Abortion and the Constitution

" Every Pregnancy Is A Perfect Divine Gift From Goad "

* Dictates By Freak Farmer Fanatics Willfully Ignorant Of Their Expectations In Nature *

It is bewildering as to why the abortion anti-choice cannot address the issue of with cause abortion and as to " why are these women having to turn to abortion ? " , which results from developmental anomalies , as the abortion anti-choice continue to embrace anthropocentric psychosis as would damned dirty apes .

Given that the arrogance of hue mammon apes begin with made in the image of goad , maybe the hue mammon ape can answer whether goad uses the porcelain throne .
I’m all about choice, probably more than you.

Since women, and women alone, choose to become pregnant, and women and women alone, can “choose”, to terminate the pregnancy they “chose”, then these same women should be solely responsible for those choices.

Repeal all child support laws in states that abortion is legal.

Then men are treated equally AND CAN STILL CHOOSE TO SUPPORT THE CHILD.

Problem solved.
" Per Son Means Male And Countable By Census "

* Limits Of Community Property Given Brood Parasitism *

As a society, should we honor and respect each person's right to life or not?
The left fists do not believe in limits of private property and feel entitled to surrogate the progeny of others , irrespective of whether those others maintain any accountability for supporting their own progeny .

The left fists continue not to embrace private sector accountability for its citizen welfare and abdicate the responsibility to the corruption of accountability from uncontrollable government .

* Let Us Shove The Brain Dead With A Heart Beat Out A Birth Canal Or C-Section *
Personally, I think the right should exist prior to birth as much as after birth; how is a baby's right to life any different 5 minutes before birth as opposed to 5 minutes after?
Does the offspring qualify as progeny , as in being capable of itself creating progeny and perpetuating life , or what about quality of life and being able to eventually lead an independent , healthy and productive life ?

The meaning of an after life is to pass on ones genetic identity so that another , both figuratively and literally as oneself , may have an opportunity to experience the sentience sapience and introspection that is afforded as life .
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" Males Had A Choice But Lost Control "

* Done Deal For Dummies *

I’m all about choice, probably more than you.
Since women, and women alone, choose to become pregnant, and women and women alone, can “choose”, to terminate the pregnancy they “chose”, then these same women should be solely responsible for those choices.
Repeal all child support laws in states that abortion is legal.
Then men are treated equally AND CAN STILL CHOOSE TO SUPPORT THE CHILD.
Problem solved.
The male transferred its private property sperm willingly , else otherwise go file rape charges and perhaps there is a chance .

If one were to purport an anecdote that possession is 9/10 ths of the law , then the other 1/10th of the male to force continuation or termination of the pregnancy would not be compelling enough to over ride self ownership of the female , and it is enough to incur the indemnity of child support .
" Males Had A Choice But Lost Control "

* Done Deal For Dummies *

The male transferred its private property sperm willingly , else otherwise go file rape charges and perhaps there is a chance .

If one were to purport an anecdote that possession is 9/10 ths of the law , then the other 1/10th of the male to force continuation or termination of the pregnancy would not be compelling enough to over ride self ownership of the female , and it is enough to incur the indemnity of child support .
Which she knows can cause pregnancy and knowingly accepts. But then again, she is the only one allowed to terminate us her. Choose not too? Her decision, her problem.

See, I’m far more pro choice than you. But then again, I’m for equality. You seem to be a bigot.
" Traitors Against Us Citizens And Us Republic Constitution Support Sedition Of Dobbs By Scotus "

* Abortion Ant-Choice Too Ignorant To Know Better But Blathers On With Dogma Any Way *

The roe v wade court had two options :

1 ) States cannot proscribe abortion as live birth is a requirement for equal protection , thus amend us 14th amendment .

2 ) States can proscribe abortion beginning at post natural viability , effectively concluding that parturition was relative , given an ability for a fetus to survive an imminent live birth .

A state does not have the power to abrogate the enumerated rite for a live birth requirement to become a us citizen of the federate or a state , and a state does not have the ability to abrogate the enumerated rite for equal protection with a us citizen that , by equitable doctrine , implicitly and necessarily requires live birth .

