‘A President is Not a King’ – Attorneys General Blast Joe Biden For Signing Record Number of Executive Orders in First Week in Office

‘A President is Not a King
Attorneys General Blast Joe Biden For Signing Record Number of Executive Orders in First Week in Office

'A President is Not a King' - Attorneys General Blast Joe Biden For Signing Record Number of Executive Orders in First Week in Office (thegatewaypundit.com)
31 Jan 2021 By Cristina Laila

Several state attorneys general wrote a letter to Joe Biden slamming him for signing a record number of executive orders in his first week in office.
Dictator Biden has signed approximately 3 dozen executive orders in his first week in office.
Biden is unilaterally legislating and has completely ignored Congress – the Democrats control both the House and Senate yet Joe Biden is moving full speed ahead issuing executive fiats.
Attorneys general of Texas, Mississippi, West Virginia, Arkansas, Montana and Indiana, signed a letter to Joe Biden reminding him that a US president has “limited power.”
The top lawyers of each state argued “State Attorneys General in particular serve as an important check and balance as the President carries out his constitutional charges.”
“Under the Constitution, the principal political control of our government is entrusted not to the President, but to the carefully constructed Congress which serves as both sail and anchor of the federal ship of state,” they wrote. “Congress writes the laws and the President and his officers are limited under the Constitution to the role of faithfully carrying them out.”
“But a president is not a Prime Minister or a King and must respect that his constitutional office is a limited Chief Executive, not the supreme authority of the state,” they wrote, adding that “overreaching and defying Congress will not be rewarded or succeed.”
“The President is obliged by oath to obey the laws enacted by Congress. Statutory roadblocks and constraints are not mere opportunities for creative lawyering or administrative gamesmanship.”
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday evaded the question when a reporter asked about Joe Biden’s record number of executive orders.
“Since Biden has gotten into office, he’s been acting largely unilaterally. I mean we saw record breaking number of executive orders, he has not yet met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill – we are not even quite sure who he’s talking to on Capitol Hill…does the White House believe this is the best way to make policy…?” the reporter asked.
Psaki totally evaded the question and gave a non-answer which is to be expected from an administration that seized power through vote fraud.

China Joey Xi has signed more Executive Orders than Bush, Obama and Trump combined. In fact more than those number of people that attended his campaign rallies.
He’s been acting largely unilaterally. I mean we saw record breaking number of executive orders, he has not yet met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill – we are not even quite sure who he’s talking to on Capitol Hill…does the White House believe this is the best way to make policy…?” the reporter asked.
Psaki has evaded the question and given non-answers which is to be expected from an administration that seized power through vote fraud.
As Nancy Pelosi and her foloowers told us at the start of 2017 "Resist".


The China Joey Xi presidency is a lie, he will rule as the tyrant he falsely claimed that DJT is. We are now being ruled by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist Commies being led by Chinese Communist ideology.

No, that is where you are wrong freind.

Biden is a king. He is President and in the right party.

The press and courts will bow appropriately.

You lost an election. It's not the end of the world. Grow up and quit whining.
Soon 20 million illegals will all have the right to vote.

Then you won't have to rig elections anymore.
When will you enter reality and realize there is no evidence? Stop whining already.
I would alert Papa Joe and report if me if I were you.

Another insurrectionist is about.

You're just another crazy whining nut job. Why report such an easy source of entertainment?
you provide enough laughs.

Then why do you constantly whine?
‘A President is Not a King
Attorneys General Blast Joe Biden For Signing Record Number of Executive Orders in First Week in Office

'A President is Not a King' - Attorneys General Blast Joe Biden For Signing Record Number of Executive Orders in First Week in Office (thegatewaypundit.com)
31 Jan 2021 By Cristina Laila

