A Trump surrogate just said WHAT?!?!?

...letting them pour into our country where they WILL commit acts of terror like they already have in Orlando, San Bernadino and Ft. Hood.... that's just left-wing kookery. You've lost what little goddamn mind you had.
Your fear is making you irrational. Orlando was an American citizen, not a refugee. Ft. Hood was an American soldier, not a refugee. San Bernardino was an American citizen, and his wife, not a refugee. In fact, not a single refugee has been involved in a single terrorist act, since we have been letting them in.

Stop living in fear.
Your fear is making you irrational. Orlando was an American citizen, not a refugee. Ft. Hood was an American soldier, not a refugee. San Bernardino was an American citizen, and his wife, not a refugee. In fact, not a single refugee has been involved in a single terrorist act, since we have been letting them in.

Stop living in fear.

All were radical Islamic terrorists. You're the one governed by fear and you're trying to project that onto me.... I'm having none of it. Don't worry, Cybernoggin, we'll make sure the pissed off Muslims don't get you.
Your fear is making you irrational. Orlando was an American citizen, not a refugee. Ft. Hood was an American soldier, not a refugee. San Bernardino was an American citizen, and his wife, not a refugee. In fact, not a single refugee has been involved in a single terrorist act, since we have been letting them in.

Stop living in fear.

All were radical Islamic terrorists. You're the one governed by fear and you're trying to project that onto me.... I'm having none of it. Don't worry, Cybernoggin, we'll make sure the pissed off Muslims don't get you.
I know we will, because we're going to let those scary Muslim people in, in spite of your fear. You can dress your fear up in rage all you like. it is still fear. You are terrified that one of these icky, icky Muslims is a hidden terrorist, even though there is no evidence to support that paranoid delusion whatsoever.
and you seem to forget all 4 of them had one thing in common.
That they were American citizens? Because the only thing they had in common with the refugees is their religion, and there is no rational excuse for presuming that every member of a religion is radicalized.

Who said every?

You listed 4 people involved in mass murders.

They weren't blonde and blue eyed

They weren't redheads with green eyes.

and you want to bring in thousands more just like them, and let Americans take their chances.
So, Betsy McCaughey, the Republican Lieutenant Governor under George Petacki, in case anyone wants to pretend that she is a "Nobody", went on CNN this week, defending Trump's "Extreme Vetting" rhetoric. Considering her comments, one has to wonder, does the Trump campaign prepare their surrogates at all?!?! Let's start with her very first comment:

Let me tell you what the danger is. Number one, rape. When you look at what’s happening across Europe, women and young girls are being gang raped by Syrian and Muslim refugees who claimed it was because these women were scantily dressed.

Shall we cite all of the times when Right Wing spokespersons - beginning with Rush Limbaugh - have repeatedly "warned" women to be careful what they wear, how they act, how much they drink, what parties they go to, so they don't "make themselves targets" for rapists? Now, suddenly because it's Muslim men, the Right recognises that what a woman wears should make no difference, and never makes it okay to be raped?!?!

As a side note, she cited "European papers" as her source - that's it. Not any particular papers. Just the generic "European papers" - and claimed that it was "well documented". The reality is that according to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention victim survey shows that the number of sex crimes is virtually unchanged since 2005. So, you know...there's that. Also there's this: Over a hundred women did report sexual assaults in the German city of Cologne on New Year’s Eve, which was widely blamed on an influx of refugees. But one high-profile gang rape cased blamed on Muslim men earlier this year turned out to be a fabrication.

But it gets better!!!! This genius went on to say:

Take a look at what we did during World War II, for example. We need to have the same kind of meticulous vetting that we did during previous wars because we are at war.

I can't wait to see some Trump supporter come in and try to insist that McCaughey wasn't saying exactly what she was saying. That's right. She endorsed a return to the Japanese Interment Camps that made us sooo popular, and that historians all agree was such a brilliant idea, and to use them for Muslims refugees! Because, you know, that will so encourage them to assimilate into American Society.

You can find the story here, at The Raw Story. And I included a video of the interview, so you can watch these words come out of the woman's mouth for yourself. Does the Trump campaign even pretend to vet, or prepare these surrogates before they trot them out in front of the cameras?!?!?! I mean, Trump does get that, because he is allowing her to speak on his behalf, he will be associated with the things she says, right?

Rape is a huge problem among refugee males. And, to them, dressing inappropriately is not covering yourself from head to toe. Fuck them.

And, no, Limbaugh and others have not been telling women how to dress. Funny that the left is now supporting Muslims in London in their decision to remove all ads in public that show sexy women. Why don't you criticize them?

Then there is Hillary, who for a while was saying we should believe rape victims. She seems to leave that out now after the reminder of how she treated a young rape victim as an attorney and how she's treated rape victims of Bill's. Not to mention the countless women in Germany, Great Britain and France who have been attacked by Muslims. Go online and read the reports. Not hard to find sources unless Soros has managed to remove the links from Google search. I swear if I talked about the moon landing, the idiot libs here would demand links to CNN or they wouldn't believe it happened.

Now we are seeing attacks here in the states.

I want to know why Obama thought we should shorten the time it takes to vet refugees. It wasn't sufficient before and now we may as well not even bother. What the left would consider extreme vetting is just, well, vetting. Face it, the left doesn't even want to vet people. Open border policies that they favor mean let anyone in and maybe sort them out later.

They deserve criticism because they don't put Americans first.
No, there isn't. And this kind of religious bigotry is why you, and Trump are going to lose, and are going to take a good chunk of Congress down with you. And I can't wait.

