A list of things republican voters should be outraged the GOP does but they aren’t

1) Eliminating tax credits for the poor and middle class and only giving tax relief to the wealthy

2) Undoing worker’s rights in the work place

3) Trying to prevent those with pre-existing conditions to get adequate medical care for the sake of health insurance profit.

4) Doing nothing about the greed of high drug prices that make egregious profit for Big Pharma

5) Cutting social security

6) Using the 9/11 emergency responder’s fund as a political football.

7) Completely ignoring climate change policy altogether (a rational person would at least try to investigate the validity of the scientific community’s findings)

8) Blocking any attempt to make our election process more secure despite the findings of so many intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the 2016 election

9) Putting migrant children in cages and holding them here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime.

10) Refusing to put any regulations on Wall Street

I am giving you an ‘F’ for composer an unreadable thread title.
Oh great another list of bullshit that no one with average intelligence or above should take seriously. More importantly, none of these retarded points have anything to do with securing the integrity of foreign powers meddling in our elections.
Oh so, MILLIONS of Mexicans inside the USA, illegally voting in our elections, is not foreign powers meddling in our elections. Maybe it is more like foreign powers TAKING OVER our elections And flipping a number of states (New Mexico, Colorado, California, Nevada) from red to blue. Anything going on with Russia is a drop in the bucket compared to this. You see any Russians coming here and voting ? Tampering with voting machines?

Or maybe you think Russians came here holding billy clubs and stood outside polling places intimidating voters to vote Democrat. You think ?

Well there’s no evidence illegals are voting and you claiming otherwise just makes you look stupid. I mean my god, you’re getting desperate. What the fuck does that pic have to do with anything?
Lol oh my god. What is this shit? One facility? What’s even happening? Again, the point is pretty simple: where is the evidence these kids are going to be released? It’s a pretty simple question.
Dumbass, they are released every day, and sent to dozens of Southwest Key Program facilities all over the southwestern United States They only stay in the Obama cages for a day or two, while being processed.

Ignorant, information-deprived, victim of liberal OMISSION media. I can see CNN, MSNBC, etc have got YOU programmed.

They ought to be sent back to their home country instantly. We shouldnt have to be paying one dime for Soros' invaders.(just so they can become DEMOCRAT VOTERS)
Lol what the fuck are you talking about? It is just incredible how you make up shit as you go along. Trust me, no one with an ounce of intelligence takes you seriously.
Lol what the fuck are you talking about? It is just incredible how you make up shit as you go along. Trust me, no one with an ounce of intelligence takes you seriously.
I'm talking about DEPROGRAMMING YOU from the loon toon you've been fed.
You idiot, the reason why you think I'm making up these well-known facts is because you (unknown to you) have been sheltered from them, very carefully by your liberal, OMISSION media scammers. Come out of the dark and for once , see what is going on, SUCKER!'

Video and Map of Southwest Key Program detention shelters all over the US. 44 detention centers in 7 states >>

Southwest Key Programs - Shelters, Youth Justice, Public Schools


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Lol what the fuck are you talking about? It is just incredible how you make up shit as you go along. Trust me, no one with an ounce of intelligence takes you seriously.
I'm talking about DEPROGRAMMING YOU from the loon toon you've been fed.
You idiot, the reason why you think I'm making up these well-known facts is because you (unknown to you) have been sheltered from them, very carefully by your liberal, OMISSION media scammers. Come out of the dark and for once , see what is going on, SUCKER!'

Video and Map of Southwest Key Program detention shelters all over the US. 44 detention centers in 7 states >>

Southwest Key Programs - Shelters, Youth Justice, Public Schools
Lol oh right I’m supposed to believe all of those detention centers are full of understanding. I mean, shit, one of them made a graphic! How adorable. The problem of course is that those kids are still here. Are you really going to tell me that thousands of migrant kids - many of whom are unaccounted for - are going through some bullshit 5 step process? Hey idiot, again, why are the kids still here in the US? What is going to happen to them years down the road. You have no fucking idea whatsoever. No one does. The Trump administration sure as hell doesn’t know.
Are you incapable of citing sources that aren’t right wing bullshit? It’s funny how you harp on me and CNN when in reality I don’t even watch it. Your dumbass just reads stupid right wing blogs that no one takes seriously.
Lol oh right I’m supposed to believe all of those detention centers are full of understanding. I mean, shit, one of them made a graphic! How adorable. The problem of course is that those kids are still here. Are you really going to tell me that thousands of migrant kids - many of whom are unaccounted for - are going through some bullshit 5 step process? Hey idiot, again, why are the kids still here in the US? What is going to happen to them years down the road. You have no fucking idea whatsoever. No one does. The Trump administration sure as hell doesn’t know.
Dude, those kids are the responsibility of their parents, who by taking here, have 100% defaulted on that responsibility. The best thing that could happen is for their home countries to take them all back, provide for them with responsible proper guardians, and have it understood that there will be a severe ass-kicking if they don't do that.

