A Marines perspective of the nude photos of Women Marines

Women should be banned from being in the military. This is just dumb and this is occurring and our military is being turned into a baby making factory.

How very fascist and losertarian of you, ass clown [ Matthew ].

There are lots of things women can do very well in the military/navy.

One of them is not infantry.

Another is not UDT.

Otherwise I don't see a problem with females serving.
Sitting here just now, and I saw a very disturbing event taking place on my tv.... It was a marine comander being grilled by a liberal over this alledged nude photo scandal that is taking place within the Marines currently, and it was a sickening thing to watch as a top marine commander was being whipped like he was some kind of weak piece of crap in that situation. KIDDING ME RIGHT ? Is it time to separate the services again maybe ?? What worked or was created years ago as a fighting force without the serious problems we are seeing now, could actually need to be re-evaluated, re-considered, re-invented, and re-instituted in the ways that it was years ago, because that was one sad situation going on there on that TV screen, and it had to be an embarrassment for our military forces around the world. Grandstanding political hack liberals need to be dethroned from power if they think that they can break our military forces down in front of the world like that. It was pathetic.
Thank you all for your faithful service, fellow Jarheads.

Semper Fi, do or die, urah urah, Marine Corps!

Now, that we are past the secret fraternal password, it just seems to me that the squad bay hog board has gone Internet.

What is wrong with that?

It is simply an issue of modern technology.

The old dog faced generals cannot fathom that. They are outraged because they do not understand why.

Get on with it, generals. Retire if you cannot deal with reality.
There is supposed to be a difference between your fellow marines and the skanks you date
Sitting here just now, and I saw a very disturbing event taking place on my tv.... It was a marine comander being grilled by a liberal over this alledged nude photo scandal that is taking place within the Marines currently, and it was a sickening thing to watch as a top marine commander was being whipped like he was some kind of weak piece of crap in that situation. KIDDING ME RIGHT ? Is it time to separate the services again maybe ?? What worked or was created years ago as a fighting force without the serious problems we are seeing now, could actually need to be re-evaluated, re-considered, re-invented, and re-instituted in the ways that it was years ago, because that was one sad situation going on there on that TV screen, and it had to be an embarrassment for our military forces around the world. Grandstanding political hack liberals need to be dethroned from power if they think that they can break our military forces down in front of the world like that. It was pathetic.
It should be an embarrassment to Marines around the world

That poor Commander is a Commander for a reason. He is responsible for what happens in his command. This is not an isolated incident. Abuse of female service members is rampant.
General after general has sworn to Congress that they can take care of it themselves

Obviously they can't
Sitting here just now, and I saw a very disturbing event taking place on my tv.... It was a marine comander being grilled by a liberal over this alledged nude photo scandal that is taking place within the Marines currently, and it was a sickening thing to watch as a top marine commander was being whipped like he was some kind of weak piece of crap in that situation. KIDDING ME RIGHT ? Is it time to separate the services again maybe ?? What worked or was created years ago as a fighting force without the serious problems we are seeing now, could actually need to be re-evaluated, re-considered, re-invented, and re-instituted in the ways that it was years ago, because that was one sad situation going on there on that TV screen, and it had to be an embarrassment for our military forces around the world. Grandstanding political hack liberals need to be dethroned from power if they think that they can break our military forces down in front of the world like that. It was pathetic.
It should be an embarrassment to Marines around the world

That poor Commander is a Commander for a reason. He is responsible for what happens in his command. This is not an isolated incident. Abuse of female service members is rampant.
General after general has sworn to Congress that they can take care of it themselves

Obviously they can't

It is all the women's fault. The Marines should only recruit fat, ugly women so that this sort of thing doesn't happen....:rolleyes-41:
Sitting here just now, and I saw a very disturbing event taking place on my tv.... It was a marine comander being grilled by a liberal over this alledged nude photo scandal that is taking place within the Marines currently, and it was a sickening thing to watch as a top marine commander was being whipped like he was some kind of weak piece of crap in that situation. KIDDING ME RIGHT ? Is it time to separate the services again maybe ?? What worked or was created years ago as a fighting force without the serious problems we are seeing now, could actually need to be re-evaluated, re-considered, re-invented, and re-instituted in the ways that it was years ago, because that was one sad situation going on there on that TV screen, and it had to be an embarrassment for our military forces around the world. Grandstanding political hack liberals need to be dethroned from power if they think that they can break our military forces down in front of the world like that. It was pathetic.
It should be an embarrassment to Marines around the world

