A Trump surrogate just said WHAT?!?!?

The OP opens this thread as if democrats give a fuck about women.
The only thing democrats give a fuck about is controlling women.
How so? Like supporting their right to abort? Or fighting for equal pay?

Perhaps we should follow the example of Fox's ex whip master
No one has their head in the sand. I am well aware that we are in conflict with radical Islam. However, that doesn't mean that we punish all Muslims for the actions of their radicals. Should we vet Muslims coming into this country to insure that they are not radicals? Sure. And we do. But to just issue a blanket ban on all Muslims does nothing but piss of the Muslims that aren't radicals, feed the narrative of the radicals that "The Devil West' hates all Muslims, and makes it easier for the radicals to recruit more Muslims to their cause.

So, sure. Let's just ban all Muslims, and make it easier for the radicals to swell their ranks.
No one has their head in the sand.

Yes... you do.

I am well aware that we are in conflict with radical Islam.

No. We are AT WAR with radical Islam. You and I are having a "conflict."

However, that doesn't mean that we punish all Muslims for the actions of their radicals.

We have to because we don't know who is radicalized and who is not. If the religious leaders were denouncing and dejecting these people from their religion it might be different... they aren't. They continue to passively support them and play their "peaceful Muslim" card. So yes, at this point, all Muslims have to be punished with inconvenience because of this. Sorry.

Should we vet Muslims coming into this country to insure that they are not radicals? Sure. And we do.

We can't vet them and our security people admit we can't. We have no way to ensure they're not radicals. One of their primary tactics is deception.

But to just issue a blanket ban on all Muslims does nothing but piss of the Muslims that aren't radicals, feed the narrative of the radicals that "The Devil West' hates all Muslims, and makes it easier for the radicals to recruit more Muslims to their cause.

That's why we have to kill them. I'm not concerned with hurt feelings at this point. Wars can't be fought with concerns about who you may piss off.

Look, this is a war with an ideology. There are two ways to defeat it. The first way is by supplanting a better ideology to replace it... we tried that with democracy... it didn't work. We can debate why it didn't work but the fact remains, it didn't work. That leaves us with Option Two... total annihilation. We have to wipe them off the planet in no uncertain terms. Appeasing, tolerating and denying is not going to get the job done, it's going to make matters worse... as it has.

Trust me, if we unleash the full force of our military on this bunch of 3rd world scum, they will not be able to recruit a wharf rat. First, we have to make them respect us and we've not done that. Unlike Western culture, you don't gain their respect by being cordial and diplomatic, you have to show unyielding and brutal force. That's what they understand.
There is no open door and nobody is supporting an open door... That is a lie. Everybody gets screened... I don't think anybody is opposing making the screening process as efficient as possible.

You cannot "screen" for an enemy who uses deception as it's primary tactic. I don't want an "efficient screening process" ...I want a ban on people from countries with known radical elements entering our country. If that inconveniences people, sorry... get your nut jobs sorted and we'll talk about it.
Will lefties ever get tired of parsing juicy Trump tidbits gleaned by tax exempt (thank you John McCain) Media Matters that are spun to generate temporary outrage among low information lefties? I think most Americans are beginning to tire of Media Matters "we monitor (only) conservative speech" junk. It's just fodder for the swine or the jackasses..
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So...you don't trust the State Department, the UN, or, apparently, Homeland Security. So, just who do you think should be doing the vetting?

No need to vet them... don't allow them here. Period. End of problem.
So, fuck the Constitution, fuck our American values. Let's just ban an entire people based on nothing but their beliefs. Because...yay `Murica!!!! Thanks for demonstrating that this "Exteme Vetting" bullshit is nothing more than a smoke screen to justify Trump's Muslim Ban.

Let's just ban an entire people based on nothing but their beliefs.

