ACLU Director Maya Dillard Smith Resigns

Interim director of Georgia chapter

Earth shattering stuff
Interim director of Georgia chapter

Earth shattering stuff
So you're blowing this off as if this woman and her daughters' concerns about getting raped in the women's restroom don't matter.

What a fucktard you are. Do you want to know why Trump is winning? Because of fucktards like you. You have created the hate with your fucktard attitude towards the feelings of ordinary Americans who just want to be left alone.
According to the left it's this mother's fault. She should have made sure her daughters got over their discomfort at being around nude men.
Democrats' embrace of this issue is the final straw that will guarantee them a permanent minority status for at least 40 years to come. They're not going to make up for it with blacks and Hispanics, because even blacks and Hispanics don't want to be raped in the women's restroom.
Actually, this issue will impact minority women more severely than white women because men entering the women's restroom to rape women is already a much bigger problem in minority neighborhoods. Now the police will have their hands tied to prevent rapes before they happen, because men entering women's restrooms to commit rape will simply claim to be transgender, and then they can't be arrested until AFTER a rape has already happened. The resulting rape epidemic will cause minority women, and their husbands, brothers, fathers, and sons, to turn against the Democrats in a big way.
Typically, Democrats did not think ahead before supporting LGBT on this issue. For millions of Americans, who went along with same-sex marriage, this is the issue that crosses the line.

The Democrats argued that same-sex marriage doesn't affect heterosexuals, so any opposition to it is based on nothing more than bigotry. While this argument is completely fallacious, it convinced enough judges to make same-sex marriage the law.

However, this is not a "live and let live issue." The invasion of men in women's restrooms is an issue that impacts all women in a very negative way, and is a complete violation of the social compact society has with women. For as long as civilization has existed, women have had sanctuaries where they go to be safe from men while they take care of their personal business. Now, the Democrats have broken that social compact by allowing any man, on his word that he identifies as a female, to invade women's personal spaces.

The trauma to women is multiplied for underaged girls, who are small in size, weak and defenseless, and unable to cope psychologically with a man's invasion into her personal space. We are going to see a lot of young girls going to therapy because of this issue.

I have no doubt that a backlash is coming and all of this will be reversed. And I predict that LGBT has finally gone too far, and there will be a much bigger backlash against all of them and all their issues. People are getting tired of the lawsuits, the bullying, the shaming, and the blackballing, and they are beginning to strike back.

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