Several state attorneys general wrote a letter to Joe Biden slamming him for signing a record number of executive orders in his first week in office.
Dictator Biden has signed approximately 3 dozen executive orders in his first week in office.
Biden is unilaterally legislating and has completely ignored Congress – the Democrats control both the House and Senate yet Joe Biden is moving full speed ahead issuing executive fiats.
Attorneys general of Texas, Mississippi, West Virginia, Arkansas, Montana and Indiana, signed a letter to Joe Biden reminding him that a US president has “limited power.”
The top lawyers of each state argued “State Attorneys General in particular serve as an important check and balance as the President carries out his constitutional charges.”
“Under the Constitution, the principal political control of our government is entrusted not to the President, but to the carefully constructed Congress which serves as both sail and anchor of the federal ship of state,” they wrote. “Congress writes the laws and the President and his officers are limited under the Constitution to the role of faithfully carrying them out.”
“But a president is not a Prime Minister or a King and must respect that his constitutional office is a limited Chief Executive, not the supreme authority of the state,” they wrote, adding that “overreaching and defying Congress will not be rewarded or succeed.”
“The President is obliged by oath to obey the laws enacted by Congress. Statutory roadblocks and constraints are not mere opportunities for creative lawyering or administrative gamesmanship.”
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday evaded the question when a reporter asked about Joe Biden’s record number of executive orders.
“Since Biden has gotten into office, he’s been acting largely unilaterally. I mean we saw record breaking number of executive orders, he has not yet met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill – we are not even quite sure who he’s talking to on Capitol Hill…does the White House believe this is the best way to make policy…?” the reporter asked.
Psaki totally evaded the question and gave a non-answer which is to be expected from an administration that seized power through vote fraud.

China Joey Xi has signed more Executive Orders than Bush, Obama and Trump combined. In fact more than those number of people that attended his campaign rallies.
He’s been acting largely unilaterally. I mean we saw record breaking number of executive orders, he has not yet met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill – we are not even quite sure who he’s talking to on Capitol Hill…does the White House believe this is the best way to make policy…?” the reporter asked.
Psaki has evaded the question and given non-answers which is to be expected from an administration that seized power through vote fraud.
As Nancy Pelosi and her foloowers told us at the start of 2017 "Resist".


The China Joey Xi presidency is a lie, he will rule as the tyrant he falsely claimed that DJT is. We are now being ruled by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist Commies being led by Chinese Communist ideology.

No, that is where you are wrong freind.

Biden is a king. He is President and in the right party.

The press and courts will bow appropriately.

You lost an election. It's not the end of the world. Grow up and quit whining.
Soon 20 million illegals will all have the right to vote.

Then you won't have to rig elections anymore.
When will you enter reality and realize there is no evidence? Stop whining already.
when will you enter reality? probably never. camera footage, sworn affidavits, ...just as easy to look into it than just say---nothing to see here...move on....so, that makes you a fucking retard like the rest of the losers in the demonRAT party...afraid of the TRUTH...something you will never understand

You have camera footage and sworn affidavits that prove 20 million illegals will have the right to vote?
1/3 of those EO's--10--were specifically to reverse T**** EO's. (T**** reversed 17 of Obama's.) ,
Another 1/3 + were Covid actions, which President Biden had promised on Day One and delivered.

Hopefully, he slows down with the "I've got a pen and a phone" style of leadership. EO's are usually direction to the President's many agencies on how to proceed on a given topic, though, and don't override established legislation. Congress always has the opportunity to do a better job of tackling a national effort to beat Covid or to establish fair and manageable immigration law. They've been too busy of late mud wrestling over who holds the gavel. Their choice.
More proof it's just VENGENCE.
Biden's poll numbers have gone down steadily since his first day in office...another first in history.....
Are low poll numbers an impeachable offense?

Biden's lowest poll numbers are still higher than Trump's ever were during the entire four years of his presidency. In comparison, Biden's poll numbers aren't anywhere near as low as that fat orange looser. .



  • 1612137104938.png
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Biden's poll numbers have gone down steadily since his first day in office...another first in history.....
But, but, but, 81M people voted for him----Bullshit.