Yes. We should ban primitive thugs.
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Czernobog I like your Hawken quote, it is quite evident that you were describing yourself, defining the self assured liberal intellectual egotist. As someone from a military family, I Know the BS factory is the one spitting out the idea that these people are "Vetted" of all the stupid labels for a process to pick a horserace political term for the investigation of a possible terrorist. It seems the term is probably about the same for the current dimocratic socialist candidate as it is for those they want to admit. Very insufficient for a playground security guard much less an infiltrator or Traitor. Why don't we just give them a real check, to have a CDL with a HAZMAT endorsement in this country you have to pass the same background check as an FBI applicant. To have a concealed carry permit in most states you have to pass the same, to have a schedule 2 firearm permit you have to pass one that is twice as invasive, and takes longer. Why NOT make all regional immigrants pass what a citizen of this country has to? and wait till they pass to admit them just as the CITIZENS have to WAIT. OH I forgot, to liberals thinking they may get another voting block, and some more riders on the working class to punish them and bring them closer to the "riders" lifestyle any collateral damage to maintain their ruling class position is OKAY.
The OP opens this thread as if democrats give a fuck about women.
The only thing democrats give a fuck about is controlling women.
How so? Like supporting their right to abort? Or fighting for equal pay?

Perhaps we should follow the example of Fox's ex whip master
What a Dumass. How about freedom, liberty, and property rights - for starters.
BTW genius, slautering babies in the womb does in no way empower women. It demeans them.
No one has their head in the sand. I am well aware that we are in conflict with radical Islam. However, that doesn't mean that we punish all Muslims for the actions of their radicals. Should we vet Muslims coming into this country to insure that they are not radicals? Sure. And we do. But to just issue a blanket ban on all Muslims does nothing but piss of the Muslims that aren't radicals, feed the narrative of the radicals that "The Devil West' hates all Muslims, and makes it easier for the radicals to recruit more Muslims to their cause.

So, sure. Let's just ban all Muslims, and make it easier for the radicals to swell their ranks.
No one has their head in the sand.

Yes... you do.

I am well aware that we are in conflict with radical Islam.

No. We are AT WAR with radical Islam. You and I are having a "conflict."

However, that doesn't mean that we punish all Muslims for the actions of their radicals.

We have to because we don't know who is radicalized and who is not. If the religious leaders were denouncing and dejecting these people from their religion it might be different... they aren't. They continue to passively support them and play their "peaceful Muslim" card. So yes, at this point, all Muslims have to be punished with inconvenience because of this. Sorry.

Should we vet Muslims coming into this country to insure that they are not radicals? Sure. And we do.

We can't vet them and our security people admit we can't. We have no way to ensure they're not radicals. One of their primary tactics is deception.

But to just issue a blanket ban on all Muslims does nothing but piss of the Muslims that aren't radicals, feed the narrative of the radicals that "The Devil West' hates all Muslims, and makes it easier for the radicals to recruit more Muslims to their cause.

That's why we have to kill them. I'm not concerned with hurt feelings at this point. Wars can't be fought with concerns about who you may piss off.

Look, this is a war with an ideology. There are two ways to defeat it. The first way is by supplanting a better ideology to replace it... we tried that with democracy... it didn't work. We can debate why it didn't work but the fact remains, it didn't work. That leaves us with Option Two... total annihilation. We have to wipe them off the planet in no uncertain terms. Appeasing, tolerating and denying is not going to get the job done, it's going to make matters worse... as it has.

Trust me, if we unleash the full force of our military on this bunch of 3rd world scum, they will not be able to recruit a wharf rat. First, we have to make them respect us and we've not done that. Unlike Western culture, you don't gain their respect by being cordial and diplomatic, you have to show unyielding and brutal force. That's what they understand.
We had a war with Nazi ideology, too, and we didn't have to kill all Germans to eradicate it. We even invited some here to develop nukes. Your trash and burn approach is more fascist than necessary, Boss. Brute force unfairly applied doesn't lead to lasting peace.
No one has their head in the sand. I am well aware that we are in conflict with radical Islam. However, that doesn't mean that we punish all Muslims for the actions of their radicals. Should we vet Muslims coming into this country to insure that they are not radicals? Sure. And we do. But to just issue a blanket ban on all Muslims does nothing but piss of the Muslims that aren't radicals, feed the narrative of the radicals that "The Devil West' hates all Muslims, and makes it easier for the radicals to recruit more Muslims to their cause.

So, sure. Let's just ban all Muslims, and make it easier for the radicals to swell their ranks.
No one has their head in the sand.

Yes... you do.

I am well aware that we are in conflict with radical Islam.

No. We are AT WAR with radical Islam. You and I are having a "conflict."

However, that doesn't mean that we punish all Muslims for the actions of their radicals.

We have to because we don't know who is radicalized and who is not. If the religious leaders were denouncing and dejecting these people from their religion it might be different... they aren't. They continue to passively support them and play their "peaceful Muslim" card. So yes, at this point, all Muslims have to be punished with inconvenience because of this. Sorry.

