A list of things republican voters should be outraged the GOP does but they aren’t

1) Eliminating tax credits for the poor and middle class and only giving tax relief to the wealthy

2) Undoing worker’s rights in the work place

3) Trying to prevent those with pre-existing conditions to get adequate medical care for the sake of health insurance profit.

4) Doing nothing about the greed of high drug prices that make egregious profit for Big Pharma

5) Cutting social security

6) Using the 9/11 emergency responder’s fund as a political football.

7) Completely ignoring climate change policy altogether (a rational person would at least try to investigate the validity of the scientific community’s fundings)

8) Blocking any attempt to make our election process more secure despite the findings of so many intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the 2016 election

9) Putting migrant children in cages and holding them here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime.

10) Refusing to put any regulations on Wall Street
Republicans are supposed to be outraged by a list of leftist whining?

Billy000 See that? Go to Drudgereport or FoxNews or Breitbart. If you glance at their headlines you'll start to think we're living in the apocalypse and Christ himself is preparing to return. THAT is the only way to get these people's attention. You're better off just convincing people who have never voted to go vote Democrat.

He is returning. Don’t you watch Preacher? He’s definitely a dim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
1) Eliminating tax credits for the poor and middle class and only giving tax relief to the wealthy

2) Undoing worker’s rights in the work place

3) Trying to prevent those with pre-existing conditions to get adequate medical care for the sake of health insurance profit.

4) Doing nothing about the greed of high drug prices that make egregious profit for Big Pharma

5) Cutting social security

6) Using the 9/11 emergency responder’s fund as a political football.

7) Completely ignoring climate change policy altogether (a rational person would at least try to investigate the validity of the scientific community’s fundings)

8) Blocking any attempt to make our election process more secure despite the findings of so many intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the 2016 election

9) Putting migrant children in cages and holding them here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime.

10) Refusing to put any regulations on Wall Street
Republicans are supposed to be outraged by a list of leftist whining?

Billy000 See that? Go to Drudgereport or FoxNews or Breitbart. If you glance at their headlines you'll start to think we're living in the apocalypse and Christ himself is preparing to return. THAT is the only way to get these people's attention. You're better off just convincing people who have never voted to go vote Democrat.
I think republicans hate democrats more than they love the GOP. Deep down they know voting republican is completely moronic, but they are comforted by their hate for democrats and that’s all they feel they need to know. Frankly, I think it is more realistic to convince them to either not vote at all or vote for any independent candidate they want. The first step is making sure republicans won’t be elected at all costs. I’ll also add that I am not particularly fond of the Democratic Party either despite being a hard left progressive.
Have you heard the phrase "cutting your own nose just to spite your face?" I think that probably describes most Trump voters. They'll make the stupidest decision of their lives just to spite somebody else. Like a person with borderline personality disorder. So should we change our approach to them? Or just abandon them to their own misery?

You voted for hilly? People in glass houses......

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think republicans hate democrats more than they love the GOP. Deep down they know voting republican is completely moronic, but they are comforted by their hate for democrats and that’s all they feel they need to know. Frankly, I think it is more realistic to convince them to either not vote at all or vote for any independent candidate they want. The first step is making sure republicans won’t be elected at all costs. I’ll also add that I am not particularly fond of the Democratic Party either despite being a hard left progressive.
Have you heard the phrase "cutting your own nose just to spite your face?" I think that probably describes most Trump voters. They'll make the stupidest decision of their lives just to spite somebody else. Like a person with borderline personality disorder. So should we change our approach to them? Or just abandon them to their own misery?

View attachment 274744
Geez. SMH


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
8) Blocking any attempt to make our election process more secure despite the findings of so many intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the 2016 election
FALSE!, and yet another example of liberal defining from the liberal cloud that envelops all liberals disabling their political vision.

!. First & foremost, trump has attempted to make our election process more secure by speaking out for voter ID law requiring citizenship proof, which would eliminate the illegal voting of millions of illegal aliens. (the #1, by far, attack on the legitimacy of our election process)

2. All of Trump's efforts to stop illegal immigration, are also efforts to have our election system be more secure and valid.

