Abolish the supreme court!!!!

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
A quick Google search will return any number of people who, personally or professionally, support abolishing the USSC:

How many of these people would feel the same way, had Roe and the NY "shall issue" law been upheld?
My guess: Almost none.

How many of these people realize they need 38 states to agree wih them?
Probably a good number.

How many of these people believe 38 states will actually agree with them?
Only the really stupid ones.

-They don't care the USSC has the power to overturn laws and precedent, they just don't like the rulings handed down
-They know the court can only be abolished with an amendment, and they know they will never get 38 states to agree

So... what the point? Why whine about it? Why demand it? What purpose do you think it serves?

This is just another example of how the (D)ishonest prey upon the emotions of the ignorant, to do nothing but get Democrats elected.
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A quick Google search will return any number of people who, personally or professionally, support abolishing the USSC:

How many of these people would feel the same way, had Roe and the NY "shall issue" law been upheld?
My guess: Almost none.

How many of these people realize they need 38 states to agree wih them?
Probably a good number.

How many of these people believe 38 states will actually agree with them?
Only the really stupid ones.

-They don't care the USSC has the power to overturn laws and precedent, they just don't like the rulings handed down
-They know the court can only be abolished with an amendment, and they know they will never get 38 states to agree

So... what the point? Why whine about it? Why demand it? What purpose do you think serve?

This is just another example of how the (D)ishonest prey upon the emotions of the ignorant, to do nothing but get Democrats elected.

We live in an era when the average and equally dismally uniformed citizen has easy, 24/7 access to too much information. People make asinine comments like diarrhea dripping from the brain without any real thought and internet AI bots tally all their mind numbing stupidity and run with it as ideologically supportive public opinion. Before long, millions of people suddenly feel a need to agree with issues and opinions held only by the one percent of mankind who programmed those AI bots and poof, goodbye reality.
And then, there's the usual short-sighted stupidity of the left.

Repeal Article III. Done
Congress passes a law that bans abortion nationwide.
Congress passes a law that denies women and colored people the right to vote
Congress passes a law that reinstates slavery
Now what?
A Rasmussen/Heartland Institute poll


The Heartland Institute is an American conservative and libertarian public policy think tank known for its rejection of both the scientific consensus on climate change and the negative health impacts of smoking.[3]

Founded in 1984, it worked with tobacco company Philip Morris throughout the 1990s to attempt to discredit the health risks of secondhand smoke and lobby against smoking bans.[4][5]: 233–234 [6] Since the 2000s, the Heartland Institute has been a leading promoter of climate change denial.[7][8]
Abolish responsibility, parenthood, police, laws and the USSC because libs can’t follow normal social constructs
I dislike the Supreme Court as an institution. I would like to weaken it by requiring a two thirds majority for any Supreme Court decision. Any Supreme Court decision could be overturned by a two thirds vote in each house of Congress and a Presidential signature. Finally, it should be possible to remove an unpopular justice by a popular referendum. A number of states have that feature.
And then, there's the usual short-sighted stupidity of the left.

Repeal Article III. Done
Congress passes a law that bans abortion nationwide.
Congress passes a law that denies women and colored people the right to vote
Congress passes a law that reinstates slavery
Now what?
Hey. Don’t be undermining “our democracy.” Majority rule above all — including those pesky “rights” thingamabobs.
I dislike the Supreme Court as an institution. I would like to weaken it by requiring a two thirds majority for any Supreme Court decision. Any Supreme Court decision could be overturned by a two thirds vote in each house of Congress and a Presidential signature. Finally, it should be possible to remove an unpopular justice by a popular referendum. A number of states have that feature.
Sorry but that ain't how it's set up
The Satanist, Globlalist, Communist ,Left in America resents the Constitution

They resent it with all their soul.

Fuck them
I dislike the Supreme Court as an institution. I would like to weaken it by requiring a two thirds majority for any Supreme Court decision. Any Supreme Court decision could be overturned by a two thirds vote in each house of Congress and a Presidential signature. Finally, it should be possible to remove an unpopular justice by a popular referendum. A number of states have that feature.
All you need is an amendment to the constitution.
I got to this following a link in some other thread but I can't find which thread in order to post it there but it fits here.

39% of Democrats would support allowing the UN to override the United States Supreme Court.

I dislike the Supreme Court as an institution. I would like to weaken it by requiring a two thirds majority for any Supreme Court decision. Any Supreme Court decision could be overturned by a two thirds vote in each house of Congress and a Presidential signature. Finally, it should be possible to remove an unpopular justice by a popular referendum. A number of states have that feature.
Bury Marbury

Any time SCROTUS cancels a law, the decision should be taken out of their pettifogging fantasyland and put on a national referendum to decide whether we, the people (who have the original authority), will let them get away with it or not.
A quick Google search will return any number of people who, personally or professionally, support abolishing the USSC:

How many of these people would feel the same way, had Roe and the NY "shall issue" law been upheld?
My guess: Almost none.

How many of these people realize they need 38 states to agree wih them?
Probably a good number.

How many of these people believe 38 states will actually agree with them?
Only the really stupid ones.

-They don't care the USSC has the power to overturn laws and precedent, they just don't like the rulings handed down
-They know the court can only be abolished with an amendment, and they know they will never get 38 states to agree

So... what the point? Why whine about it? Why demand it? What purpose do you think it serves?

This is just another example of how the (D)ishonest prey upon the emotions of the ignorant, to do nothing but get Democrats elected.
I think a better idea would be to abolish the Democratic Party.

While that may be impossible hopefully this fall we can turn the Democratic Party from a Big Tent to a Little Teepee.

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