Abortion is a non enumerated rite and states cannot proscribe abortion , because states do not have a legitimate interest and are in violation of the live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen , in that states are providing equal protection to some thing that has not met the live birth requirement .
That's not the effect of the ruling SCOTUS gave. Nor did it consider that question...which is the problem that the Judicial Branch cannot legislate from the Bench. And when the issue is brought before a "Conservative" court which reads the constitution from an Originalist point of view...they are going to be extremely reticent to make a ruling which creates or writes laws not on the books even if they know one is needed and should be addressed by lawmakers.

And Then:
The "viability" issue can be broadly defined. Courts cannot create a ruling without grey area and their best course of action is to toss all non-enumerated rights to the states.
Even within Christiandom there exists an argument that a fetus is not alive until its first breath. (I do NOT subscribe to this theology, but it exists) So to create laws that satisfy the Constitution and the constituents under their local jurisdiction. (By the people, of the people, and for the people) the best is to have local state legislative bodies make laws on all the before mentioned issues in order to cover all the nuances surrounding fetuses, live births, viable pregnancies, snowflake babies and etc. (I personally understand that Simon of Cyrene was the local abortion pharmacist and want ZERO to do with that role he played...the thought is extremely frightening)

Where I do agree with you that SCOTUS could have declared a viable Fetus as worthy of equal protection...the reality is that, in their minds, it created a Law by creating a definition...and therefore beyond the scope of their appointment. So they ignored the issue in the same manner as the court who ruled previously albeit in a manner more aligned with Constitutionality.

(BTW, I AM really enjoying having someone to discuss this with who actually has a good understanding of the topic and has brought forward salient points I had not previously considered....THANK YOU! This beats the snot out of the Parrots of rhetoric I usually deal with)
I’m all about choice, probably more than you.

Since women, and women alone, choose to become pregnant, and women and women alone, can “choose”, to terminate the pregnancy they “chose”, then these same women should be solely responsible for those choices.

Repeal all child support laws in states that abortion is legal.

Then men are treated equally AND CAN STILL CHOOSE TO SUPPORT THE CHILD.

Problem solved.
What if a condom leaked? The woman was unaware of it, and consented to sex only because the male wore a condom.

She did not want to get pregnant, tried to avoid getting pregnant, but it happened anyway.

That makes your claim that women alone choose to become pregnant a very inaccurate statement.
" Abortion Choice Are To Blame For Public Ignorance And Current Circumstances "

* Logical Of Course Does Not Require Explanation *

That's not the effect of the ruling SCOTUS gave. Nor did it consider that question...which is the problem that the Judicial Branch cannot legislate from the Bench.
We agree that scotus of dobbs did not consider the question of a live birth for citizenship and consequently for equal protection , as for +25 years the abortion choice leadership has been notified by myself of the actual constitutional basis of roe v wade as related by blackmun and it was ignored .

The alito opinion in dobbs stated that potential life and demarcations of the roe v wade court were not sufficiently explained , however such ignorance by the dobbs court is part willful and part incompetence , while the greater part of ignorance and incompetence stems from abortion choice pundits .

Although the Court acknowledged that States had a legitimate interest in protecting “potential life,”1 it found that this interest could not justify any restriction on previability abortions. The Court did not explain the basis for this line, and even abortion supporters have found it hardto defend Roe’s reasoning.

When supreme court nominees were brought up for review , congressional leaders and abortion choice pundits were notified to challenge the candidates for an explanation of blackmun and none were concerned or none were competent to understand it .

* Evolution Of Original Intents Irrespective Of Contemporary Bias *
And when the issue is brought before a "Conservative" court which reads the constitution from an Originalist point of view...they are going to be extremely reticent to make a ruling which creates or writes laws not on the books even if they know one is needed and should be addressed by lawmakers.
This moniker does not buy into or apply a conservative versus liberal paradigm and considers constitutional originalism to follow from political science first principles for a us constitution that is founded upon independence of the individual citizen .

