A rogues gallery.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Read it and weep. These people, individually and collectively, are lying shite. Scum.

Read it and weep. These people, individually and collectively, are lying shite. Scum.


For an empire upon which the sun never sets, there are no hard paths ahead. Just a cakewalk. If only the EU were to let that empire go, finally... Fear not, one day it'll happen, and then all is going to fall into place.
Read it and weep. These people, individually and collectively, are lying shite. Scum.


For an empire upon which the sun never sets, there are no hard paths ahead. Just a cakewalk. If only the EU were to let that empire go, finally... Fear not, one day it'll happen, and then all is going to fall into place.
Its good that this shite is being curated. It serves as a useful reminder.
Who would have thought that 27 other countries would want to protect their own interests ?
Who would have thought that 27 other countries would want to protect their own interests ?

The bigger surprise to the old-school Grand Strategists was that the good old divide et impera didn't work on the 27 - the darn scum simply wouldn't let themselves be played off against each other. And they were such a promising bunch. Can you imagine?
Who would have thought that 27 other countries would want to protect their own interests ?

The bigger surprise to the old-school Grand Strategists was that the good old divide et impera didn't work on the 27 - the darn scum simply wouldn't let themselves be played off against each other. And they were such a promising bunch. Can you imagine?
It just goes to show that you cant trust foreigners.
The bigger surprise to the old-school Grand Strategists was that the good old divide et impera didn't work on the 27 - the darn scum simply wouldn't let themselves be played off against each other. And they were such a promising bunch. Can you imagine?
It just goes to show that you cant trust foreigners.

Very funny.

In case you aren't currently in the middle of some mind-numbing Brexit-fatigue,
here and here are two articles on Brexit and "backstop", the racism at the center of the Troubles along with the seemingly flippant attempts to resurrect the Irish Problem, which I found insightful. And here is one more on how Her Majesty's government "prepares" the country for a post-Brexit world - if "to prepare" is a term that tortured you at some point in life and you'd want to get back at it.

All told, you'd still wonder what special place in hell there is for folks who start something like Brexit without so much as a sketch of a plan. Your rogues gallery should be booked there, post haste, and throw in a Camoron, too. Turns out, the most bestest argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average Leave-voter. There should be laws against being an ineducable mark, and proud of it.
The bigger surprise to the old-school Grand Strategists was that the good old divide et impera didn't work on the 27 - the darn scum simply wouldn't let themselves be played off against each other. And they were such a promising bunch. Can you imagine?
It just goes to show that you cant trust foreigners.

Very funny.

In case you aren't currently in the middle of some mind-numbing Brexit-fatigue,
here and here are two articles on Brexit and "backstop", the racism at the center of the Troubles along with the seemingly flippant attempts to resurrect the Irish Problem, which I found insightful. And here is one more on how Her Majesty's government "prepares" the country for a post-Brexit world - if "to prepare" is a term that tortured you at some point in life and you'd want to get back at it.

All told, you'd still wonder what special place in hell there is for folks who start something like Brexit without so much as a sketch of a plan. Your rogues gallery should be booked there, post haste, and throw in a Camoron, too. Turns out, the most bestest argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average Leave-voter. There should be laws against being an ineducable mark, and proud of it.

They are a special kind of stupid..At least one leading brexit figure has come out and admitted that its all bollox.

I was a strong Brexiteer. Now we must swallow our pride and think again

If we are honest, we Brexiteers have to admit that the economic arguments for Brexit have been destroyed by a series of shattering blows.

The leading Brexiteers argued during the 2016 campaign that the British economy had been held back by membership of the EU and would survive and flourish on its own. That argument is now unsustainable.

Investment-led growth has collapsed, and we need to stare that undeniable fact squarely in the face. Just look at the events of the early months of this year. They fill me – as they should fill every lover of this country – with anxiety and despair.

