Acquired Blindness


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
….or, perhaps, desired blindness.
The bane of our nation.

1. Some 30 or so lies and hoaxes perpetrated by the Democrats, have been revealed, and exploded since Trump announced his candidacy, yet you followers jump on board each new lie or hoax. The Biden presidency is rife with failures, lies and the prospects of great damage to America and Americans….yet, daily, we see paeans of love and support by the hopelessly blind.

And that would be blindness to the veracity, to the intentions, to the consequences of supporting Democrats, or any other totalitarians.

2. “And yet, countless persons who share our values fail to speak out. The reasons are manifold. Most people are too busy to notice the dangers of idea pathogens or wrongly assume that they are unimportant. The intrusion of anti-science, anti-reason, and illiberal movements occurs slowly and incrementally without many people becoming aware of the larger problem. Hence, the slow and inexorable death of the West by a thousand cuts.

Instead of ignoring the problem, recognize that while it affects others today, it could reach you tomorrow. You may not have children in college, but if you work for a firm or are perhaps a business owner, campus lunacy will affect your business soon—if it does not already—perhaps starting with your human resources department and the enforcement of “progressive” government regulations that demand adherence to the cult of diversity, inclusion, and equity.

3. If your politicians are succumbing to suicidal political correctness, vote them out of office. Donald Trump won the United States presidency in 2016 because a silent electoral majority in the middle of America shouted from the ballot box: “We are tired of being patronized. We are tired of politically correct platitudes. We are tired of identity politics and the ethos of victimhood. We are tired of the extraordinarily biased main- stream media.” And by expressing their frustration on election day, they won.” Gad Saad, “The Parasitic Mind”

4. While it is possible that there are a number of mentally diminished individuals who actually believe the Democrats, even in the face of the vast number of lies that are exposed, and who may even believe in open borders, men can become pregnant, or that the unborn being killed are not actually human beings, and that coercion by force is better than robust debate…..but this is a minimal contingent of Democrat supporters.

...most Democrat voters are weak, fearful individuals who require the imagined warmth of the herd, the mob, in order to step out in public. And, they are not knowledgeable about the issues and arguments, and find it far simpler to simply say they agree with the perceived majority. And in that connection, let’s remember that on November 12, 1933, 93.5% of German electorate (43,000,000) voted in favor of Nazi policies.
So....they pretend to be blind.

5.Where is the argument in favor of the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism having nuclear weapons, or taxing over half of an earner’s income is acceptable, or that any restrictions on free speech makes a society more desirable?

So….what should an individual do?

I know.
6. So….what should an individual do?

“Do Not Be Afraid of Judging Others or Giving Offence

A deep friendship should be antifragile. The English historian Henry Thomas Buckle famously remarked: “Men and women range themselves into three classes or orders of intelligence; you can tell the lowest class by their habit of always talking about persons; the next by the fact that their habit is always to converse about things; the highest, by their preference for the discussion of ideas.”

In the pursuit of happiness, we should strive to establish friendships with individuals with whom we can experience the full range of cerebral engagement. This can’t happen if we are too afraid to disagree with our close friends on consequential issues. Choose your friends wisely. In a similar way, many well-intentioned individuals are too afraid to judge others.”
Gad Saad

7. Do not fear losing friends, or confronting those who will never by your friends, as long as you can state a carefully considered view, and have the ability to support same with documentation.

In fact, that is an obligation every one of us should assume.
….or, perhaps, desired blindness.
The bane of our nation.

1. Some 30 or so lies and hoaxes perpetrated by the Democrats, have been revealed, and exploded since Trump announced his candidacy, yet you followers jump on board each new lie or hoax. The Biden presidency is rife with failures, lies and the prospects of great damage to America and Americans….yet, daily, we see paeans of love and support by the hopelessly blind.

And that would be blindness to the veracity, to the intentions, to the consequences of supporting Democrats, or any other totalitarians.

2. “And yet, countless persons who share our values fail to speak out. The reasons are manifold. Most people are too busy to notice the dangers of idea pathogens or wrongly assume that they are unimportant. The intrusion of anti-science, anti-reason, and illiberal movements occurs slowly and incrementally without many people becoming aware of the larger problem. Hence, the slow and inexorable death of the West by a thousand cuts.

