Acquired Blindness

9.The Left/Progressives/Democrats reveal who they are when they claim that there is no truth. In fact, those movements hide behind that view….. Post-Modern, Post-Christian, Post-Justice… could be called all of these, but the theme of all is that there is no right or wrong, no societal ethics…..only winning and losing.

"Barack Obama: The Postmodern President

Wall Street Journal, Wall Street Journal - August 10, 2012
President Obama spent his formative years in academia, so he's no doubt familiar with postmodernism, the literary theory that rejects objective reality and insists instead that everything is a matter of interpretation and relative "truth." At any rate he's running the first postmodern Presidential campaign, now organized almost exclusively around allegations about his opponent that bear no relation to the observable universe.

What the doctrine says, in short… that they can lie, kill, steal….and there is nothing wrong with any of it.

Yes….that’s what you vote for voting Democrat.
There is some solid reasoning in your OP as usual Political Chic. Great advise for people who truly want to debate ideas, unfortunately in today's paradigm we can't get past forming an opinion about someone the moment they disagree...Then we have people like Crepitus in here...Who, instead of formulating a cogent debate about what you write here, goes straight to insult. These people should be ignored until they decide to actually civilly debate.
There are few on this board more condescending than Political Chic.
I think you missed with that custard pie there hoss.
Don’t forget, that for so long the Trump faithful refused to believe that Russia did anything in the election, certainly not to help Trump.

Many still don’t believe they hacked and leaked the DNC emails.
I love the smell of napalm in the morning, LOL. Another morning, another comical rant from the deluded. Project much? Seriously, the claim that 30 lies or hoaxes have been willingly accepted by Democrats is comically ironic. Trump presented at least thirty lies a week, probably more. But the "big lie", that the election was riddled with fraud and Trump really won, is still being clutched on to like a string of pearls for a huge swath of the American public. But then there are countless more, that Covid is a hoax, that the vaccine is ineffective, even that the government has no right to force a mandate, or that the states have the ultimate control of the election process. Again, huge portions of the American public hold on to those easily disprovable "lies". They do so by being "willingly blind", searching frantically for "alternative" new sources, scouring social media, and even frequenting messageboards like this one to confirm their bias. The epitome of being willingly blind.

And then speaking out? Hard to take you seriously when your side punishes severely anyone that would dare question the narrative of the day. And did you really say, "anti-science and anti-reason". Climate change deniers, that is anti-science. That the covid vaccine includes a tracking device, or that it is an attempt to reduce the population. That is anti-reason. Grandmaw's simple shitass rule. Why would Bill Gates care about a simple shitass like you? And why would some unknown power want to eliminate the people that are actually following government guidelines?

But perhaps the most comical assertion, "Donald Trump won the United States presidency in 2016 because a silent electoral majority in the middle of America shouted from the ballot box: “We are tired of being patronized.". Are you kidding me, that was Trump's entire election strategy, patronize the most basic of human emotions. Fear, he capitalized on the fear of whites losing their majority, not a subtle part of the "Make America Great" mantra. He capitalized on the fear of immigration. And he patronized that fear successfully among, you guessed it, the willfully blind.

And get over yourself about mentally diminished individuals. The average IQ of a Republican supporter has got to be at least fifteen points lower than the average IQ of a Democrat. And despite what you might think, I am quite sure you are lowering the average. I am quite prepared for you to demonstrate precisely that as you respond to this post. It will be your usual cut and paste fiasco, no independent thought, no original ideas, just the stuff you are spoon fed by your puppet masters. Sometimes, I just enjoy toying with you, kind of like sticking a stick through the tiger's cage, except you are sure no tiger, more like a lumbering manatee.
Most of those Repub voters know what is freedom and what is tyranny. We see the stark differences today from a drummed up virus. And unfortunately the elites have a lot of power and are consolidating it.
And in that connection, let’s remember that on November 12, 1933, 93.5% of German electorate (43,000,000) voted in favor of Nazi policies.
So....they pretend to be blind.
Look at the Nazi platform.
Every single point very reasonable and correct on its face except for the gun control and the hatred of Jews.
Most of those Repub voters know what is freedom and what is tyranny. We see the stark differences today from a drummed up virus. And unfortunately the elites have a lot of power and are consolidating it.

Look at the Nazi platform.
Every single point very reasonable and correct on its face except for the gun control and the hatred of Jews.

