A Peek Into Their 'Thinking'

Yup....that was funny..

But not so funny if those three are Bilal Hadfi, Salah Abdeslam and Ahmad al Mohammad....who slaughtered Parisians last weekend.

Or maybe they were the savages who tortured these Jewish folks from Brooklyn, New York, who they found in Mumbai, India...

"The Jews who were murdered in Mumbai were tortured before they were killed, the city's top cop said Thursday.

"There are indications that they were indeed tortured, although we are yet to receive medical reports."

Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg, 29, and his wife, Rivkah, 28, both formerly of Crown Heights, were among those slaughtered last week after Pakistan-based terrorists staged a 60-hour rampage through Mumbai that left nearly 200 dead."
Experts: Jews slain in Mumbai attacks tortured

I lost my sense of humor about the vid.....

What do you call them when white guys do the same?

That is the most common, and most stupid, attempt you apologists use.

I regularly see it applied to Christians,too, to excuse the seventh century savages.

You should be ashamed.

These MUSLIM refugees are fleeing this:


If you're so keen on being in the Middle East to help the people of the Middle East, why do you wish to send them back in for their turns in the orange outfits?

Pretty sure those are Christians.

So you wish to deny that ISIS is killing any Muslims?

Fine let's debate that and see how much bigger a fool I can make out of you.
Yup....that was funny..

But not so funny if those three are Bilal Hadfi, Salah Abdeslam and Ahmad al Mohammad....who slaughtered Parisians last weekend.

Or maybe they were the savages who tortured these Jewish folks from Brooklyn, New York, who they found in Mumbai, India...

"The Jews who were murdered in Mumbai were tortured before they were killed, the city's top cop said Thursday.

"There are indications that they were indeed tortured, although we are yet to receive medical reports."

Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg, 29, and his wife, Rivkah, 28, both formerly of Crown Heights, were among those slaughtered last week after Pakistan-based terrorists staged a 60-hour rampage through Mumbai that left nearly 200 dead."
Experts: Jews slain in Mumbai attacks tortured

I lost my sense of humor about the vid.....
What do you call them when white guys do the same?

That is the most common, and most stupid, attempt you apologists use.

I regularly see it applied to Christians,too, to excuse the seventh century savages.

You should be ashamed.

These MUSLIM refugees are fleeing this:


If you're so keen on being in the Middle East to help the people of the Middle East, why do you wish to send them back in for their turns in the orange outfits?

Pretty sure those are Christians.

So you wish to deny that ISIS is killing any Muslims?

Fine let's debate that and see how much bigger a fool I can make out of you.

Putting words in my mouth...typical.
A wise wonk once said: 'Not logic, nor experience, no common sense influences the behavior of Liberals."


"Obama: GOP refugee opponents 'scared of widows and orphans'

By Jordan Fabian - 11/17/15 09:26 PM EST

President Obama is lashing out at Republican politicians who oppose allowing Syrian refugees into the U.S., accusing them of being "scared of widows and orphans."

"When you start seeing individuals in position of responsibility suggesting Christians are more worthy of protection than Muslims are in a war-torn land that feeds the ISIL narrative."

[Yet he is willing to overlook which of the two groups believes in slaughtering 'unbelievers.']

It was the second time this week Obama took aim at Republicans over the refugee issue. During a press conference Monday in Turkey, Obama called the idea of a religion test for refugees "shameful" and "not American."
Obama: GOP refugee opponents 'scared of widows and orphans'

Now.....why would anyone be concerned about allowing "widows" into the country?

Saint-Denis Paris attack live: Female suicide bomber blows herself up as police raid apartment 'with Abdelhamid ...

The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

And this other fool:

"John Kerry on Paris: At least with the Charlie Hebdo attack, there was a legitimacy, I mean rationale, to it"
John Kerry on Paris: At least with the Charlie Hebdo attack, there was a legitimacy, I mean rationale, to it « Hot Air

Legitimacy: Legitimacy comes from the Latin verb legitimare, which means lawful.Legitimacy, then, refers to something that is legal because it meets the specific requirements of the law. legitimacy - Dictionary Definition

Ha. I was was watching the coverage of the police raid in Saint Denis last night. A woman in the apartment those police raided was wearing a suicide belt and firing at police.