Yep.. I'm a huge bigot toward people dedicated to their God to kill us all. Sorry.
No, there isn't. And this kind of religious bigotry is why you, and Trump are going to lose, and are going to take a good chunk of Congress down with you. And I can't wait.

Yep.. I'm a huge bigot toward people dedicated to their God to kill us all. Sorry.
yeah, you can be as pissy about it all you like. Muslims have not dedicated their God to killing us. Extremists have. Your bigotry, and the bigotry of the sociopath you have chosen to support for President is going to cost him the Presidency, and he is taking the Republican Congress down with him. Enjoy screaming into the wind out in that political wilderness your irrational rage, hatred, and bigotry has brought you to.
yeah, you can be as pissy about it all you like. Muslims have not dedicated their God to killing us. Extremists have. Your bigotry, and the bigotry of the sociopath you have chosen to support for President is going to cost him the Presidency, and he is taking the Republican Congress down with him. Enjoy screaming into the wind out in that political wilderness your irrational rage, hatred, and bigotry has brought you to.

If Trump loses it's because he wanted to act like a goofy-ass liberal instead of embracing conservatism.

My bigotry toward radical Islam is very rational. They have declared fatwas and edicts to exterminate infidels (us) and Jews. They aren't going to stop-- they religiously believe their God has commanded them to do this. You think calling me a bigot is going to prevent me from protecting my family and myself? You must be smoking crack? :dunno:

You want to jump to their defense by proclaiming that all Muslims aren't extremists but the so-called "moderates" have done absolutely nothing to discourage or condemn their nutbags and most of them passively support what is going on. I have a sneaking feeling that if this were radical Christians killing homos and trannies, you'd have a completely different opinion... but since it's mostly Jews and Christians they're after, and you're a Jew-hating and Christian-loathing radical yourself, you feel like you can relate. Birds of a feather, as it were.
The problem is you have no evidence that "10% of the gumballs are poisoned". You just claim that they are. So, yeah. I'll take a great big handful, thank you. Hand them out to my kids, and family. Then we'll all laugh at you without any gumballs because of your fear, and paranoia. Mmmmm...those gumballs were good!

The problem is you have no evidence that "10% of the gumballs are poisoned".

and you have no proof 10% aren't.

But, it doesn't have to be 10%, it could be 5%, or maybe just 1%.

So go ahead and grab handfuls , pass them out to family members.

Cant' be any worse than the poison you're already subjecting them to
My bigotry toward radical Islam is very rational.
No, it's not. Bigotry, by definition, is without cause, and irrational.

They have declared fatwas and edicts to exterminate infidels (us) and Jews. They aren't going to stop-- they religiously believe their God has commanded them to do this.
No, they haven't. Muslims have done no such thing. Extremists have. It is your fear, and bigotry that prevents you from understanding the difference.

You want to jump to their defense by proclaiming that all Muslims aren't extremists but the so-called "moderates" have done absolutely nothing to discourage or condemn their nutbags and most of them passively support what is going on. I have a sneaking feeling that if this were radical Christians killing homos and trannies, you'd have a completely different opinion... but since it's mostly Jews and Christians they're after, and you're a Jew-hating and Christian-loathing radical yourself, you feel like you can relate. Birds of a feather, as it were.[/QUOTE]

Actually, it's not me that has done that, but you, and yours. When anyone points out a Christian extremists, calling for changing federal laws to make homosexuality a capital offence, or picketing military funerals, shouting obscenities at the funeral participants, refuse to allow LGBT their Constitutional rights, or any of the thousands of other things that Christian extremists do, all the time, you insist that they be viewed as "individual cases" that do not speak for Christianity, and become angry when, even though "moderate Christians" do nothing to stop them, anyone suggests that it is a symptom of Christianity. Yet, here you are doing the exact. Same. Thing to Muslims. The only hypocrite here is you.
The problem is you have no evidence that "10% of the gumballs are poisoned". You just claim that they are. So, yeah. I'll take a great big handful, thank you. Hand them out to my kids, and family. Then we'll all laugh at you without any gumballs because of your fear, and paranoia. Mmmmm...those gumballs were good!

The problem is you have no evidence that "10% of the gumballs are poisoned".

and you have no proof 10% aren't.

But, it doesn't have to be 10%, it could be 5%, or maybe just 1%.

So go ahead and grab handfuls , pass them out to family members.

Cant' be any worse than the poison you're already subjecting them to
Really? When did you stop beating your wife? You see, by your logic, prove that you have ever beaten your wife, you now have to prove that you never have. Now, let's be clear. You don't have to prove you have never been arrested for it. You have to prove that you have never done it - including all of those times you beat your wife, and were just never caught.

Good luck with that. By all means, do tell us how you are going to prove the negative assertion that you have never beaten your wife.
The problem is you have no evidence that "10% of the gumballs are poisoned". You just claim that they are. So, yeah. I'll take a great big handful, thank you. Hand them out to my kids, and family. Then we'll all laugh at you without any gumballs because of your fear, and paranoia. Mmmmm...those gumballs were good!

The problem is you have no evidence that "10% of the gumballs are poisoned".

and you have no proof 10% aren't.

But, it doesn't have to be 10%, it could be 5%, or maybe just 1%.

So go ahead and grab handfuls , pass them out to family members.

Cant' be any worse than the poison you're already subjecting them to
Or , zero percent, since you have never produced a single gumball that was poisoned.

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