10. Have you noticed that the only thing Democrats ever criticize is America???
No matter the evil....they justify it.

Rather than give examples from posters who support the Democrats…you can see several of them above, lying........and there are lots of them, one more stupid than the next, here is an example from a debate Sam Harris recounted that perfectly summarizes the moral blindness that cultural relativism engenders, from a conversation he had with an appointee to President Obama’s Council on Bioethics.

She said, “How could you ever say that forcing women to wear burqas is wrong from the point of view of science?” I said, “Well, because I think it’s pretty clear that right and wrong relate to human well-being, and it’s just as clear that forcing half the population to live in cloth bags and beating them, or killing them when they try to get out, is not a way of maximizing human well-being.”

And she said, “Well, that’s just your opinion.”

And I said, “Well, okay, let’s make it even easier. Let’s say we found a culture that was literally removing the eyeballs of every third child, ok, at birth. Would you then agree that we have found a culture that is not perfectly maximizing well-being?” And she said, “It would depend on why they were doing it.”

So after my eyebrows returned from the back of my head, I said, “Okay, well say they were doing it for religious reasons. Let’s say they have a scripture which says, ‘Every third should walk in darkness’ or some such nonsense.” And then she said, “Well, then you could never say that they were wrong.”
William Lane Craig and Sam Harris, “Is the Foundation of Morality Natural or Supernatural? The Craig-Harris Debate,” Reasonable Faith with William Lane Craig, April 2011, https:// morality-natural-or-supernatural-the-craig-harris-deba/deba/

And that is what we are face with in the Democrat voter. If they are in power, it presages the end of America.
11. According to Professor Saad, making judgments is a requirement for being human.

“To judge is to be human. It is perfectly natural to judge others. It is an integral part of being a well-functioning adult. A central feature of human decision making is the process of judging several competing alternatives. This is precisely why the Society for Judgment and Decision Making and its flagship journal Judgment and Decisn Making exist. We judge whom to include within our close circle of friends. We judge various prospective suitors prior to marrying our eventual spouse. We judge the performance of our students and employees. Life is laden with endless judgments.

Fence-sitters who equivocate about the pros and cons of every conceivable issue without ever pronouncing a judgment are profoundly boring people. To never judge is to be an intellectual coward for it serves as an insurance policy against the possibility of being a polarizing figure.

Of course, not all judgments are created equal. The difference between a judgmental ideologue and a judgmental intellectual is the process by which each arrives at his position. As long as one uses well-articulated arguments in support of one’s judgments, it is perfectly acceptable to judge.”
Gad Saad, “The Parasitic Mind.”

With the above in mind, consider this:

And make judgements about those who make Biden and the Democrats possible.

See what I’m getting’ at?
8. Why are there not more Americans speaking up against the Wehrmacht….the party of censorship, murder, arson, lawlessness?

Never mind the liars and fools….and those may be one and the same…..who sing the praises of the Democrats…..trying to defend the indefensible.

Studies have tried to explain why so few get involved.

“…people are reluctant to join the battle of ideas is what we call “diffusion of responsibility” or “the bystander effect.” In the late 1960s, psychologists John Darley and Bibb Latané documented what at first glance seems counterintuitive. The greater the number of people present, the less likely an individual is to help someone in need because it is easier to rationalize that someone else will do it. It is easy to diffuse responsibility to others who are willing to stick their necks out: “Thank you, Dr. Saad, for standing up on our behalf. I really support your efforts. You got this.” No, I don’t. Everybody has a voice. Activate your sense of personal responsibility. You have agency. Participate. Do not be a by- stander as truth, reason, and logic call out for your help. Do not subcon- tract your voice to others. Do not self-censor. You and your children have a stake in the outcome of this battle, so don’t be afraid to speak up.”
Gad Saad, ‘The Parasitic Mind”

And if you don’t get involved….
“Woman raped on Philadelphia train; bystanders ‘did nothing,’ police say” Woman raped on Philadelphia train; bystanders ‘did nothing,’ police say

And that is America under the Democrats…..stolen elections, their rioters walk free, you are fired if you don’t obey their mandates..... and you expect someone else to take a stand.

How about you do it?