Should we vet Muslims coming into this country to insure that they are not radicals? Sure. And we do.

We can't vet them and our security people admit we can't. We have no way to ensure they're not radicals. One of their primary tactics is deception.

But to just issue a blanket ban on all Muslims does nothing but piss of the Muslims that aren't radicals, feed the narrative of the radicals that "The Devil West' hates all Muslims, and makes it easier for the radicals to recruit more Muslims to their cause.

That's why we have to kill them. I'm not concerned with hurt feelings at this point. Wars can't be fought with concerns about who you may piss off.

Look, this is a war with an ideology. There are two ways to defeat it. The first way is by supplanting a better ideology to replace it... we tried that with democracy... it didn't work. We can debate why it didn't work but the fact remains, it didn't work. That leaves us with Option Two... total annihilation. We have to wipe them off the planet in no uncertain terms. Appeasing, tolerating and denying is not going to get the job done, it's going to make matters worse... as it has.

Trust me, if we unleash the full force of our military on this bunch of 3rd world scum, they will not be able to recruit a wharf rat. First, we have to make them respect us and we've not done that. Unlike Western culture, you don't gain their respect by being cordial and diplomatic, you have to show unyielding and brutal force. That's what they understand.
We had a war with Nazi ideology, too, and we didn't have to kill all Germans to eradicate it. We even invited some here to develop nukes. Your trash and burn approach is more fascist than necessary, Boss. Brute force unfairly applied doesn't lead to lasting peace.

We had a war with Nazi ideology, too, and we didn't have to kill all Germans to eradicate it.

No, but we killed a huge percentage of the fighting age men.
Tell you what, let's only take women and children under age 10.
No male Muslim 11 or older.
Send them to Syria.
No one has their head in the sand. I am well aware that we are in conflict with radical Islam. However, that doesn't mean that we punish all Muslims for the actions of their radicals. Should we vet Muslims coming into this country to insure that they are not radicals? Sure. And we do. But to just issue a blanket ban on all Muslims does nothing but piss of the Muslims that aren't radicals, feed the narrative of the radicals that "The Devil West' hates all Muslims, and makes it easier for the radicals to recruit more Muslims to their cause.

So, sure. Let's just ban all Muslims, and make it easier for the radicals to swell their ranks.
No one has their head in the sand.

Yes... you do.

I am well aware that we are in conflict with radical Islam.

No. We are AT WAR with radical Islam. You and I are having a "conflict."

However, that doesn't mean that we punish all Muslims for the actions of their radicals.

We have to because we don't know who is radicalized and who is not. If the religious leaders were denouncing and dejecting these people from their religion it might be different... they aren't. They continue to passively support them and play their "peaceful Muslim" card. So yes, at this point, all Muslims have to be punished with inconvenience because of this. Sorry.

Should we vet Muslims coming into this country to insure that they are not radicals? Sure. And we do.

We can't vet them and our security people admit we can't. We have no way to ensure they're not radicals. One of their primary tactics is deception.

But to just issue a blanket ban on all Muslims does nothing but piss of the Muslims that aren't radicals, feed the narrative of the radicals that "The Devil West' hates all Muslims, and makes it easier for the radicals to recruit more Muslims to their cause.

That's why we have to kill them. I'm not concerned with hurt feelings at this point. Wars can't be fought with concerns about who you may piss off.

Look, this is a war with an ideology. There are two ways to defeat it. The first way is by supplanting a better ideology to replace it... we tried that with democracy... it didn't work. We can debate why it didn't work but the fact remains, it didn't work. That leaves us with Option Two... total annihilation. We have to wipe them off the planet in no uncertain terms. Appeasing, tolerating and denying is not going to get the job done, it's going to make matters worse... as it has.

Trust me, if we unleash the full force of our military on this bunch of 3rd world scum, they will not be able to recruit a wharf rat. First, we have to make them respect us and we've not done that. Unlike Western culture, you don't gain their respect by being cordial and diplomatic, you have to show unyielding and brutal force. That's what they understand.
We had a war with Nazi ideology, too, and we didn't have to kill all Germans to eradicate it. We even invited some here to develop nukes. Your trash and burn approach is more fascist than necessary, Boss. Brute force unfairly applied doesn't lead to lasting peace.