3. Trump [pointed out that Democrats were cheating I the debates by Hillary Clinton being fed answers to question by means of an earphone she was wearing.

4, Helping to make our election process more secure by assisting AG William Barr, john Durham, et al, in the investigation of the Deep State attempted coup on the Trump administration, to bring down a duly ELECTED US president.

5. Providing evidence of the Democrat plots to attack Trump rallygoers in Chicago, San Jose, CA, et al.

That's enough of these for now.
Just when you thought Deanturd couldn't lower the bar of stupidity, here comes this bed wetter to tell the world what he is programmed to believe about what the people he hates actually think.

If only libturds could think....

They wouldn't be libturds.

What kind of post is this? Certainly not one seeking dialogue.
You can ignore him. These days he's just a mouth-breathing idiot.
7) Completely ignoring climate change policy altogether (a rational person would at least try to investigate the validity of the scientific community’s findings)
Perhaps they DID investigate it, and concluded it wasn't conclusively valid enough to warrant further investigation. Got any proof this didn't occur ? If so, let's hear it.
What I am supposed to prove a negative? How about your dumbass provide proof that they did?

9) Putting migrant children in cages and holding them here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime.
They shouldn't be held here at all. That is Democrat's preferences, and the cages were set up by Obama, when he was president. Also, the cages, are nothing but very temporary holding cells, while the kids are processed and then sent to detention centers where they have the base living conditions of their whole lives (3 nutritious meals a day, nice rooms w. thick blankets, soccer fields, education classrooms, medical care, big screen TVs, etc.

The holding indefinitely idea is a Democrat scam-lie, designed to make Trump look bad, and nothing more.

They even complain that the kids are being separated from their parents. Well, when are kids NOT separated from their parents, when the parents go to jail/prison ? What do Democrats think American kids do when their American parents are sent to prison ? Go live in the prison cells with their parents ? :rolleyes:

Lastly, the whole problem comes from Democrats like George Soros, Pueblo Sin Fronteras, et al leftist orgs who recruit and finance migrants to come to the US without following legal procedure. They shouldn't be coming here at all, and these leftist loons shouldn't be instigating and enticing them,
8) Blocking any attempt to make our election process more secure despite the findings of so many intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the 2016 election
FALSE!, and yet another example of liberal defining from the liberal cloud that envelops all liberals disabling their political vision.

!. First & foremost, trump has attempted to make our election process more secure by speaking out for voter ID law requiring citizenship proof, which would eliminate the illegal voting of millions of illegal aliens. (the #1, by far, attack on the legitimacy of our election process)

2. All of Trump's efforts to stop illegal immigration, are also efforts to have our election system be more secure and valid.

3. Trump [pointed out that Democrats were cheating I the debates by Hillary Clinton being fed answers to question by means of an earphone she was wearing.

4, Helping to make our election process more secure by assisting AG William Barr, john Durham, et al, in the investigation of the Deep State attempted coup on the Trump administration, to bring down a duly ELECTED US president.

5. Providing evidence of the Democrat plots to attack Trump rallygoers in Chicago, San Jose, CA, et al.

That's enough of these for now.
Oh great another list of bullshit that no one with average intelligence or above should take seriously. More importantly, none of these retarded points have anything to do with securing the integrity of foreign powers meddling in our elections.
9) Putting migrant children in cages and holding them here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime.
They shouldn't be held here at all. That is Democrat's preferences, and the cages were set up by Obama, when he was president. Also, the cages, are nothing but very temporary holding cells, while the kids are processed and then sent to detention centers where they have the base living conditions of their whole lives (3 nutritious meals a day, nice rooms w. thick blankets, soccer fields, education classrooms, medical care, big screen TVs, etc.

The holding indefinitely idea is a Democrat scam-lie, designed to make Trump look bad, and nothing more.

