Zone1 Christians are commanded to hate evil


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Christians are taught time and again in the Bible to hate evil and that hating evil is the fear of the Lord and beginning of wisdom.

However, as we see Christians continually being told to accept and be tolerant of what the Bible declares as evil, we see this less and less.

From my vantage point, there are two types of Christians who openly abhor evil. There is the Church Lady approach, bashing people for sinning in order to make themselves feel superior, but in no way caring for that person. I don't advocate that. Or we take the Jesus approach, which I do advocate.

Jesus was confronted with the woman caught in adultery. By Mosaic law, she was to be stoned. So, the religious leaders of his day came to him and forced him to take a stand on what should be done to her. He then told them, "He who is without sin, cast the first stone". They then all walked away, convicted of their own sins.

This is pretty much what most people know about the story. However, Jesus did not stop there. He was not interested in just sparing her life for that small moment, he wanted to set her free. He then cast out demons from the woman, and then told her, "Go, and sin no more." That was a warning so that worst things did not befall her.

Today's Christian appears to only want to spare the woman's life and just accept her as is, no matter how as, but then not follow up with the possible other two needed interventions. And God forbid a Christian should judge a sin to be a sin!!

I think many Christians are Ok with that same woman continuing as she did in adultery as being none of their business or maybe saying that adultery is not really a sin or maybe not that big of a sin since everyone sins. After all, they know the commandment not to be judgmental after all, but that is clearly a misinterpretation of scripture since that was not the approach of Jesus who clearly saw adultery as wrong.

I started another thread on a similar thought. We have a Pope that is essentially turning a blind eye to sin, which keeps a person in captivity that eventually leads to death, all in the name of inclusiveness. Obviously, such "Christians" do not hate sin, and/or have no concern for those held in captivity to such sins that will lead to their own demise as well as the subsequent demise of society.
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I started another thread on a similar thought. We have a Pope that is essentially turning a blind eye to sin, which keeps a person in captivity that eventually leads to death, all in the name of inclusiveness. Obviously, such "Christians" do not hate sin, and/or have no concern for those held in captivity to such sins that will lead to their own demise as well as the subsequent demise of society.
A quote comes to mind: It is important that people know what you stand for. It is equally important that they know what you won't stand for.

Language is a large part of the problem. Call people who rightfully condemn sin "oppressors". The language shoves those who are in the right into the "wrong." We need to learn to use language that rightfully strikes back.

Another problem is that love and mercy constantly want to temper justice. Get people to feel sorry for someone and presto, no bail, no jail.

Placing mercy over justice tips things upside down. Justice first. Mercy is how to treat criminals after they have paid for their crimes and done their time.
As the Bible actually said ,
And God created Man in OUR image .

The last thing the Elohim wanted was their creations behaving outside of test limits and requirements.
So they imposed Authority .

Humans have ever since found it impossible to live outside of it and its impregnated consequences .

Good -- Evil -

And Cult Christianity has been just one clever way they found to impose Authority , with some long term carrot promises plus Punishment and Guilt to keep us in order.
Now they are seeking a fresh way as Religions based on Fear near the end of their time .

The End of Times is right now but not the one you Cultists believe .
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As the Bible actually said ,
And God created Man in OUR image .

The last thing the Elohim wanted was their creations behaving outside of test limits and requirements.
So they imposed Authority .

Humans have ever since found it impossible to live outside of it and its impregnated consequences .

Good -- Evil -

And Cult Christianity has been just one clever way they found to impose Authority , with some long term carrot promises plus Punishment and Guilt to keep us in order.
Now they are seeking a fresh way as Religions based on Fear near the end of their time .

The End of Times is right now but not the one you Cultists believe .
The Catholic church has a long history of embracing theocracy, something I'm not in favor of whatsoever. The Founding Fathers saw this abuse the most in England as the state preached from the pulpit and wanted none of it. With the Catholic church, they used the politics of man to abuse and oppress people, with their Inquisitions and burning at the stake, their Jewish Ghettos and centuries and centuries of Jewish oppression that climaxed with the Holocaust, and Crusades. To this day those in the Middle East refer to Christians as Crusaders. Constantine set up a theocracy and Christianity to advance his worldly power. Here is a man who made Christianity the religion of his kingdom but did not convert himself as he continued to worship the pagan gods. Here is a man who murdered his own son and wife as he helped establish the Catholic order, although it is rumored he converted on his death bed. This is a man who knew nothing of the teaching of Christ and did not care about them much his entire life.

Christ did not mix the politics of man with the gospel and neither should we.

