Abortion should be banned in the United States

" Pointing To Individualism In Credo Of Us Republic "

* Moraltiy Is More All Titty Populism *

I'm sure you've blown something, dipshit, but my argument wasn't it.

If something is illegal because it's immoral, then everything which is immoral would be illegal.

Sure, murder is immoral, but you're assuming it's illegal because it's immoral.

I disagree with that. I disagree with that and you don't know how to respond. You can't deal with someone having a different opinion. That's a very common trait among zealots like yourself, so it's really not surprising. At the very least, it exposes you as a hypocrite and a coward...
Political science on whole , and especially in the us , borders on mental retardation .

How mentally bereft must a population be to dispatch competent descriptors of political science principles in public policy , such as negative wrights , positive wrights , negative liberties and positive liberties , to embrace orwellian double speak with red team verus blue team association in referring to themselves or others as liberal or conservative ?

Yes, medical. Most likely there is tearing, damage from the violence. Best done in real hospitals by real doctors.

I don't disagree with this, but what I find interesting is that you depart from the conventional thinking of the pro-life crowd...
" Pointing To Individualism In Credo Of Us Republic "

* Moraltiy Is More All Titty Populism *

Political science on whole , and especially in the us , borders on mental retardation .

How mentally bereft must a population be to dispatch competent descriptors of political science principles in public policy , such as negative wrights , positive wrights , negative liberties and positive liberties , to embrace orwellian double speak with red team verus blue team association in referring to themselves or others as liberal or conservative ?

You're high right now, aren't you?
Abortion, a right, equal protection under the law?

Equal protection against one's own carelessness, at the expense of other people's health care.

Equal protection would give that abortion money to curing cancer or providing healthcare to those with none.
I don't disagree with this, but what I find interesting is that you depart from the conventional thinking of the pro-life crowd...
Abortion must wait until a baby reaches a certain stage. Even the Morning After pill is not used the morning after.

There is side effects and damage that can be done. Early termination, can cause the least damage physically and mentally.

Early termination is very hard to argue against.
Abortion, a right, equal protection under the law?

Equal protection against one's own carelessness, at the expense of other people's health care.

Equal protection would give that abortion money to curing cancer or providing healthcare to those with none.
actually to relevant law is the right to privacy in the 14th amendment. This protects a woman's liberty.
" Natural Freedoms And Legitimate State Interest "

* Moral Relativism Of Nature Mocks The Bull Shit *

Abortion, a right, equal protection under the law?

Equal protection against one's own carelessness, at the expense of other people's health care.

Equal protection would give that abortion money to curing cancer or providing healthcare to those with none.
An entitlement to equal protection with a citizen has rules and the first one is a birth requirement .

A state is prohibited by us 14th , 9th and 1st amendments from providing equal protection , that includes a wright to life , of any which has not been born .

A birth requirement is the basis of roe v wade decision and it is surmised in blackmun's " Logically , of course , a legitimate state interest ... not .. prior to live birth . " , where " potential life " was used as a reference to an ability to survive an imminent birth , beginning post natural viability , that it appplied to allow states interests to begin in proscribing abortion in the 3rd trimester .

The all eat toe is a god damned liar whom wrote that the roe v wade court did not explain " potential life " and had no intention of ever doing so , yet why would any need to explain a logically , of course , statement to a supreme court justice ?
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Abortion must wait until a baby reaches a certain stage. Even the Morning After pill is not used the morning after.

There is side effects and damage that can be done. Early termination, can cause the least damage physically and mentally.

Early termination is very hard to argue against.

I know nothing, really, of the "morning after pill". I can't say that I know anyone who's ever taken it.

I don't support late term abortion at all.

But your comment doesn't really speak to that. Many on the pro-life side would make no exception for rape or incest, saying "Why should the baby be punished?"

This is the first time I've seen someone make such a distinction in such a way...
" Reverence For Citizenship "

* Nice Narrative But Insufficient As Constitutional Rigor *

actually to relevant law is the right to privacy in the 14th amendment. This protects a woman's liberty.
The pro-choice leadership has been told for +25 years that a wright to privacy is incidental and secondary to the actual constittional basis of roe v wade and abortion , because a state interest must be excluded / prohibited to secure us 9th amendment safeguard against populism of democracy as tyranny by majority , yet they chose arrogance and complacency and refused to adopt the a'priori political science deduction of a birth requirement for equal protection .

A state interest by us 10th amendment is prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a birth requirement to receive it , whereby us 9th amendment prevails .
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" Anti-Federalist Statistism Despots Against Individualism "

* Horse Shit On A Cracker Authority Of Us 10th Amendment Claims *

The dobbs ruling is SEDITION against US 1st , 9th and 14th amendments and TRAITORS support the decision .
Then come hang us, you illiterate authoritarian bootlicker asshat. You think you're not a fan of despots, considering your love of SCOTUS new "wrights" by fiat, including the right to kill innocent human beings?

