Abolish the supreme court!!!!

Bury Marbury

Any time SCROTUS cancels a law, the decision should be taken out of their pettifogging fantasyland and put on a national referendum to decide whether we, the people (who have the original authority), will let them get away with it or not.

The Court stole powers not authorized in the Constitution.

. A series of essays, written under the name ‘Brutus,’ warned of exactly the situation we find ourselves in today:

“…they have made the judges independent, in the fullest sense of the word. There is no power above them, to controul any of their decisions. There is no authority that can remove them, and they cannot be controuled by the laws of the legislature. In short, they are independent of the people, of the legislature, and of every power under heaven. Men placed in this situation will generally soon feel themselves independent of heaven itself.”
Brutus, March 20, 1788

Is there a reason to believe that this independent, self-authorized department of government, the Judiciary, is a problem….even a danger to America?

You betcha’!!!!

The elites, the judges, claim to know better as to what our values, attitudes, and institutions should be.

“Today, however, for a variety of reasons, they—particularly academics—often see it as part of their function to maintain an adversary relationship with their society, to challenge its values and assumptions, and to lead it to the acceptance of newer and presumably better values.”
David Brooks, “Bobos in Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There.”

I didn’t vote for them……and I am more than capable of determining my own values and attitudes.
Bury Marbury

Any time SCROTUS cancels a law, the decision should be taken out of their pettifogging fantasyland and put on a national referendum to decide whether we, the people (who have the original authority), will let them get away with it or not.

Really? Pure democracy, huh? And if the people like tyranny then the court can't do a thing? The Constitution no longer protects minorities? We govern by the passions of the mob? If a law reinstates slavery and the Court overturns it, now slavery is just a vote of the people? Oh, sure, it would likely fail - unless, of course, the slaves were straight, Christian, white men. Then the people might actually vote for it. Who cares that it is unconstitutional, you know, the people... the mob...
It is too hard to get an amendment.
It's intentionally hard to get an amendment. Do you want a 900 page constitution like some countries have? Do you want federal interference into every aspect of your life?

I assume what you want is democracy, majority mob rule.
It's intentionally hard to get an amendment. Do you want a 900 page constitution like some countries have? Do you want federal interference into every aspect of your life?

I assume what you want is democracy, majority mob rule.
I want majority rule. I do not perceive of it as mob rule.

The minorities I care about do not need protection from the Supreme Court. They over came prejudice and discrimination with good behavior and superior performance.

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