A Marines perspective of the nude photos of Women Marines

Who could not see problems from the Obama Administration pushing the Marine Corps into the training of women and men together? Men are normal when they wish to be with a woman sexually and enjoy looking at them. Women are normal that wish to be with men. These individuals are in good physical shape so you would expect the desire to be even more severe than the fat kids in college or the individuals in every work place in America. If you don't want nude photos of yourself out there don't put them on the internet. I doubt very seriously that anyone sneaked into the women's shower and took the pictures


You have no clue about thus but more to the point, get you voted for drumpf. Easy to tell because you blamed President Obama for what these men did.

The women did not put them online. The men did.

The mistake the women made was in trusting men.

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Sexist pigs make great soldiers. You weaken our ability to fight and win wars by trying to turn our men into pussies.
It should be an embarrassment to Marines around the world

That poor Commander is a Commander for a reason. He is responsible for what happens in his command. This is not an isolated incident. Abuse of female service members is rampant.
General after general has sworn to Congress that they can take care of it themselves

Obviously they can't
. Then the services should be separated again.. Enough is enough of the bullcrap.

Service members should be expected to act like adults or get the hell out
. And you figure it's the men that's the problem don't you ? Yes you do, and so you give the women in the services a pass as if they are all these little innocent little angels that never do anything wrong eh ?
Let's see......

Men posted naked pictures of women without their consent and I blame the men

Seems about right
. No it's not just this issue with you libs, and the grandstanding today by the libs in the way they were questioning the commander or badgering him showed me that.
He is not the first commander to appear before congress to explain their services treatment of women when it comes to rape, sexual harassment, intimidation of women and now exploitative pictures

They each tell congress they are capable of handling it internally yet never seem to do it
You know, I gotta say, I served with women most of my 20 year career in the Navy, and NEVER heard of the amount of crap that is going on now.
. Seems as if there is some kind of agenda going on doesn't it ?? Wonder if it is agenda driven or just a mistake to have taken the forces into this social experimentation or engineering nightmare now ?

Actually, I think it's another problem entirely..........technology.

Why do I say this? Well, back in the early 90's, the Navy Exchange decided to come out with a credit card program, and they also got in hand held VHS cameras that used the mini cassettes at that time.

Well........a whole bunch of the dudes living in the barracks thought that was really cool, and they all got cameras, and about a month later, there was a couple of sex tapes circling around the squadron that one or two guys made.

They had the ability, and being young and stupid, decided to do crap like that. One of them ended up going to CO's mast for it.

So what do I blame for these pictures? Smart phones, Facebook and the internet. It's just too easy to do stuff like that now, and well........I know how stupid I as well as some of my fellow sailors were when we were 21 and had no sense.

I mean, even famous athletes and politicians have been caught sending and receiving pics over their phones and social media.
. It also begs the question as to what type of character's are in mass amongst the ranks now ? Would the soldier character in the 40's or 50's express themselves in these kinds of ways one wonders ?
. Then the services should be separated again.. Enough is enough of the bullcrap.

Service members should be expected to act like adults or get the hell out
. And you figure it's the men that's the problem don't you ? Yes you do, and so you give the women in the services a pass as if they are all these little innocent little angels that never do anything wrong eh ?
Let's see......

Men posted naked pictures of women without their consent and I blame the men

Seems about right
. No it's not just this issue with you libs, and the grandstanding today by the libs in the way they were questioning the commander or badgering him showed me that.
He is not the first commander to appear before congress to explain their services treatment of women when it comes to rape, sexual harassment, intimidation of women and now exploitative pictures

They each tell congress they are capable of handling it internally yet never seem to do it
. Separate the services if there is a constant problem... The End.
Won't work

Marines have no taste in women
. You got something serious to add or are you just full of bullcrap constantly ?
How else would you describe Neanderthals who post naked pictures of their fellow marines
. You should be disqualified to post on this subject all due to your bias here feminazi. You're Neanderthal comment says it all.
How else would you describe men who betray the trust of the USMC?

I could think of a lot worse
. Neanderthal describes a man who is trained to kill in which to the libs is a PRIMITIVE MAN until they need someone to protect them with that very thing, then they love their Marines. :Boom2:
Marines hold themselves to a higher standard ..... Semper Fi

Betraying a fellow marine does not meet that standard

Service members should be expected to act like adults or get the hell out
. And you figure it's the men that's the problem don't you ? Yes you do, and so you give the women in the services a pass as if they are all these little innocent little angels that never do anything wrong eh ?
Let's see......

Men posted naked pictures of women without their consent and I blame the men

Seems about right
. No it's not just this issue with you libs, and the grandstanding today by the libs in the way they were questioning the commander or badgering him showed me that.
He is not the first commander to appear before congress to explain their services treatment of women when it comes to rape, sexual harassment, intimidation of women and now exploitative pictures

They each tell congress they are capable of handling it internally yet never seem to do it
. Separate the services if there is a constant problem... The End.
Who does that punish?
You know, I gotta say, I served with women most of my 20 year career in the Navy, and NEVER heard of the amount of crap that is going on now.
. Seems as if there is some kind of agenda going on doesn't it ?? Wonder if it is agenda driven or just a mistake to have taken the forces into this social experimentation or engineering nightmare now ?