Please present credible proof that 81 million people didn't vote for Biden, or you could just admit you are lying, and then STFU.
Or----you could present credible proof that you are not a brain washed democrat troll who disagrees with anyone who calls out your demented usurper. SMD. LOL, are you missing Political Chick kicking your ass up and down these threads?
Biden's poll numbers have gone down steadily since his first day in office...another first in history.....
Are low poll numbers an impeachable offense?

Biden's lowest poll numbers are still higher than Trump's ever were during the entire four years of his presidency. In comparison, Biden's poll numbers aren't anywhere near as low as that fat orange looser. .
View attachment 451285
No, definitely not but we have been turned over to an illegitimate invalid.
I think we'll eventually find out that Obama is the president and Susan Rice is there as his "envoy", if you will,
keeping Joe informed of King Barry's wishes and plans.

Ruling by Executive Orders then would be right in line with Obama's M.O.

There is an army of policy weasels churning out E.O.s for Joe to sign and it's not even clear if he
knows what he's signing (as he remarked while signing one of the decrees).
Biden's poll numbers have gone down steadily since his first day in office...another first in history.....
But, but, but, 81M people voted for him----Bullshit.

Please present credible proof that 81 million people didn't vote for Biden, or you could just admit you are lying, and then STFU.
Or----you could present credible proof that you are not a brain washed democrat troll who disagrees with anyone who calls out your demented usurper. SMD. LOL, are you missing Political Chick kicking your ass up and down these threads?

I love that crazy trailer park tramp. She's might be the craziest idiot here.
‘A President is Not a King
Attorneys General Blast Joe Biden For Signing Record Number of Executive Orders in First Week in Office

'A President is Not a King' - Attorneys General Blast Joe Biden For Signing Record Number of Executive Orders in First Week in Office (thegatewaypundit.com)
31 Jan 2021 By Cristina Laila

Several state attorneys general wrote a letter to Joe Biden slamming him for signing a record number of executive orders in his first week in office.
Dictator Biden has signed approximately 3 dozen executive orders in his first week in office.
Biden is unilaterally legislating and has completely ignored Congress – the Democrats control both the House and Senate yet Joe Biden is moving full speed ahead issuing executive fiats.
Attorneys general of Texas, Mississippi, West Virginia, Arkansas, Montana and Indiana, signed a letter to Joe Biden reminding him that a US president has “limited power.”
The top lawyers of each state argued “State Attorneys General in particular serve as an important check and balance as the President carries out his constitutional charges.”
“Under the Constitution, the principal political control of our government is entrusted not to the President, but to the carefully constructed Congress which serves as both sail and anchor of the federal ship of state,” they wrote. “Congress writes the laws and the President and his officers are limited under the Constitution to the role of faithfully carrying them out.”
“But a president is not a Prime Minister or a King and must respect that his constitutional office is a limited Chief Executive, not the supreme authority of the state,” they wrote, adding that “overreaching and defying Congress will not be rewarded or succeed.”
“The President is obliged by oath to obey the laws enacted by Congress. Statutory roadblocks and constraints are not mere opportunities for creative lawyering or administrative gamesmanship.”
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday evaded the question when a reporter asked about Joe Biden’s record number of executive orders.
“Since Biden has gotten into office, he’s been acting largely unilaterally. I mean we saw record breaking number of executive orders, he has not yet met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill – we are not even quite sure who he’s talking to on Capitol Hill…does the White House believe this is the best way to make policy…?” the reporter asked.
Psaki totally evaded the question and gave a non-answer which is to be expected from an administration that seized power through vote fraud.

China Joey Xi has signed more Executive Orders than Bush, Obama and Trump combined. In fact more than those number of people that attended his campaign rallies.
He’s been acting largely unilaterally. I mean we saw record breaking number of executive orders, he has not yet met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill – we are not even quite sure who he’s talking to on Capitol Hill…does the White House believe this is the best way to make policy…?” the reporter asked.
Psaki has evaded the question and given non-answers which is to be expected from an administration that seized power through vote fraud.
As Nancy Pelosi and her foloowers told us at the start of 2017 "Resist".


The China Joey Xi presidency is a lie, he will rule as the tyrant he falsely claimed that DJT is. We are now being ruled by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist Commies being led by Chinese Communist ideology.

