Zone1 a

IXK has said " the only remedy to racist discrimination is anti racist discrimination" and he's totally correct. What other solution do you have that specifically redresses white privilege and racism? The only solutions you hear from the non far left, are platitudes and things that have nothing to do with specifically addressing Racism.

The socialists talk about giving everyone free college(has nothing to do with alleviating racism); the Conservatives talk of the platitudes of meritocracy. The platitudes of Meritocracy and color blindness are even more racist than what ibram is advocating for, because we've already seen the results of it, and it was/is a complete disaster for non whites. Without a black box to keep everything in line, they are just platitudes and a proxy for racism.

So, inevitably you'd have to get very specific. If they are discriminating against non whites, the only solution is to mandate less whites and more poc. We've already established that Meritocracy is racist, so I don't see a good argument as to why I wouldn't as a poc support what ibram is advocating, even if it is racist. Why would I pick a racist system that doesn't benefit me over a racist system that does benefit me? The lesser.of two evils.

I like that you have the moral courage to say, "less whites".

Too bad the lefty you are citing, didn't have the balls to say what he really meant, ie "anti-white discrimination".

We of course, have been discriminating against whites for generations. and the result is the situation that causes you so much grief.

So, you are really talking about just more of what has already failed.

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