Actually, I think it's another problem entirely..........technology.

Why do I say this? Well, back in the early 90's, the Navy Exchange decided to come out with a credit card program, and they also got in hand held VHS cameras that used the mini cassettes at that time.

Well........a whole bunch of the dudes living in the barracks thought that was really cool, and they all got cameras, and about a month later, there was a couple of sex tapes circling around the squadron that one or two guys made.

They had the ability, and being young and stupid, decided to do crap like that. One of them ended up going to CO's mast for it.

So what do I blame for these pictures? Smart phones, Facebook and the internet. It's just too easy to do stuff like that now, and well........I know how stupid I as well as some of my fellow sailors were when we were 21 and had no sense.

I mean, even famous athletes and politicians have been caught sending and receiving pics over their phones and social media.
. It also begs the question as to what type of character's are in mass amongst the ranks now ? Would the soldier character in the 40's or 50's express themselves in these kinds of ways one wonders ?

Well, back in the 40's and 50's (or even the 80's and 90's) they had access to nudie pictures and dirty movies, but they didn't have the kind of tech we do now. My guess is that because of human nature and the strength of the sex drive I'd say that yeah, if they had access to the tech we do now, they probably would have done something similar.
Who could not see problems from the Obama Administration pushing the Marine Corps into the training of women and men together? Men are normal when they wish to be with a woman sexually and enjoy looking at them. Women are normal that wish to be with men. These individuals are in good physical shape so you would expect the desire to be even more severe than the fat kids in college or the individuals in every work place in America. If you don't want nude photos of yourself out there don't put them on the internet. I doubt very seriously that anyone sneaked into the women's shower and took the pictures


You have no clue about thus but more to the point, get you voted for drumpf. Easy to tell because you blamed President Obama for what these men did.

The women did not put them online. The men did.

The mistake the women made was in trusting men.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
The pictures are from Obama's watch. Unless you think they just got posted since Jan 20.
Who could not see problems from the Obama Administration pushing the Marine Corps into the training of women and men together? Men are normal when they wish to be with a woman sexually and enjoy looking at them. Women are normal that wish to be with men. These individuals are in good physical shape so you would expect the desire to be even more severe than the fat kids in college or the individuals in every work place in America. If you don't want nude photos of yourself out there don't put them on the internet. I doubt very seriously that anyone sneaked into the women's shower and took the pictures

From your title it was easy to tell where you were going to go with this but I didn't think it would be this stupid. That's impressive.
. You got something serious to add or are you just full of bullcrap constantly ?
How else would you describe Neanderthals who post naked pictures of their fellow marines
. You should be disqualified to post on this subject all due to your bias here feminazi. You're Neanderthal comment says it all.
How else would you describe men who betray the trust of the USMC?

I could think of a lot worse
. Neanderthal describes a man who is trained to kill in which to the libs is a PRIMITIVE MAN until they need someone to protect them with that very thing, then they love their Marines. :Boom2:
Marines hold themselves to a higher standard ..... Semper Fi

Betraying a fellow marine does not meet that standard
. Are you talking about individuals or the institution ? Make up your mind already. If there is a huge problem, then it needs a huge solution, and liberals screaming at generals in a kangaroo court isn't the solution.
. And you figure it's the men that's the problem don't you ? Yes you do, and so you give the women in the services a pass as if they are all these little innocent little angels that never do anything wrong eh ?
Let's see......

Men posted naked pictures of women without their consent and I blame the men

Seems about right
. No it's not just this issue with you libs, and the grandstanding today by the libs in the way they were questioning the commander or badgering him showed me that.
He is not the first commander to appear before congress to explain their services treatment of women when it comes to rape, sexual harassment, intimidation of women and now exploitative pictures

They each tell congress they are capable of handling it internally yet never seem to do it
. Separate the services if there is a constant problem... The End.
Who does that punish?
. No one.. It fixes the dam problem for everyone.
You know, I gotta say, I served with women most of my 20 year career in the Navy, and NEVER heard of the amount of crap that is going on now.
. Seems as if there is some kind of agenda going on doesn't it ?? Wonder if it is agenda driven or just a mistake to have taken the forces into this social experimentation or engineering nightmare now ?

Actually, I think it's another problem entirely..........technology.

Why do I say this? Well, back in the early 90's, the Navy Exchange decided to come out with a credit card program, and they also got in hand held VHS cameras that used the mini cassettes at that time.

Well........a whole bunch of the dudes living in the barracks thought that was really cool, and they all got cameras, and about a month later, there was a couple of sex tapes circling around the squadron that one or two guys made.

They had the ability, and being young and stupid, decided to do crap like that. One of them ended up going to CO's mast for it.

So what do I blame for these pictures? Smart phones, Facebook and the internet. It's just too easy to do stuff like that now, and well........I know how stupid I as well as some of my fellow sailors were when we were 21 and had no sense.

