About USMB and it’s status as a “conservative(?) Board” etc.

You don't wanna teach us all about conservatism now? Come on, man. You'll be the star of the show, gare awn teed. That's what you want, isn't it? To be seen? To be heard? To feel like you're a particpant? To be a part of something? We'll give you a crown and everything.
I want you to get educated. Your ignorant bloviation SS are quite dull.

And you post here to be invisible, is that what you’re claiming?

You’re a lame ass ineffectual troll with delusions of adequacy.
I want you to get educated. Your ignorant bloviation SS are quite dull.

And you post here to be invisible, is that what you’re claiming?

You’re a lame ass ineffectual troll with delusions of adequacy.

Well educate me. Educate all of us. That's what I'm asking from you.

So far you've only said that we should follow your leader.

Why don't you lead? Teach us. Given your claims, I don't find it to be too much to ask.

You're popping off about a ''conservative' board but you've not even made an attempt at demonstrating a conservative perspective. What it even means to be conservative.
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Well educate me. Educate all of us. That's what I'm asking from you.

So far you've only said that we should follow your leader.

Why don't you lead? Teach us. Given your claims, I don't find it to be too much to ask.

You're popping off about a ''conservative' board but you've not even made an attempt at demonstrating a conservative perspective. What it even means to be conservative.
You are without doubt classified as “educably mentally retarded.”

The only positions I’ve ever taken here are conservative. You’re just far too stupid to even grasp that fact.

I’m not interested in the pablum puke you have to offer. Your sole purpose here is to provide amusement value for others. And it works. We all laugh at you. Not with you. Not at the things you spout that you imagine are funny. But, AT you. 👍
You are without doubt classified as “educably mentally retarded.”

The only positions I’ve ever taken here are conservative. You’re just far too stupid to even grasp that fact.

I’m not interested in the pablum puke you have to offer. Your sole purpose here is to provide amusement value for others. And it works. We all laugh at you. Not with you. Not at the things you spout that you imagine are funny. But, AT you. 👍

I dunno, man. I've seen your postings. You're pretty much a rabid statist from where I'm sitting. Except you seem to be too shallow to realize it. You seem like just another product of cable news entertainment programming to me.

But...I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here, if you'd care to teach about conservatism.

It's your thread. You brought it up. When your balls drop, consider backing it up.

And like I said...just whistle. I'll be in the neighborhood. :)
You don't wanna teach us all about conservatism now? Come on, man. You'll be the star of the show, gare awn teed. That's what you want, isn't it? To be seen? To be heard? To feel like you're a particpant? To be a part of something? To show us all how you're different? We'll give you a crown and everything.
If you are so upset about this board, leave. Go find another that is more to your liking, a pure liberal board where you can feel welcome and at home.

Or is that solution beyond your intellectual ability?
Well educate me. Educate all of us. That's what I'm asking from you.

So far you've only said that we should follow your leader.

Why don't you lead? Teach us. Given your claims, I don't find it to be too much to ask.

You're popping off about a ''conservative' board but you've not even made an attempt at demonstrating a conservative perspective. What it even means to be conservative.
Trying to teach one who refuses to learn is a zero-sum endeavor. No matter what anyone teaches you, you reject it in favor of your own insanity and bias. So, all of your demands equal nothing except to further expose your stupidity and hate.
If you are so upset about this board, leave. Go find another that is more to your liking, a pure liberal board where you can feel welcome and at home.

Or is that solution beyond your intellectual ability?

I'm just asking for the OP to share his interpretation of conservatism.

If he's gonna refer to this board as ''conservative'' and then complain about things, he should be able to explain to us what it means to be conservative.

I'm just asking him to support his claim.

That's how functonal debate works.

I'm not upset with the board.

I'm saying quit talking about it and be about it.

So get back back in your hole, unless you'd like to make his case for him.
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Trying to teach one who refuses to learn is a zero-sum endeavor. No matter what anyone teaches you, you reject it in favor of your own insanity and bias. So, all of your demands equal nothing except to further expose your stupidity and hate.

Why would I ask, if I wasn't willing to learn?

You're free to help OP help himself.

Go for it.

We'll wait.

Teach us about conservatism.

What is it? What does it mean to be conservative?
And then, after that we can go through your proposed policies and verify them with your definitions.

But first things first.

