A question for Christians only please

Ninja, Jesus does know your heart, and is the strongest where you are weakest. Don't blame yourself, fortify yourself. Give it to God and whenever Satan puts the thought in your mind, refuse to accommodate it at once. Remove it immediately and hum a favorite hymn or concentrate on a favorite verse. Darkness and light can not inhabit the same place at the same time, so in the presence of light, darkness has to flee.
Problem with that is, when an evil spirit leaves, it creates a vacancy. The spirit your dealing with can return and refill that vacancy and bring a dozen of his friends, so when you dismiss that thought, be sure to fill it with the Spirit of the Lord. You may have to call on His Spirit every 5 minutes for a while, because what you're struggling with is pleasurable and habitual, and almost impossible to avoid in this day and age.
This is a mind over matter situation. His mind over your matter. Have a favorite Christian book to lose yourself in or a favorite tape to sing to and make a tangible move to switch habits. Rely on the Spirit of God to conquer the darkness, every single time it shows up and then relax. There is nothing He can't do.
In fact refer to the habit in the past tense, as if the problem is already solved. Avoid pitfalls, and if there are times the force is worse than others, challenge your mind with a new interest. Build something in the evenings, paint something, write about your strength, find a Bible study group. Christ is stronger than any problem you have. So are you. Tell your mind, no.

always thoughtful posts friend.
If you aren't going to take my actual, serious advice about working out, making yourself look good and feel good, adjusting your appearance, and then finding a girl to enjoy physically...

Just... go get a Jesus tattoo on the palm of your hand lol

Problem solved

Bad, bad, bad. Besides, the OP only wanted Christians to reply here. Are you one?
teddy, your avi looks like Tim Thomas the NHL goalie.

It's actually me standing on the Mt of Olives in 2011 when I had longer hair. Some Arab insisted I try that head thing on for a picture, then forced me to buy it afterwards. Damn Arabs, lol. I think I got away from him for about 30 shekels. My sister Photoshopped it to change my t-shirt into a tunic thingy or whatever you call it.
teddy, your avi looks like Tim Thomas the NHL goalie.

It's actually me standing on the Mt of Olives in 2011 when I had longer hair. Some Arab insisted I try that head thing on for a picture, then forced me to buy it afterwards. Damn Arabs, lol. I think I got away from him for about 30 shekels. My sister Photoshopped it to change my t-shirt into a tunic thingy or whatever you call it.

We call it a "Man-Dress".
If you ask Jesus to forgive your sins, He will forgive them - time and again. Believing that Jesus is your savior will keep you out of Hell. That doesn't mean that you are home free. All of us will stand before Jesus for an accounting of our lives. I agree with Judicial review that you need to be with Christian people, get involved in a church, and stay busy. Pray for the wisdom and strength to get beyond this sin. Your prayers will be answered. Good luck.
If you ask Jesus to forgive your sins, He will forgive them - time and again. Believing that Jesus is your savior will keep you out of Hell. That doesn't mean that you are home free. All of us will stand before Jesus for an accounting of our lives. I agree with Judicial review that you need to be with Christian people, get involved in a church, and stay busy. Pray for the wisdom and strength to get beyond this sin. Your prayers will be answered. Good luck.

Yes sins will be forgiven by asking for it, but you have to mean it too. I remember going to a Catholic church when I was a kid for a couple years and I watched these people go to confession, get a clean soul and then go right back out and do it all again the next week. Then the next week they would be back in the confessional asking forgiveness for the exact same things they asked forgiveness for the last week.

I have already gone on record as saying this topic that Ninja has brought up isn't a problem (although I am in the minority one that one), but if someone is going to take that path you can't have a daily wank in the shower and then just say "sorry God" while you are taking a shave and call it good. You have to mean it.
If you ask Jesus to forgive your sins, He will forgive them - time and again. Believing that Jesus is your savior will keep you out of Hell. That doesn't mean that you are home free. All of us will stand before Jesus for an accounting of our lives. I agree with Judicial review that you need to be with Christian people, get involved in a church, and stay busy. Pray for the wisdom and strength to get beyond this sin. Your prayers will be answered. Good luck.

Yes sins will be forgiven by asking for it, but you have to mean it too. I remember going to a Catholic church when I was a kid for a couple years and I watched these people go to confession, get a clean soul and then go right back out and do it all again the next week. Then the next week they would be back in the confessional asking forgiveness for the exact same things they asked forgiveness for the last week.

I have already gone on record as saying this topic that Ninja has brought up isn't a problem (although I am in the minority one that one), but if someone is going to take that path you can't have a daily wank in the shower and then just say "sorry God" while you are taking a shave and call it good. You have to mean it.
If you ask Jesus to forgive your sins, He will forgive them - time and again. Believing that Jesus is your savior will keep you out of Hell. That doesn't mean that you are home free. All of us will stand before Jesus for an accounting of our lives. I agree with Judicial review that you need to be with Christian people, get involved in a church, and stay busy. Pray for the wisdom and strength to get beyond this sin. Your prayers will be answered. Good luck.