I mean, even famous athletes and politicians have been caught sending and receiving pics over their phones and social media.
. It also begs the question as to what type of character's are in mass amongst the ranks now ? Would the soldier character in the 40's or 50's express themselves in these kinds of ways one wonders ?

Well, back in the 40's and 50's (or even the 80's and 90's) they had access to nudie pictures and dirty movies, but they didn't have the kind of tech we do now. My guess is that because of human nature and the strength of the sex drive I'd say that yeah, if they had access to the tech we do now, they probably would have done something similar.
. Nah, I think that the character has changed, and it's not because of technology, but due rather to a great falling away just as the Bible speaks. If people still were as they were back in the day (closer to God), then these problems wouldn't exist to the extent that they do today. People can reference the past character that was good over evil, and then bring it forward for a startling number of those who have been consumed by bad things. Denial is the trend of today.
Here's the deal: the men and women serving in today's military are a cross-section of American society, which obviously has it's bad apples. The recruiting services try to weed out the undesirables but if they don't have a conviction then it's hard to keep them out. Bear in mind most of these people came in at 18 or 19, and they haven't really matured yet (although taking that step is a big move up IMHO). When it comes to sex some guys take longer than others to grow up, and it doesn't matter if they are in a uniform or not. Which is true in any walk of American life, and so at least in part this is a societal problem rather than a military one.

That said, the military services do have standards of conduct above and beyond what most civilian jobs require. So if someone in any branch of the military is taking pictures of another partially or totally nude military person or dependent without their knowledge or consent then I'd say that person ought to face charges and be kicked out as a minimum. But if the person did know they were being photographed then the story changes a little bit. I dunno how the law reads on this but if you're allowing your picture to be taken then are you also implying consent to what that person does with the pictures? I believe in some states it does but not in others. I have no idea what the DoD's stance is on this, but it's hard to escape the fact that you allowed your picture to be taken in the first place and so you are partly responsible for wherever they end up.
How else would you describe Neanderthals who post naked pictures of their fellow marines
. You should be disqualified to post on this subject all due to your bias here feminazi. You're Neanderthal comment says it all.
How else would you describe men who betray the trust of the USMC?

I could think of a lot worse
. Neanderthal describes a man who is trained to kill in which to the libs is a PRIMITIVE MAN until they need someone to protect them with that very thing, then they love their Marines. :Boom2:
Marines hold themselves to a higher standard ..... Semper Fi

Betraying a fellow marine does not meet that standard
. Are you talking about individuals or the institution ? Make up your mind already. If there is a huge problem, then it needs a huge solution, and liberals screaming at generals in a kangaroo court isn't the solution.
Generals claim they have the situation under control and can handle it internally

Time and again they show they can't
Here's the deal: the men and women serving in today's military are a cross-section of American society, which obviously has it's bad apples. The recruiting services try to weed out the undesirables but if they don't have a conviction then it's hard to keep them out. Bear in mind most of these people came in at 18 or 19, and they haven't really matured yet (although taking that step is a big move up IMHO). When it comes to sex some guys take longer than others to grow up, and it doesn't matter if they are in a uniform or not. Which is true in any walk of American life, and so at least in part this is a societal problem rather than a military one.

That said, the military services do have standards of conduct above and beyond what most civilian jobs require. So if someone in any branch of the military is taking pictures of another partially or totally nude military person or dependent without their knowledge or consent then I'd say that person ought to face charges and be kicked out as a minimum. But if the person did know they were being photographed then the story changes a little bit. I dunno how the law reads on this but if you're allowing your picture to be taken then are you also implying consent to what that person does with the pictures? I believe in some states it does but not in others. I have no idea what the DoD's stance is on this, but it's hard to escape the fact that you allowed your picture to be taken in the first place and so you are partly responsible for wherever they end up.
. Disagree.. If I take a picture of my girl nude for personal fun, and assure her the privacy of those pics, and then I violate her trust, and post the pictures, then she has no guilt what so ever in the matter. The only thing she should have is a lawsuit in order to get retribution in the matter against me. Now the incident should only pertain to the claimant and the accused as individuals for whom it would be that one has wronged the other in the deal. The military as an institution can't stand trial for the actions of those whom break the law or get caught up in the case that is brought between a few individuals. Trying to accuse the institution is a political power move or a weakening of the institution move or someone attempting to make a huge amount of money because government will pay instead of fight is what they have found. Well it's time to take the dam hill back Marines.
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. You should be disqualified to post on this subject all due to your bias here feminazi. You're Neanderthal comment says it all.
How else would you describe men who betray the trust of the USMC?

I could think of a lot worse
. Neanderthal describes a man who is trained to kill in which to the libs is a PRIMITIVE MAN until they need someone to protect them with that very thing, then they love their Marines. :Boom2:
Marines hold themselves to a higher standard ..... Semper Fi

Betraying a fellow marine does not meet that standard
. Are you talking about individuals or the institution ? Make up your mind already. If there is a huge problem, then it needs a huge solution, and liberals screaming at generals in a kangaroo court isn't the solution.
Generals claim they have the situation under control and can handle it internally

Time and again they show they can't
. If the dam politically correct gloves were removed, they could handle it perfectly.

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