Instead of ignoring the problem, recognize that while it affects others today, it could reach you tomorrow. You may not have children in college, but if you work for a firm or are perhaps a business owner, campus lunacy will affect your business soon—if it does not already—perhaps starting with your human resources department and the enforcement of “progressive” government regulations that demand adherence to the cult of diversity, inclusion, and equity.

3. If your politicians are succumbing to suicidal political correctness, vote them out of office. Donald Trump won the United States presidency in 2016 because a silent electoral majority in the middle of America shouted from the ballot box: “We are tired of being patronized. We are tired of politically correct platitudes. We are tired of identity politics and the ethos of victimhood. We are tired of the extraordinarily biased main- stream media.” And by expressing their frustration on election day, they won.” Gad Saad, “The Parasitic Mind”

4. While it is possible that there are a number of mentally diminished individuals who actually believe the Democrats, even in the face of the vast number of lies that are exposed, and who may even believe in open borders, men can become pregnant, or that the unborn being killed are not actually human beings, and that coercion by force is better than robust debate…..but this is a minimal contingent of Democrat supporters.

...most Democrat voters are weak, fearful individuals who require the imagined warmth of the herd, the mob, in order to step out in public. And, they are not knowledgeable about the issues and arguments, and find it far simpler to simply say they agree with the perceived majority. And in that connection, let’s remember that on November 12, 1933, 93.5% of German electorate (43,000,000) voted in favor of Nazi policies.
So....they pretend to be blind.

5.Where is the argument in favor of the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism having nuclear weapons, or taxing over half of an earner’s income is acceptable, or that any restrictions on free speech makes a society more desirable?

So….what should an individual do?

I know.
I love the smell of napalm in the morning, LOL. Another morning, another comical rant from the deluded. Project much? Seriously, the claim that 30 lies or hoaxes have been willingly accepted by Democrats is comically ironic. Trump presented at least thirty lies a week, probably more. But the "big lie", that the election was riddled with fraud and Trump really won, is still being clutched on to like a string of pearls for a huge swath of the American public. But then there are countless more, that Covid is a hoax, that the vaccine is ineffective, even that the government has no right to force a mandate, or that the states have the ultimate control of the election process. Again, huge portions of the American public hold on to those easily disprovable "lies". They do so by being "willingly blind", searching frantically for "alternative" new sources, scouring social media, and even frequenting messageboards like this one to confirm their bias. The epitome of being willingly blind.

And then speaking out? Hard to take you seriously when your side punishes severely anyone that would dare question the narrative of the day. And did you really say, "anti-science and anti-reason". Climate change deniers, that is anti-science. That the covid vaccine includes a tracking device, or that it is an attempt to reduce the population. That is anti-reason. Grandmaw's simple shitass rule. Why would Bill Gates care about a simple shitass like you? And why would some unknown power want to eliminate the people that are actually following government guidelines?

But perhaps the most comical assertion, "Donald Trump won the United States presidency in 2016 because a silent electoral majority in the middle of America shouted from the ballot box: “We are tired of being patronized.". Are you kidding me, that was Trump's entire election strategy, patronize the most basic of human emotions. Fear, he capitalized on the fear of whites losing their majority, not a subtle part of the "Make America Great" mantra. He capitalized on the fear of immigration. And he patronized that fear successfully among, you guessed it, the willfully blind.

And get over yourself about mentally diminished individuals. The average IQ of a Republican supporter has got to be at least fifteen points lower than the average IQ of a Democrat. And despite what you might think, I am quite sure you are lowering the average. I am quite prepared for you to demonstrate precisely that as you respond to this post. It will be your usual cut and paste fiasco, no independent thought, no original ideas, just the stuff you are spoon fed by your puppet masters. Sometimes, I just enjoy toying with you, kind of like sticking a stick through the tiger's cage, except you are sure no tiger, more like a lumbering manatee.
….or, perhaps, desired blindness.
The bane of our nation.

1. Some 30 or so lies and hoaxes perpetrated by the Democrats, have been revealed, and exploded since Trump announced his candidacy, yet you followers jump on board each new lie or hoax. The Biden presidency is rife with failures, lies and the prospects of great damage to America and Americans….yet, daily, we see paeans of love and support by the hopelessly blind.