Women are just as capable of the violence we saw there and in Paris as men are. Plus, orphans don't have to be little children, they can be full grown men, too who happen to find a family that specializes in murdering people.

It isn't xenophobic to worry about the welfare of your loved ones.

Funny that you mention Saint Denis.....

I think of Obama every time there is a reference to St. Denis....

"According to Christian tradition, Saint Denis (also called Dionysius, Dennis, or Denys) is aChristian martyr and saint. In the third century, he was Bishop of Paris. He was martyred, with his companions Rusticus and Eleutherius, in connection with the Decian persecution of Christians, shortly after 250 AD. Denis is said to have picked his head up after beingdecapitated, walked ten kilometres (six miles), while preaching a sermon of repentance the entire way, making him one of many cephalophores in hagiology. He is venerated in the Roman Catholic Church as patron of Paris, France,...."
Denis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Neither one has his head on right.
Yup....that was funny..

But not so funny if those three are Bilal Hadfi, Salah Abdeslam and Ahmad al Mohammad....who slaughtered Parisians last weekend.

Or maybe they were the savages who tortured these Jewish folks from Brooklyn, New York, who they found in Mumbai, India...

"The Jews who were murdered in Mumbai were tortured before they were killed, the city's top cop said Thursday.

"There are indications that they were indeed tortured, although we are yet to receive medical reports."

Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg, 29, and his wife, Rivkah, 28, both formerly of Crown Heights, were among those slaughtered last week after Pakistan-based terrorists staged a 60-hour rampage through Mumbai that left nearly 200 dead."
Experts: Jews slain in Mumbai attacks tortured

I lost my sense of humor about the vid.....
What do you call them when white guys do the same?

That is the most common, and most stupid, attempt you apologists use.

I regularly see it applied to Christians,too, to excuse the seventh century savages.

You should be ashamed.

These MUSLIM refugees are fleeing this:


If you're so keen on being in the Middle East to help the people of the Middle East, why do you wish to send them back in for their turns in the orange outfits?

1. " No room in America for Christian refugees
America is about to accept 9000 Syrian Muslims, refugees of the brutal war between the Assad regime and its Sunni opposition, which includes ISIS, Al Qaeda, and various other militias. That number is predictedto increase each year. There are no Christian refugees that will be admitted.

...the Department of State is adhering with all the rigidity of a Soviet era bureaucracy to the rule that only people at risk from massacres launched by the regime qualify for refugee status. The rapes of Christian women and the butchery of Christian children do not count.

No matter how moved Americans were this Christmas season by the plight of their fellow Christ followers in Syria and Iraq, no matter how horrific the visuals of beheadings, enslavement, and mass murder, the Christians fleeing death do not engender the compassion of this president.

... Obama has no difficulty using his “phone and his pen,” as he dramatically boasts, to circumvent the law. When it comes to immigration, he had no difficulty enacting an amnesty that a federal judge subsequently ruled unconstitutional. He has had no problem circumventing Congress to change the relationship with Cuba. This president has shown that he will push back on the constraints of law when he wants to get something done.

But there are not even such constraints when it comes to the Middle East’s Christiansfleeing the brutality of ISIS and Al Qaeda." No room in America for Christian refugees

2. "Obama Doesn't Identify 147 Victims in Kenya Massacre as 'Christians' or Jihadi Group as 'Islamic'
In the wake of last week's Al-Shabaab massacre of nearly 150 Christians at a Kenyan university, President Barack Obama issued a statement in response to the attack that failed to identify the victims as Christians targeted for their faith and also failed to label the extremist group as having Islamic motivations.