That poor Commander is a Commander for a reason. He is responsible for what happens in his command. This is not an isolated incident. Abuse of female service members is rampant.
General after general has sworn to Congress that they can take care of it themselves

Obviously they can't

It is all the women's fault. The Marines should only recruit fat, ugly women so that this sort of thing doesn't happen....:rolleyes-41:
Won't work

Marines have no taste in women
Sitting here just now, and I saw a very disturbing event taking place on my tv.... It was a marine comander being grilled by a liberal over this alledged nude photo scandal that is taking place within the Marines currently, and it was a sickening thing to watch as a top marine commander was being whipped like he was some kind of weak piece of crap in that situation. KIDDING ME RIGHT ? Is it time to separate the services again maybe ?? What worked or was created years ago as a fighting force without the serious problems we are seeing now, could actually need to be re-evaluated, re-considered, re-invented, and re-instituted in the ways that it was years ago, because that was one sad situation going on there on that TV screen, and it had to be an embarrassment for our military forces around the world. Grandstanding political hack liberals need to be dethroned from power if they think that they can break our military forces down in front of the world like that. It was pathetic.
It should be an embarrassment to Marines around the world

That poor Commander is a Commander for a reason. He is responsible for what happens in his command. This is not an isolated incident. Abuse of female service members is rampant.
General after general has sworn to Congress that they can take care of it themselves

Obviously they can't
. Then the services should be separated again.. Enough is enough of the bullcrap.
Sitting here just now, and I saw a very disturbing event taking place on my tv.... It was a marine comander being grilled by a liberal over this alledged nude photo scandal that is taking place within the Marines currently, and it was a sickening thing to watch as a top marine commander was being whipped like he was some kind of weak piece of crap in that situation. KIDDING ME RIGHT ? Is it time to separate the services again maybe ?? What worked or was created years ago as a fighting force without the serious problems we are seeing now, could actually need to be re-evaluated, re-considered, re-invented, and re-instituted in the ways that it was years ago, because that was one sad situation going on there on that TV screen, and it had to be an embarrassment for our military forces around the world. Grandstanding political hack liberals need to be dethroned from power if they think that they can break our military forces down in front of the world like that. It was pathetic.
It should be an embarrassment to Marines around the world

That poor Commander is a Commander for a reason. He is responsible for what happens in his command. This is not an isolated incident. Abuse of female service members is rampant.
General after general has sworn to Congress that they can take care of it themselves

Obviously they can't

It is all the women's fault. The Marines should only recruit fat, ugly women so that this sort of thing doesn't happen....:rolleyes-41:
Won't work

Marines have no taste in women
. You got something serious to add or are you just full of bullcrap constantly ?
Sitting here just now, and I saw a very disturbing event taking place on my tv.... It was a marine comander being grilled by a liberal over this alledged nude photo scandal that is taking place within the Marines currently, and it was a sickening thing to watch as a top marine commander was being whipped like he was some kind of weak piece of crap in that situation. KIDDING ME RIGHT ? Is it time to separate the services again maybe ?? What worked or was created years ago as a fighting force without the serious problems we are seeing now, could actually need to be re-evaluated, re-considered, re-invented, and re-instituted in the ways that it was years ago, because that was one sad situation going on there on that TV screen, and it had to be an embarrassment for our military forces around the world. Grandstanding political hack liberals need to be dethroned from power if they think that they can break our military forces down in front of the world like that. It was pathetic.
It should be an embarrassment to Marines around the world

That poor Commander is a Commander for a reason. He is responsible for what happens in his command. This is not an isolated incident. Abuse of female service members is rampant.
General after general has sworn to Congress that they can take care of it themselves

Obviously they can't
. Then the services should be separated again.. Enough is enough of the bullcrap.

Service members should be expected to act like adults or get the hell out
Sitting here just now, and I saw a very disturbing event taking place on my tv.... It was a marine comander being grilled by a liberal over this alledged nude photo scandal that is taking place within the Marines currently, and it was a sickening thing to watch as a top marine commander was being whipped like he was some kind of weak piece of crap in that situation. KIDDING ME RIGHT ? Is it time to separate the services again maybe ?? What worked or was created years ago as a fighting force without the serious problems we are seeing now, could actually need to be re-evaluated, re-considered, re-invented, and re-instituted in the ways that it was years ago, because that was one sad situation going on there on that TV screen, and it had to be an embarrassment for our military forces around the world. Grandstanding political hack liberals need to be dethroned from power if they think that they can break our military forces down in front of the world like that. It was pathetic.
It should be an embarrassment to Marines around the world

