How many people agree with the following statement, and how many are ready to vivisect me for it?
Note: before condemning or agreeing,
Surely there can be some sort of peaceful resolution in the Middle East! Israel should listen closer to the UN, which has been consistently biased towards Israel since approving its creation in 1948. Peace can be established if the following steps are taken:
1) Israel returns the Golan HEights to Syria.
2) Jerusalem is made an international city with limited access to Jews.
3) Israel stops all military operations in and withdraws its forces from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
4) Israel surrenders all sovereignty over the Occupied Territories to the Palestinian Authority and evacuates ALL settlements, without exception.
5) Israel makes concessions of port cities to the new Palestinian state.
6) Israel allows all refugees and their descendants to enter Israel and be granted full citizenship.
7) Israel's army becomes voluntary, and not a draft, and its funding is limited to no more than 5% of the entire national budget.
8) America ceases payment of aid to Israel and sale of arms.
9) Israel releases all Palestinian prisoners.
10) All unused weaponry after diminishment of army is to be ceded to the Palestinian Authority.
11) The Israeli government is to pay a set sum of financial aid directly to the Palestinian Authority and to go into a trade agreement with them.
12) The UN dictates all Israeli military initiatives.
13) No Israeli may enter Palestine without permission from the UN or from the PA.
14) All Yeshivas in Israel must allot at least 20% of their seats to Palestinians.
Reading this over, I realize that anybody with these sincere views will earn my lifelong loathing. What scares me most, though, is that this list of proposals (I took out a few) actually was suggested as one of the bills our school was to submit for a Student Congress completition. Most of the people on the team forcefully refused it and the list was deleted, though I still have a copy. THe morbid thing is, another school suggested a similar bill, though not as harsh.
The above list directly contradicts my beliefs, but disregarding this notice, who supports what I said there?
Note: before condemning or agreeing,
Surely there can be some sort of peaceful resolution in the Middle East! Israel should listen closer to the UN, which has been consistently biased towards Israel since approving its creation in 1948. Peace can be established if the following steps are taken:
1) Israel returns the Golan HEights to Syria.
2) Jerusalem is made an international city with limited access to Jews.
3) Israel stops all military operations in and withdraws its forces from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
4) Israel surrenders all sovereignty over the Occupied Territories to the Palestinian Authority and evacuates ALL settlements, without exception.
5) Israel makes concessions of port cities to the new Palestinian state.
6) Israel allows all refugees and their descendants to enter Israel and be granted full citizenship.
7) Israel's army becomes voluntary, and not a draft, and its funding is limited to no more than 5% of the entire national budget.
8) America ceases payment of aid to Israel and sale of arms.
9) Israel releases all Palestinian prisoners.
10) All unused weaponry after diminishment of army is to be ceded to the Palestinian Authority.
11) The Israeli government is to pay a set sum of financial aid directly to the Palestinian Authority and to go into a trade agreement with them.
12) The UN dictates all Israeli military initiatives.
13) No Israeli may enter Palestine without permission from the UN or from the PA.
14) All Yeshivas in Israel must allot at least 20% of their seats to Palestinians.
Reading this over, I realize that anybody with these sincere views will earn my lifelong loathing. What scares me most, though, is that this list of proposals (I took out a few) actually was suggested as one of the bills our school was to submit for a Student Congress completition. Most of the people on the team forcefully refused it and the list was deleted, though I still have a copy. THe morbid thing is, another school suggested a similar bill, though not as harsh.
The above list directly contradicts my beliefs, but disregarding this notice, who supports what I said there?