Last Thursday, Al Shabaab militants raided the campus of Garissa University College where they reportedly separated Muslims from the non-Muslims andkilled approximately 147 Christians, while injuring 79.

On Friday, Obama issued awritten statement condemning the attacks, which stated that "innocent men and women were brazenly and brutally massacred."

Just like Obamalabeled the 21 Coptic Christians in Libya who were beheaded by ISIS in February as "Egyptian citizens," Obama's statement on Friday neglected to mention the glaring fact that the victims were killed solely because they were believers in Christ."
Obama Doesn't Identify 147 Victims in Kenya Massacre as 'Christians' or Jihadi Group as 'Islamic'

There is only one explanation for this.

Yes. One explanation. You can't respond to what I posted in any meaningful way.

I'm not responsible for your ignorance.
Yup....that was funny..

But not so funny if those three are Bilal Hadfi, Salah Abdeslam and Ahmad al Mohammad....who slaughtered Parisians last weekend.

Or maybe they were the savages who tortured these Jewish folks from Brooklyn, New York, who they found in Mumbai, India...

"The Jews who were murdered in Mumbai were tortured before they were killed, the city's top cop said Thursday.

"There are indications that they were indeed tortured, although we are yet to receive medical reports."

Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg, 29, and his wife, Rivkah, 28, both formerly of Crown Heights, were among those slaughtered last week after Pakistan-based terrorists staged a 60-hour rampage through Mumbai that left nearly 200 dead."
Experts: Jews slain in Mumbai attacks tortured

I lost my sense of humor about the vid.....
What do you call them when white guys do the same?

That is the most common, and most stupid, attempt you apologists use.

I regularly see it applied to Christians,too, to excuse the seventh century savages.

You should be ashamed.

These MUSLIM refugees are fleeing this:


If you're so keen on being in the Middle East to help the people of the Middle East, why do you wish to send them back in for their turns in the orange outfits?

Pretty sure those are Christians.

So you wish to deny that ISIS is killing any Muslims?

Fine let's debate that and see how much bigger a fool I can make out of you.

ISIS is Muslims.

You know....the ones you fools want to bring into the Country.
What do you call them when white guys do the same?

That is the most common, and most stupid, attempt you apologists use.

I regularly see it applied to Christians,too, to excuse the seventh century savages.

You should be ashamed.

These MUSLIM refugees are fleeing this:


If you're so keen on being in the Middle East to help the people of the Middle East, why do you wish to send them back in for their turns in the orange outfits?

Pretty sure those are Christians.

So you wish to deny that ISIS is killing any Muslims?

Fine let's debate that and see how much bigger a fool I can make out of you.

Putting words in my mouth...typical.

Obfuscation is the NYLiar's stock in trade.
What do you call them when white guys do the same?

That is the most common, and most stupid, attempt you apologists use.

I regularly see it applied to Christians,too, to excuse the seventh century savages.

You should be ashamed.

These MUSLIM refugees are fleeing this:


If you're so keen on being in the Middle East to help the people of the Middle East, why do you wish to send them back in for their turns in the orange outfits?

Pretty sure those are Christians.

So you wish to deny that ISIS is killing any Muslims?

Fine let's debate that and see how much bigger a fool I can make out of you.

Putting words in my mouth...typical.

What was your point?

ISIS’s Gruesome Muslim Death Toll
What do you call them when white guys do the same?

That is the most common, and most stupid, attempt you apologists use.

I regularly see it applied to Christians,too, to excuse the seventh century savages.

You should be ashamed.

These MUSLIM refugees are fleeing this:


If you're so keen on being in the Middle East to help the people of the Middle East, why do you wish to send them back in for their turns in the orange outfits?

Pretty sure those are Christians.

So you wish to deny that ISIS is killing any Muslims?

Fine let's debate that and see how much bigger a fool I can make out of you.

ISIS is Muslims.

You know....the ones you fools want to bring into the Country.

You're a Korean immigrant. Koreans were number 3 on Bush's Axis of Evil, remember?

