A Poor Deer Killed itself

Poor wildlife is running out of habitat. We try to keep a little forest area for them, but most are gone now.
Poor wildlife is running out of habitat. We try to keep a little forest area for them, but most are gone now.
If your concern is genuine, I applaud your humanity.

Even if it has to be destroyed, you can feel good about yourself.

If you're trolling??
Shoot the damn thing and put it out of its misery

I know your right, but I was hoping we could save it hubby agrees with yall. I do too,damn! I've always saved animals so I'm not use to killing one,but guess its time I grew up to facts. We got it up here now in back yard, this is making me very sad.
Your suggestion is best but somehow the event would be turned into a 'poach' violation. In Washington state we had a state Representative (Steve Fuhrman) that proposed sending road kills to the prisons for food for the inmates. I have only had to put down one animal(nightmare), Emo a 17 hand Thoroughbred race horse that competed in Spokane @ the Playfair race track. I do not eat venison or goat meat but everyone else does so I do agree with your COMMON SENSE suggestion.

Its back legs are very very strong and it almost kicked hubby in the face when we lifted it up on the wagon,I had its front legs.
Hubby use to hunt and clean animals but I never have seen one killed, and he hasn't killed for food in over 50 years, he is a big animal lover now too but thinks we should do what needs to be done.
I was doing my walk around the trail and the deer got spooked and tried to jump over 6' fence and it broke its neck I think, it can't move its front legs, but it is still alive and hubby is gone back to try to put it on wagon and nring it up here to see it we can save it.
Do what any decent person would do .

Snap its neck , take it home and cook it.

Added .
Say a prayer first . To keep the sensitive souls quiet .
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We called wilflife services,PAWS,and a few others but nobody is answering, guess most have closed down.
Our vet is 40 miles away and too expensice for house calls.
Its up here and still alive and we both prayed for it and hoped it would get better or pass on, but I'm really upset about this, so is Hubby.
I appreciate your replys just not sure what to do.
I understand sometimes it's cruel to be kind .
Your suggestion is best but somehow the event would be turned into a 'poach' violation. In Washington state we had a state Representative (Steve Fuhrman) that proposed sending road kills to the prisons for food for the inmates. I have only had to put down one animal(nightmare), Emo a 17 hand Thoroughbred race horse that competed in Spokane @ the Playfair race track. I do not eat venison or goat meat but everyone else does so I do agree with your COMMON SENSE suggestion.


When they find road kill that's still pretty much in one piece in Mineral County in Western Montana, they take the animal to a meat processor who grinds and packages it for the food bank. Such a pity for the animal, but I did enjoy a lot of food bank elk burger when I lived in Montana, many years ago.

It upsets me that they don't treat road kill the same way in my new home of South Dakota, and instead it gets eaten by coyotes and birds.


When they find road kill that's still pretty much in one piece in Mineral County in Western Montana, they take the animal to a meat processor who grinds and packages it for the food bank. Such a pity for the animal, but I did enjoy a lot of food bank elk burger when I lived in Montana, many years ago.

It upsets me that they don't treat road kill the same way in my new home of South Dakota, and instead it gets eaten by coyotes and birds.


It calms down when I rub its eyes and softly talk to it, and breathes slower, and the buzzards fly away, when we are there, the buzzards are always circling something around the rural area here.
We covered it with a blanket.

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