Trump opened pandora's box. You should have said something before
‘A President is Not a King
Attorneys General Blast Joe Biden For Signing Record Number of Executive Orders in First Week in Office

'A President is Not a King' - Attorneys General Blast Joe Biden For Signing Record Number of Executive Orders in First Week in Office (thegatewaypundit.com)
31 Jan 2021 By Cristina Laila

Several state attorneys general wrote a letter to Joe Biden slamming him for signing a record number of executive orders in his first week in office.
Dictator Biden has signed approximately 3 dozen executive orders in his first week in office.
Biden is unilaterally legislating and has completely ignored Congress – the Democrats control both the House and Senate yet Joe Biden is moving full speed ahead issuing executive fiats.
Attorneys general of Texas, Mississippi, West Virginia, Arkansas, Montana and Indiana, signed a letter to Joe Biden reminding him that a US president has “limited power.”
The top lawyers of each state argued “State Attorneys General in particular serve as an important check and balance as the President carries out his constitutional charges.”
“Under the Constitution, the principal political control of our government is entrusted not to the President, but to the carefully constructed Congress which serves as both sail and anchor of the federal ship of state,” they wrote. “Congress writes the laws and the President and his officers are limited under the Constitution to the role of faithfully carrying them out.”
“But a president is not a Prime Minister or a King and must respect that his constitutional office is a limited Chief Executive, not the supreme authority of the state,” they wrote, adding that “overreaching and defying Congress will not be rewarded or succeed.”
“The President is obliged by oath to obey the laws enacted by Congress. Statutory roadblocks and constraints are not mere opportunities for creative lawyering or administrative gamesmanship.”
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday evaded the question when a reporter asked about Joe Biden’s record number of executive orders.
“Since Biden has gotten into office, he’s been acting largely unilaterally. I mean we saw record breaking number of executive orders, he has not yet met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill – we are not even quite sure who he’s talking to on Capitol Hill…does the White House believe this is the best way to make policy…?” the reporter asked.
Psaki totally evaded the question and gave a non-answer which is to be expected from an administration that seized power through vote fraud.

China Joey Xi has signed more Executive Orders than Bush, Obama and Trump combined. In fact more than those number of people that attended his campaign rallies.
He’s been acting largely unilaterally. I mean we saw record breaking number of executive orders, he has not yet met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill – we are not even quite sure who he’s talking to on Capitol Hill…does the White House believe this is the best way to make policy…?” the reporter asked.
Psaki has evaded the question and given non-answers which is to be expected from an administration that seized power through vote fraud.
As Nancy Pelosi and her foloowers told us at the start of 2017 "Resist".


The China Joey Xi presidency is a lie, he will rule as the tyrant he falsely claimed that DJT is. We are now being ruled by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist Commies being led by Chinese Communist ideology.

Trump opened pandora's box. You should have said something before
The difference - Trump's EOs were a good thing for the nation (fact). Bidens are merely a wishlist from radicals who want this country to bend under government pressures or force for them.
‘A President is Not a King
Attorneys General Blast Joe Biden For Signing Record Number of Executive Orders in First Week in Office

'A President is Not a King' - Attorneys General Blast Joe Biden For Signing Record Number of Executive Orders in First Week in Office (thegatewaypundit.com)
31 Jan 2021 By Cristina Laila