That poor Commander is a Commander for a reason. He is responsible for what happens in his command. This is not an isolated incident. Abuse of female service members is rampant.
General after general has sworn to Congress that they can take care of it themselves

Obviously they can't

It is all the women's fault. The Marines should only recruit fat, ugly women so that this sort of thing doesn't happen....:rolleyes-41:
Won't work

Marines have no taste in women
. You got something serious to add or are you just full of bullcrap constantly ?
How else would you describe Neanderthals who post naked pictures of their fellow marines
Sitting here just now, and I saw a very disturbing event taking place on my tv.... It was a marine comander being grilled by a liberal over this alledged nude photo scandal that is taking place within the Marines currently, and it was a sickening thing to watch as a top marine commander was being whipped like he was some kind of weak piece of crap in that situation. KIDDING ME RIGHT ? Is it time to separate the services again maybe ?? What worked or was created years ago as a fighting force without the serious problems we are seeing now, could actually need to be re-evaluated, re-considered, re-invented, and re-instituted in the ways that it was years ago, because that was one sad situation going on there on that TV screen, and it had to be an embarrassment for our military forces around the world. Grandstanding political hack liberals need to be dethroned from power if they think that they can break our military forces down in front of the world like that. It was pathetic.
It should be an embarrassment to Marines around the world

That poor Commander is a Commander for a reason. He is responsible for what happens in his command. This is not an isolated incident. Abuse of female service members is rampant.
General after general has sworn to Congress that they can take care of it themselves

Obviously they can't
. Then the services should be separated again.. Enough is enough of the bullcrap.

Service members should be expected to act like adults or get the hell out
. And you figure it's the men that's the problem don't you ? Yes you do, and so you give the women in the services a pass as if they are all these little innocent little angels that never do anything wrong eh ?
Sitting here just now, and I saw a very disturbing event taking place on my tv.... It was a marine comander being grilled by a liberal over this alledged nude photo scandal that is taking place within the Marines currently, and it was a sickening thing to watch as a top marine commander was being whipped like he was some kind of weak piece of crap in that situation. KIDDING ME RIGHT ? Is it time to separate the services again maybe ?? What worked or was created years ago as a fighting force without the serious problems we are seeing now, could actually need to be re-evaluated, re-considered, re-invented, and re-instituted in the ways that it was years ago, because that was one sad situation going on there on that TV screen, and it had to be an embarrassment for our military forces around the world. Grandstanding political hack liberals need to be dethroned from power if they think that they can break our military forces down in front of the world like that. It was pathetic.
It should be an embarrassment to Marines around the world

That poor Commander is a Commander for a reason. He is responsible for what happens in his command. This is not an isolated incident. Abuse of female service members is rampant.
General after general has sworn to Congress that they can take care of it themselves

Obviously they can't

It is all the women's fault. The Marines should only recruit fat, ugly women so that this sort of thing doesn't happen....:rolleyes-41:
Won't work

Marines have no taste in women
. You got something serious to add or are you just full of bullcrap constantly ?
How else would you describe Neanderthals who post naked pictures of their fellow marines
. You should be disqualified to post on this subject all due to your bias here feminazi. You're Neanderthal comment says it all.
You know, I gotta say, I served with women most of my 20 year career in the Navy, and NEVER heard of the amount of crap that is going on now.
. Seems as if there is some kind of agenda going on doesn't it ?? Wonder if it is agenda driven or just a mistake to have taken the forces into this social experimentation or engineering nightmare now ?
Sitting here just now, and I saw a very disturbing event taking place on my tv.... It was a marine comander being grilled by a liberal over this alledged nude photo scandal that is taking place within the Marines currently, and it was a sickening thing to watch as a top marine commander was being whipped like he was some kind of weak piece of crap in that situation. KIDDING ME RIGHT ? Is it time to separate the services again maybe ?? What worked or was created years ago as a fighting force without the serious problems we are seeing now, could actually need to be re-evaluated, re-considered, re-invented, and re-instituted in the ways that it was years ago, because that was one sad situation going on there on that TV screen, and it had to be an embarrassment for our military forces around the world. Grandstanding political hack liberals need to be dethroned from power if they think that they can break our military forces down in front of the world like that. It was pathetic.
It should be an embarrassment to Marines around the world

That poor Commander is a Commander for a reason. He is responsible for what happens in his command. This is not an isolated incident. Abuse of female service members is rampant.
General after general has sworn to Congress that they can take care of it themselves

Obviously they can't
. Then the services should be separated again.. Enough is enough of the bullcrap.

