A New Underground Railroad?

The 21st iteration of the Republican Party has regressed, and now, intentionally and not wise, has become ultra conservative, i.e. opposed to democracy, misogynistic, racist and Xenophobic. The statement of comparison with the Taliban is correct.

The fact that Texas passed a bill which denies abortion by incest or rape is inscrutable - punishing the girl or women for an event that was not their doing; those six members of the Supreme Court who rejected R. v. W. seem to ignore the 4th, 5th, 9th and 10th Amendments known as the Bill of Rights.
The fact that Texas passed a bill which denies abortion.....

The law doesn't outlaw abortion, you lying psychotic chunk of shit.
You mean other than their stance on abortion, science, religion, gays, and vaccines?

At best you guys are Taliban light
Stance on Gays. Oh you mean, what happens behind closed doors is none of our business? Those gays? Or the fucking queers who must indoctrinate children into the fudge packing diseased way of life, that we see day in and day out with the fags out there shoving their shit in our faces? Yeah, those queers...
Surprised at liberal outrage over Texas outlawing Infanticide?

If you are....perhaps your real problem is that you're really upset that your partents didn't abort you when they had the time!
It's as though the Aztecs have had human sacrifice taken away from them.
Stance on Gays. Oh you mean, what happens behind closed doors is none of our business? Those gays? Or the fucking queers who must indoctrinate children into the fudge packing diseased way of life, that we see day in and day out with the fags out there shoving their shit in our faces? Yeah, those queers...
Yup. You sound just like the Taliban
The fact that Texas passed a bill which denies abortion by incest or rape is inscrutable - punishing the girl or women for an event that was not their doing;
As ridiculous as this law is, it blows my mind they're defending the incest and rape component.

I'm telling you, I'm more convinced than ever that this stuff isn't even about abortion. This is about something else.

Still, I will hope that no woman in their lives is raped and impregnated by a fucking psycho. I won't sink to their level.
The 21st iteration of the Republican Party has regressed, and now, intentionally and not wise, has become ultra conservative, i.e. opposed to democracy, misogynistic, racist and Xenophobic. The statement of comparison with the Taliban is correct.

Authoritarian and reactionary, the Republican Party seeks to compel conformity and punish dissent at the expense of individual liberty.

Fearful of positive, beneficial change, inclusion, and diversity, Republicans pursue an anti-democratic agenda intended to establish and maintain the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
The fact that Texas passed a bill which denies abortion.....

The law doesn't outlaw abortion, you lying psychotic chunk of shit.
You are so damn dishonest I only don't put you on ignore just to prove what a clownish creep you are:

My Statement: "The fact that Texas passed a bill which denies abortion by incest or rape is inscrutable" Not all abortions are the product of these two crimes and your effort(s) of sophistry is ludicrous and dishonest.
You are so damn dishonest I only don't put you on ignore just to prove what a clownish creep you are:

My Statement: "The fact that Texas passed a bill which denies abortion by incest or rape is inscrutable" Not all abortions are the product of these two crimes and your effort(s) of sophistry is ludicrous and dishonest.
Your statement is a purposeful lie, you fucking psychotic liar.
You do realize there are only two real cities in SD and it is sparsely populated don't you?

Seems far cheaper in the long run either way if folks having sex agree ahead of time agree they don't want a baby and take proper precautions.
Maybe they should tell their rapist that they dont want a baby. That way he can go to the shops and buy some protection.
Everybody is happy then.
No.....They can get an abortion within the six-week window like anyone else.

Therefore, you are blatantly lying out your psychotic ass.
Post the evidence. Facts and evidence are anathema to you and other members of the idiot fringe.
Your statement is a purposeful lie, you fucking psychotic liar.
It's not a lie, bozo; your lies are either pathological or intentional to support something way out of touch with compassion and empathy. Each of your posts on abortion are indications that you hate women and hate me since what I post are never lies. I may make mistakes, but as a human being that is normal - you acknowledge one truth, you really are and oddball [that's only one of the flaws of your character].
A New Underground Railroad?

We’ll see a situation similar to that prior to the Civil War: organizations and efforts in repressive, authoritarian Republican-controlled states helping women travel to free states to exercise their right to privacy.

The authoritarian right will respond with Federal measures seeking to ‘ban’ abortion.
Thanks Dana - Yes .. please PM me the info and I will send a donation right now. The cool thing is that there's nothing the Idiot Governor in Texas or his flying monkeys in search of 10 grand here and ten grand there can do about this.

It is perfectly legal to assist someone to get out of Texghanistan to get a procedure. And we're about to see more corporations like Uber and Lyft covering any legal bills that may arise. Texas will also see a massive exodus of convention business, as well as corporations who were considering a move.

Would you like to know how anyone with a brain knows you're an idiot? There is nothing that makes Conservatives and Republicans like the Taliban. The fact that you can so blithely type such a stupid comparison says a A LOT about your lack of any real intellectual/mental acuity.
Sorry - It's an unbelievably apt comparison.

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