We had a war with Nazi ideology, too, and we didn't have to kill all Germans to eradicate it.

No, but we killed a huge percentage of the fighting age men.
Tell you what, let's only take women and children under age 10.
No male Muslim 11 or older.
Send them to Syria.
Your wish is our command. I'm pretty sure if you looked in to it, you'd find the majority of refugees are women and kids. We select based on who's in the worst predicament.
No one has their head in the sand. I am well aware that we are in conflict with radical Islam. However, that doesn't mean that we punish all Muslims for the actions of their radicals. Should we vet Muslims coming into this country to insure that they are not radicals? Sure. And we do. But to just issue a blanket ban on all Muslims does nothing but piss of the Muslims that aren't radicals, feed the narrative of the radicals that "The Devil West' hates all Muslims, and makes it easier for the radicals to recruit more Muslims to their cause.

So, sure. Let's just ban all Muslims, and make it easier for the radicals to swell their ranks.
No one has their head in the sand.

Yes... you do.

I am well aware that we are in conflict with radical Islam.

No. We are AT WAR with radical Islam. You and I are having a "conflict."

However, that doesn't mean that we punish all Muslims for the actions of their radicals.

We have to because we don't know who is radicalized and who is not. If the religious leaders were denouncing and dejecting these people from their religion it might be different... they aren't. They continue to passively support them and play their "peaceful Muslim" card. So yes, at this point, all Muslims have to be punished with inconvenience because of this. Sorry.

Should we vet Muslims coming into this country to insure that they are not radicals? Sure. And we do.

We can't vet them and our security people admit we can't. We have no way to ensure they're not radicals. One of their primary tactics is deception.

But to just issue a blanket ban on all Muslims does nothing but piss of the Muslims that aren't radicals, feed the narrative of the radicals that "The Devil West' hates all Muslims, and makes it easier for the radicals to recruit more Muslims to their cause.

That's why we have to kill them. I'm not concerned with hurt feelings at this point. Wars can't be fought with concerns about who you may piss off.

Look, this is a war with an ideology. There are two ways to defeat it. The first way is by supplanting a better ideology to replace it... we tried that with democracy... it didn't work. We can debate why it didn't work but the fact remains, it didn't work. That leaves us with Option Two... total annihilation. We have to wipe them off the planet in no uncertain terms. Appeasing, tolerating and denying is not going to get the job done, it's going to make matters worse... as it has.

Trust me, if we unleash the full force of our military on this bunch of 3rd world scum, they will not be able to recruit a wharf rat. First, we have to make them respect us and we've not done that. Unlike Western culture, you don't gain their respect by being cordial and diplomatic, you have to show unyielding and brutal force. That's what they understand.
We had a war with Nazi ideology, too, and we didn't have to kill all Germans to eradicate it. We even invited some here to develop nukes. Your trash and burn approach is more fascist than necessary, Boss. Brute force unfairly applied doesn't lead to lasting peace.

We burned Dresden to the ground... men, women and children. And the Nazi ideology was confined to one country under one flag with one uniformed army. This is a widespread religious fanaticism that spans the entire middle east, north Africa and parts of Europe.
No one has their head in the sand. I am well aware that we are in conflict with radical Islam. However, that doesn't mean that we punish all Muslims for the actions of their radicals. Should we vet Muslims coming into this country to insure that they are not radicals? Sure. And we do. But to just issue a blanket ban on all Muslims does nothing but piss of the Muslims that aren't radicals, feed the narrative of the radicals that "The Devil West' hates all Muslims, and makes it easier for the radicals to recruit more Muslims to their cause.

So, sure. Let's just ban all Muslims, and make it easier for the radicals to swell their ranks.
No one has their head in the sand.

Yes... you do.

I am well aware that we are in conflict with radical Islam.

No. We are AT WAR with radical Islam. You and I are having a "conflict."

However, that doesn't mean that we punish all Muslims for the actions of their radicals.

We have to because we don't know who is radicalized and who is not. If the religious leaders were denouncing and dejecting these people from their religion it might be different... they aren't. They continue to passively support them and play their "peaceful Muslim" card. So yes, at this point, all Muslims have to be punished with inconvenience because of this. Sorry.

Should we vet Muslims coming into this country to insure that they are not radicals? Sure. And we do.