And that would be blindness to the veracity, to the intentions, to the consequences of supporting Democrats, or any other totalitarians.

2. “And yet, countless persons who share our values fail to speak out. The reasons are manifold. Most people are too busy to notice the dangers of idea pathogens or wrongly assume that they are unimportant. The intrusion of anti-science, anti-reason, and illiberal movements occurs slowly and incrementally without many people becoming aware of the larger problem. Hence, the slow and inexorable death of the West by a thousand cuts.

Instead of ignoring the problem, recognize that while it affects others today, it could reach you tomorrow. You may not have children in college, but if you work for a firm or are perhaps a business owner, campus lunacy will affect your business soon—if it does not already—perhaps starting with your human resources department and the enforcement of “progressive” government regulations that demand adherence to the cult of diversity, inclusion, and equity.

3. If your politicians are succumbing to suicidal political correctness, vote them out of office. Donald Trump won the United States presidency in 2016 because a silent electoral majority in the middle of America shouted from the ballot box: “We are tired of being patronized. We are tired of politically correct platitudes. We are tired of identity politics and the ethos of victimhood. We are tired of the extraordinarily biased main- stream media.” And by expressing their frustration on election day, they won.” Gad Saad, “The Parasitic Mind”

4. While it is possible that there are a number of mentally diminished individuals who actually believe the Democrats, even in the face of the vast number of lies that are exposed, and who may even believe in open borders, men can become pregnant, or that the unborn being killed are not actually human beings, and that coercion by force is better than robust debate…..but this is a minimal contingent of Democrat supporters.

...most Democrat voters are weak, fearful individuals who require the imagined warmth of the herd, the mob, in order to step out in public. And, they are not knowledgeable about the issues and arguments, and find it far simpler to simply say they agree with the perceived majority. And in that connection, let’s remember that on November 12, 1933, 93.5% of German electorate (43,000,000) voted in favor of Nazi policies.
So....they pretend to be blind.

5.Where is the argument in favor of the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism having nuclear weapons, or taxing over half of an earner’s income is acceptable, or that any restrictions on free speech makes a society more desirable?

So….what should an individual do?

I know.
Trump won in 2016 because he's a professional first class bullshit artist, backed by the same swamp who he claims to despise. If the Dems ran a better candidate other then Clinton that person would have beat 45's ass just like Biden did.

To bad enough of you cultists crawled out of the woodwork & voted for a degenerate & wannabe dictator to run this Country.
Trump won in 2016 because he's a professional first class bullshit artist, backed by the same swamp who he claims to despise. If the Dems ran a better candidate other then Clinton that person would have beat 45's ass just like Biden did.

To bad enough of you cultists crawled out of the woodwork & voted for a degenerate & wannabe dictator to run this Country.
Even at that, Trump would not have won without the help of Comey and Putin
Even at that, Trump would not have won without the help of Comey and Putin
They hate Comey because they're too blinded & stupid to see that his statement right before the election helped to seal Clinton's fate.

And Trump himself was too much of a deranged out of control lowlife to realize it. He wanted blind loyalty from Comey like all gangsters demand.
They hate Comey because they're too blinded & stupid to see that his statement right before the election helped to seal Clinton's fate.

And Trump himself was too much of a deranged out of control lowlife to realize it. He wanted blind loyalty from Comey like all gangsters demand.

Both Comey and Putin fed Trumps “Crooked Hillary” narrative
Enough to turn the tide at the last minute
I love the smell of napalm in the morning, LOL. Another morning, another comical rant from the deluded. Project much? Seriously, the claim that 30 lies or hoaxes have been willingly accepted by Democrats is comically ironic. Trump presented at least thirty lies a week, probably more. But the "big lie", that the election was riddled with fraud and Trump really won, is still being clutched on to like a string of pearls for a huge swath of the American public. But then there are countless more, that Covid is a hoax, that the vaccine is ineffective, even that the government has no right to force a mandate, or that the states have the ultimate control of the election process. Again, huge portions of the American public hold on to those easily disprovable "lies". They do so by being "willingly blind", searching frantically for "alternative" new sources, scouring social media, and even frequenting messageboards like this one to confirm their bias. The epitome of being willingly blind.

