of with public taxes.

9. Invest medical research into documenting the existence and treatment of spiritual "viruses" or negative "demonic" energies that cause mental and criminal illness and addictions so proper treatment can be made accessible to prevent victims of these. Addicts or offenders or their families could be required to report crimes in order for convicts to qualify to serve sentences locally if they cooperate with authorities; while those who evade the law or obstruct justice would lose the right to citizenship and be forced to serve time in foreign prisons for the length of the sentence. This would encourage people to come forward to receive treatment for criminal addiction or illness, and provide harsher punishment to those who refuse to seek help to change their behavior.

10. Tax reform -- legislation that allows citizens to choose options to fund that do not violate their religious beliefs, such as those alternatives mentioned above: life in foreign labor or community service as an alternative to capital punishment; service in the peace force as opposed to military and war; options to fund private schools, private prisons, privatized social security that recognizes same sex partnerships and benefits; more effective sex and spiritual education to prevent abandoned children, unwanted pregnancies, and abortions, etc. Instead of punishing tax evasion by imprisonment, restitution or fines could be paid into funding alternative solutions and programs listed above.

emilynghiem 1 decade ago


From your near-evil twin who believes in constitutional limits on govt giving taxpayers free choice in fund reforms we believe in to prevent imposing conflict.

May your visions of microlending to rebuild the economy finally come to fruition when parties agree to work together instead of against each other.

Fokking rant.

And yet another jab at our revered BHO. He brought health care to the needy. And he killed UBL. Dubya failed at both.

Anway to get to the main point of the title sans rant, I would tell Trump:

1 - bomb the sh!t out of N.Korea;

2 - tell the Israelis to bomb the sh!t out of Iran;

3 - tell Russia to keep bombing the sh!t out of ISIS/L;

4 - shut the fokk up and get rid of his I-phone.

Dear yiostheoy ???
Did you even READ what I wrote?
as the solution to ending poverty. SO WHERE IS IT?
And I believe he can still implement the right programs
outside office, like how Carter did more with Habitat
for Humanity after he left office. So can Obama, How is that bashing?

I think the work he can do by empowering local communities nationwide
will have MORE IMPACT than the unconstitutional legislation he passed
through federal govt, which conservatives are going to lobby to shift back to states.

Instead of leading the masses he had following him,
to empower them to create their OWN localized programs
CREATING JOBS providing the services needed for health care,

How can you "credit Obama" for abusing funds not authorized by Congress
where the lawsuit against this WON IN COURT where Obama's use of funds

yiostheoy do you understand that under ACA,
billions if not trillions of taxes went to bailout corporate insurance
still can't afford the coverage under those terms? Why --
because no provisions, facilities or programs were created
to DELIVER low cost health care: we haven't even begun
to expand enough medical programs to TRAIN enough
service providers to serve the mass populations.

The solutions I said I AGREE with Obama on are:
* criminal justice reform
* microlending
* effective education to uplift African Americans

It's too late to read rants.

I just got home from work.

I fed my cat.

I let him outside.

I poured a glass of wine.

I am trying to decide what to cook for dinner at midnight.

So, no, I did not read your rant.


Do you have an executive summary version of it perhaps ?!

In honor of Obama's birthday today (regardless what country you believe this occurred in), HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my evil twin. Almost. My birthdate is August 5, 1966, while Obama's is August 4, 1961. (And August 6 is Children's World Peace Day and Worldwide Forgiveness Day, both events I celebrate and promote.)

What's ironic is even though I oppose Obama's abuse and overriding of Constitutional process of Govt, some of his writings on proposed reforms are almost "mirror images" of things I've written. From microlending to a "national security force" where citizens get involved as a team.

Here is my answer posted on Yahoo 'a decado ago' (7/1/2007) when someone else asked the question

"What if the president of your country asked you for your advice?

They would like to help the poor people leave behind their traditional technology so that they can take advantage of better health care and deal with people coming into there territory. What would you suggest that would be given to these people to hellp them change their way of life for the better.....'

What if the president of your country asked you for your advice?

Best Answer chosen by Asker [of 7 answers posted]

Best Answer:
1. Build more teaching hospitals that provide scholarships to interns in medical education in exchange for service in public health care. Reduce class sizes in schools to create more jobs for more teachers while providing better education and individual attention to students. Promote peer mediation and means for school communities to vote on or decide their own policies on prayer and religion, sex education, creation/evolution, etc.

2. Create a federal banking program, modeled after the federal reserve, where loans are issued in the form of notes against the debt owed to victims of fraud and civil rights violations. This would allow taxpayers to be paid back for corruption or malfeasance by government or corporate wrongdoing, such as Enron. And the loans could be used to finance rebuilding of impoverished areas to help low-income people to become owners of land, homes and businesses. Microlending is not a handout, but promotes financial education and training, and could eventually replace the current welfare system. Microfinancing to promote property and business ownership would also be a feasible alternative to reparations for slavery; but restitution for all civil rights violations could be provided this way.

3. Expand the Justice Dept. into the Dept. of Peace and Justice. Create and train a peace force of civilian volunteers to work with leaders and citizens in oppressed or at-risk areas to prevent war and violence. Add "mediation and consensus" to the choices along with "trial by judge" and "trial by jury." Add a third house of Congress based on "proportional representation" by party, where all groups have representation, and any one or any group can propose legislation, but bills are written by joint committees and endorsed by consensus. So the point is for opposing groups to work out the issues that divide them and create legislation that fairly represents the whole public, not one side over the other.