Wasn't that fun, putting you in your place???
LOL, you are absolutely delusional. You seriously need to find something better to do with your time. You failed to even attempt a rebuttal.
Most of those Repub voters know what is freedom and what is tyranny. We see the stark differences today from a drummed up virus. And unfortunately the elites have a lot of power and are consolidating it.
The first sign that you are an idiot, "drummed up virus". Honestly, I don't see how anyone can make such a claim unless they are troll that lives under a bridge. Willfully ignorant, people dying all around you and yet you claim it is a drummed up virus. Spectacularly willfully ignorant. Tyranny, you wouldn't know it if it jumped up and bit you in the ass. It is so ironic, Trump was a wannabe tyrant, and even expressed admiration for a real one. He continues to clutch on to the fantasy that maybe, just maybe, he can still become one. And if he is successful, it will the willfully ignorant, like you, that will pave the way.
11. According to Professor Saad, making judgments is a requirement for being human.

“To judge is to be human. It is perfectly natural to judge others. It is an integral part of being a well-functioning adult. A central feature of human decision making is the process of judging several competing alternatives. This is precisely why the Society for Judgment and Decision Making and its flagship journal Judgment and Decisn Making exist. We judge whom to include within our close circle of friends. We judge various prospective suitors prior to marrying our eventual spouse. We judge the performance of our students and employees. Life is laden with endless judgments.

Fence-sitters who equivocate about the pros and cons of every conceivable issue without ever pronouncing a judgment are profoundly boring people. To never judge is to be an intellectual coward for it serves as an insurance policy against the possibility of being a polarizing figure.

Of course, not all judgments are created equal. The difference between a judgmental ideologue and a judgmental intellectual is the process by which each arrives at his position. As long as one uses well-articulated arguments in support of one’s judgments, it is perfectly acceptable to judge.”
Gad Saad, “The Parasitic Mind.”

With the above in mind, consider this:

And make judgements about those who make Biden and the Democrats possible.

See what I’m getting’ at?nths a

Your list is stupid, let's take them one by one.

Highest crime rate in decades. Sorry, but the highest crime rates happened in the 00's, and it is just unbelievable that in a mere ten months a Biden presidency could reverse that trend. Going to need some documentation here, with real statistics, because from my research I am not seeing it. But of course, you are being willfully ignorant, some dipshit right wing yahoo makes the claim and you don't even attempt a cursory examination because you want to believe it so damn bad.

Afghanistan taken by Taliban. Good God almighty, Trump actually negotiated with the Taliban and left the government of Afghanistan sitting on the sidelines. He forced that government, sitting on the sidelines, to release thousands of prisoners. Hell, he and his dumbass Secretary of State, actually trusted the Taliban and proclaimed they would help Americans leave and would fight terrorists. What a bunch of dumbshits.

Crippling debt and inflation. Biden has failed to pass any significant legislation, the debt is from Trump's spending and his ill-advised pandering flipping tax cuts. Inflation is more a function of an economy returning from the deep ass hole Trumps ineptitude handling the corona virus delivered, and the supply chain problems that have a basis in Trump's actions, not Biden. It doesn't help that dumbasses, probably like you, are hording and stocking up on things like toilet paper and pet food.

CDC discredited. That is your right wing rags talking. The CDC could have performed better, but again, Trump cut the funding for research on pandemics and then wants to play the victim card. You guys are such idiots.

DOJ fully weaponized. Are you flippin kidding me. No administration in the history of the country "weaponized" the DOJ more than Trump. Hell, he wanted that department to cancel a legitimate election, not to mention he wanted it to target his enemies and protect his friends. I mean you have to have your head so far up your ass that you can't see the sun shine to make such a claim and defend Trump.

Border crisis. WTF--I thought Trump was going to build a beautiful wall and Mexico was going to pay for it. You address the border problem by addressing the reasons the immigrants come here, like the gang wars in their country of origins and collapsing social systems. Trump do any of that? Hell no, and now we pay the price as our economy begins to heat up. Besides, you flippin morons are constantly complaining about a lack of labor, and then you complain when the labor we needs attempts to come here. Damn idiots.

