AFD Alternative for Germany - The best party for Germans


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Not socialist, not corrupt, has lot of good and clever brains, traditional values, patriotic, Christianity, Moral!
Hopefully AFD will rich more as 20 % of all votes in coming election.
If Germans love Germany they must vote AFD

( and not the united socialist party CDU-CSU-SPD-FDP-Lefts-Greens )

Home - Alternative für Deutschland
If there is any evidence that this board is overwhelmed by alt-right extremists outside of the mainstream of society, it's the fact that unlike other elections where the far right candidate had a shot, there are very few posts on the German election where they have no chance.
If there is any evidence that this board is overwhelmed by alt-right extremists outside of the mainstream of society, it's the fact that unlike other elections where the far right candidate had a shot, there are very few posts on the German election where they have no chance.

Because modern Germany is a leftist dictatorship run by satanists and illuminati, a DDR 2.0 where almost anything is prohibited, Antifa thugs kill and beat opposition, any 'wrong' post by Facebook can be punished by €5m and many years behind bar.
Not socialist, not corrupt, has lot of good and clever brains, traditional values, patriotic, Christianity, Moral!
Hopefully AFD will rich more as 20 % of all votes in coming election.
If Germans love Germany they must vote AFD

( and not the united socialist party CDU-CSU-SPD-FDP-Lefts-Greens )

Home - Alternative für Deutschland

Are you German? Probably not. So how do you know what is best for Germany? It'll be interesting to see what happens. They should get more than 5% to get into parliament. If they get labeled as fascist, then they might lose support quite quickly.
A leftist dictatorship which just happens to enjoy a full and free election in about 14 days....:biggrin:
You have a lot of AfD threads.

Any leftist poster on this forum has a lot of DNC threads?
Where is the problem?
If some liberal do not like AFD isn't my problem.
You are welcome to campaign for whatever you want. Won´t have a great impact on USMB, though. Of course, we have also other parties like the NPD that is more competent in urgent issues.
Not socialist, not corrupt, has lot of good and clever brains, traditional values, patriotic, Christianity, Moral!
Hopefully AFD will rich more as 20 % of all votes in coming election.
If Germans love Germany they must vote AFD

( and not the united socialist party CDU-CSU-SPD-FDP-Lefts-Greens )

Home - Alternative für Deutschland

Are you German? Probably not. So how do you know what is best for Germany? It'll be interesting to see what happens. They should get more than 5% to get into parliament. If they get labeled as fascist, then they might lose support quite quickly.

Your 'information' is wrong. AFD got 11% now.

Die Lage am Donnerstag: Sattes Plus für die AfD

BTW the old leftist drumstick 'labeling as fascist' is not working in Germany now, because folks know the true fascists are Merkel & Antifa who flood the country by millions of imported IQ60 illiterate Muslims.

Not socialist, not corrupt, has lot of good and clever brains, traditional values, patriotic, Christianity, Moral!
Hopefully AFD will rich more as 20 % of all votes in coming election.
If Germans love Germany they must vote AFD

( and not the united socialist party CDU-CSU-SPD-FDP-Lefts-Greens )

Home - Alternative für Deutschland

Are you German? Probably not. So how do you know what is best for Germany? It'll be interesting to see what happens. They should get more than 5% to get into parliament. If they get labeled as fascist, then they might lose support quite quickly.
They get labeled anything bad, including fascists. But they managed to break through the walls of silence, have to be included in the media coverage, treated somehow normally.
Not socialist, not corrupt, has lot of good and clever brains, traditional values, patriotic, Christianity, Moral!
Hopefully AFD will rich more as 20 % of all votes in coming election.
If Germans love Germany they must vote AFD

( and not the united socialist party CDU-CSU-SPD-FDP-Lefts-Greens )

Home - Alternative für Deutschland

Are you German? Probably not. So how do you know what is best for Germany? It'll be interesting to see what happens. They should get more than 5% to get into parliament. If they get labeled as fascist, then they might lose support quite quickly.
They get labeled anything bad, including fascists. But they managed to break through the walls of silence, have to be included in the media coverage, treated somehow normally.

We hope AFD will run Germany within few years.

Gauland as chancellor, Weidel as vice-chancellor.

Not socialist, not corrupt, has lot of good and clever brains, traditional values, patriotic, Christianity, Moral!
Hopefully AFD will rich more as 20 % of all votes in coming election.
If Germans love Germany they must vote AFD

( and not the united socialist party CDU-CSU-SPD-FDP-Lefts-Greens )

Home - Alternative für Deutschland

Are you German? Probably not. So how do you know what is best for Germany? It'll be interesting to see what happens. They should get more than 5% to get into parliament. If they get labeled as fascist, then they might lose support quite quickly.
They get labeled anything bad, including fascists. But they managed to break through the walls of silence, have to be included in the media coverage, treated somehow normally.