Service members should be expected to act like adults or get the hell out
. And you figure it's the men that's the problem don't you ? Yes you do, and so you give the women in the services a pass as if they are all these little innocent little angels that never do anything wrong eh ?
Let's see......

Men posted naked pictures of women without their consent and I blame the men

Seems about right
It should be an embarrassment to Marines around the world

That poor Commander is a Commander for a reason. He is responsible for what happens in his command. This is not an isolated incident. Abuse of female service members is rampant.
General after general has sworn to Congress that they can take care of it themselves

Obviously they can't

It is all the women's fault. The Marines should only recruit fat, ugly women so that this sort of thing doesn't happen....:rolleyes-41:
Won't work

Marines have no taste in women
. You got something serious to add or are you just full of bullcrap constantly ?
How else would you describe Neanderthals who post naked pictures of their fellow marines
. You should be disqualified to post on this subject all due to your bias here feminazi. You're Neanderthal comment says it all.
How else would you describe men who betray the trust of the USMC?

I could think of a lot worse
Sitting here just now, and I saw a very disturbing event taking place on my tv.... It was a marine comander being grilled by a liberal over this alledged nude photo scandal that is taking place within the Marines currently, and it was a sickening thing to watch as a top marine commander was being whipped like he was some kind of weak piece of crap in that situation. KIDDING ME RIGHT ? Is it time to separate the services again maybe ?? What worked or was created years ago as a fighting force without the serious problems we are seeing now, could actually need to be re-evaluated, re-considered, re-invented, and re-instituted in the ways that it was years ago, because that was one sad situation going on there on that TV screen, and it had to be an embarrassment for our military forces around the world. Grandstanding political hack liberals need to be dethroned from power if they think that they can break our military forces down in front of the world like that. It was pathetic.
It should be an embarrassment to Marines around the world

That poor Commander is a Commander for a reason. He is responsible for what happens in his command. This is not an isolated incident. Abuse of female service members is rampant.
General after general has sworn to Congress that they can take care of it themselves

Obviously they can't
. Then the services should be separated again.. Enough is enough of the bullcrap.

Service members should be expected to act like adults or get the hell out
. And you figure it's the men that's the problem don't you ? Yes you do, and so you give the women in the services a pass as if they are all these little innocent little angels that never do anything wrong eh ?
Let's see......

Men posted naked pictures of women without their consent and I blame the men

Seems about right
. No it's not just this issue with you libs, and the grandstanding today by the libs in the way they were questioning the commander or badgering him showed me that.
You know, I gotta say, I served with women most of my 20 year career in the Navy, and NEVER heard of the amount of crap that is going on now.
. Seems as if there is some kind of agenda going on doesn't it ?? Wonder if it is agenda driven or just a mistake to have taken the forces into this social experimentation or engineering nightmare now ?

Actually, I think it's another problem entirely..........technology.

Why do I say this? Well, back in the early 90's, the Navy Exchange decided to come out with a credit card program, and they also got in hand held VHS cameras that used the mini cassettes at that time.

Well........a whole bunch of the dudes living in the barracks thought that was really cool, and they all got cameras, and about a month later, there was a couple of sex tapes circling around the squadron that one or two guys made.

They had the ability, and being young and stupid, decided to do crap like that. One of them ended up going to CO's mast for it.

So what do I blame for these pictures? Smart phones, Facebook and the internet. It's just too easy to do stuff like that now, and well........I know how stupid I as well as some of my fellow sailors were when we were 21 and had no sense.

I mean, even famous athletes and politicians have been caught sending and receiving pics over their phones and social media.
It is all the women's fault. The Marines should only recruit fat, ugly women so that this sort of thing doesn't happen....:rolleyes-41:
Won't work

Marines have no taste in women
. You got something serious to add or are you just full of bullcrap constantly ?
How else would you describe Neanderthals who post naked pictures of their fellow marines
. You should be disqualified to post on this subject all due to your bias here feminazi. You're Neanderthal comment says it all.
How else would you describe men who betray the trust of the USMC?

I could think of a lot worse
. Neanderthal describes a man who is trained to kill in which to the libs is a PRIMITIVE MAN until they need someone to protect them with that very thing, then they love their Marines. :Boom2:

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