However, does that mean that Christians cannot participate in politics? No. Clearly, this was not what the Founding Fathers were talking about as they were people of faith who interacted with politics. Why should Christians not be able to vote their conscience and beliefs like those not of faith do on such issues as abortion? What does believing in God have to do with anything regarding having a voice within society?

As for Christianity being a cult, and religion, any church, can become a cult once the focus rests on a person or organization and not God. It can even happen overnight in anyone's church, such as the one Jim Jones, the Marxist, ran.
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A quote comes to mind: It is important that people know what you stand for. It is equally important that they know what you won't stand for.

Language is a large part of the problem. Call people who rightfully condemn sin "oppressors". The language shoves those who are in the right into the "wrong." We need to learn to use language that rightfully strikes back.

Another problem is that love and mercy constantly want to temper justice. Get people to feel sorry for someone and presto, no bail, no jail.

Placing mercy over justice tips things upside down. Justice first. Mercy is how to treat criminals after they have paid for their crimes and done their time.
The Left says they are all about social justice, but social justice includes being able to defend yourself. This is a human right.

Unfortunately, the Left uses the term social justice to virtue signal as they deny people the right to defend themselves, whether it is defending themselves in the womb, at home, on the streets, or anywhere else for that matter.

At least the Left is consistent as they champion the rights of abortionists and deny there is really life in the womb to protect at any stage of development, they champion the rights of criminals as they object to a murder being put to death so they can't murder anymore, and they object to gun rights for citizens who are law abiding while championing Hamas as they murder innocent Israelis with guns who scream cease fire once they try to defend themselves.

And yes, the Zionists have a right to defend themselves as well. In fact, it is shameful that a very small percentage of the Zionists even have guns to defend themselves. Of all people, they should arm themselves like the citizens of Texas do.
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Christ was no pacifist.

Being a Christian is having the wisdom to know when to turn the other cheek, and when to grab the whip instead.

As the Bible actually said ,
And God created Man in OUR image .

The last thing the Elohim wanted was their creations behaving outside of test limits and requirements.
So they imposed Authority .
Perhaps the best teacher I ever had was an atheist Jew whose first language was Hebrew. He noted that sometimes a plural was used to emphasize the importance/power of a single person/being. He also noted that until Abraham it was common for people to think in terms of individual Gods for each person. He noted the use of The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, etc.

He noted some credit Moses with writing the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, and if that is the case then in all likelihood, Moses used the plural to emphasize the immense power/uniqueness of God compared to humans. On the other hand, many believe the Genesis story was already being told before Moses, and if that is the case the idea of many Gods accounts for the Our. Still others believe God was speaking to Angels, not other Gods. Lots to think about, and as the song goes, the ones we picks, the one we knows by.
And Cult Christianity has been just one clever way they found to impose Authority , with some long term carrot promises plus Punishment and Guilt to keep us in order.
Now they are seeking a fresh way as Religions based on Fear near the end of their time .

The End of Times is right now but not the one you Cultists believe .
Stereotyping an group by its fringe, and then labeling the whole thing a cult bypasses the truth. Only a small percentage of Christians believe in "Rapture" the brainchild of a single Christian about 1830s and brought a whole new and different interpretation to the Book of Revelation. The greater majority of Christians, or at least those who take time to actually study, roll their eyes and move on. The Book of Revelation was written in the first century about what was going on in the first century.

Catholic and Orthodox to name two, are still rooted in Judaism. Scripture is meant to guide us through this life. The Kingdom of God is entered here in this life and that Kingdom is eternal.
Jesus was confronted with the woman caught in adultery. By Mosaic law, she was to be stoned ... "He who is without sin, cast the first stone" ... "Go, and sin no more."

Christians are commanded to hate evil​

mosaic law - moses is a liar and murderer, there are no stone tablets etched in the heavens as the liar claimed and is why christianity is itself evil to worship those that made evil as a personification of the heavens for their own nefarious purposes -

as is guilty the o p of patresfamilias, "caught in adultery" - as is the 4th century christian bible - used to persecute and victimize the innocent.

jesus taught liberation theology, self determination - hate evil - is in itself, to hate - evil. as the claim of adultery. from their own book.
The Left says they are all about social justice, but social justice includes being able to defend yourself. This is a human right.
Some who advocate "social justice" forget one of the first guidelines God gave us about justice. First, no preferential treatment for the poor. Second, no deferential treatment for the well-to-do.
Moses used the plural to emphasize the immense power/uniqueness of God compared to humans.

all in the heavens are equal ...

Then God said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.”

true genesis taught by jesus ...

those that wrote the first books of all three desert religions, moses if so were the subject of the 1st century event those people gave their lives for - the repudiation of judaism - not the 4th century christian bible.
Christians are taught time and again in the Bible to hate evil and that hating evil is the fear of the Lord and beginning of wisdom.