No longer energy independent. Good God, we never were energy independent. I mean we might have could have been, if we would have maintained the restrictions in exporting energy. But no, we instead allow those refineries to export diesel, the very definition of STUPID. And we export natural gas, another stupid move. And I know you don't realize this, but the Biden administration has seen the greatest increase in oil drilling on public lands since Bush Jr. Sure, new permits are not being issued, but it is kind of like gun control, perhaps we should wait till those companies actually exercise the permits they already have instead of issuing more.
Hmmm…I don’t see it…Maybe she wouldn’t be if people actually discussed her posts, instead of just trying to insult her.
She no more wants someone to discuss her posts than she wants a hole in her head. She likes to rant, and is seeking high fives from like minded willfully blind individuals. She has no rebuttal ability, just look at my posts in this thread. She is a cut and paste queen, and half the time she doesn't link to the original article. Probably because she knows the source is shit. She wouldn't be much fun in a real structured 8/3 debate with cross x. I mean she would make a decent first affirmative if you switched rebuttals, but even at that, I would be worried about that final second affirmative rebuttal position. In other words, she might be able to deliver the first affirmative, a canned speech that she could practice beforehand. But after that, she would be lost.
She no more wants someone to discuss her posts than she wants a hole in her head. She likes to rant, and is seeking high fives from like minded willfully blind individuals. She has no rebuttal ability, just look at my posts in this thread. She is a cut and paste queen, and half the time she doesn't link to the original article. Probably because she knows the source is shit. She wouldn't be much fun in a real structured 8/3 debate with cross x. I mean she would make a decent first affirmative if you switched rebuttals, but even at that, I would be worried about that final second affirmative rebuttal position. In other words, she might be able to deliver the first affirmative, a canned speech that she could practice beforehand. But after that, she would be lost.
Oh, I don’t know about that…I have yet to see anyone shred her on facts to date…
LOL, you are absolutely delusional. You seriously need to find something better to do with your time. You failed to even attempt a rebuttal.

All lies that have been exposed.....yet you continue to parrot them.

What a Good German you are.

Democrats lie about everything….on what basis would any of their fabricated data be considered valid???
Here the prism through which every Democrat pronouncement should be viewed: First collusion, collusion, collusion, Russia, Russia, Russia, Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction. Racist, Racist, Racist, Impeach, Impeach, Impeach, Recession, Recession, Recession, Emoluments, 25th amendment, “HandsUpDon’tShoot,”Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the Kavanaugh hoax, the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, no evidence of voter fraud in the stolen election.....and “More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president's son."

Don’t forget the Democrats told you that Trump was colluding with Russia…and that wasn’t true. They also told you that so was Naval Academy grad Carter Page and so was George Papadopoulos and so was General Michael Flynn, a three star general and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency….and all of that was a lie. How stupid must one be to keep believing what they say?
...and, AOC lying about her near-death experience in the Capitol Riots.....when she wasn't even in the Capitol.

And that Biden voters as agents provocateur weren't behind the Capitol Riot.....and that Pelosi knew and refused to allow extra security. They lie about everything.......yet Democrat voters are, ready to swallow the next lie.

And that the Wuhan Red Death did not come from a Chinese Communist lab that got its funding via Dr. Fauci, and its purpose was to remove Trump….

FakeStories: Three years of Russian Collusion stories; altering documents at the DoJ and FBI to railroad political opponents; the state media burying the Hunter Biden Scandal what with Joe getting 10% of the bribes; stories about Kavanaugh rape parties, and Covington Catholic School; Carter Page working for Russia when he was actually working for the CIA….where were those ‘fact checkers’? The great lie that there was an ‘insurrection’ January 6th. The lie that it was Republicans who wanted to defund the police. The lie that Critical Race Theory wasn’t being ta,00ught. The lie that 600,000 died from the Wuhan Red Death.
What should you do when they lied to you at least these 30 times already???????????
The first sign that you are an idiot, "drummed up virus". Honestly, I don't see how anyone can make such a claim unless they are troll that lives under a bridge. Willfully ignorant, people dying all around you and yet you claim it is a drummed up virus. Spectacularly willfully ignorant. Tyranny, you wouldn't know it if it jumped up and bit you in the ass. It is so ironic, Trump was a wannabe tyrant, and even expressed admiration for a real one. He continues to clutch on to the fantasy that maybe, just maybe, he can still become one. And if he is successful, it will the willfully ignorant, like you, that will pave the way.

This is the graphic depiction of you mind-dead drones: you swallow every lie.

Hmmm…I don’t see it…Maybe she wouldn’t be if people actually discussed her posts, instead of just trying to insult her.
I have, but she still condescends. The quality of the argument doesn't matter.

If you agree with her, you're a genius.
If you disagree with her, you're a monster.

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