What would YOU do, if 5 kids arrived at your doorstep, and told you that they have no one to take care of them ?
Are you incapable of citing sources that aren’t right wing bullshit? It’s funny how you harp on me and CNN when in reality I don’t even watch it. Your dumbass just reads stupid right wing blogs that no one takes seriously.
And where do you think one is going to find information about illegal aliens voting? New York Times ? Washington Post ? Media Matters ? PolitiFarce ? :rolleyes:

INVALIDATION is hard-wired into liberals.
Lol oh right I’m supposed to believe all of those detention centers are full of understanding. I mean, shit, one of them made a graphic! How adorable. The problem of course is that those kids are still here. Are you really going to tell me that thousands of migrant kids - many of whom are unaccounted for - are going through some bullshit 5 step process? Hey idiot, again, why are the kids still here in the US? What is going to happen to them years down the road. You have no fucking idea whatsoever. No one does. The Trump administration sure as hell doesn’t know.
Dude, those kids are the responsibility of their parents, who by taking here, have 100% defaulted on that responsibility. The best thing that could happen is for their home countries to take them all back, provide for them with responsible proper guardians, and have it understood that there will be a severe ass-kicking if they don't do that.

What would YOU do, if 5 kids arrived at your doorstep, and told you that they have no one to take care of them ?
Um okay. Regardless of your dumb justification of scarring them by separating them from their parents, none of this explains why they are still in the country when for years before Trump, there was a process of sending them home WITH their parents besides the RARE occurrence that their parents committed a separate crime. Also, you pretending that asylum seeking was never a thing just makes you look dumber.
1) Eliminating tax credits for the poor and middle class and only giving tax relief to the wealthy

2) Undoing worker’s rights in the work place

3) Trying to prevent those with pre-existing conditions to get adequate medical care for the sake of health insurance profit.

4) Doing nothing about the greed of high drug prices that make egregious profit for Big Pharma

5) Cutting social security

6) Using the 9/11 emergency responder’s fund as a political football.

7) Completely ignoring climate change policy altogether (a rational person would at least try to investigate the validity of the scientific community’s fundings)

8) Blocking any attempt to make our election process more secure despite the findings of so many intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the 2016 election

9) Putting migrant children in cages and holding them here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime.

10) Refusing to put any regulations on Wall Street
Watch Fox News or listen to talk radio for a while so you can realize why that type of post will never work on a conservative.

Since Billy only starts strings to FLAME conservatives...why would you think he's actually trying to change anyone's mind? He posts crap and then whines about being "attacked"! It was tired months ago.
Get over yourself, snowflake

Come on, Augustine! If you're going to attempt to give me the needle...at least do it with something original! Liberals who call conservatives "snowflake" are the epitome of unimaginative! We refer to YOU as snowflakes because you're so easily triggered by those who's views don't align with your PC correctness! When you call us snowflake? It simply means you're the slow kid on the playground who's response to an insult is "NO...YOU ARE!!!"
1) Eliminating tax credits for the poor and middle class and only giving tax relief to the wealthy

2) Undoing worker’s rights in the work place

3) Trying to prevent those with pre-existing conditions to get adequate medical care for the sake of health insurance profit.

4) Doing nothing about the greed of high drug prices that make egregious profit for Big Pharma

5) Cutting social security

6) Using the 9/11 emergency responder’s fund as a political football.

7) Completely ignoring climate change policy altogether (a rational person would at least try to investigate the validity of the scientific community’s findings)

8) Blocking any attempt to make our election process more secure despite the findings of so many intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the 2016 election

9) Putting migrant children in cages and holding them here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime.

10) Refusing to put any regulations on Wall Street
Which workers rights are they undoing?

Why should insurance companies lose profit by paying out for pre existing conditions? Do you understand how insurance works?

Why should wall street be regulated more than it is which is to say too much?
1) Eliminating tax credits for the poor and middle class and only giving tax relief to the wealthy

2) Undoing worker’s rights in the work place

3) Trying to prevent those with pre-existing conditions to get adequate medical care for the sake of health insurance profit.

