About That ‘History Repeats’ Thing….


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.Observant folks have noticed how the Democrats have picked up where the National Socialists, and the International Socialists, the Bolsheviks, left off.

Fitting that these socialists pay homage to their predecessors….

So they copied the Nazis Reichstag Fire, by causing violence at the Capitol, and blaming the other side…

….and then having their version of Moscow Show Trials….the Jan6 Commission.

2. But, today being the anniversary of June 30th1934, when Hitler had over 200 army officers arrested, many killed, and thus cemented his control over that nation….That night has come to be known as the “Night of the Long Knives,”….

….I’ve been wondering if that catchy name should be applied to….

….the Democrat’s putsch
to destroy the Republicans and the American system…

….or the ‘knives’ thing is about their demand to slaughter the unborn????

3. Nazis bein' Nazis......

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The Right Scoop

“I ****ING LOVE KILLING BABIES”: Sick, twisted liberal maniac rages, screaming his truth in pro-life faces

The abortion-loving left is proud of no action they take more than the killing of innocent children. It is their most precious and treasured value and they cannot stop talking and stalking about it. The protests at Supreme Court Justices homes, in the streets of major cities, and directly in front of the Supreme Court have shown this gory bloodthirst over and over.

And one twisted maniac gave voice to that truth in as loud and assaulting a way as possible yesterday, as Drew Hernandez revealed
Thanks for the lies and laughs, your rhetorical propaganda never ends and is so stale it could break a diamond.
History could very well repeat in America. There's a similarity in the stage being set for a repeat performance by those loyal to Hitler.

We still don't know if Trump went home and hid like a coward after his lieutenants made their personal commitment to his attempted coup.

Or he was stopped from being able to lead by one of his own co-conspirators?
History could very well repeat in America. There's a similarity in the stage being set for a repeat performance by those loyal to Hitler.

We still don't know if Trump went home and hid like a coward after his lieutenants made their personal commitment to his attempted coup.

Or he was stopped from being able to lead by one of his own co-conspirators?

Phew….Is there a cat in the area….oh, that’s you.
Thanks for the lies and laughs, your rhetorical propaganda never ends and is so stale it could break a diamond.
She's raised a valid point in drawing a parallel to the similarity to the 'long knives'. But no relevance in it being june 30th. today.

And now America balances on the precipice of learning why the coup attempt failed.
Truman was a quirky president who inherited FDR's socialist regime and the democrat majority in congress apparently felt heat over the mess in Korea so HUAC was born. For the next fifty+ years democrats and Hollywood and the media managed to blame a single republican senator for subpoenas and "blacklisting" and the unfair treatment of suspected commies. Here we are in the 21st century and democrats are in charge but the targets for irrational subpoenas are republicans. Are democrats planning to blame Trump when the Jan 6 gestapo falls apart?

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