Why do you deserve to be here?
A wise wonk once said: 'Not logic, nor experience, no common sense influences the behavior of Liberals."


"Obama: GOP refugee opponents 'scared of widows and orphans'

By Jordan Fabian - 11/17/15 09:26 PM EST

President Obama is lashing out at Republican politicians who oppose allowing Syrian refugees into the U.S., accusing them of being "scared of widows and orphans."

"When you start seeing individuals in position of responsibility suggesting Christians are more worthy of protection than Muslims are in a war-torn land that feeds the ISIL narrative."

[Yet he is willing to overlook which of the two groups believes in slaughtering 'unbelievers.']

It was the second time this week Obama took aim at Republicans over the refugee issue. During a press conference Monday in Turkey, Obama called the idea of a religion test for refugees "shameful" and "not American."
Obama: GOP refugee opponents 'scared of widows and orphans'

Now.....why would anyone be concerned about allowing "widows" into the country?

Saint-Denis Paris attack live: Female suicide bomber blows herself up as police raid apartment 'with Abdelhamid ...

The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

And this other fool:

"John Kerry on Paris: At least with the Charlie Hebdo attack, there was a legitimacy, I mean rationale, to it"
John Kerry on Paris: At least with the Charlie Hebdo attack, there was a legitimacy, I mean rationale, to it « Hot Air

Legitimacy: Legitimacy comes from the Latin verb legitimare, which means lawful.Legitimacy, then, refers to something that is legal because it meets the specific requirements of the law. legitimacy - Dictionary Definition

How do you Jews feel about all this clamor for 'Christians only'?
That is the most common, and most stupid, attempt you apologists use.

I regularly see it applied to Christians,too, to excuse the seventh century savages.

You should be ashamed.

These MUSLIM refugees are fleeing this:


If you're so keen on being in the Middle East to help the people of the Middle East, why do you wish to send them back in for their turns in the orange outfits?

Pretty sure those are Christians.

So you wish to deny that ISIS is killing any Muslims?

Fine let's debate that and see how much bigger a fool I can make out of you.

ISIS is Muslims.

You know....the ones you fools want to bring into the Country.

You're a Korean immigrant. Koreans were number 3 on Bush's Axis of Evil, remember?

Why do you deserve to be here?

The Liberal white flag!

These MUSLIM refugees are fleeing this:


If you're so keen on being in the Middle East to help the people of the Middle East, why do you wish to send them back in for their turns in the orange outfits?

Pretty sure those are Christians.

So you wish to deny that ISIS is killing any Muslims?

Fine let's debate that and see how much bigger a fool I can make out of you.

ISIS is Muslims.

You know....the ones you fools want to bring into the Country.

You're a Korean immigrant. Koreans were number 3 on Bush's Axis of Evil, remember?

Why do you deserve to be here?

The Liberal white flag!


If all Muslims are evil, that makes all Koreans evil.
A wise wonk once said: 'Not logic, nor experience, no common sense influences the behavior of Liberals."


"Obama: GOP refugee opponents 'scared of widows and orphans'

By Jordan Fabian - 11/17/15 09:26 PM EST

President Obama is lashing out at Republican politicians who oppose allowing Syrian refugees into the U.S., accusing them of being "scared of widows and orphans."

"When you start seeing individuals in position of responsibility suggesting Christians are more worthy of protection than Muslims are in a war-torn land that feeds the ISIL narrative."

[Yet he is willing to overlook which of the two groups believes in slaughtering 'unbelievers.']

It was the second time this week Obama took aim at Republicans over the refugee issue. During a press conference Monday in Turkey, Obama called the idea of a religion test for refugees "shameful" and "not American."
Obama: GOP refugee opponents 'scared of widows and orphans'

Now.....why would anyone be concerned about allowing "widows" into the country?

Saint-Denis Paris attack live: Female suicide bomber blows herself up as police raid apartment 'with Abdelhamid ...

