Abortionists Compared to Hitler's Executioner

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Hitler's Executioner - Johann Reichhart - Wikipedia

There is actually a tv show that is called "Hitler's Executioner". It periodically comes on History, Discovery, the Military Channel ... one of these. This guy went around Germany during Hitler's Germany and executed people using a small guillotine. He came from a family of executioners. He would travel around with his guillotine, from prison to prison, knocking off criminals and political opponents to the regime. He made a lot of money doing this. Of course, once Berlin fell in 1945, the party came to an end for all of the Nazi dudes.

Here is what we have. A man practicing a craft with tools specific to the job. He will go from place to place to practice his dark craft. He will be paid for practicing his craft. I then think to myself, how is this any different from abortion today?

People in Nazi Germany were ok with the executioner (except for those he killed). After all, he was just taking out the trash, so to speak. Likewise today, the abortionist is just getting ride of something the mother does not want. It is done many times with the flippancy of getting rid of a paid of shoes the mother has that matches nothing in her closet. Toss those fuckers out!! Sure, some mothers have some emotional issues when they abort their unborn child. This is good, for it means they are not complete sociopaths. But should we be empathetic to their feelings of loss? Of course not!! They killed their unborn baby!!!! Then we have people like Planned Parenthood (which is way into leftist ideals of population control and eugenics) who encourage the young mothers to slide on into hell and murder their children. They advocate for abortion.

The abortionist, whether a loan ranger or a wholesale baby killing operation like PP (the WalMart of mass baby murder), money is a prime motive. PP gets U.S. taxpayer money to fund operations, though some of it is laundered and funneled back to Democrats. Back in the day an abortion was like $300.00. Today, who knows what it costs. However, I DO KNOW that with subsidized anything the prices will go up and up and up. Further, to buttress proof of profit motive, remember that the abortionist will sell dead baby body parts for profit. That is downright ghoulish. How severely must one be detached from humanity to engage in such a practice? This level of detachment is deeper than a pedophile molesting children. But its the science, I guess.

Then there are the late term abortions. This is where the abortionist takes a fully formed human being and murders it in the wound. Sometimes it does not go as planned, and they pull out the fully formed baby an snuff outside of the mother. This is worse than the worst horror flick I have ever seen in my life. Gosnell did this shit. The only thing setting him apart is that he was sloppy with his craft and got caught. This very practice of post-birth abortion was spoken about by Governor KKK of Virginia, Ralph Northam. It is real. It happens, and humanity should be punished severely for letting it happen once, let alone the number of times it is really occuring.

Why late term abortions? Because it means more money. The abortion could only get involved in the first 2 trimesters under Roe. Then the law grew much more liberal with baby murder to allow it into the 3rd trimester. This expanded the abortionists window to cover the whole damned window of pregnancy. Then they went farther and in some circumstances allowed post-birth abortion (i.e., when you cannot finish them off inside the mother, so you just got to rip them out and go to town on their skull with a hammer in order to kill that sucker!!!). Please forgive my dark humor injected in this post. Abortion really is horrible and should result in an eternity in hell fire. I make such blasphemous statements at times to demonstrate the shocking degree of lightness given to this subject by abortionists. The abortionist does not care about life. They are doing a job in order to get paid.

I ask you again, how is what the abortionist does any different substantively than what Hitler's executioner did? They are both ghouls willing to commit inhuman acts for compensation. They are able to do so only if they can effectively detach themselves. Listen to abortionists and abortion advocates speak. They have clearly detached themselves on baby killing. It is ok in their minds. Detachment means your heart follows your brain.

I am, frankly, not too hung up on abortion as long as it is done VERY VERY VERY early in the pregnancy and for a valid reason, like to protect the health of the mother. But when there is a heartbeat, then clearly any asshole knows that there is a living being inside of you. Refrain from calling it a human baby, if you choose. But the fact is (1) you have something inside your body when pregnant that is alive, separate from you (though dependent on you), and (2) abortion is the act to kill that living thing, and (3) if left alone, that living thing inside of you will one day be just like you. Personally, I cannot detach like an abortionist. For me it is like the old Supreme Court Justices comments on porn: I cannot define it, but I know it when I see it. Thus, I cannot define conception, but I know it when I see it. And certainly when an entity has a heartbeat, conception has occurred.