Yes sins will be forgiven by asking for it, but you have to mean it too. I remember going to a Catholic church when I was a kid for a couple years and I watched these people go to confession, get a clean soul and then go right back out and do it all again the next week. Then the next week they would be back in the confessional asking forgiveness for the exact same things they asked forgiveness for the last week.

I have already gone on record as saying this topic that Ninja has brought up isn't a problem (although I am in the minority one that one), but if someone is going to take that path you can't have a daily wank in the shower and then just say "sorry God" while you are taking a shave and call it good. You have to mean it.
If a person is that troubled about a sin, I would think that he would be sincere about asking for forgiveness. Of course Jesus knows his heart, and would know about his sincerity or lack of same.
Being a protestant rather than a Catholic, I don't need a middle man to speak to Jesus for me. For those who do, again Jesus knows their hearts, and I am certain that everything will be worked out. Everyone sins. Everyone needs to ask forgiveness by Jesus.
If a person is that troubled about a sin, I would think that he would be sincere about asking for forgiveness. Of course Jesus knows his heart, and would know about his sincerity or lack of same.
Being a protestant rather than a Catholic, I don't need a middle man to speak to Jesus for me. For those who do, again Jesus knows their hearts, and I am certain that everything will be worked out. Everyone sins. Everyone needs to ask forgiveness by Jesus.

It is not a "middle man". The Catholic faith encompasses all that Jesus taught and acted upon during his time on earth. He was baptized and commanded that we be baptized. The Last Supper instituted Communion, and commanded we do this in remembrance of him. And...Jesus was present, in the flesh, to tell people, "Your sins are forgiven."

A Catholic would no more announce the forgiveness of his own sins than he would baptize himself or lay hands on himself for healing.

Non-Catholics may not know that Catholics do ask for forgiveness of sins in their daily prayers, before the celebration of every Eucharist. In addition, we take part in the Sacramental Rite of Reconciliation that Christ was so much a part of here on Earth. We actually hear the words, "Your sins are forgiven."

Christ meant for us to come together as a community, with himself the central figure. Catholics honor him, his life, and the gifts he gave to us. The Sacraments are a grace-filled part of our prayer life.
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don't see too many Christians without right hands

matt 5:30

"And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body" :uhoh3::uhoh3:
If a person is that troubled about a sin, I would think that he would be sincere about asking for forgiveness. Of course Jesus knows his heart, and would know about his sincerity or lack of same.
Being a protestant rather than a Catholic, I don't need a middle man to speak to Jesus for me. For those who do, again Jesus knows their hearts, and I am certain that everything will be worked out. Everyone sins. Everyone needs to ask forgiveness by Jesus.

It is not a "middle man". The Catholic faith encompasses all that Jesus taught and acted upon during his time on earth. He was baptized and commanded that we be baptized. The Last Supper instituted Communion, and commanded we do this in remembrance of him. And...Jesus was present, in the flesh, to tell people, "Your sins are forgiven."

A Catholic would no more announce the forgiveness of his own sins than he would baptize himself or lay hands on himself for healing.

Non-Catholics may not know that Catholics do ask for forgiveness of sins in their daily prayers, before the celebration of every Eucharist. In addition, we take part in the Sacramental Rite of Reconciliation that Christ was so much a part of here on Earth. We actually hear the words, "Your sins are forgiven."

Christ meant for us to come together as a community, with himself the central figure. Catholics honor him, his life, and the gifts he gave to us. The Sacraments are a grace-filled part of our prayer life.
I really hope you are not talking about masturbation. The old testament story about spilling your seed is a story about disobience not masturbation. Its better to masturbate than to commit fornication. If that is your sin you can ease off yourself.

So masturbation is not a sin?

It is a sin because it involves lust, but unlike most sins, it's largely unavoidable. Pubescent children discover it and it really can't be suppressed because it's a part of growing up and learning how one's body works. The Catholic Church talks about the mitigating culpability of masturbation whereas Protestants tend to pretend that it doesn't exist, and if you do it, you better just keep it to yourself. They see black and white in masturbation when in fact there are many shades of gray between.

Somewhere in between "it isn't a sin" and "you'll go to hell because of it" lies the truth.
You know.............many people over the years in their zeal to "out purify" and show God how good they really are have kinda messed up the definition of sin.

First off.............there are ZERO commandments about pornography or masturbation. If you have any questions, consult your Bible and check out the 7 Noahide Commandments or the 10 Commandments that were handed down to Moses.

If it's not contained in there, I don't worry about it. If it is, I follow the commandment.

Drinking is NOT a sin, because wine was considered to be a gift from God to gladden the hearts of men, says so in the Bible. However, in the book Song of Solomon, there are guidelines that say you shouldn't be a drunkard, because being in that state makes it easier for you to sin, because your inhibitions have been reduced.

Quite a few people call things "sins" when in reality they aren't.

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