They even complain that the kids are being separated from their parents. Well, when are kids NOT separated from their parents, when the parents go to jail/prison ? What do Democrats think American kids do when their American parents are sent to prison ? Go live in the prison cells with their parents ? :rolleyes:

Lastly, the whole problem comes from Democrats like George Soros, Pueblo Sin Fronteras, et al leftist orgs who recruit and finance migrants to come to the US without following legal procedure. They shouldn't be coming here at all, and these leftist loons shouldn't be instigating and enticing them,
Hey, you dumb sack of shit. If these kids aren’t being held here indefinitely, where is the evidence that there is a plan to release them?
What I am supposed to prove a negative? How about your dumbass provide proof that they did?

I don't need to prove a thing. My post said "Perhaps", but yours said Republicans were "Completely ignoring climate change policy altogether" You didn't say perhaps. You made a distinct CLAIM. So where's your proof of THAT ?
Hey, what is protecting your right to be inside your home talking on a computer? The government.
Well, no, actually, they're not. They infringe on my right to do that, in fact, especially through monopolization of industry through regulations.
Warren v. District of Columbia - Wikipedia Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales - Wikipedia DeShaney v. Winnebago County - Wikipedia Maksim Gelman stabbing spree - Wikipedia
Besides, they openly admit that they have no obligation to protect us, so you're wrong on all fronts.

The government has laws that discourages people from burning your house down and stealing your shit. If such laws didn’t exist, do you really think you would have gotten this far in life protected by emergency services?
Pretty sure society would reject people who do that, especially if they're private security, which is paid specifically to prevent that from happening. If you're armed in addition to that, there's not only no incentive, but more danger associated with doing exactly that. I'd also like to point out that the 15 minute response time from the Road Pirates doesn't prevent that from happening, only allows them to kidnap and imprison or murder that person if they bother to after it has already happened. You know, when the Road Pirates aren't stealing our money and property themselves.

And here's a list of examples of the Road Pirates doing exactly what you claim they protect us from;

Centralized Security/Police being incredibly violent:
The Splinter: Family Awarded just...4 dollars
The Free Thought Project: Cops shoot dad through door
The Free Thought Project: Cop Beats man chained to bed
The Free Thought Project: Officers beat 9-year-old for leaning on car https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cop...
The Free Thought Project: Officers Justified in Beating Loud Music https://thefreethoughtproject.com/off...
The Free Thought Project: Cop Acquitted in shooting of therapist https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cop...
The Free Thought Project: Woman thrown to ground by police https://thefreethoughtproject.com/vid...
The Free Thought Project: Tasered man burns to death
The Free Thought Project: Chief of Police removed for trying to stop police brutality https://thefreethoughtproject.com/mes...
The Free Thought Project: Cop will NOT go to jail after raping 5 year old girl https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cop...
The Free Thought Project: Cops beat unarmed, innocent man https://thefreethoughtproject.com/mes...
The Free Thought Project: Killing of sleeping man "reasonable" https://thefreethoughtproject.com/wil...
Lew Rockwell: The New "Stop Resisting"
The Atlantic: How Police Training leads to Avoidable Deaths
Rutherford Institute: The only truly compliant citizen is a dead one.
The Root: If I Complied I Would Have Gotten Killed
Cleveland Police hold 11 year old at gunpoint
Indiana Cops taser 10-year-old

The Free Thought Project: Charges dropped for 119 people after cop caught planting meth https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cha...
The Free Thought Project: Cops detain entire bar
The Guardian: Eric Garner Chokehold Video