Hitler's Executioner - Johann Reichhart - Wikipedia

There is actually a tv show that is called "Hitler's Executioner". It periodically comes on History, Discovery, the Military Channel ... one of these. This guy went around Germany during Hitler's Germany and executed people using a small guillotine. He came from a family of executioners. He would travel around with his guillotine, from prison to prison, knocking off criminals and political opponents to the regime. He made a lot of money doing this. Of course, once Berlin fell in 1945, the party came to an end for all of the Nazi dudes.

Here is what we have. A man practicing a craft with tools specific to the job. He will go from place to place to practice his dark craft. He will be paid for practicing his craft. I then think to myself, how is this any different from abortion today?

People in Nazi Germany were ok with the executioner (except for those he killed). After all, he was just taking out the trash, so to speak. Likewise today, the abortionist is just getting ride of something the mother does not want. It is done many times with the flippancy of getting rid of a paid of shoes the mother has that matches nothing in her closet. Toss those fuckers out!! Sure, some mothers have some emotional issues when they abort their unborn child. This is good, for it means they are not complete sociopaths. But should we be empathetic to their feelings of loss? Of course not!! They killed their unborn baby!!!! Then we have people like Planned Parenthood (which is way into leftist ideals of population control and eugenics) who encourage the young mothers to slide on into hell and murder their children. They advocate for abortion.

The abortionist, whether a loan ranger or a wholesale baby killing operation like PP (the WalMart of mass baby murder), money is a prime motive. PP gets U.S. taxpayer money to fund operations, though some of it is laundered and funneled back to Democrats. Back in the day an abortion was like $300.00. Today, who knows what it costs. However, I DO KNOW that with subsidized anything the prices will go up and up and up. Further, to buttress proof of profit motive, remember that the abortionist will sell dead baby body parts for profit. That is downright ghoulish. How severely must one be detached from humanity to engage in such a practice? This level of detachment is deeper than a pedophile molesting children. But its the science, I guess.

Then there are the late term abortions. This is where the abortionist takes a fully formed human being and murders it in the wound. Sometimes it does not go as planned, and they pull out the fully formed baby an snuff outside of the mother. This is worse than the worst horror flick I have ever seen in my life. Gosnell did this shit. The only thing setting him apart is that he was sloppy with his craft and got caught. This very practice of post-birth abortion was spoken about by Governor KKK of Virginia, Ralph Northam. It is real. It happens, and humanity should be punished severely for letting it happen once, let alone the number of times it is really occuring.

Why late term abortions? Because it means more money. The abortion could only get involved in the first 2 trimesters under Roe. Then the law grew much more liberal with baby murder to allow it into the 3rd trimester. This expanded the abortionists window to cover the whole damned window of pregnancy. Then they went farther and in some circumstances allowed post-birth abortion (i.e., when you cannot finish them off inside the mother, so you just got to rip them out and go to town on their skull with a hammer in order to kill that sucker!!!). Please forgive my dark humor injected in this post. Abortion really is horrible and should result in an eternity in hell fire. I make such blasphemous statements at times to demonstrate the shocking degree of lightness given to this subject by abortionists. The abortionist does not care about life. They are doing a job in order to get paid.

I ask you again, how is what the abortionist does any different substantively than what Hitler's executioner did? They are both ghouls willing to commit inhuman acts for compensation. They are able to do so only if they can effectively detach themselves. Listen to abortionists and abortion advocates speak. They have clearly detached themselves on baby killing. It is ok in their minds. Detachment means your heart follows your brain.

I am, frankly, not too hung up on abortion as long as it is done VERY VERY VERY early in the pregnancy and for a valid reason, like to protect the health of the mother. But when there is a heartbeat, then clearly any asshole knows that there is a living being inside of you. Refrain from calling it a human baby, if you choose. But the fact is (1) you have something inside your body when pregnant that is alive, separate from you (though dependent on you), and (2) abortion is the act to kill that living thing, and (3) if left alone, that living thing inside of you will one day be just like you. Personally, I cannot detach like an abortionist. For me it is like the old Supreme Court Justices comments on porn: I cannot define it, but I know it when I see it. Thus, I cannot define conception, but I know it when I see it. And certainly when an entity has a heartbeat, conception has occurred.
When HItler needed somebody for some especially disgusting torture that even most Nazis would not do, he would go to abortionists
When Nazi concentration camps were liberated the local German population claimed that they knew nothing of the atrocities so Ike forced them to tour the camps. Maybe if the pro abortionists were forced to witness the blood bath of a late term abortion or the carnage of botched abortions they might change their minds.

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