Several state attorneys general wrote a letter to Joe Biden slamming him for signing a record number of executive orders in his first week in office.
Dictator Biden has signed approximately 3 dozen executive orders in his first week in office.
Biden is unilaterally legislating and has completely ignored Congress – the Democrats control both the House and Senate yet Joe Biden is moving full speed ahead issuing executive fiats.
Attorneys general of Texas, Mississippi, West Virginia, Arkansas, Montana and Indiana, signed a letter to Joe Biden reminding him that a US president has “limited power.”
The top lawyers of each state argued “State Attorneys General in particular serve as an important check and balance as the President carries out his constitutional charges.”
“Under the Constitution, the principal political control of our government is entrusted not to the President, but to the carefully constructed Congress which serves as both sail and anchor of the federal ship of state,” they wrote. “Congress writes the laws and the President and his officers are limited under the Constitution to the role of faithfully carrying them out.”
“But a president is not a Prime Minister or a King and must respect that his constitutional office is a limited Chief Executive, not the supreme authority of the state,” they wrote, adding that “overreaching and defying Congress will not be rewarded or succeed.”
“The President is obliged by oath to obey the laws enacted by Congress. Statutory roadblocks and constraints are not mere opportunities for creative lawyering or administrative gamesmanship.”
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday evaded the question when a reporter asked about Joe Biden’s record number of executive orders.
“Since Biden has gotten into office, he’s been acting largely unilaterally. I mean we saw record breaking number of executive orders, he has not yet met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill – we are not even quite sure who he’s talking to on Capitol Hill…does the White House believe this is the best way to make policy…?” the reporter asked.
Psaki totally evaded the question and gave a non-answer which is to be expected from an administration that seized power through vote fraud.

China Joey Xi has signed more Executive Orders than Bush, Obama and Trump combined. In fact more than those number of people that attended his campaign rallies.
He’s been acting largely unilaterally. I mean we saw record breaking number of executive orders, he has not yet met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill – we are not even quite sure who he’s talking to on Capitol Hill…does the White House believe this is the best way to make policy…?” the reporter asked.
Psaki has evaded the question and given non-answers which is to be expected from an administration that seized power through vote fraud.
As Nancy Pelosi and her foloowers told us at the start of 2017 "Resist".


The China Joey Xi presidency is a lie, he will rule as the tyrant he falsely claimed that DJT is. We are now being ruled by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist Commies being led by Chinese Communist ideology.

Trump opened pandora's box. You should have said something before
The difference - Trump's EOs were a good thing for the nation (fact). Bidens are merely a wishlist from radicals who want this country to bend under government pressures or force for them.
Says you. We thought the same thing about Trump's EO's but there was nothing we could do about it. He had the power. You don't have the power to say no because you don't like Biden's. Otherwise we would have said no to Trump's EO's.

Sorry you can't have it both ways bra.
‘A President is Not a King
Attorneys General Blast Joe Biden For Signing Record Number of Executive Orders in First Week in Office

'A President is Not a King' - Attorneys General Blast Joe Biden For Signing Record Number of Executive Orders in First Week in Office (thegatewaypundit.com)
31 Jan 2021 By Cristina Laila

Several state attorneys general wrote a letter to Joe Biden slamming him for signing a record number of executive orders in his first week in office.
Dictator Biden has signed approximately 3 dozen executive orders in his first week in office.
Biden is unilaterally legislating and has completely ignored Congress – the Democrats control both the House and Senate yet Joe Biden is moving full speed ahead issuing executive fiats.
Attorneys general of Texas, Mississippi, West Virginia, Arkansas, Montana and Indiana, signed a letter to Joe Biden reminding him that a US president has “limited power.”
The top lawyers of each state argued “State Attorneys General in particular serve as an important check and balance as the President carries out his constitutional charges.”
“Under the Constitution, the principal political control of our government is entrusted not to the President, but to the carefully constructed Congress which serves as both sail and anchor of the federal ship of state,” they wrote. “Congress writes the laws and the President and his officers are limited under the Constitution to the role of faithfully carrying them out.”
“But a president is not a Prime Minister or a King and must respect that his constitutional office is a limited Chief Executive, not the supreme authority of the state,” they wrote, adding that “overreaching and defying Congress will not be rewarded or succeed.”
“The President is obliged by oath to obey the laws enacted by Congress. Statutory roadblocks and constraints are not mere opportunities for creative lawyering or administrative gamesmanship.”
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday evaded the question when a reporter asked about Joe Biden’s record number of executive orders.
“Since Biden has gotten into office, he’s been acting largely unilaterally. I mean we saw record breaking number of executive orders, he has not yet met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill – we are not even quite sure who he’s talking to on Capitol Hill…does the White House believe this is the best way to make policy…?” the reporter asked.
Psaki totally evaded the question and gave a non-answer which is to be expected from an administration that seized power through vote fraud.