We can't vet them and our security people admit we can't. We have no way to ensure they're not radicals. One of their primary tactics is deception.

But to just issue a blanket ban on all Muslims does nothing but piss of the Muslims that aren't radicals, feed the narrative of the radicals that "The Devil West' hates all Muslims, and makes it easier for the radicals to recruit more Muslims to their cause.

That's why we have to kill them. I'm not concerned with hurt feelings at this point. Wars can't be fought with concerns about who you may piss off.

Look, this is a war with an ideology. There are two ways to defeat it. The first way is by supplanting a better ideology to replace it... we tried that with democracy... it didn't work. We can debate why it didn't work but the fact remains, it didn't work. That leaves us with Option Two... total annihilation. We have to wipe them off the planet in no uncertain terms. Appeasing, tolerating and denying is not going to get the job done, it's going to make matters worse... as it has.

Trust me, if we unleash the full force of our military on this bunch of 3rd world scum, they will not be able to recruit a wharf rat. First, we have to make them respect us and we've not done that. Unlike Western culture, you don't gain their respect by being cordial and diplomatic, you have to show unyielding and brutal force. That's what they understand.
We had a war with Nazi ideology, too, and we didn't have to kill all Germans to eradicate it. We even invited some here to develop nukes. Your trash and burn approach is more fascist than necessary, Boss. Brute force unfairly applied doesn't lead to lasting peace.

We burned Dresden to the ground... men, women and children. And the Nazi ideology was confined to one country under one flag with one uniformed army. This is a widespread religious fanaticism that spans the entire middle east, north Africa and parts of Europe.

Ya know, I don't know which is more disturbing - that you know all of our most vile, disgusting, universally condemned actions throughout our history, or the fact that you want to cite each and every one of them as excusing for repeating our mistakes. Hey. Here's an idea. We also owned other human beings until 1856. Why don't we take the refugees, tag them with RFD chips, leash, and collar them, and force them to be our servants. It's gotta be a good idea. After all we did it before, right?
No one has their head in the sand. I am well aware that we are in conflict with radical Islam. However, that doesn't mean that we punish all Muslims for the actions of their radicals. Should we vet Muslims coming into this country to insure that they are not radicals? Sure. And we do. But to just issue a blanket ban on all Muslims does nothing but piss of the Muslims that aren't radicals, feed the narrative of the radicals that "The Devil West' hates all Muslims, and makes it easier for the radicals to recruit more Muslims to their cause.

So, sure. Let's just ban all Muslims, and make it easier for the radicals to swell their ranks.
No one has their head in the sand.

Yes... you do.

I am well aware that we are in conflict with radical Islam.

No. We are AT WAR with radical Islam. You and I are having a "conflict."

However, that doesn't mean that we punish all Muslims for the actions of their radicals.

We have to because we don't know who is radicalized and who is not. If the religious leaders were denouncing and dejecting these people from their religion it might be different... they aren't. They continue to passively support them and play their "peaceful Muslim" card. So yes, at this point, all Muslims have to be punished with inconvenience because of this. Sorry.

Should we vet Muslims coming into this country to insure that they are not radicals? Sure. And we do.

We can't vet them and our security people admit we can't. We have no way to ensure they're not radicals. One of their primary tactics is deception.

But to just issue a blanket ban on all Muslims does nothing but piss of the Muslims that aren't radicals, feed the narrative of the radicals that "The Devil West' hates all Muslims, and makes it easier for the radicals to recruit more Muslims to their cause.

That's why we have to kill them. I'm not concerned with hurt feelings at this point. Wars can't be fought with concerns about who you may piss off.

Look, this is a war with an ideology. There are two ways to defeat it. The first way is by supplanting a better ideology to replace it... we tried that with democracy... it didn't work. We can debate why it didn't work but the fact remains, it didn't work. That leaves us with Option Two... total annihilation. We have to wipe them off the planet in no uncertain terms. Appeasing, tolerating and denying is not going to get the job done, it's going to make matters worse... as it has.

Trust me, if we unleash the full force of our military on this bunch of 3rd world scum, they will not be able to recruit a wharf rat. First, we have to make them respect us and we've not done that. Unlike Western culture, you don't gain their respect by being cordial and diplomatic, you have to show unyielding and brutal force. That's what they understand.
We had a war with Nazi ideology, too, and we didn't have to kill all Germans to eradicate it. We even invited some here to develop nukes. Your trash and burn approach is more fascist than necessary, Boss. Brute force unfairly applied doesn't lead to lasting peace.