* Reverence For Citizenship Dispatched By Anthropocentric Zealots *
Where I do agree with you that SCOTUS could have declared a viable Fetus as worthy of equal protection...the reality is that, in their minds, it created a Law by creating a definition...and therefore beyond the scope of their appointment. So they ignored the issue in the same manner as the court who ruled previously albeit in a manner more aligned with Constitutionality.
Title 1 section 8 of us code that defines the term person , which appears in us 14th amendment , did not require dobbs scotus to create a new law or definition , it simply needed to have the candor and integrity of office to follow it .

Some might suppose that the definition of person could be interpreted differently by each state , though such assumptions would have to ignore an equitable doctrine requirement of live birth for equal protection with a citizen .

* Validation Of Common Understanding *
(BTW, I AM really enjoying having someone to discuss this with who actually has a good understanding of the topic and has brought forward salient points I had not previously considered....THANK YOU! This beats the snot out of the Parrots of rhetoric I usually deal with)
Thank you , likewise .
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" Fee Press Stupidity And The Covert Abortion Anti-Choice Ruse "

* Abortion Choice Leadership Are Ignorant Imbeciles *

In us 14th amendment , congress has defined the enumerated rite of citizenship with a non trivial requirement of live birth to become a citizen of us federate or a us state , and the enumerated rite of equal protection is included .

States do not have the power to abrogate the requirement of becoming a citizen of a us state and equal protection means that states do not have a legitimate interest in providing constitutional rites to any thing which has not been born , which means that abortion is a non enumerated rite .

The us 14th specifies equal protection of persons , and the roe v wade court related that the term person was not specifically defined and if the term person were ever to include the unborn then constitutional protections would apply .

In 2001 under the bush administration , congress defined a person as any born alive at any stage of development in title 1 section 8 of us code .

The dumbfounded dobbs decision ignored all of that and committed sedition and its conspirators should be charged with crime .

The randy pope paul has related an intent to modify the definition of a person to institute the change at the federal level , and such is the basis of the person movement .

An etymology of the term person deconstructs to per , as in countable by census , and son , as in male , that is an antiquated pre-formation reference to a homunculus .

Furthermore , as according to us 14th amendment , any person born or naturalized , implies that as daughters are not sons , then women are not categorically citizens of us republic and are not entitled to vote , else see us 19th amendment .
I wonder if you could have addressed my inquiry directly instead of a hyperbolic filibuster.
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The growing number of childless by choice couples is growing exponentially so that's a great sign. It's a huge positive for the nation and abortion will simply go away on its own as there's alit less kids conceived. B
What if a condom leaked? The woman was unaware of it, and consented to sex only because the male wore a condom.

She did not want to get pregnant, tried to avoid getting pregnant, but it happened anyway.

That makes your claim that women alone choose to become pregnant a very inaccurate statement.
Nope, you can’t blame the man for her not using birth control.

Do better
Imagine sitting down with George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams.
They were all okay with abortion.


Abortion was legal and common when the Constitution was written. The founders had no problems with it. They would have laughed out loud at this historically recent "DERP! A FETUS IS PERSON!" kook pro-life revisionism.
" Wants To Shoot Off Everywhere While Denying Bylines Of The Contract "

* Abortion Anti-Choice Pretends To Be Clever *

What if a condom leaked? The woman was unaware of it, and consented to sex only because the male wore a condom.
She did not want to get pregnant, tried to avoid getting pregnant, but it happened anyway.
That makes your claim that women alone choose to become pregnant a very inaccurate statement.
When in the military there was a moron whom insisted that he would always put a pinhole through his condoms with a needle so that he would not violate a law against onanism .

The hubris of the male having a say whether to terminate a pregnancy and not being forced to pay child support is an attempt at being counter intuitive so as to establish that the male has a say in whether an abortion cannot be terminated .

The consent of the male comes with an understanding that not only will they pay child support if the woman chooses to deliver a child , as society is not responsible for their brood parasitism , in that the literal meaning of an after life is genetic continuance , but the understanding also includes a prerogative that the female may or may not decide to deliver a child .
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" Anticipated Ooh Aah Agreement Rather Than Sophisticated Retort "

* Person Movement Advocates Playing Dumb *

I wonder if you could have addressed my inquiry directly instead of a hyperbolic filibuster.
The OP inquiry was addressed .