Road Pirate fired for not being too hasty to gun people down:
Cop sodomizes man because he thought he smelled drugs:
City fires Road Pirates for feeling uncomfortable extorting people:
Road Pirates hold kids at gunpoint:
Cops kill 25 dogs every day, on average:
The real reason the Government-run media doesn't like the idea of self-driving cars(It's because they want to continue extorting people):
Road Pirates violently assaulting street musicians:
Road Pirate rapes 14 year old sex crime victim instead of helping her:
Amount of Road Pirates convicted of murder(Only 20%):
Figures for Road Pirates being incredibly violent:
Road Pirates more likely to beat their wives:
Road Pirates run people over to keep them safe:
Private security? Are you kidding me? How do you think that entity even exists? You know, such as the monetary system they benefit from? Are you actually suggesting that if government never existed, that people would have the luxury to be able to feed themselves and pay other people to have jobs? It’s the rule of law that has allowed these entities to exist in the first place. What you are saying is so short-sided that it blows my mind.
9) Putting migrant children in cages and holding them here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime.
They shouldn't be held here at all. That is Democrat's preferences, and the cages were set up by Obama, when he was president. Also, the cages, are nothing but very temporary holding cells, while the kids are processed and then sent to detention centers where they have the base living conditions of their whole lives (3 nutritious meals a day, nice rooms w. thick blankets, soccer fields, education classrooms, medical care, big screen TVs, etc.

The holding indefinitely idea is a Democrat scam-lie, designed to make Trump look bad, and nothing more.

They even complain that the kids are being separated from their parents. Well, when are kids NOT separated from their parents, when the parents go to jail/prison ? What do Democrats think American kids do when their American parents are sent to prison ? Go live in the prison cells with their parents ? :rolleyes:

Lastly, the whole problem comes from Democrats like George Soros, Pueblo Sin Fronteras, et al leftist orgs who recruit and finance migrants to come to the US without following legal procedure. They shouldn't be coming here at all, and these leftist loons shouldn't be instigating and enticing them,
Oh and no you dumbass. Obama didn’t set up the cages. Kids were only separated under Obama under the RARE occurrence that the parents committed a separate crime. Before Trump, these were civil cases. More importantly, idiot, Obama didn’t come up with this policy. It was obviously there before him.
What I am supposed to prove a negative? How about your dumbass provide proof that they did?

I don't need to prove a thing. My post said "Perhaps", but yours said Republicans were "Completely ignoring climate change policy altogether" You didn't say perhaps. You made a distinct CLAIM. So where's your proof of THAT ?
Uh gee probably the lack of any evidence they did anything to investigate climate change or give any substantiated reason why they won’t push policy to mitigate the effects. God you’re dumb. The burden of the proof is on you for this, idiot.
Hey, you dumb sack of shit. If these kids aren’t being held here indefinitely, where is the evidence that there is a plan to release them?
You ignorant, information-deprived, victim of liberal OMISSION media. Have you not seen where they go ? Are you really unaware of the Southwest Key company detention centers ?






Hey, what is protecting your right to be inside your home talking on a computer? The government.
Well, no, actually, they're not. They infringe on my right to do that, in fact, especially through monopolization of industry through regulations.
Warren v. District of Columbia - Wikipedia Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales - Wikipedia DeShaney v. Winnebago County - Wikipedia Maksim Gelman stabbing spree - Wikipedia
Besides, they openly admit that they have no obligation to protect us, so you're wrong on all fronts.

The government has laws that discourages people from burning your house down and stealing your shit. If such laws didn’t exist, do you really think you would have gotten this far in life protected by emergency services?
Pretty sure society would reject people who do that, especially if they're private security, which is paid specifically to prevent that from happening. If you're armed in addition to that, there's not only no incentive, but more danger associated with doing exactly that. I'd also like to point out that the 15 minute response time from the Road Pirates doesn't prevent that from happening, only allows them to kidnap and imprison or murder that person if they bother to after it has already happened. You know, when the Road Pirates aren't stealing our money and property themselves.

And here's a list of examples of the Road Pirates doing exactly what you claim they protect us from;