We hope AFD will run Germany within few years.

Gauland as chancellor, Weidel as vice-chancellor.

I don´t know. The Wahlomat showed that the NPD is much closer to my views. On the other hand, they are not very moderate. However, if I have to choose between NPD and AfD it would be NPD because of the AfD´s Zion brown-nosing. That is what we´ve got right now already and it means more IQ60s. I also fear the AfD is unwilling to solve the immigration problem aside of the refugee issue.

Wahl-O-Mat zur Bundestagswahl 2017 | Start
Not socialist, not corrupt, has lot of good and clever brains, traditional values, patriotic, Christianity, Moral!
Hopefully AFD will rich more as 20 % of all votes in coming election.
If Germans love Germany they must vote AFD

( and not the united socialist party CDU-CSU-SPD-FDP-Lefts-Greens )

Home - Alternative für Deutschland

Are you German? Probably not. So how do you know what is best for Germany? It'll be interesting to see what happens. They should get more than 5% to get into parliament. If they get labeled as fascist, then they might lose support quite quickly.
They get labeled anything bad, including fascists. But they managed to break through the walls of silence, have to be included in the media coverage, treated somehow normally.

We hope AFD will run Germany within few years.

Gauland as chancellor, Weidel as vice-chancellor.

I don´t know. The Wahlomat showed that the NPD is much closer to my views. On the other hand, they are not very moderate. However, if I have to choose between NPD and AfD it would be NPD because of the AfD´s Zion brown-nosing. That is what we´ve got right now already and it means more IQ60s. I also fear the AfD is unwilling to solve the immigration problem aside of the refugee issue.

Wahl-O-Mat zur Bundestagswahl 2017 | Start

NPD is an Outlet of Verfassungsschutz!
Not socialist, not corrupt, has lot of good and clever brains, traditional values, patriotic, Christianity, Moral!
Hopefully AFD will rich more as 20 % of all votes in coming election.
If Germans love Germany they must vote AFD

( and not the united socialist party CDU-CSU-SPD-FDP-Lefts-Greens )

Home - Alternative für Deutschland

Are you German? Probably not. So how do you know what is best for Germany? It'll be interesting to see what happens. They should get more than 5% to get into parliament. If they get labeled as fascist, then they might lose support quite quickly.
They get labeled anything bad, including fascists. But they managed to break through the walls of silence, have to be included in the media coverage, treated somehow normally.

We hope AFD will run Germany within few years.

Gauland as chancellor, Weidel as vice-chancellor.

I don´t know. The Wahlomat showed that the NPD is much closer to my views. On the other hand, they are not very moderate. However, if I have to choose between NPD and AfD it would be NPD because of the AfD´s Zion brown-nosing. That is what we´ve got right now already and it means more IQ60s. I also fear the AfD is unwilling to solve the immigration problem aside of the refugee issue.

Wahl-O-Mat zur Bundestagswahl 2017 | Start

NPD is a Filiale of Verfassungsschutz!
Yes, it is. It is why they failed to ban the party, despite having the power to ignore the law. All the nazi-shit like attacks or defacings are by the BfV. But what about AfD? How many agents are already deployed? We can only speculate. Many are vulnerable to lucrative offers...
Not socialist, not corrupt, has lot of good and clever brains, traditional values, patriotic, Christianity, Moral!
Hopefully AFD will rich more as 20 % of all votes in coming election.
If Germans love Germany they must vote AFD

( and not the united socialist party CDU-CSU-SPD-FDP-Lefts-Greens )

Home - Alternative für Deutschland

Are you German? Probably not. So how do you know what is best for Germany? It'll be interesting to see what happens. They should get more than 5% to get into parliament. If they get labeled as fascist, then they might lose support quite quickly.

Your 'information' is wrong. AFD got 11% now.

Die Lage am Donnerstag: Sattes Plus für die AfD

BTW the old leftist drumstick 'labeling as fascist' is not working in Germany now, because folks know the true fascists are Merkel & Antifa who flood the country by millions of imported IQ60 illiterate Muslims.


No, my 'information' isn't wrong.

The federal election is in 12 days time. The previous election in 2013 they got 4.7% of the PR vote.

German federal election, 2013 - Wikipedia

Do you even speak German? Ich denke nicht. That is a projection, it's not what they have.