" Anticipated Ooh Aah Agreement Rather Than Sophisticated Retort "

* Person Movement Advocates Playing Dumb *

The OP inquiry was addressed .

I wonder if this might become an issue in the future. What do you think?
" Per Son Is Male And Countable By Census "

* Wants A Direct Answer As To Why Women Are Not Citizens Of Us Republic *

I wonder if you could have addressed my inquiry directly instead of a hyperbolic filibuster.
I wonder if this might become an issue in the future. What do you think?
The pogrom to amend title 1 section 8 of us code by the per son movement of traitors and supporters of sedition against us citizens , against us republic and against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments has not subsided .

The abortion choice are too stupid to make an obvious deduction that abortion antic-choice fanatics pandering " abortion is a state issue " also believe that abortion at the federal level is separate from abortion at the state level , in that the policy of federal law applies to federal employees and to such things are distribution of mifepriston via federal mail which scRotus quietly tabled .

The intent to include the pre-born within the definition of person under title 1 section 8 of us code is a covert ruse of those diverting attention to state powers as such an attempt to outlaw abortion at the federal level has not subsided , while divulging such intents during an election is contrary with the objective .

Such a supposition of amending title 1 section 8 of us code has been forwarded by randy paul , while lindy seed gramm has proposed a 15 week ban at the federal level but does not divulge the scheme by which to implement it .
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You people are all about the Fetus before it is born. After birth you do give two shits it. Send it school when the child can shot to death (one killer of school children is gun violence). You hate the a free school program for that child whose hot mean might at school. Fuck him/her on health. You sure as shit hate idea paying their education as well. You care so much about the FETUS as long as it is NOT BORN.

NOR do YOU or any other person have the right to decide what medical procedures or what medications a Woman under go or use. Telling 12-Year Girl to carry to term a baby that is the product rape and/or incest inhumane.
Even though I am not going to pay your financial needs for the rest of your life, I am against your murder. That said, there are lots of programs to support mother's and children. Also, there are lots of pregnancy centers that are supported by "We People" that aid pregnant moms during pregnancy and after birth with their babies. There are also many "We People" that adopt children.
" Per Son Is Male And Countable By Census "

* Wants A Direct Answer As To Why Women Are Not Citizens Of Us Republic *

The pogrom to amend title 1 section 8 of us code by the per son movement of traitors and supporters of sedition against us citizens , against us republic and against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments has not subsided .

The abortion choice are too stupid to make an obvious deduction that abortion antic-choice fanatics pandering " abortion is a state issue " also believe that abortion at the federal level is separate from abortion at the state level , in that the policy of federal law applies to federal employees and to such things are distribution of mifepriston via federal mail which scRotus quietly tabled .

The intent to include the pre-born within the definition of person under title 1 section 8 of us code is a covert ruse of those diverting attention to state powers as such an attempt to outlaw abortion at the federal level has not subsided , while divulging such intents during an election is contrary with the objective .

Such a supposition of amending title 1 section 8 of us code has been forwarded by randy paul , while lindy seed gramm has proposed a 15 week ban at the federal level but does not divulge the scheme by which to implement it .
If you think abortion should be a Constitutional right, why don't you pursue an Amendment to that effect?
" Scotus Ignorance Of The Law For Its Sedition Is Not An Excuse "

* Traitors Supporting Dumbfounded Dobbs Sedition Against Us Constitution *

If you think abortion should be a Constitutional right, why don't you pursue an Amendment to that effect?
Abortion is a non enumerated constitutional rite that exists from the enumerated rites of citizenship and equal protection , that both include a necessary live birth requirement , such that a state does not have the power to abrogate those rites and a state does not have a legitimate interest in providing constitutional protections to any thing that has not met a live birth requirement as doing so violates the enumerated rite for equal protection .

If you want to deny the constitutional rite to abortion, pass a constitutional amendment .
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