If we're traitors, come get us.

Meanwhile your disrespect for the Constitution with the bullshit that was Roe and your support of the flagrant abuse of the 9th and 14th to do anything you like make you and those you support the fucking traitors.
Abortion, a right, equal protection under the law?

This question has been answered by the USSC...

Equal protection against one's own carelessness, at the expense of other people's health care.

A woman terminating her pregnancy in Nevada has zero impact on you and your health care.

And there are a number of reasons a woman might elect to terminate. Dismissing them all as being caused by carelessness is silly...

Equal protection would give that abortion money to curing cancer or providing healthcare to those with none.

That actually wouldn't be equal at all...
" Reverence For Citizenship "

* Nice Narrative But Insufficient As Constitutional Rigor *

The pro-choice leadership has been told for +25 years that a wright to privacy is incidental and secondary to the actual constittional basis of roe v wade and abortion , because a state interest must be excluded / prohibited to secure us 9th amendment safeguard against populism of democracy as tyranny by majority , yet they chose arrogance and complacency and refused to adopt the a'priori political science deduction of a birth requirement for equal protection .

A state interest by us 10th amendment is prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a birth requirement to receive it , whereby us 9th amendment prevails .
the 9th amendment is relevant here because it protects rights not specifically enumerated.

The Court reasoned that outlawing abortions would infringe a pregnant woman's right to privacy for several reasons: having unwanted children "may force upon the woman a distressful life and future"; it may bring imminent psychological harm; caring for the child may tax the mother's physical and mental health; and because there may be "distress, for all concerned, associated with the unwanted child"

At the same time, the Court rejected the notion that this right to privacy was absolute, which means states can impose some limitations on abortion.
This question has been answered by the USSC...

A woman terminating her pregnancy in Nevada has zero impact on you and your health care.

And there are a number of reasons a woman might elect to terminate. Dismissing them all as being caused by carelessness is silly...

That actually wouldn't be equal at all...
Dismissing them all? Is that what I did? Certainly unwanted pregnancy is careless. How can you describe it any other way.

Outside of medical emergencies and rape, there is zero reason for abortion. If it was 1969 I would agree.

A right to privacy, that is a stretch of the imagination. Can women beat thier children as well, a right to privacy says yes.

Equality, would be not putting one in such a position to begin with.
Dismissing them all? Is that what I did? Certainly unwanted pregnancy is careless. How can you describe it any other way.

People take precautions; the pill, condoms, etc.

Before my wife and I married, we were pretty sexually active people in our early 20's. She decided that we were taking too many risks, and said she wanted to start taking the pill. I was perfectly cool with that. You can imagine my surprise, though, when she got pregnant three months after she started taking the pill. We'd been having sex for two years and she didn't get pregnant until she was on the pill.

Nothing is 100%, and it's not "careless"...

Outside of medical emergencies and rape, there is zero reason for abortion. If it was 1969 I would agree.

That's your opinion...

A right to privacy, that is a stretch of the imagination. Can women beat thier children as well, a right to privacy says yes.

So, you don't want a right to privacy at all, huh?

I'm not saying you should be beat your kids, but I think it's safe to say that you're refusing to discuss this reasonably...

Equality, would be not putting one in such a position to begin with.

How so?
" E Pluribus Unum Principles For Individualism Versus Authoritarian Clown Shoes "

* Neophytes And Supporters Of Political Science Buffoonery *

Then come hang us, you illiterate authoritarian bootlicker asshat. You think you're not a fan of despots, considering your love of SCOTUS new "wrights" by fiat, including the right to kill innocent human beings?
You are too ignorant to know the difference between yourself , an authoritarian ass clown , and one promoting classical liberalism , such my self , who adheres to principles of equal protection for negative liberties .

* Poorly Educated Simpletons Duped By Dullards *
If we're traitors, come get us.
You are also too ignorant to know that one is hung for treason , while traitors , such as yourself , betray the principles of us constitution as despicable , ignorant , fools .

* Dim Wit Trolls For Populism And Democracy As Tyranny By Majority *
Meanwhile your disrespect for the Constitution with the bullshit that was Roe and your support of the flagrant abuse of the 9th and 14th to do anything you like make you and those you support the fucking traitors.
The roe decision was consistent with us constitution in that it exemplified a reasonable understanding for an institution of state and its limits upon which the us is founded , unlike the imbecilic , intellectual devoid , farce of the dobbs decision that is 100% sedition and supported by blathering stupidity of traitors .
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Jesus didn’t advocate for just having the Romans provide everything cradle to grave and raising taxes to do it.


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