China Joey Xi has signed more Executive Orders than Bush, Obama and Trump combined. In fact more than those number of people that attended his campaign rallies.
He’s been acting largely unilaterally. I mean we saw record breaking number of executive orders, he has not yet met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill – we are not even quite sure who he’s talking to on Capitol Hill…does the White House believe this is the best way to make policy…?” the reporter asked.
Psaki has evaded the question and given non-answers which is to be expected from an administration that seized power through vote fraud.
As Nancy Pelosi and her foloowers told us at the start of 2017 "Resist".


The China Joey Xi presidency is a lie, he will rule as the tyrant he falsely claimed that DJT is. We are now being ruled by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist Commies being led by Chinese Communist ideology.

Trump opened pandora's box. You should have said something before
The difference - Trump's EOs were a good thing for the nation (fact). Bidens are merely a wishlist from radicals who want this country to bend under government pressures or force for them.
Perhaps you don't know the definition of the word fact.
‘A President is Not a King
Attorneys General Blast Joe Biden For Signing Record Number of Executive Orders in First Week in Office

'A President is Not a King' - Attorneys General Blast Joe Biden For Signing Record Number of Executive Orders in First Week in Office (thegatewaypundit.com)
31 Jan 2021 By Cristina Laila

Several state attorneys general wrote a letter to Joe Biden slamming him for signing a record number of executive orders in his first week in office.
Dictator Biden has signed approximately 3 dozen executive orders in his first week in office.
Biden is unilaterally legislating and has completely ignored Congress – the Democrats control both the House and Senate yet Joe Biden is moving full speed ahead issuing executive fiats.
Attorneys general of Texas, Mississippi, West Virginia, Arkansas, Montana and Indiana, signed a letter to Joe Biden reminding him that a US president has “limited power.”
The top lawyers of each state argued “State Attorneys General in particular serve as an important check and balance as the President carries out his constitutional charges.”
“Under the Constitution, the principal political control of our government is entrusted not to the President, but to the carefully constructed Congress which serves as both sail and anchor of the federal ship of state,” they wrote. “Congress writes the laws and the President and his officers are limited under the Constitution to the role of faithfully carrying them out.”
“But a president is not a Prime Minister or a King and must respect that his constitutional office is a limited Chief Executive, not the supreme authority of the state,” they wrote, adding that “overreaching and defying Congress will not be rewarded or succeed.”
“The President is obliged by oath to obey the laws enacted by Congress. Statutory roadblocks and constraints are not mere opportunities for creative lawyering or administrative gamesmanship.”
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday evaded the question when a reporter asked about Joe Biden’s record number of executive orders.
“Since Biden has gotten into office, he’s been acting largely unilaterally. I mean we saw record breaking number of executive orders, he has not yet met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill – we are not even quite sure who he’s talking to on Capitol Hill…does the White House believe this is the best way to make policy…?” the reporter asked.
Psaki totally evaded the question and gave a non-answer which is to be expected from an administration that seized power through vote fraud.

China Joey Xi has signed more Executive Orders than Bush, Obama and Trump combined. In fact more than those number of people that attended his campaign rallies.
He’s been acting largely unilaterally. I mean we saw record breaking number of executive orders, he has not yet met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill – we are not even quite sure who he’s talking to on Capitol Hill…does the White House believe this is the best way to make policy…?” the reporter asked.
Psaki has evaded the question and given non-answers which is to be expected from an administration that seized power through vote fraud.
As Nancy Pelosi and her foloowers told us at the start of 2017 "Resist".


The China Joey Xi presidency is a lie, he will rule as the tyrant he falsely claimed that DJT is. We are now being ruled by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist Commies being led by Chinese Communist ideology.

No, that is where you are wrong freind.

Biden is a king. He is President and in the right party.

The press and courts will bow appropriately.

You lost an election. It's not the end of the world. Grow up and quit whining.
Soon 20 million illegals will all have the right to vote.

