Admin officials to Reuters: Heads Won't Roll Over Afghanistan Debacle Because It Would Mean Admitting Failure


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Admin officials to Reuters:
Heads Won't Roll Over Afghanistan Debacle Because It Would Mean Admitting Failure
2 Sep 2021 ~~ By Ed Morrissey
In other words, Jim Webb’s warning from earlier this week has become prophecy. An anonymous administration official told Reuters that no one should expect any accountability from within the White House over Joe Biden’s catastrophic retreat from Afghanistan and abandonment of American citizens, legal permanent residents, and Afghan allies to the Taliban. Firing anyone would contradict Biden’s bizarre declaration of victory from earlier this week:
White House officials told Reuters that firings have not been discussed, but the administration expects Congress to aggressively investigate the turbulent exit from Afghanistan in hearings.​
One Biden administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said any dismissal would be seen as a tacit admission that the president had erred in removing troops unconditionally from the South Asian nation.​
That’s not going to fool too many people, especially with the constant drip-drip-drip of reporting on Americans still stuck in Afghanistan. The White House may hope that the national media will tamp down that reporting to allow the Biden administration to move on to its domestic agenda, leaving stranded Americans without even a platform for efforts to get back to the US. In fact, Jim Geraghty thinks that effort has already begun:

That’s hardly sustainable, however, especially since such a strategy relies on the cooperation of the Taliban. They have all sorts of reasons to embarrass and humiliate the United States, not just in light of revenge for 20 years of war but also to maintain their prestige among radical-Islamist competitors in Afghanistan. Hostaging for such purposes — and also for fundraising — has a long history among such groups. There’s much more likelihood of this turning into Tehran On Steroids than quiet negotiations. At best, the Biden administration may be looking at the Lebanon hostaging campaign by Hezbollah in the 1980s as the best-case scenario — low level but nagging humiliation rather than top-of-the-headlines crisis for months on end.
The smart strategy would have been to find a scapegoat and fire him/her to deflect this problem away from the president. The main obstacle to that strategy appears to be Joe Biden himself, whose lifelong shoulder-chip demands that people recognize him as the genius Biden sees himself being, rather than the glad-handing empty suit with a nearly unbroken track record over almost 50 years of getting foreign policy wrong. Like the man Biden replaced, his ego prevents him from acting in his own best political interests and ends up amplifying his problems instead.
Donald Trump paid the price for that flaw in the 2020 election. Unfortunately, thousands of Americans, legal permanent residents, and tens of thousands of our Afghan allies will pay the price for Biden’s ego in 2021 and beyond.

The Majority of Americans are going to hold them all responsible for their utter failure in Afghanistan, the border crisis & all of the other failures by this inept president and his cabal of Progressive Marxist/DSA Dem Commies And yes, heads are going to roll.
It’s already happening.
Biden's failures are too large to ignore and even the most ideologically biased American can see the failures and coming repercussions that will follow.
Depends on how many more Americans will be murdered by the Taliban and terrorists groups. US troopers on the last 5 planes out of Afghanistan described the situation in Kabul as the zombie apocalypse. :oops:
Certainly there should be consequences, there aren't many other ways that this withdrawal could have been worse or more damaging to Americas global reputation/interests. I hear some say that Biden will be impeached and take the consequences for this, this is fantasy talk. Biden is an Establishment politician, he won't be impeached barring something radically outside the approval of the big donors.

Furthermore, neither Party wants Harris as V.P. An odd choice for 2020 when there is so much at stake for all of the west.
Why did Cuomo claim that New York desperately needed hospital beds and respirators...and then when Trump delivered BOTH...Cuomo didn't use them? Sending that hospital ship to New York and building the largest field hospital ever at the Javits Center was a total waste of taxpayer monies and Andrew Cuomo is to blame for that waste!
Admin officials to Reuters:
Heads Won't Roll Over Afghanistan Debacle Because It Would Mean Admitting Failure
2 Sep 2021 ~~ By Ed Morrissey
In other words, Jim Webb’s warning from earlier this week has become prophecy. An anonymous administration official told Reuters that no one should expect any accountability from within the White House over Joe Biden’s catastrophic retreat from Afghanistan and abandonment of American citizens, legal permanent residents, and Afghan allies to the Taliban. Firing anyone would contradict Biden’s bizarre declaration of victory from earlier this week:
White House officials told Reuters that firings have not been discussed, but the administration expects Congress to aggressively investigate the turbulent exit from Afghanistan in hearings.​
One Biden administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said any dismissal would be seen as a tacit admission that the president had erred in removing troops unconditionally from the South Asian nation.​
That’s not going to fool too many people, especially with the constant drip-drip-drip of reporting on Americans still stuck in Afghanistan. The White House may hope that the national media will tamp down that reporting to allow the Biden administration to move on to its domestic agenda, leaving stranded Americans without even a platform for efforts to get back to the US. In fact, Jim Geraghty thinks that effort has already begun:

That’s hardly sustainable, however, especially since such a strategy relies on the cooperation of the Taliban. They have all sorts of reasons to embarrass and humiliate the United States, not just in light of revenge for 20 years of war but also to maintain their prestige among radical-Islamist competitors in Afghanistan. Hostaging for such purposes — and also for fundraising — has a long history among such groups. There’s much more likelihood of this turning into Tehran On Steroids than quiet negotiations. At best, the Biden administration may be looking at the Lebanon hostaging campaign by Hezbollah in the 1980s as the best-case scenario — low level but nagging humiliation rather than top-of-the-headlines crisis for months on end.
The smart strategy would have been to find a scapegoat and fire him/her to deflect this problem away from the president. The main obstacle to that strategy appears to be Joe Biden himself, whose lifelong shoulder-chip demands that people recognize him as the genius Biden sees himself being, rather than the glad-handing empty suit with a nearly unbroken track record over almost 50 years of getting foreign policy wrong. Like the man Biden replaced, his ego prevents him from acting in his own best political interests and ends up amplifying his problems instead.
Donald Trump paid the price for that flaw in the 2020 election. Unfortunately, thousands of Americans, legal permanent residents, and tens of thousands of our Afghan allies will pay the price for Biden’s ego in 2021 and beyond.