The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

And this other fool:

"John Kerry on Paris: At least with the Charlie Hebdo attack, there was a legitimacy, I mean rationale, to it"
John Kerry on Paris: At least with the Charlie Hebdo attack, there was a legitimacy, I mean rationale, to it « Hot Air

Legitimacy: Legitimacy comes from the Latin verb legitimare, which means lawful.Legitimacy, then, refers to something that is legal because it meets the specific requirements of the law. legitimacy - Dictionary Definition

How do you Jews feel about all this clamor for 'Christians only'?

"you Jews"?
But I do have an affinity for those folks. A kinship.

As an American, I'm perfectly copacetic with folks who don't have a well deserved reputation for savagery.

Your position....'bring 'em in....unvetted!" is a priori evidence of mental illness.
Last edited:
That is the most common, and most stupid, attempt you apologists use.

I regularly see it applied to Christians,too, to excuse the seventh century savages.

You should be ashamed.

These MUSLIM refugees are fleeing this:


If you're so keen on being in the Middle East to help the people of the Middle East, why do you wish to send them back in for their turns in the orange outfits?

Pretty sure those are Christians.

So you wish to deny that ISIS is killing any Muslims?

Fine let's debate that and see how much bigger a fool I can make out of you.

Putting words in my mouth...typical.

What was your point?

ISIS’s Gruesome Muslim Death Toll

Not sure I give a shit if they're killing muslims.
Pretty sure those are Christians.

So you wish to deny that ISIS is killing any Muslims?

Fine let's debate that and see how much bigger a fool I can make out of you.

ISIS is Muslims.

You know....the ones you fools want to bring into the Country.

You're a Korean immigrant. Koreans were number 3 on Bush's Axis of Evil, remember?

Why do you deserve to be here?

The Liberal white flag!


If all Muslims are evil, that makes all Koreans evil.

So we have Korean terrorist killing people? Damn I must have missed some serious news.
"In truth, even a tiny minority of "1%" of Muslims worldwide translates to 15 million believers - which is hardly an insignificant number. However, the "minority" of Muslims who approve of terrorists, their goals, or their means of achieving them is much greater than this. In fact, it isn't even a true minority in some cases, depending on how goals and targets are defined."
Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the 'Tiny Minority of Extremists' Myth

40% of Indonesians approve of violence in defense of Islam.

Pew Global: 68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
15% of Egyptian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
13% of Indonesian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
12% of Jordanian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
7% of Muslim Israelis say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
Zogby Poll: Most Americans Want Strengths and Weaknesses of Darwinism Taught In Schools(Pew Global Attitudes Project September, 2009)
So you wish to deny that ISIS is killing any Muslims?

Fine let's debate that and see how much bigger a fool I can make out of you.

ISIS is Muslims.

You know....the ones you fools want to bring into the Country.

You're a Korean immigrant. Koreans were number 3 on Bush's Axis of Evil, remember?

Why do you deserve to be here?

The Liberal white flag!


If all Muslims are evil, that makes all Koreans evil.

So we have Korean terrorist killing people? Damn I must have missed some serious news.

This is where Liberals go when they attempt to defend the indefensible.
Last edited:
"White House says Obama would veto proposal for more scrutiny of refugees
...Obama would veto a proposal from Republican lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives for additional scrutiny of refugees from Syria or Iraq, the White House said on Wednesday.

"This legislation would introduce unnecessary and impractical requirements...."
White House says Obama would veto proposal for more scrutiny of refugees

Whose side is this man on???????

So you wish to deny that ISIS is killing any Muslims?

Fine let's debate that and see how much bigger a fool I can make out of you.

ISIS is Muslims.

You know....the ones you fools want to bring into the Country.

You're a Korean immigrant. Koreans were number 3 on Bush's Axis of Evil, remember?

Why do you deserve to be here?

The Liberal white flag!


If all Muslims are evil, that makes all Koreans evil.

So we have Korean terrorist killing people? Damn I must have missed some serious news.

Don't they have nukes?

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