We burned Dresden to the ground... men, women and children. And the Nazi ideology was confined to one country under one flag with one uniformed army. This is a widespread religious fanaticism that spans the entire middle east, north Africa and parts of Europe.

Ya know, I don't know which is more disturbing - that you know all of our most vile, disgusting, universally condemned actions throughout our history, or the fact that you want to cite each and every one of them as excusing for repeating our mistakes. Hey. Here's an idea. We also owned other human beings until 1856. Why don't we take the refugees, tag them with RFD chips, leash, and collar them, and force them to be our servants. It's gotta be a good idea. After all we did it before, right?

Nah, let's set up a safe zone in Syria, instead.
The Saudis can pay for it.
Ya know, I don't know which is more disturbing - that you know all of our most vile, disgusting, universally condemned actions throughout our history, or the fact that you want to cite each and every one of them as excusing for repeating our mistakes. Hey. Here's an idea. We also owned other human beings until 1856. Why don't we take the refugees, tag them with RFD chips, leash, and collar them, and force them to be our servants. It's gotta be a good idea. After all we did it before, right?

We never RFD chipped anyone and forced them to be our servants. Wealthy white Europeans brought the age-old practice of slavery to this country and it took us a while to get rid of it. The main reason we did so was because it was a BAD idea for a country dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Refugees in some terrorist shithole are not my problem. I don't want them coming into my country because they could be radicalized and we have no way to know. You're obviously too stupid to understand this and people like yourself just need to be marginalized and kept from political power.

Hey... here's an idea... we round up miscreants like you and put you in and internment camp until we get the radical Islam problem under control. Worked for your idol, FDR!
Ya know, I don't know which is more disturbing - that you know all of our most vile, disgusting, universally condemned actions throughout our history, or the fact that you want to cite each and every one of them as excusing for repeating our mistakes. Hey. Here's an idea. We also owned other human beings until 1856. Why don't we take the refugees, tag them with RFD chips, leash, and collar them, and force them to be our servants. It's gotta be a good idea. After all we did it before, right?

We never RFD chipped anyone and forced them to be our servants. Wealthy white Europeans brought the age-old practice of slavery to this country and it took us a while to get rid of it. The main reason we did so was because it was a BAD idea for a country dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Refugees in some terrorist shithole are not my problem. I don't want them coming into my country because they could be radicalized and we have no way to know. You're obviously too stupid to understand this and people like yourself just need to be marginalized and kept from political power.

Hey... here's an idea... we round up miscreants like you and put you in and internment camp until we get the radical Islam problem under control. Worked for your idol, FDR!
I understand perfectly. You're a skeered little pussy who is so concerned about your paranoid delusions that someone is "going to get you", that you would turn your back on suffering, and choose the points in our history when we were at our absolute worst, when we were petty, stupid, irrational, and unjust to excuse your un-American attitude.
Stop projecting.
That's funny. The little pussy afraid of the mean men in the turbans thinks he's clever. Remind us all, who is it that is so skeered of the mean Muslim men, that he thinks we have to ban them all? Yeah, that's what I thought. No projecting here.

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That's funny. The little pussy afraid of the mean men in the turbans thinks he's clever. Remind us all, who is it that is so skeered of the mean Muslim men, that he thinks we have to ban them all? Yeah, that's what I thought. No projecting here.

Yes, it's projecting... here is what YOU said... to just issue a blanket ban on all Muslims does nothing but piss of the Muslims that aren't radicals, feed the narrative of the radicals that "The Devil West' hates all Muslims, and makes it easier for the radicals to recruit more Muslims to their cause.

So your fear is that we will piss them off even more and cause them to recruit more terrorists. I don't have any fear... I know full well we can eradicate this bunch of 7th century barbarians in pick-ups with our state-of-the art military technology. I want them to recruit all they can! Hell, you need to go join them too, if you believe in their cause so much... the more they sign up, the easier it will be to eliminate them all at once.

This ignorantly sticking your head in the sand is what has gotten into such a fucking mess to begin with. And this insanity of letting them pour into our country where they WILL commit acts of terror like they already have in Orlando, San Bernadino and Ft. Hood.... that's just left-wing kookery. You've lost what little goddamn mind you had.

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