Nissan is abandoning its plans to build one of its flagship vehicles at its UK site in Sunderland. In January, the electronics giant Sony announced it was moving its headquarters from London to Amsterdam. Panasonic did the same in August last year.

The Japanese financial firms Nomura, Sumitomo Mitsui and Daiwa have all made clear their intention to move to other European cities. Honda is shutting its plant in Swindon. The news from Airbus (a particularly striking example of a successful pan-European manufacturing operation) is depressing.

The trickle of companies announcing plans to leave Britain has turned into a flood. It is becoming unbearably painful to read the financial news. For political reasons many are careful to blame factors other than Brexit. Do we believe them? Or is too much of a coincidence?
The bigger surprise to the old-school Grand Strategists was that the good old divide et impera didn't work on the 27 - the darn scum simply wouldn't let themselves be played off against each other. And they were such a promising bunch. Can you imagine?
It just goes to show that you cant trust foreigners.

Very funny.

In case you aren't currently in the middle of some mind-numbing Brexit-fatigue,
here and here are two articles on Brexit and "backstop", the racism at the center of the Troubles along with the seemingly flippant attempts to resurrect the Irish Problem, which I found insightful. And here is one more on how Her Majesty's government "prepares" the country for a post-Brexit world - if "to prepare" is a term that tortured you at some point in life and you'd want to get back at it.

All told, you'd still wonder what special place in hell there is for folks who start something like Brexit without so much as a sketch of a plan. Your rogues gallery should be booked there, post haste, and throw in a Camoron, too. Turns out, the most bestest argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average Leave-voter. There should be laws against being an ineducable mark, and proud of it.

Dont worry the continentals are barely holding it together.
the Italians just OK'd looser gun laws and changed self defense laws .
humm wonder why they would feel the need to do such a thing .
YOU can NOW own an AR15 in Italy ...the continent is going to get saucy

id call ya lucky to be on gods lil island ....but well ya know
its going to be someones else god and island

got knives ?
The bigger surprise to the old-school Grand Strategists was that the good old divide et impera didn't work on the 27 - the darn scum simply wouldn't let themselves be played off against each other. And they were such a promising bunch. Can you imagine?
It just goes to show that you cant trust foreigners.

Very funny.

In case you aren't currently in the middle of some mind-numbing Brexit-fatigue,
here and here are two articles on Brexit and "backstop", the racism at the center of the Troubles along with the seemingly flippant attempts to resurrect the Irish Problem, which I found insightful. And here is one more on how Her Majesty's government "prepares" the country for a post-Brexit world - if "to prepare" is a term that tortured you at some point in life and you'd want to get back at it.

All told, you'd still wonder what special place in hell there is for folks who start something like Brexit without so much as a sketch of a plan. Your rogues gallery should be booked there, post haste, and throw in a Camoron, too. Turns out, the most bestest argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average Leave-voter. There should be laws against being an ineducable mark, and proud of it.

Dont worry the continentals are barely holding it together.
the Italians just OK'd looser gun laws and changed self defense laws .
humm wonder why they would feel the need to do such a thing .
YOU can NOW own an AR15 in Italy ...the continent is going to get saucy

id call ya lucky to be on gods lil island ....but well ya know
its going to be someones else god and island

got knives ?

Yes, the Italians are now second only to America when it comes to gun crime. More guns =more gun violence.
Dont worry the continentals are barely holding it together.
the Italians just OK'd looser gun laws and changed self defense laws .
humm wonder why they would feel the need to do such a thing .
YOU can NOW own an AR15 in Italy ...the continent is going to get saucy

id call ya lucky to be on gods lil island ....but well ya know
its going to be someones else god and island

got knives ?

Care to clarify? What made you think this thread couldn't do without the illiterate, non-responsive, non-pertinent blab above?

Ah, I guess, it was my somewhat careless mention of "ineducable marks", and you thought your mindless gun-nuttery was a splendid example for same.

Okay, I'll make a note to self...

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