Centralized Security/Police being incredibly violent:
The Splinter: Family Awarded just...4 dollars
The Free Thought Project: Cops shoot dad through door
The Free Thought Project: Cop Beats man chained to bed
The Free Thought Project: Officers beat 9-year-old for leaning on car https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cop...
The Free Thought Project: Officers Justified in Beating Loud Music https://thefreethoughtproject.com/off...
The Free Thought Project: Cop Acquitted in shooting of therapist https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cop...
The Free Thought Project: Woman thrown to ground by police https://thefreethoughtproject.com/vid...
The Free Thought Project: Tasered man burns to death
The Free Thought Project: Chief of Police removed for trying to stop police brutality https://thefreethoughtproject.com/mes...
The Free Thought Project: Cop will NOT go to jail after raping 5 year old girl https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cop...
The Free Thought Project: Cops beat unarmed, innocent man https://thefreethoughtproject.com/mes...
The Free Thought Project: Killing of sleeping man "reasonable" https://thefreethoughtproject.com/wil...
Lew Rockwell: The New "Stop Resisting"
The Atlantic: How Police Training leads to Avoidable Deaths
Rutherford Institute: The only truly compliant citizen is a dead one.
The Root: If I Complied I Would Have Gotten Killed
Cleveland Police hold 11 year old at gunpoint
Indiana Cops taser 10-year-old

The Free Thought Project: Charges dropped for 119 people after cop caught planting meth https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cha...
The Free Thought Project: Cops detain entire bar
The Guardian: Eric Garner Chokehold Video

Road Pirate fired for not being too hasty to gun people down:
Cop sodomizes man because he thought he smelled drugs:
City fires Road Pirates for feeling uncomfortable extorting people:
Road Pirates hold kids at gunpoint:
Cops kill 25 dogs every day, on average:
The real reason the Government-run media doesn't like the idea of self-driving cars(It's because they want to continue extorting people):
Road Pirates violently assaulting street musicians:
Road Pirate rapes 14 year old sex crime victim instead of helping her:
Amount of Road Pirates convicted of murder(Only 20%):
Figures for Road Pirates being incredibly violent:
Road Pirates more likely to beat their wives:
Road Pirates run people over to keep them safe:
Private security? Are you kidding me? How do you think that entity even exists? You know, such as the monetary system they benefit from? Are you actually suggesting that if government never existed, that people would have the luxury to be able to feed themselves and pay other people to have jobs? It’s the rule of law that has allowed these entities to exist in the first place. What you are saying is so short-sided that it blows my mind.
Well, no, I'm not kidding you, all services exist independent of the Government, demand and the resulting profit incentive is what creates businesses. In fact, if you're arguing that everyone would suddenly decide to go against their interests and hurt random people to their own detriment, that only means that Private Security would be in high demand, thus expanding that industry.

Actually, yes, if not for Government, in fact, all industries that there's a demand for would thrive. 800,000+ Regulations, pushing 900,000, at an average rate of +150 every day, make it more difficult to enter the market and compete. Regulations exist to make the cost of production and distribution more expensive and difficult, which hurts smaller businesses and helps corporations. If not for Government, businesses would have to compete with each other ethically, otherwise it would damage their reputation and shrink their consumer base. So, yes, not only would it exist without Government, it would thrive far more without Government.

Actually, what you're saying is short-sighted, it's exactly what the Government tells you; "If I didn't exist, how could you voluntarily trade with each other?", this is actually completely silly, the fact that the Black Market exists is proof that markets exist independent of Government. In fact, 90% of people in Iceland trade around the Government rather than associate with it, because avoiding the Government is easier, cheaper, and more efficient. So, once again, you're wrong on all fronts. In fact, Private Security is an active defense, responding to someone being deprived of their rights on the site, while Road Pirates take an average of 15 minutes to arrive, making them more effective, and with actual competition, they're also bound by reputation, and half the price. So, actually, without Road Pirates, people would be MUCH safer. See previous post for examples.
Hey, you dumb sack of shit. If these kids aren’t being held here indefinitely, where is the evidence that there is a plan to release them?
You ignorant, information-deprived, victim of liberal OMISSION media. Have you not seen where they go ? Are you really unaware of the Southwest Key company detention centers ?

View attachment 274748





Lol oh my god. What is this shit? One facility? What’s even happening? Again, the point is pretty simple: where is the evidence these kids are going to be released? It’s a pretty simple question.
Hey, what is protecting your right to be inside your home talking on a computer? The government.
Well, no, actually, they're not. They infringe on my right to do that, in fact, especially through monopolization of industry through regulations.
Warren v. District of Columbia - Wikipedia Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales - Wikipedia DeShaney v. Winnebago County - Wikipedia Maksim Gelman stabbing spree - Wikipedia
Besides, they openly admit that they have no obligation to protect us, so you're wrong on all fronts.