And then speaking out? Hard to take you seriously when your side punishes severely anyone that would dare question the narrative of the day. And did you really say, "anti-science and anti-reason". Climate change deniers, that is anti-science. That the covid vaccine includes a tracking device, or that it is an attempt to reduce the population. That is anti-reason. Grandmaw's simple shitass rule. Why would Bill Gates care about a simple shitass like you? And why would some unknown power want to eliminate the people that are actually following government guidelines?

But perhaps the most comical assertion, "Donald Trump won the United States presidency in 2016 because a silent electoral majority in the middle of America shouted from the ballot box: “We are tired of being patronized.". Are you kidding me, that was Trump's entire election strategy, patronize the most basic of human emotions. Fear, he capitalized on the fear of whites losing their majority, not a subtle part of the "Make America Great" mantra. He capitalized on the fear of immigration. And he patronized that fear successfully among, you guessed it, the willfully blind.

And get over yourself about mentally diminished individuals. The average IQ of a Republican supporter has got to be at least fifteen points lower than the average IQ of a Democrat. And despite what you might think, I am quite sure you are lowering the average. I am quite prepared for you to demonstrate precisely that as you respond to this post. It will be your usual cut and paste fiasco, no independent thought, no original ideas, just the stuff you are spoon fed by your puppet masters. Sometimes, I just enjoy toying with you, kind of like sticking a stick through the tiger's cage, except you are sure no tiger, more like a lumbering manatee.

" Seriously, the claim that 30 lies or hoaxes have been willingly accepted by Democrats is comically ironic.

The most difficult part is deciding whether your posts are lies or simply stupidity.

Watch me smash this custard pie in your ugly kisser:

Democrats lie about everything….on what basis would any of their fabricated data be considered valid???
Here the prism through which every Democrat pronouncement should be viewed: First collusion, collusion, collusion, Russia, Russia, Russia, Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction. Racist, Racist, Racist, Impeach, Impeach, Impeach, Recession, Recession, Recession, Emoluments, 25th amendment, “HandsUpDon’tShoot,”Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the Kavanaugh hoax, the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, no evidence of voter fraud in the stolen election.....and “More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president's son."

Don’t forget the Democrats told you that Trump was colluding with Russia…and that wasn’t true. They also told you that so was Naval Academy grad Carter Page and so was George Papadopoulos and so was General Michael Flynn, a three star general and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency….and all of that was a lie. How stupid must one be to keep believing what they say?
...and, AOC lying about her near-death experience in the Capitol Riots.....when she wasn't even in the Capitol.

And that Biden voters as agents provocateur weren't behind the Capitol Riot.....and that Pelosi knew and refused to allow extra security. They lie about everything.......yet Democrat voters are, ready to swallow the next lie.

And that the Wuhan Red Death did not come from a Chinese Communist lab that got its funding via Dr. Fauci, and its purpose was to remove Trump….

FakeStories: Three years of Russian Collusion stories; altering documents at the DoJ and FBI to railroad political opponents; the state media burying the Hunter Biden Scandal what with Joe getting 10% of the bribes; stories about Kavanaugh rape parties, and Covington Catholic School; Carter Page working for Russia when he was actually working for the CIA….where were those ‘fact checkers’? The great lie that there was an ‘insurrection’ January 6th. The lie that it was Republicans who wanted to defund the police. The lie that Critical Race Theory wasn’t being taught. The lie that 600,000 died from the Wuhan Red Death.
What should you do when they lied to you at least these 30 times already???????????
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Trump won in 2016 because he's a professional first class bullshit artist, backed by the same swamp who he claims to despise. If the Dems ran a better candidate other then Clinton that person would have beat 45's ass just like Biden did.

To bad enough of you cultists crawled out of the woodwork & voted for a degenerate & wannabe dictator to run this Country.