4) Doing nothing about the greed of high drug prices that make egregious profit for Big Pharma

5) Cutting social security

6) Using the 9/11 emergency responder’s fund as a political football.

7) Completely ignoring climate change policy altogether (a rational person would at least try to investigate the validity of the scientific community’s findings)

8) Blocking any attempt to make our election process more secure despite the findings of so many intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the 2016 election

9) Putting migrant children in cages and holding them here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime.

10) Refusing to put any regulations on Wall Street
"8) Blocking any attempt to make our election process more secure despite the findings of so many intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the 2016 election"

Haha, yeah, you can tell Russian meddling by all the wars we fight for Israel.

1) Eliminating tax credits for the poor and middle class and only giving tax relief to the wealthy

2) Undoing worker’s rights in the work place

3) Trying to prevent those with pre-existing conditions to get adequate medical care for the sake of health insurance profit.

4) Doing nothing about the greed of high drug prices that make egregious profit for Big Pharma

5) Cutting social security

6) Using the 9/11 emergency responder’s fund as a political football.

7) Completely ignoring climate change policy altogether (a rational person would at least try to investigate the validity of the scientific community’s findings)

8) Blocking any attempt to make our election process more secure despite the findings of so many intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the 2016 election

9) Putting migrant children in cages and holding them here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime.

10) Refusing to put any regulations on Wall Street

I really struggle to figure how how the liberal minds works(if at all). This list is nothing more than lies that have been repeated so often by the mainstream media that lemmings start to actually believe them, despite facts that show otherwise. The funniest is #1. It is an absolute fact that the tax cuts helped the lower and middle classes. The upper middle and lower upper not so much and in fact was pretty painful.

This is not however the narrative the left wants to push so they just flat out lie and lemmings follow them lock step. If the media told lefties that 2+2=5 often enough, many would spend their entire day attempting to defend the idiocy. It is brainwashing at its finest. This thread may serve as Exhibit A.
I think republicans hate democrats more than they love the GOP. Deep down they know voting republican is completely moronic, but they are comforted by their hate for democrats and that’s all they feel they need to know. Frankly, I think it is more realistic to convince them to either not vote at all or vote for any independent candidate they want. The first step is making sure republicans won’t be elected at all costs. I’ll also add that I am not particularly fond of the Democratic Party either despite being a hard left progressive.
I'll rent you some self-awareness, since you have absolutely none.

2a. Freudian Projection
The following is a collection of definitions of projection from orthodox psychology texts. In this system the distinct mechanism of projecting own unconscious or undesirable characteristics onto another is called Freudian Projection.

  • “A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits.”
  • “The externalisation of internal unconscious wishes, desires or emotions on to other people. So, for example, someone who feels subconsciously that they have a powerful latent homosexual drive may not acknowledge this consciously, but it may show in their readiness to suspect others of being homosexual.”
  • “Attributing one’s own undesirable traits to other people or agencies, e.g., an aggressive man accuses other people of being hostile.”
  • “The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest. The would-be adulterer accuses his wife of infidelity.”
  • “People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously recognises his or her aggressive tendencies may then see other people acting in an excessively aggressive way.”
  • “Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have.”
Have you heard the phrase "cutting your own nose just to spite your face?" I think that probably describes most Trump voters. They'll make the stupidest decision of their lives just to spite somebody else. Like a person with borderline personality disorder. So should we change our approach to them? Or just abandon them to their own misery?
Speaking of projection....:auiqs.jpg:
1) Eliminating tax credits for the poor and middle class and only giving tax relief to the wealthy

2) Undoing worker’s rights in the work place

3) Trying to prevent those with pre-existing conditions to get adequate medical care for the sake of health insurance profit.

4) Doing nothing about the greed of high drug prices that make egregious profit for Big Pharma

5) Cutting social security

6) Using the 9/11 emergency responder’s fund as a political football.

7) Completely ignoring climate change policy altogether (a rational person would at least try to investigate the validity of the scientific community’s findings)

8) Blocking any attempt to make our election process more secure despite the findings of so many intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the 2016 election

9) Putting migrant children in cages and holding them here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime.

10) Refusing to put any regulations on Wall Street
/----/ "1) Eliminating tax credits for the poor and middle class and only giving tax relief to the wealthy"
I stopped reading at your first lie and it was two lies rolled into one.

a.) The tax credits have not been repealed. When filing taxes for 2019 (due in April 2020), working families with children that have annual incomes below about $41,100 to $56,000 (depending on marital status and the number of dependent children) may be eligible for the federal EITC.
b.) everyone who pays income tax got relief.

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