About Suspensions and Expulsions

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
I've never had either myself, but to kids that hate school wouldn't that be like a dream come true instead of a punishment?
I've never had either myself, but to kids that hate school wouldn't that be like a dream come true instead of a punishment?

Maybe….but it goes on your Permanent Record

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I've never had either myself, but to kids that hate school wouldn't that be like a dream come true instead of a punishment?
You are correct. They should make them stay in school and in a class room where they have to listen to lessons anyway. Maybe watch Nova that maybe will get them interested in there studies and stay in school. Or have a social worker with them and evaluate what there problems maybe.
I got suspended all the time. Mostly for- get this- skipping school.

Getting free from school wasn't a problem for me, it was them ratting me out to my mom that made my misery.
You are correct. They should make them stay in school and in a class room where they have to listen to lessons anyway. Maybe watch Nova that maybe will get them interested in there studies and stay in school. Or have a social worker with them and evaluate what there problems maybe.

When I was in high school and you got detention, they tried to break you down mentally and in spirit with playing what they claimed was music. Lawrence Welk. Boxcar Willie. Like that.

I still shudder.
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When I was in high school and you got detention, they tried to break you down mentally and in spirit with playing what they claimed was music. Lawrence Welk. Boxcar Willie. Like that.

I still shudder.
I had to grow up listening to that crap..
Back in my day, when you got suspended, you sat in the lobby all day and helped the custodian when he needed help.
Back in my day, when you got suspended, you sat in the lobby all day and helped the custodian when he needed help.

In many cases, helping the custodian is more interesting than the classes
When I was a kid, anybody who got suspended wad used as bait for the sabertoorh hunt that day.

Not many got suspended
I went to an all-boys Catholic H.S. There was a person there whose title was, "Prefect of Discipline." When a problem child acted out, he was sent to the Prefect, who devised remediation that was appropriate for the situation. There were times when fighting students were issued boxing gloves and told to settle their differences in the ring. There were times when detention was held two hours after school let out. Corporal punishment was a veiled threat, but I don't recall it ever happening. Most punishment involved doing work in the subject where the problem arose (e.g., doing math problems for a couple hours).

Suspension was non-existent. The equivalent punishment was a couple of all-day "study halls," with assignments given to keep the student up to speed and busy.

Expulsion was an option. Send them to the public school, where that kind of thing is tolerated.
You are correct. They should make them stay in school and in a class room where they have to listen to lessons anyway. Maybe watch Nova that maybe will get them interested in there studies and stay in school. Or have a social worker with them and evaluate what there problems maybe.
Their? Please learn the correct usage of there- their-they're.

That is called in-school suspension.
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You guys had it easy. When we got in trouble we were thrown into the rancor pit.
The point is usually to get disruptive (or dangerous) students out, so they cannot disrupt everyone else's learning.
Thus its life swings like a pendulum backwards and forwards between pain and ennui. ”
Arthur Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Representation (1819).

Learning, education, should be a joy, provide a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment.
Allowing a student to come to school should be a reward.
Thus its life swings like a pendulum backwards and forwards between pain and ennui. ”
Arthur Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Representation (1819).

Learning, education, should be a joy, provide a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment.
Allowing a student to come to school should be a reward.
I'd have preferred dental work.

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