Re-post sans the third grade vulgarity, and I will put you in your place.
I love the smell of napalm in the morning, LOL. Another morning, another comical rant from the deluded. Project much? Seriously, the claim that 30 lies or hoaxes have been willingly accepted by Democrats is comically ironic. Trump presented at least thirty lies a week, probably more. But the "big lie", that the election was riddled with fraud and Trump really won, is still being clutched on to like a string of pearls for a huge swath of the American public. But then there are countless more, that Covid is a hoax, that the vaccine is ineffective, even that the government has no right to force a mandate, or that the states have the ultimate control of the election process. Again, huge portions of the American public hold on to those easily disprovable "lies". They do so by being "willingly blind", searching frantically for "alternative" new sources, scouring social media, and even frequenting messageboards like this one to confirm their bias. The epitome of being willingly blind.

And then speaking out? Hard to take you seriously when your side punishes severely anyone that would dare question the narrative of the day. And did you really say, "anti-science and anti-reason". Climate change deniers, that is anti-science. That the covid vaccine includes a tracking device, or that it is an attempt to reduce the population. That is anti-reason. Grandmaw's simple shitass rule. Why would Bill Gates care about a simple shitass like you? And why would some unknown power want to eliminate the people that are actually following government guidelines?

But perhaps the most comical assertion, "Donald Trump won the United States presidency in 2016 because a silent electoral majority in the middle of America shouted from the ballot box: “We are tired of being patronized.". Are you kidding me, that was Trump's entire election strategy, patronize the most basic of human emotions. Fear, he capitalized on the fear of whites losing their majority, not a subtle part of the "Make America Great" mantra. He capitalized on the fear of immigration. And he patronized that fear successfully among, you guessed it, the willfully blind.

And get over yourself about mentally diminished individuals. The average IQ of a Republican supporter has got to be at least fifteen points lower than the average IQ of a Democrat. And despite what you might think, I am quite sure you are lowering the average. I am quite prepared for you to demonstrate precisely that as you respond to this post. It will be your usual cut and paste fiasco, no independent thought, no original ideas, just the stuff you are spoon fed by your puppet masters. Sometimes, I just enjoy toying with you, kind of like sticking a stick through the tiger's cage, except you are sure no tiger, more like a lumbering manatee.

You contention is that it is ok for Biden to lie because you say Trump lied?
You contention is that it is ok for Biden to lie because you say Trump lied?

Trump's 'lies' are lies only when language is manipulated by the Wehrmacht....the Democrats.

Liberals have discovered a new word.

Lie: “to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive.”

Like a teenager who just learned a new SAT word, the left is using and misusing this word to characterize President Trump’s statements. From his most recent “last night in Sweden” remark to his assertion that the murder rate is at its highest mark in 47 years, liberals have incorrectly labeled Trump as “intending to deceive.”

The left used Trump’s vague statement to impart sinister suspicion. “How dare he make up a terrorist attack!?” and “liar!” were but a few of the apoplectic freak-outs. Meanwhile, the person beside me heard it entirely differently. “He’s referring to information he gathered regarding Sweden last night,” this person said.

Trump’s clarification on Twitter that his “last night” remark indeed referred to a Friday night Fox News segment on crime in Sweden validated the latter interpretation over the former. Nevertheless, the former interpretation was adopted as gospel.

The left’s “lying” narrative was again on full display when Trump stated that the murder rate was the highest it has been in 47 years. The liberals accused Trump of intentionally planting a false statistic, but they ought to have done a cursory Google search, which would have clarified exactly what Trump was getting at: the U.S. had just seen the biggest increase in murders in 45 years.

Trump used this statistic several times throughout the campaign, and Politifact rated his statement as “mostly true.” But this time Trump left out one word — increase — and the left lost it, resorting to the “lying” label.

The truth is liberals are using every tactic possible to drown the Trump presidency. False allegations of racism, bigotry, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and now lying each have their own chapter in the Trump takedown playbook.

As it turns out, the only lies being told are not by President Donald Trump but by liberals, who will hypocritically mischaracterize Trump’s every action. They do so intentionally – the very definition of a “lie.” Liberal ‘lies’ about President Trump
Trump's 'lies' are lies only when language is manipulated by the Wehrmacht....the Democrats.

Liberals have discovered a new word.

Lie: “to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive.”

Like a teenager who just learned a new SAT word, the left is using and misusing this word to characterize President Trump’s statements. From his most recent “last night in Sweden” remark to his assertion that the murder rate is at its highest mark in 47 years, liberals have incorrectly labeled Trump as “intending to deceive.”