You are interested in functional debate. Right?
I dunno, man. I've seen your postings. You're pretty much a rabid statist from where I'm sitting.

Your sitting position is head up your ass.
Except you seem to be too shallow to realize it.
Disagreeing with a troll libtard like you isn’t the same as shallow, you imbecile.
You seem like just another product of cable news entertainment programming to me.
Nobody cares what things seem like to an asshole like you. You value your own gibberish way too highly.
But...I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here, if you'd care to teach about conservatism.
I don’t give one rat’s ass in a sewer about you giving m le the benefit of your doubt.
It's your thread. You brought it up. When your balls drop, consider backing it up.
I already had my say. And I was soliciting the viewpoints of others. But that comes with a twist. I’m looking for viewpoints on topic, you imbecile bitch libtard hack troll.
And like I said...just whistle. I'll be in the neighborhood. :)

As you said, you ignorant plodding lightweight.

Wow. For someone with nothing to offer and nothing to say, you waste a lot of words.
So...just so we;re clear here....you wanna discuss USMB's ''status'' as a conservative board....but you're still not interested in a guh zillion requests for you to actually define what conservatism is?

If you're not interested in functional debate with regard to your own topical content, why did you initiate the thread?

Why, winger? What's your intent?
So...just so we;re clear here....you wanna discuss USMB's ''status'' as a conservative board....but you're still not interested in a guh zillion requests for you to actually define what conservatism is?

If you're not interested in functional debate with regard to your own topical content, why did you initiate the thread?

Why, winger? What's your intent?
So to recap: you’re just a troll.

And you worry about my definition? You can’t define anything logically or consistently. Being the libtard you are, no words have any fixed meaning to you. But suddenly, you pretend to give a shit?

By the way, I have defined “conservatism.” And have also define “conservative.” But the topic issue isn’t at all about my definition. Nor actually is it exactly about yours.

Try to learn how to focus.
I'm just asking for the OP to share his interpretation of conservatism.

If he's gonna refer to this board as ''conservative'' and then complain about things, he should be able to explain to us what it means to be conservative.

I'm just asking him to support his claim.

That's how functonal debate works.

I'm not upset with the board.

I'm saying quit talking about it and be about it.

So get back back in your hole, unless you'd like to make his case for him.
And your lies continue to grow. Just hurry up and leave, go somewhere that you can feel like a big man because all who read your posts and you can quit being hammered every time you post.

Your stupidity and lies can only be your defense if anyone believes them, and they don't.
Why would I ask, if I wasn't willing to learn?

You're free to help OP help himself.

Go for it.

We'll wait.

Teach us about conservatism.

What is it? What does it mean to be conservative?
Since you admit to ignorance and refuse to actually listen and learn what you demand, why bother?

Your demands are just as stupid as you are.

BTW, what country are you a natural citizen of? From your attitude, not this one.
BTW, what country are you a natural citizen of? From your attitude, not this one.

Well, my dearly departed granny was a predominant mix of varying Eastern Tribes. I grew up just off the Cherokee National Forest. It was basically my back yard. I'm pretty much a savage in mind and spirit.

Think my first traceable European ancestry came over on the Charles in the early 1600s, though.

How about you?
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Well, my dearly departed granny was a predominant mix of varying Eastern Tribes. I grew up just off the Cherokee National Forest. It was basically my back yard. I'm pretty much a savage in mind and spirit.

Think my first traceable European ancestry came over on the Charles in the early 1600s, though.

How about you?
Proof of your claim (lie)? Should be no problem for you since you demand proof of any claim that you choose to dispute.
Well, my dearly departed granny was a predominant mix of varying Eastern Tribes. I grew up just off the Cherokee National Forest. It was basically my back yard. I'm pretty much a savage in mind and spirit.

Think my first traceable European ancestry came over on the Charles in the early 1600s, though.

How about you?
So shaken, you have to repeat your post twice? And still without any proof, which you consistently demand of others.
Proof of your claim (lie)? Should be no problem for you since you demand proof of any claim that you choose to dispute.

I'm still waiting for you two bumblefucks to tell us all what it means to be conservative.

I mean, if we're gonna discuss the ''conservative'' status of USMB.

You're funny, though, winger. What. You want me to upload my birth cirtificate for you in order for you two half-wits to even consider making even a rudimentary attempt at any kind of functional debate? lolol...
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