Then you won't have to rig elections anymore.

Soon America can be renamed, the Person's Republic of George Soros.
Maybe you can fool Mexicans into voting GOP like you fooled Cuban Americans.

If I were you I'd focus on trying to win legal Mexican American votes. They actually vote and they vote against you because you are such racists. And for the record, they don't care about illegals and they tend to be conservatives. So if you would stop being racists you might win more Mexican votes.
‘A President is Not a King
Attorneys General Blast Joe Biden For Signing Record Number of Executive Orders in First Week in Office

'A President is Not a King' - Attorneys General Blast Joe Biden For Signing Record Number of Executive Orders in First Week in Office (thegatewaypundit.com)
31 Jan 2021 By Cristina Laila

Several state attorneys general wrote a letter to Joe Biden slamming him for signing a record number of executive orders in his first week in office.
Dictator Biden has signed approximately 3 dozen executive orders in his first week in office.
Biden is unilaterally legislating and has completely ignored Congress – the Democrats control both the House and Senate yet Joe Biden is moving full speed ahead issuing executive fiats.
Attorneys general of Texas, Mississippi, West Virginia, Arkansas, Montana and Indiana, signed a letter to Joe Biden reminding him that a US president has “limited power.”
The top lawyers of each state argued “State Attorneys General in particular serve as an important check and balance as the President carries out his constitutional charges.”
“Under the Constitution, the principal political control of our government is entrusted not to the President, but to the carefully constructed Congress which serves as both sail and anchor of the federal ship of state,” they wrote. “Congress writes the laws and the President and his officers are limited under the Constitution to the role of faithfully carrying them out.”
“But a president is not a Prime Minister or a King and must respect that his constitutional office is a limited Chief Executive, not the supreme authority of the state,” they wrote, adding that “overreaching and defying Congress will not be rewarded or succeed.”
“The President is obliged by oath to obey the laws enacted by Congress. Statutory roadblocks and constraints are not mere opportunities for creative lawyering or administrative gamesmanship.”
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday evaded the question when a reporter asked about Joe Biden’s record number of executive orders.
“Since Biden has gotten into office, he’s been acting largely unilaterally. I mean we saw record breaking number of executive orders, he has not yet met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill – we are not even quite sure who he’s talking to on Capitol Hill…does the White House believe this is the best way to make policy…?” the reporter asked.
Psaki totally evaded the question and gave a non-answer which is to be expected from an administration that seized power through vote fraud.

China Joey Xi has signed more Executive Orders than Bush, Obama and Trump combined. In fact more than those number of people that attended his campaign rallies.
He’s been acting largely unilaterally. I mean we saw record breaking number of executive orders, he has not yet met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill – we are not even quite sure who he’s talking to on Capitol Hill…does the White House believe this is the best way to make policy…?” the reporter asked.
Psaki has evaded the question and given non-answers which is to be expected from an administration that seized power through vote fraud.
As Nancy Pelosi and her foloowers told us at the start of 2017 "Resist".


The China Joey Xi presidency is a lie, he will rule as the tyrant he falsely claimed that DJT is. We are now being ruled by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist Commies being led by Chinese Communist ideology.

No, that is where you are wrong freind.

Biden is a king. He is President and in the right party.

The press and courts will bow appropriately.

You lost an election. It's not the end of the world. Grow up and quit whining.
Soon 20 million illegals will all have the right to vote.

Then you won't have to rig elections anymore.

Soon America can be renamed, the Person's Republic of George Soros.
Maybe you can fool Mexicans into voting GOP like you fooled Cuban Americans.

If I were you I'd focus on trying to win legal Mexican American votes. They actually vote and they vote against you because you are such racists. And for the record, they don't care about illegals and they tend to be conservatives. So if you would stop being racists you might win more Mexican votes.
That's funny, because if Mexican's are conservative for a reason, then how does that help the Democrat's by opening the border or enticing them to come here in droves if they are conservatives ??? LOL
How do you know that they aren't racist also ????? LOL.

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