The left used Trump’s vague statement to impart sinister suspicion. “How dare he make up a terrorist attack!?” and “liar!” were but a few of the apoplectic freak-outs. Meanwhile, the person beside me heard it entirely differently. “He’s referring to information he gathered regarding Sweden last night,” this person said.

Trump’s clarification on Twitter that his “last night” remark indeed referred to a Friday night Fox News segment on crime in Sweden validated the latter interpretation over the former. Nevertheless, the former interpretation was adopted as gospel.

The left’s “lying” narrative was again on full display when Trump stated that the murder rate was the highest it has been in 47 years. The liberals accused Trump of intentionally planting a false statistic, but they ought to have done a cursory Google search, which would have clarified exactly what Trump was getting at: the U.S. had just seen the biggest increase in murders in 45 years.

Trump used this statistic several times throughout the campaign, and Politifact rated his statement as “mostly true.” But this time Trump left out one word — increase — and the left lost it, resorting to the “lying” label.

The truth is liberals are using every tactic possible to drown the Trump presidency. False allegations of racism, bigotry, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and now lying each have their own chapter in the Trump takedown playbook.

As it turns out, the only lies being told are not by President Donald Trump but by liberals, who will hypocritically mischaracterize Trump’s every action. They do so intentionally – the very definition of a “lie.” Liberal ‘lies’ about President Trump

I saw this one left wing “journalist” asshole who claimed anything reported prior to an election is interference and should be censored…..EVEN IF IT IS TRUE.

The sick POS was referring to Hunter’s laptop.
8. Why are there not more Americans speaking up against the Wehrmacht….the party of censorship, murder, arson, lawlessness?

Never mind the liars and fools….and those may be one and the same…..who sing the praises of the Democrats…..trying to defend the indefensible.

Studies have tried to explain why so few get involved.

“…people are reluctant to join the battle of ideas is what we call “diffusion of responsibility” or “the bystander effect.” In the late 1960s, psychologists John Darley and Bibb Latané documented what at first glance seems counterintuitive. The greater the number of people present, the less likely an individual is to help someone in need because it is easier to rationalize that someone else will do it. It is easy to diffuse responsibility to others who are willing to stick their necks out: “Thank you, Dr. Saad, for standing up on our behalf. I really support your efforts. You got this.” No, I don’t. Everybody has a voice. Activate your sense of personal responsibility. You have agency. Participate. Do not be a by- stander as truth, reason, and logic call out for your help. Do not subcon- tract your voice to others. Do not self-censor. You and your children have a stake in the outcome of this battle, so don’t be afraid to speak up.”
Gad Saad, ‘The Parasitic Mind”

And if you don’t get involved….
“Woman raped on Philadelphia train; bystanders ‘did nothing,’ police say” Woman raped on Philadelphia train; bystanders ‘did nothing,’ police say

And that is America under the Democrats…..stolen elections, their rioters walk free, you are fired if you don’t obey their mandates..... and you expect someone else to take a stand.

How about you do it?
There is some solid reasoning in your OP as usual Political Chic. Great advise for people who truly want to debate ideas, unfortunately in today's paradigm we can't get past forming an opinion about someone the moment they disagree...Then we have people like Crepitus in here...Who, instead of formulating a cogent debate about what you write here, goes straight to insult. These people should be ignored until they decide to actually civilly debate.
" Seriously, the claim that 30 lies or hoaxes have been willingly accepted by Democrats is comically ironic.

The most difficult part is deciding whether your posts are lies or simply stupidity.

Watch me smash this custard pie in your ugly kisser:

Democrats lie about everything….on what basis would any of their fabricated data be considered valid???
Here the prism through which every Democrat pronouncement should be viewed: First collusion, collusion, collusion, Russia, Russia, Russia, Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction. Racist, Racist, Racist, Impeach, Impeach, Impeach, Recession, Recession, Recession, Emoluments, 25th amendment, “HandsUpDon’tShoot,”Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the Kavanaugh hoax, the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, no evidence of voter fraud in the stolen election.....and “More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president's son."

Don’t forget the Democrats told you that Trump was colluding with Russia…and that wasn’t true. They also told you that so was Naval Academy grad Carter Page and so was George Papadopoulos and so was General Michael Flynn, a three star general and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency….and all of that was a lie. How stupid must one be to keep believing what they say?
...and, AOC lying about her near-death experience in the Capitol Riots.....when she wasn't even in the Capitol.

