Abortion should be banned in the United States

Coyote when pro abortionists claim rape and incest abortions support abortions, why are they trying to say bad conceived fetuses warrants the killing of the good fetuses? Why are they classifying fetuses between good and bad, or are they all bad?
No fetus is “bad”. No one (but you) is classifying them.

When anti-choicers insist that woman who was raped or a child who was impregnated carry a pregnancy they did not consent to and do not want, they reduce a pregnant woman’s rights to little more than an incubator.
No fetus is “bad”. No one (but you) is classifying them.

When anti-choicers insist that woman who was raped or a child who was impregnated carry a pregnancy they did not consent to and do not want, they reduce a pregnant woman’s rights to little more than an incubator.
So do you oppose abortion (killing the baby) EXCEPT in the case of rape?
No fetus is “bad”. No one (but you) is classifying them.

When anti-choicers insist that woman who was raped or a child who was impregnated carry a pregnancy they did not consent to and do not want, they reduce a pregnant woman’s rights to little more than an incubator.
So all fetuses are good.
So do you oppose abortion (killing the baby) EXCEPT in the case of rape?

Nope. I realize the only choice here is between legal safe abortions and illegal unsafe ones. If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

This is why the courts struck down abortion laws 50 years ago. They were being openly disregarded by doctors and women.
I put value on human life, many do.
I put a value on all life, but not equally and not at the expense of another’s fundamental rights.

If I were in a situation where I could save an infant or an embryo…I know which one I would choose.
If you`re pro-life you`re in favor of banning guns too.
No. I support protecting innocent lives with laws against killing and with defensive force.

Why do you insist I disarm law-abiding innocent people, making them potentially helpless victims to violence done by aggressive lawbreakers, to “prove” that I really don’t want you and those you support to kill babies?

Would you scum even cease killing babies if I made all law-abiding people helpless against criminal murderers? No, of course you wouldn’t.

So fuck you for asking.
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When anti-choicers
Those don’t exist, pro-abort filth.

insist that woman who was raped or a child who was impregnated carry a pregnancy they did not consent to and do not want
Insist that a mother not needlessly kill a helpless, innocent human being, their own son or daughter.

You are welcome for correcting your omission of important detail, pro-abort filth.

they reduce a pregnant woman’s rights to little more than an incubator.
. I realize the only choice here is between legal safe abortions and illegal unsafe ones.

Again, the latter. Hopefully these vile inhuman monsters die or become permanently infertile so they can never kill the same way again, at least, though they’ve made it clear they are violent sociopaths and they may well branch out to older victims.

Which is why they should die in prison.
Those don’t exist, pro-abort filth.

Of course they do, you are the perfect example.

Insist that a mother not needlessly kill a helpless, innocent human being, their own son or daughter.

You are welcome for correcting your omission of important detail, pro-abort filth.


Your opinion on the complete lack of value for a woman’s life and rights has been made abundantly clear already.
Of course they do, you are the perfect example.
I love freedom of choice.

It has nothing to do with violence like killing your own kid for your selfish benefit.

You pro-aborts are flagrantly dishonest pieces of shit. It defines you. And it makes sense: there is no possible way to promote what you do without incessant lying.

Your opinion on the complete lack of value for a woman’s life and rights
Case in point, more retarded lies.

All human beings have a natural and unalienable right to life. You claim wanting to protect the right to life of kids means somehow disrespecting or outright denying the mothers’ rights, but this claim is batshit insane and unsupportable.
No. I support protecting innocent lives with laws against killing and with defensive force.

Why do you insist I disarm law-abiding innocent people, making them potentially helpless victims to violence done by aggressive lawbreakers, to “prove” that I really don’t want you and those you support to kill babies?

Would you scum even cease killing babies if I made all law-abiding people helpless against criminal murderers? No, of course you wouldn’t.

So fuck you for asking.
Every person in jail today was a law-abiding citizen before they weren`t. I do see your point though. People need guns to protect themselves from people with guns. The NRA (Nation`s Real Assholes) dream has come true.
You’ve asked me that before, the answer is unchanged.
I have no idea what that means.

I seldom communicate with you. You're one of those I typically scroll past. It's arrogant of you to believe we will remember every word you utter. I don't.

You say here you "support" abortion in the case of rape. But you want to be evasive now. Typical lib.
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I have no idea what that means.

Yes you do. The answer is unchanged. I would not support an abortion if it had rape exception. There is far more to the issue than just that.

I seldom communicate with you. You're one of those I typically scroll past. It's arrogant of you to believe we will remember every word you utter. I don't.

That is relief to hear, I usually just ignore you since you repeat yourself endlessly.

You say here you "support" abortion in the case of rape. But you want to be evasive now. Typical lib.
No. I'm quite ear and consistent. I just hate repeating myself to satisfy your selective memory. Let me me know if you need further clarity.

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