4. I would allow and encourage the President and Vice President to come from different parties to balance the ticket. I would recommend using the President's position to focus on external affairs, or foreign policy; and use the Vice President position to focus on internal affairs or domestic policy. As President of the Senate, the Vice President can make sure there is consensus among the 100 Senators on legislation that touches on "church and state" issues such as gay marriage, the death penalty/abortion/euthanasia, school prayer and evolution/creation, immigration and war, etc. in order to prevent any religious imposition by one group over another. For example, in order to remove the unfair bias against women in criminalizing abortion, I would propose legislation that holds men responsible for the consequences of sex, by making it a lesser degree of rape (punishable by mandatory counseling or other restitution) if sex results in an unwanted child, unwanted pregnancy or unwanted abortion or other injury to the woman.

5. Foreign policy -- Define a civil procedure by which minority states can petition for independence from the parent country WITHOUT bloodshed, war or violence. Since history shows that independence is a natural stage in social development, why not define a process and provide a mentoring or support system by which states can take steps to become self-governing and economically viable, with civil infrastructure and educational and social resources to support a healthy population.

6. Immigration -- Build a series of campus complexes across the Mexican border to create city-states for dual citizens to live legally while accessing educational and work opportunities, health care and other services. U.S. Residents and businesses that have committed violations of immigration laws can either provide voluntary or mandatory restitution in the form of community service hours or investing money or other resources to build "North Mexico" so that no one has to break the law in order to seek a better life. The border state will include a maximum security prison system and correctional facility, so that the armed prison guards will double as border patrol. Inmates will include sex offenders, who need to be segregated from the general population while seeking therapy, and violent conflicts who will lose their citizenship for the duration of their sentence, to create a space for an immigrant applying for citizenship who wants to be a law-abiding productive member of society. So this system would enforce respect for laws as the requirement of citizenship by rewarding civil behavior and punishing violation or abuse of rights and freedoms by loss of citizenship and serving time across the border.

7. For sex offenders who have committed rape or murder, these convicts could serve restitution by working in factories in place of child laborers. So in place of the lives or childhood dreams they destroyed, they can save the lives of young children otherwise sold into slavery or sex trafficking, who can then go to school and get an education to have a better life. So I would propose this system as a joint program between the government, which would provide the military security, and the Catholic church which supports immigrant services, is opposed to the death penalty, and believes in restitution and rehabilitation.

8. Constitutional reform, education, and compliance - I would support legislation that requires corporations and citizens to respect the same Constitutional rights and freedoms required of government, including the Bill of Rights and the Code of Ethics for Government Service. Set up a grievance process for Constitutional compliance, modeled after OSHA process, and mediation process that requires consensus to resolve conflicts between parties. Any state or community, local or foreign, where corporations enjoy Constitutional rights and freedoms, the local population would be guaranteed the same. I would also apply the petitioning and mediation process to help embattled regions worldwide to resolve political and religious conflicts. For local areas, such as the Headwaters Redwood Forest in California and Freedmen's Town in Houston, restitution for corporate and government abuses of public resources and civil rights would be invested in preserving these areas as National Parks. All government agencies and institutions would be reviewed for Constitutional compliance or violation, and reformed or removed accordingly and/or replaced with an appropriate private or nonprofit organization funded voluntarily instead of with public taxes.

9. Invest medical research into documenting the existence and treatment of spiritual "viruses" or negative "demonic" energies that cause mental and criminal illness and addictions so proper treatment can be made accessible to prevent victims of these. Addicts or offenders or their families could be required to report crimes in order for convicts to qualify to serve sentences locally if they cooperate with authorities; while those who evade the law or obstruct justice would lose the right to citizenship and be forced to serve time in foreign prisons for the length of the sentence. This would encourage people to come forward to receive treatment for criminal addiction or illness, and provide harsher punishment to those who refuse to seek help to change their behavior.

10. Tax reform -- legislation that allows citizens to choose options to fund that do not violate their religious beliefs, such as those alternatives mentioned above: life in foreign labor or community service as an alternative to capital punishment; service in the peace force as opposed to military and war; options to fund private schools, private prisons, privatized social security that recognizes same sex partnerships and benefits; more effective sex and spiritual education to prevent abandoned children, unwanted pregnancies, and abortions, etc. Instead of punishing tax evasion by imprisonment, restitution or fines could be paid into funding alternative solutions and programs listed above.

emilynghiem 1 decade ago


From your near-evil twin who believes in constitutional limits on govt giving taxpayers free choice in fund reforms we believe in to prevent imposing conflict.

May your visions of microlending to rebuild the economy finally come to fruition when parties agree to work together instead of against each other.


Funny how every proposal drives up cost, enslaves the citizenry to the government, and erodes individual freedoms.

You couldn't have done better if you were Karl Marx.
"What if the president of your country asked you for your advice?

Spoken like a real he-man.
But obviously not a Christian.

If you would not like to be crushed or driven out, or hear those you love lamenting in pain,
why would you wish this on anyone else?

I see humor does not come easily to you.

In terms of Christian, that is not your judgment to make, now is it?

John 7:24
"Judge not by appearance, but judge righteous judgment"

Sorry Billy_Kinetta I will delete the A and just say not Christian as in the judgment not being Christian.

since Christian love and judgment of right and wrong is based on loving one another equally as neighbors in Christ, then there is no room for any person taking judgment in their own hands and rejecting or wreaking revenge.

Christ Jesus means Restorative Justice which heals relations and society inclusively of ills by forgiving and correcting wrongs. Sorry this wasn't clear.

We are called to judge righteous judgment, in order to rebuke and correct wrongs to RESTORE neighborly relations, not judge each other as in fear punishment and rejection. We judge right and wrong for the purpose of correction to save our relations and society from going down the wrong path.

Thanks for your correction, is this clarification more clear as to what the Bible means?

I notice that you speak of Jesus, but yet, offer un-Christian like proposals. Does this mean you are duplicitous, or just talking about both sides of your mouth?

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