And that Biden voters as agents provocateur weren't behind the Capitol Riot.....and that Pelosi knew and refused to allow extra security. They lie about everything.......yet Democrat voters are, ready to swallow the next lie.

And that the Wuhan Red Death did not come from a Chinese Communist lab that got its funding via Dr. Fauci, and its purpose was to remove Trump….

FakeStories: Three years of Russian Collusion stories; altering documents at the DoJ and FBI to railroad political opponents; the state media burying the Hunter Biden Scandal what with Joe getting 10% of the bribes; stories about Kavanaugh rape parties, and Covington Catholic School; Carter Page working for Russia when he was actually working for the CIA….where were those ‘fact checkers’? The great lie that there was an ‘insurrection’ January 6th. The lie that it was Republicans who wanted to defund the police. The lie that Critical Race Theory wasn’t being taught. The lie that 600,000 died from the Wuhan Red Death.
What should you do when they lied to you at least these 30 times already???????????
I think you missed with that custard pie there hoss. Collusion, the Mueller investigation resulted in the indictment of 34 individuals and three companies. Five, FIVE, former Trump officials were indicted and every damn one of them plead GUILTY.

Cater Page still has not adequately explained his dealings with the Russians. George Papadopoulos plead guilty to making false statements to the FBI. Michael Flynn made the same plea to the same charge. Logically, which I know is not something you are capable of understanding, you don't make criminal false statements to the FBI unless you are attempting to hide something, nor do you plead guilty unless, well you are flippin guilty. Stormy Daniels story is far more believable than Trump's denial, and why was she paid money to keep her mouth shut unless there was something there. I thought you believe Trump is a good businessman, and yet you somehow believe he would willingly pay Stormy Daniels for no reason? Cognitive dissonance much?

Kavanaugh, again, it is really a matter of simple logic. First, the allegations made against him fit his known character at the time. He was a hard drinking partier, that ain't so bad, other than being the typical spoiled ass frat brat. Funny story, my oldest daughter visited my oldest son when he first started college. Ten years older, she was a head turner. She waltzed in, ironed his clothes and those of his suite mates and gave them a firm lecture about how frat boys were assholes and not of one of them better ever pledge to one. They never did. But there real logic comes in the question, who had the most to gain from lying. For the accuser, there wasn't really much to gain, and the cost of even making those allegations was immense. But for Kavanaugh there was a lifetime appointment to the SCOTUS at stake. And to be honest, his demeanor during most of the proceedings screamed guilty and really precluded him from sitting on the bench of the highest court of the land. But like most of the Trump supporters, you vigilantly practice the art of willful ignorance.

Perhaps the capital riots denial is one of the worst examples, along with the whole stolen election bullshit. Hundreds of indictments have been laid down, is even one been directed at a left wing instigator? Only the most willful ignorant can believe that there was nothing there, that it was just a bunch of tourists. And the Charlottesville riots, yes he did say there were good people on both sides. And his whole Make America Great Again theme played right into the hands of the radical racists. The truth is that conflict at Charlottesville would never had taken place had Trump lost the election and been regulated to the scrap heap of history, as he is most certainly eventually going to reach.

But hey, you keep digging. You consistently reveal yourself to be ignorant, willfully ignorant, and only those of the same mindset give you any support. Toying with you is a mere hobby. It is child's play really.
….or, perhaps, desired blindness.
The bane of our nation.

1. Some 30 or so lies and hoaxes perpetrated by the Democrats, have been revealed, and exploded since Trump announced his candidacy, yet you followers jump on board each new lie or hoax. The Biden presidency is rife with failures, lies and the prospects of great damage to America and Americans….yet, daily, we see paeans of love and support by the hopelessly blind.

And that would be blindness to the veracity, to the intentions, to the consequences of supporting Democrats, or any other totalitarians.

2. “And yet, countless persons who share our values fail to speak out. The reasons are manifold. Most people are too busy to notice the dangers of idea pathogens or wrongly assume that they are unimportant. The intrusion of anti-science, anti-reason, and illiberal movements occurs slowly and incrementally without many people becoming aware of the larger problem. Hence, the slow and inexorable death of the West by a thousand cuts.