However, as we see Christians continually being told to accept and be tolerant of what the Bible declares as evil, we see this less and less.

From my vantage point, there are two types of Christians who openly abhor evil. There is the Church Lady approach, bashing people for sinning in order to make themselves feel superior, but in no way caring for that person. I don't advocate that. Or we take the Jesus approach, which I do advocate.

Jesus was confronted with the woman caught in adultery. By Mosaic law, she was to be stoned. So, the religious leaders of his day came to him and forced him to take a stand on what should be done to her. He then told them, "He who is without sin, cast the first stone". They then all walked away, convicted of their own sins.

This is pretty much what most people know about the story. However, Jesus did not stop there. He was not interested in just sparing her life for that small moment, he wanted to set her free. He then cast out demons from the woman, and then told her, "Go, and sin no more." That was a warning so that worst things did not befall her.

Today's Christian appears to only want to spare the woman's life and just accept her as is, no matter how as, but then not follow up with the possible other two needed interventions. And God forbid a Christian should judge a sin to be a sin!!

I think many Christians are Ok with that same woman continuing as she did in adultery as being none of their business or maybe saying that adultery is not really a sin or maybe not that big of a sin since everyone sins. After all, they know the commandment not to be judgmental after all, but that is clearly a misinterpretation of scripture since that was not the approach of Jesus who clearly saw adultery as wrong.

I started another thread on a similar thought. We have a Pope that is essentially turning a blind eye to sin, which keeps a person in captivity that eventually leads to death, all in the name of inclusiveness. Obviously, such "Christians" do not hate sin, and/or have no concern for those held in captivity to such sins that will lead to their own demise as well as the subsequent demise of society.
the "hate" most referred to in the Bible is about "hating" (as in SEPARATING) yourself from material attachment to your life, your family, etc. this doesn't mean to hold on to negative energy as hate, but means to distance, distinguish or separate from.

As for "hating" evil, the Bible says RESIST NOT EVIL.
This does not mean to tolerate or enable/neglect it.
It means not to exert or waste energy fighting against things where get you sucked into the problems.

The reason the Bible says to FORGIVE wrongs and oppressors
is to hand these to God and not take on or carry those burdens emotionally.

Matthew 6:14-15
James 5:16

The way to break the cycle and patterns of evil, abuse and oppression
is to FORGIVE so we disengage, let go and give these to God's authority through Christ Jesus.
This forgiveness and agreement to let God take over
relieves the burden and breaks the cycle of abuse and injustice.
the "hate" most referred to in the Bible is about "hating" (as in SEPARATING) yourself from material attachment to your life, your family, etc. this doesn't mean to hold on to negative energy as hate, but means to distance, distinguish or separate from.

As for "hating" evil, the Bible says RESIST NOT EVIL.
This does not mean to tolerate or enable/neglect it.
It means not to exert or waste energy fighting against things where get you sucked into the problems.

The reason the Bible says to FORGIVE wrongs and oppressors
is to hand these to God and not take on or carry those burdens emotionally.

Matthew 6:14-15
James 5:16

The way to break the cycle and patterns of evil, abuse and oppression
is to FORGIVE so we disengage, let go and give these to God's authority through Christ Jesus.
This forgiveness and agreement to let God take over
relieves the burden and breaks the cycle of abuse and injustice.
We are commanded to forgive and to hate evil

Don't see how they are mutually exclusive.
the "hate" most referred to in the Bible is about "hating" (as in SEPARATING) yourself from material attachment to your life, your family, etc. this doesn't mean to hold on to negative energy as hate, but means to distance, distinguish or separate from.

As for "hating" evil, the Bible says RESIST NOT EVIL.
This does not mean to tolerate or enable/neglect it.
It means not to exert or waste energy fighting against things where get you sucked into the problems.

The reason the Bible says to FORGIVE wrongs and oppressors
is to hand these to God and not take on or carry those burdens emotionally.

Matthew 6:14-15
James 5:16

The way to break the cycle and patterns of evil, abuse and oppression
is to FORGIVE so we disengage, let go and give these to God's authority through Christ Jesus.
This forgiveness and agreement to let God take over
relieves the burden and breaks the cycle of abuse and injustice.

Nice post!
There are several Muslims here who pretend to be Christians in order to dispense their antisemitic drivel.

They are, indeed, evil.
Not a good argument. Most of Israel's Jews thought Jesus was a heretical nutcase. Were they right? They were the "greater majority"?
That's not the impression the Gospels leave with me. Multitudes flocked to hear Jesus. Unfortunately, the minority who were against him had more power--and political connections.

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