The government has laws that discourages people from burning your house down and stealing your shit. If such laws didn’t exist, do you really think you would have gotten this far in life protected by emergency services?
Pretty sure society would reject people who do that, especially if they're private security, which is paid specifically to prevent that from happening. If you're armed in addition to that, there's not only no incentive, but more danger associated with doing exactly that. I'd also like to point out that the 15 minute response time from the Road Pirates doesn't prevent that from happening, only allows them to kidnap and imprison or murder that person if they bother to after it has already happened. You know, when the Road Pirates aren't stealing our money and property themselves.

And here's a list of examples of the Road Pirates doing exactly what you claim they protect us from;

Centralized Security/Police being incredibly violent:
The Splinter: Family Awarded just...4 dollars
The Free Thought Project: Cops shoot dad through door
The Free Thought Project: Cop Beats man chained to bed
The Free Thought Project: Officers beat 9-year-old for leaning on car https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cop...
The Free Thought Project: Officers Justified in Beating Loud Music https://thefreethoughtproject.com/off...
The Free Thought Project: Cop Acquitted in shooting of therapist https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cop...
The Free Thought Project: Woman thrown to ground by police https://thefreethoughtproject.com/vid...
The Free Thought Project: Tasered man burns to death
The Free Thought Project: Chief of Police removed for trying to stop police brutality https://thefreethoughtproject.com/mes...
The Free Thought Project: Cop will NOT go to jail after raping 5 year old girl https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cop...
The Free Thought Project: Cops beat unarmed, innocent man https://thefreethoughtproject.com/mes...
The Free Thought Project: Killing of sleeping man "reasonable" https://thefreethoughtproject.com/wil...
Lew Rockwell: The New "Stop Resisting"
The Atlantic: How Police Training leads to Avoidable Deaths
Rutherford Institute: The only truly compliant citizen is a dead one.
The Root: If I Complied I Would Have Gotten Killed
Cleveland Police hold 11 year old at gunpoint
Indiana Cops taser 10-year-old

The Free Thought Project: Charges dropped for 119 people after cop caught planting meth https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cha...
The Free Thought Project: Cops detain entire bar
The Guardian: Eric Garner Chokehold Video

Road Pirate fired for not being too hasty to gun people down:
Cop sodomizes man because he thought he smelled drugs:
City fires Road Pirates for feeling uncomfortable extorting people:
Road Pirates hold kids at gunpoint:
Cops kill 25 dogs every day, on average:
The real reason the Government-run media doesn't like the idea of self-driving cars(It's because they want to continue extorting people):
Road Pirates violently assaulting street musicians:
Road Pirate rapes 14 year old sex crime victim instead of helping her:
Amount of Road Pirates convicted of murder(Only 20%):
Figures for Road Pirates being incredibly violent:
Road Pirates more likely to beat their wives:
Road Pirates run people over to keep them safe:
Private security? Are you kidding me? How do you think that entity even exists? You know, such as the monetary system they benefit from? Are you actually suggesting that if government never existed, that people would have the luxury to be able to feed themselves and pay other people to have jobs? It’s the rule of law that has allowed these entities to exist in the first place. What you are saying is so short-sided that it blows my mind.
Well, no, I'm not kidding you, all services exist independent of the Government, demand and the resulting profit incentive is what creates businesses. In fact, if you're arguing that everyone would suddenly decide to go against their interests and hurt random people to their own detriment, that only means that Private Security would be in high demand, thus expanding that industry.

Actually, yes, if not for Government, in fact, all industries that there's a demand for would thrive. 800,000+ Regulations, pushing 900,000, at an average rate of +150 every day, make it more difficult to enter the market and compete. Regulations exist to make the cost of production and distribution more expensive and difficult, which hurts smaller businesses and helps corporations. If not for Government, businesses would have to compete with each other ethically, otherwise it would damage their reputation and shrink their consumer base. So, yes, not only would it exist without Government, it would thrive far more without Government.