Instead of ignoring the problem, recognize that while it affects others today, it could reach you tomorrow. You may not have children in college, but if you work for a firm or are perhaps a business owner, campus lunacy will affect your business soon—if it does not already—perhaps starting with your human resources department and the enforcement of “progressive” government regulations that demand adherence to the cult of diversity, inclusion, and equity.

3. If your politicians are succumbing to suicidal political correctness, vote them out of office. Donald Trump won the United States presidency in 2016 because a silent electoral majority in the middle of America shouted from the ballot box: “We are tired of being patronized. We are tired of politically correct platitudes. We are tired of identity politics and the ethos of victimhood. We are tired of the extraordinarily biased main- stream media.” And by expressing their frustration on election day, they won.” Gad Saad, “The Parasitic Mind”

4. While it is possible that there are a number of mentally diminished individuals who actually believe the Democrats, even in the face of the vast number of lies that are exposed, and who may even believe in open borders, men can become pregnant, or that the unborn being killed are not actually human beings, and that coercion by force is better than robust debate…..but this is a minimal contingent of Democrat supporters.

...most Democrat voters are weak, fearful individuals who require the imagined warmth of the herd, the mob, in order to step out in public. And, they are not knowledgeable about the issues and arguments, and find it far simpler to simply say they agree with the perceived majority. And in that connection, let’s remember that on November 12, 1933, 93.5% of German electorate (43,000,000) voted in favor of Nazi policies.
So....they pretend to be blind.

5.Where is the argument in favor of the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism having nuclear weapons, or taxing over half of an earner’s income is acceptable, or that any restrictions on free speech makes a society more desirable?

So….what should an individual do?

I know.
More blather from the troll.
I think you missed with that custard pie there hoss. Collusion, the Mueller investigation resulted in the indictment of 34 individuals and three companies. Five, FIVE, former Trump officials were indicted and every damn one of them plead GUILTY.

Cater Page still has not adequately explained his dealings with the Russians. George Papadopoulos plead guilty to making false statements to the FBI. Michael Flynn made the same plea to the same charge. Logically, which I know is not something you are capable of understanding, you don't make criminal false statements to the FBI unless you are attempting to hide something, nor do you plead guilty unless, well you are flippin guilty. Stormy Daniels story is far more believable than Trump's denial, and why was she paid money to keep her mouth shut unless there was something there. I thought you believe Trump is a good businessman, and yet you somehow believe he would willingly pay Stormy Daniels for no reason? Cognitive dissonance much?

Kavanaugh, again, it is really a matter of simple logic. First, the allegations made against him fit his known character at the time. He was a hard drinking partier, that ain't so bad, other than being the typical spoiled ass frat brat. Funny story, my oldest daughter visited my oldest son when he first started college. Ten years older, she was a head turner. She waltzed in, ironed his clothes and those of his suite mates and gave them a firm lecture about how frat boys were assholes and not of one of them better ever pledge to one. They never did. But there real logic comes in the question, who had the most to gain from lying. For the accuser, there wasn't really much to gain, and the cost of even making those allegations was immense. But for Kavanaugh there was a lifetime appointment to the SCOTUS at stake. And to be honest, his demeanor during most of the proceedings screamed guilty and really precluded him from sitting on the bench of the highest court of the land. But like most of the Trump supporters, you vigilantly practice the art of willful ignorance.

Perhaps the capital riots denial is one of the worst examples, along with the whole stolen election bullshit. Hundreds of indictments have been laid down, is even one been directed at a left wing instigator? Only the most willful ignorant can believe that there was nothing there, that it was just a bunch of tourists. And the Charlottesville riots, yes he did say there were good people on both sides. And his whole Make America Great Again theme played right into the hands of the radical racists. The truth is that conflict at Charlottesville would never had taken place had Trump lost the election and been regulated to the scrap heap of history, as he is most certainly eventually going to reach.

But hey, you keep digging. You consistently reveal yourself to be ignorant, willfully ignorant, and only those of the same mindset give you any support. Toying with you is a mere hobby. It is child's play really.

Wasn't that fun, putting you in your place???

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