Add a couple lines.

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Add a couple lines and let's see where it goes..

She seemed to float gracefully through the tall grass of the meadow. He cherished the sight and was taken as if held in a dream.
Then he was awakened from this stupor/dream and realized he's dropped a load in his jammies and the dog was licking his face.
The dogs name was Tootsy but they called her Noose because of her suicidal tendencies and odd sexual proclivities. All the other dogs would make insulting woofs and judgmental barks.
And they mostly barked at Noose because his poop was quite Lumpy and there is nothing worse than Lumpy poop, but poor Noose knew not what to do, Lumpy poop was all around.
Noose, not being one of the smartest dogs in creation solved the problem by allowing the poop to dry then gobbling it up.

Well..getting back to just two of those odd sexual proclivities, Noose would hump anything with a sharp point and spend untold hours a day gleefully rubbing her nether regions on any available carpet or grass, even dirt and rocks in a pinch.
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Noose, not being one of the smartest dogs in creation solved the problem by allowing the poop to dry then gobbling it up.

Well..getting back to just two of those odd sexual proclivities, Noose would hump anything with a sharp point and spend untold hours a day gleefully rubbing her nether regions on any available carpet or grass, even dirt and rocks in a pinch.

Noose, even though not so smart, realized this word game did not actually end after the second post, but then again what kind of creature could be so dim witted to think such?
Noose, not being one of the smartest dogs in creation solved the problem by allowing the poop to dry then gobbling it up.

Serving to clean the place and allowing Issac to put one hand on the top of his head while putting the other hand on his chin. With a grand yank, off came his head and to everyone's surprise, hidden beneath the mask was...

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