Actually, what you're saying is short-sighted, it's exactly what the Government tells you; "If I didn't exist, how could you voluntarily trade with each other?", this is actually completely silly, the fact that the Black Market exists is proof that markets exist independent of Government. In fact, 90% of people in Iceland trade around the Government rather than associate with it, because avoiding the Government is easier, cheaper, and more efficient. So, once again, you're wrong on all fronts.
Okay you are talking about regulations as being the same thing as the rule of law. The rule of law is how this organization in the private market even exists to begin with. That is the simple point being made here. Whether or not there should be less regulations going forward is an entirely different concept then making the argument that humanity would live in harmony had there never been government and rule of law to begin with.
Oh great another list of bullshit that no one with average intelligence or above should take seriously. More importantly, none of these retarded points have anything to do with securing the integrity of foreign powers meddling in our elections.
Oh so, MILLIONS of Mexicans inside the USA, illegally voting in our elections, is not foreign powers meddling in our elections. Maybe it is more like foreign powers TAKING OVER our elections And flipping a number of states (New Mexico, Colorado, California, Nevada) from red to blue. Anything going on with Russia is a drop in the bucket compared to this. You see any Russians coming here and voting ? Tampering with voting machines?

Or maybe you think Russians came here holding billy clubs and stood outside polling places intimidating voters to vote Democrat. You think ?

Hey, what is protecting your right to be inside your home talking on a computer? The government.
Well, no, actually, they're not. They infringe on my right to do that, in fact, especially through monopolization of industry through regulations.
Warren v. District of Columbia - Wikipedia Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales - Wikipedia DeShaney v. Winnebago County - Wikipedia Maksim Gelman stabbing spree - Wikipedia
Besides, they openly admit that they have no obligation to protect us, so you're wrong on all fronts.

The government has laws that discourages people from burning your house down and stealing your shit. If such laws didn’t exist, do you really think you would have gotten this far in life protected by emergency services?
Pretty sure society would reject people who do that, especially if they're private security, which is paid specifically to prevent that from happening. If you're armed in addition to that, there's not only no incentive, but more danger associated with doing exactly that. I'd also like to point out that the 15 minute response time from the Road Pirates doesn't prevent that from happening, only allows them to kidnap and imprison or murder that person if they bother to after it has already happened. You know, when the Road Pirates aren't stealing our money and property themselves.

And here's a list of examples of the Road Pirates doing exactly what you claim they protect us from;

Centralized Security/Police being incredibly violent:
The Splinter: Family Awarded just...4 dollars
The Free Thought Project: Cops shoot dad through door
The Free Thought Project: Cop Beats man chained to bed
The Free Thought Project: Officers beat 9-year-old for leaning on car https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cop...
The Free Thought Project: Officers Justified in Beating Loud Music https://thefreethoughtproject.com/off...
The Free Thought Project: Cop Acquitted in shooting of therapist https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cop...
The Free Thought Project: Woman thrown to ground by police https://thefreethoughtproject.com/vid...
The Free Thought Project: Tasered man burns to death
The Free Thought Project: Chief of Police removed for trying to stop police brutality https://thefreethoughtproject.com/mes...
The Free Thought Project: Cop will NOT go to jail after raping 5 year old girl https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cop...
The Free Thought Project: Cops beat unarmed, innocent man https://thefreethoughtproject.com/mes...
The Free Thought Project: Killing of sleeping man "reasonable" https://thefreethoughtproject.com/wil...
Lew Rockwell: The New "Stop Resisting"
The Atlantic: How Police Training leads to Avoidable Deaths
Rutherford Institute: The only truly compliant citizen is a dead one.
The Root: If I Complied I Would Have Gotten Killed
Cleveland Police hold 11 year old at gunpoint
Indiana Cops taser 10-year-old