As for the old drumstick of labelling someone a fascist doesn't work, well, actually it does work, and this is GERMANY you're talking about, not the USA.
Not socialist, not corrupt, has lot of good and clever brains, traditional values, patriotic, Christianity, Moral!
Hopefully AFD will rich more as 20 % of all votes in coming election.
If Germans love Germany they must vote AFD

( and not the united socialist party CDU-CSU-SPD-FDP-Lefts-Greens )

Home - Alternative für Deutschland

Are you German? Probably not. So how do you know what is best for Germany? It'll be interesting to see what happens. They should get more than 5% to get into parliament. If they get labeled as fascist, then they might lose support quite quickly.
They get labeled anything bad, including fascists. But they managed to break through the walls of silence, have to be included in the media coverage, treated somehow normally.

The problem here is that it is Germany, and the German system is much better than the US system. Smaller parties find it easier to do well, and are quick to disappear again too. AfD is standing on an anti-EU platform. People support this platorm like UKIP in the UK got quite a bit of support. There aren't any walls of silence in Germany.
Not socialist, not corrupt, has lot of good and clever brains, traditional values, patriotic, Christianity, Moral!
Hopefully AFD will rich more as 20 % of all votes in coming election.
If Germans love Germany they must vote AFD

( and not the united socialist party CDU-CSU-SPD-FDP-Lefts-Greens )

Home - Alternative für Deutschland

Are you German? Probably not. So how do you know what is best for Germany? It'll be interesting to see what happens. They should get more than 5% to get into parliament. If they get labeled as fascist, then they might lose support quite quickly.
They get labeled anything bad, including fascists. But they managed to break through the walls of silence, have to be included in the media coverage, treated somehow normally.

We hope AFD will run Germany within few years.

Gauland as chancellor, Weidel as vice-chancellor.


Well you can hope. It's not going to happen. The AfD may be able to get into junior government with the CDU, potentially they might take votes from the CDU and the CDU will ignore them and prefer coalition with the SPD. Maybe the FDP will come back again, and the CDU will form a coalition with them.
Not socialist, not corrupt, has lot of good and clever brains, traditional values, patriotic, Christianity, Moral!
Hopefully AFD will rich more as 20 % of all votes in coming election.
If Germans love Germany they must vote AFD

( and not the united socialist party CDU-CSU-SPD-FDP-Lefts-Greens )

Home - Alternative für Deutschland

Are you German? Probably not. So how do you know what is best for Germany? It'll be interesting to see what happens. They should get more than 5% to get into parliament. If they get labeled as fascist, then they might lose support quite quickly.
They get labeled anything bad, including fascists. But they managed to break through the walls of silence, have to be included in the media coverage, treated somehow normally.

The problem here is that it is Germany, and the German system is much better than the US system. Smaller parties find it easier to do well, and are quick to disappear again too. AfD is standing on an anti-EU platform. People support this platorm like UKIP in the UK got quite a bit of support. There aren't any walls of silence in Germany.
As long as you comply with establishment, your small party is welcome. But if you touch non-topics like immigration, you´re out. And yes, they might disappear quick like the Pirates. The large parties occupy their positions for a while and then drop them. But you aren´t in Germany, you don´t know how the AfD is treated. There will be no coalition with the CDU, its excluded. Maybe, the AfD is already the system´s controlled wrath outlet valve. This at least would explain why the AfD is somewhat accepted in the media.
Not socialist, not corrupt, has lot of good and clever brains, traditional values, patriotic, Christianity, Moral!
Hopefully AFD will rich more as 20 % of all votes in coming election.
If Germans love Germany they must vote AFD

( and not the united socialist party CDU-CSU-SPD-FDP-Lefts-Greens )

Home - Alternative für Deutschland

Are you German? Probably not. So how do you know what is best for Germany? It'll be interesting to see what happens. They should get more than 5% to get into parliament. If they get labeled as fascist, then they might lose support quite quickly.
They get labeled anything bad, including fascists. But they managed to break through the walls of silence, have to be included in the media coverage, treated somehow normally.

The problem here is that it is Germany, and the German system is much better than the US system. Smaller parties find it easier to do well, and are quick to disappear again too. AfD is standing on an anti-EU platform. People support this platorm like UKIP in the UK got quite a bit of support. There aren't any walls of silence in Germany.
As long as you comply with establishment, your small party is welcome. But if you touch non-topics like immigration, you´re out. And yes, they might disappear quick like the Pirates. The large parties occupy their positions for a while and then drop them. But you aren´t in Germany, you don´t know how the AfD is treated. There will be no coalition with the CDU, its excluded. Maybe, the AfD is already the system´s controlled wrath outlet valve. This at least would explain why the AfD is somewhat accepted in the media.

Where? Where is this the case? Not in Germany, not in the UK.

In the US parties don't even get near.

How do you know I'm not in Germany? You don't. So....

But everything you have said has been backed up by nothing. I think you're just making this stuff up.

You don't seem to understand German history from 1945 onwards to understand the German mentality.

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