A major concern regarding quarantines and weakening immune systems.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
If we keep quarantining people whenever there are disease epidemics, we might develop into an unhealthy nation with weak immune systems. We can't have a nation filled with people that are increasingly dependent on government funded organizations like the CDC, as opposed to being self-sufficient and relying on their own immune system. Creating that dependency could be far more disastrous in the long run.
If we keep quarantining people whenever there are disease epidemics, we might develop into an unhealthy nation with weak immune systems. We can't have a nation filled with people that are increasingly dependent on government funded organizations like the CDC, as opposed to being self-sufficient and relying on their own immune system. Creating that dependency could be far more disastrous in the long run.

This is kind of along those lines.

Millions in UK must catch coronavirus so we develop 'herd immunity', says top scientist
If we keep quarantining people whenever there are disease epidemics, we might develop into an unhealthy nation with weak immune systems. We can't have a nation filled with people that are increasingly dependent on government funded organizations like the CDC, as opposed to being self-sufficient and relying on their own immune system. Creating that dependency could be far more disastrous in the long run.

As mean as it sounds that was their plan " take out the elderly and sick" why there are trillions to be lost with this huge aging population collecting those pensions--social security--- retirement------- they tell you what they are going to do why do you think most of you sheep think ppl who support America's right are nuts-- You clueless have been brainwashed into hating your nation and nnever knew it saw it realized until for some now. .........

sometimes I say " we are living like hunger games" ......some never got it-- get it-------- if this goes full blown soon those who laughed will get a real rude wake up call. But the cowards will only blame Trump.

Obama's shit stains were well indoctrinated..............................

In the end of it all you'll get to see how this nation will not be the same again wait until you realize what our daily lives are gonna deal you sheep work from home, your doctors sees you from home on an internet--- you have ot have a drone deliver all your chit LMFAO.....

SMART CITIES yah just don't get it.

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