The Majority of Americans are going to hold them all responsible for their utter failure in Afghanistan, the border crisis & all of the other failures by this inept president and his cabal of Progressive Marxist/DSA Dem Commies And yes, heads are going to roll.
It’s already happening.
Biden's failures are too large to ignore and even the most ideologically biased American can see the failures and coming repercussions that will follow.

No they won't. The majority wanted out and they got what they wanted. 13 soldiers killed and you expect the Biden to go to jail for it. There's was over 30 under trumps last 18 months and you said nothing. Where's your consistency now comrade?
No they won't. The majority wanted out and they got what they wanted. 13 soldiers killed and you expect the Biden to go to jail for it. There's was over 30 under trumps last 18 months and you said nothing. Where's your consistency now comrade?

Now you're doubting the words printed by Reuters?
Admin officials to Reuters:
Heads Won't Roll Over Afghanistan Debacle Because It Would Mean Admitting Failure
2 Sep 2021 ~~ By Ed Morrissey
In other words, Jim Webb’s warning from earlier this week has become prophecy. An anonymous administration official told Reuters that no one should expect any accountability from within the White House over Joe Biden’s catastrophic retreat from Afghanistan and abandonment of American citizens, legal permanent residents, and Afghan allies to the Taliban. Firing anyone would contradict Biden’s bizarre declaration of victory from earlier this week:
White House officials told Reuters that firings have not been discussed, but the administration expects Congress to aggressively investigate the turbulent exit from Afghanistan in hearings.​
One Biden administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said any dismissal would be seen as a tacit admission that the president had erred in removing troops unconditionally from the South Asian nation.​
That’s not going to fool too many people, especially with the constant drip-drip-drip of reporting on Americans still stuck in Afghanistan. The White House may hope that the national media will tamp down that reporting to allow the Biden administration to move on to its domestic agenda, leaving stranded Americans without even a platform for efforts to get back to the US. In fact, Jim Geraghty thinks that effort has already begun:

That’s hardly sustainable, however, especially since such a strategy relies on the cooperation of the Taliban. They have all sorts of reasons to embarrass and humiliate the United States, not just in light of revenge for 20 years of war but also to maintain their prestige among radical-Islamist competitors in Afghanistan. Hostaging for such purposes — and also for fundraising — has a long history among such groups. There’s much more likelihood of this turning into Tehran On Steroids than quiet negotiations. At best, the Biden administration may be looking at the Lebanon hostaging campaign by Hezbollah in the 1980s as the best-case scenario — low level but nagging humiliation rather than top-of-the-headlines crisis for months on end.
The smart strategy would have been to find a scapegoat and fire him/her to deflect this problem away from the president. The main obstacle to that strategy appears to be Joe Biden himself, whose lifelong shoulder-chip demands that people recognize him as the genius Biden sees himself being, rather than the glad-handing empty suit with a nearly unbroken track record over almost 50 years of getting foreign policy wrong. Like the man Biden replaced, his ego prevents him from acting in his own best political interests and ends up amplifying his problems instead.
Donald Trump paid the price for that flaw in the 2020 election. Unfortunately, thousands of Americans, legal permanent residents, and tens of thousands of our Afghan allies will pay the price for Biden’s ego in 2021 and beyond.

The Majority of Americans are going to hold them all responsible for their utter failure in Afghanistan, the border crisis & all of the other failures by this inept president and his cabal of Progressive Marxist/DSA Dem Commies And yes, heads are going to roll.
It’s already happening.
Biden's failures are too large to ignore and even the most ideologically biased American can see the failures and coming repercussions that will follow.

From most things I have heard everyone warned Biden not to do it this way and Biden ignored them. There is only one head to roll.
No they won't. The majority wanted out and they got what they wanted. 13 soldiers killed and you expect the Biden to go to jail for it. There's was over 30 under trumps last 18 months and you said nothing. Where's your consistency now comrade?
The 30 that died under Trump...didn't die from complete incompetence/corruption...the 13 under BIDEN died because of the BIDEN woke administration incompetence and/or corruption. What Biden and his crew of misfits did was criminal in every way.
The 30 that died under Trump...didn't die from complete incompetence/corruption...the 13 under BIDEN died because of the BIDEN woke administration incompetence and/or corruption. What Biden and his crew of misfits did was criminal in every way.

Yes sure it was. What about the other 2400 Who died before? Any excuses for their deaths?
You're as ignorant as a row of cats watching tv.
Three months have gone by and yet no one within this 46th president's administration has been held accountable for the debacle created by Joey Xi Bai Dung.
Meanwhile thousands of Afghanis that helped U.S. Forces remain under Taliban rule and in danger

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