The Free Thought Project: Charges dropped for 119 people after cop caught planting meth https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cha...
The Free Thought Project: Cops detain entire bar
The Guardian: Eric Garner Chokehold Video

Road Pirate fired for not being too hasty to gun people down:
Cop sodomizes man because he thought he smelled drugs:
City fires Road Pirates for feeling uncomfortable extorting people:
Road Pirates hold kids at gunpoint:
Cops kill 25 dogs every day, on average:
The real reason the Government-run media doesn't like the idea of self-driving cars(It's because they want to continue extorting people):
Road Pirates violently assaulting street musicians:
Road Pirate rapes 14 year old sex crime victim instead of helping her:
Amount of Road Pirates convicted of murder(Only 20%):
Figures for Road Pirates being incredibly violent:
Road Pirates more likely to beat their wives:
Road Pirates run people over to keep them safe:
Private security? Are you kidding me? How do you think that entity even exists? You know, such as the monetary system they benefit from? Are you actually suggesting that if government never existed, that people would have the luxury to be able to feed themselves and pay other people to have jobs? It’s the rule of law that has allowed these entities to exist in the first place. What you are saying is so short-sided that it blows my mind.
Well, no, I'm not kidding you, all services exist independent of the Government, demand and the resulting profit incentive is what creates businesses. In fact, if you're arguing that everyone would suddenly decide to go against their interests and hurt random people to their own detriment, that only means that Private Security would be in high demand, thus expanding that industry.

Actually, yes, if not for Government, in fact, all industries that there's a demand for would thrive. 800,000+ Regulations, pushing 900,000, at an average rate of +150 every day, make it more difficult to enter the market and compete. Regulations exist to make the cost of production and distribution more expensive and difficult, which hurts smaller businesses and helps corporations. If not for Government, businesses would have to compete with each other ethically, otherwise it would damage their reputation and shrink their consumer base. So, yes, not only would it exist without Government, it would thrive far more without Government.

Actually, what you're saying is short-sighted, it's exactly what the Government tells you; "If I didn't exist, how could you voluntarily trade with each other?", this is actually completely silly, the fact that the Black Market exists is proof that markets exist independent of Government. In fact, 90% of people in Iceland trade around the Government rather than associate with it, because avoiding the Government is easier, cheaper, and more efficient. So, once again, you're wrong on all fronts.
Okay you are talking about regulations as being the same thing as the rule of law. The rule of law is how this organization in the private market even exists to begin with. That is the simple point being made here. Whether or not there should be less regulations going forward is an entirely different concept then making the argument that humanity would live in harmony had there never been government and rule of law to begin with.
No, I'm mentioning both as being tied directly to the existence of Government, and Government not being beneficial to the Market in any way.

No, "law" in no way helps organize Markets, Markets organize themselves, as people are capable of organizing themselves when given incentive to do so. A good example of this is the Revolution, people brought their own personal Warships to assist in fighting off the British as they saw personal benefit in this. Incentive caused people to self-organize. There are also numerous examples of self-organization in society today, such as Churches and Non-Profit Organizations.

Laws are completely arbitrary, and in no way help people organize, in fact, all they do is criminalize almost every person in the United States. The average person commits three felonies every single day, how the frick-frack does that help people organize?

I'm not arguing for fewer Regulations, I'm arguing for none, and in fact, the absence of Government entirely. People WOULD live in harmony, because the extra money they save without Government stealing from and imprisoning them would allow everyone to afford Private Security, which would incentivize them to trade voluntarily rather than initiating force.
Lol oh my god. What is this shit? One facility? What’s even happening? Again, the point is pretty simple: where is the evidence these kids are going to be released? It’s a pretty simple question.
Dumbass, they are released every day, and sent to dozens of Southwest Key Program facilities all over the southwestern United States They only stay in the Obama cages for a day or two, while being processed.

Ignorant, information-deprived, victim of liberal OMISSION media. I can see CNN, MSNBC, etc have got YOU programmed.

They ought to be sent back to their home country instantly. We shouldnt have to be paying one dime for Soros' invaders.(just so they can become DEMOCRAT VOTERS)

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