Bob Casey Is A Swamp Creature & Should Not Be Reelected!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
If Pennsylvanians send Bob Casey back to the Senate this November 5th, they will be betraying Pennsylvania and America! Seventeen years ago Pennsylvanians sent a principled Bob Casey to Washington to represent them in the Senate and he has become a swamp creature, he has become corrupted to the core by the environment in Washington that works for special interests and the political machines, he now epitomizes America's long standing modern problem with the representatives that they send to Washington once they get there these men and women make their top priority holding on to their job, they vote on bills and work for agendas that will get them the votes they need to be reelected, the welfare and the best interests of the of the country and the American people gets cast aside!

America has a budget deficit and a national debt problem that are on a trajectory that will cause an economic catastrophic event with consequences that will permanently leave ordinary Americans with a lower standard of living. This event will involve the world's sovereign debt investors begin rejecting buying U.S. Treasury bonds or demand unviable high interest rates to buy them and the ultimate fallout of this catastrophic event will be the nation cycling between higher interest rates and the government being the lender on the various types of loans our society needs to function both resulting in high inflation and other serious economic problems. Economic data and analysis from the U.S. Treasury Department and the Congressional Budget Office and computations from such indicate this day of Economic Armageddon will almost certainly have arrived in thirty years because in thirty years America's yearly interest payments will equal thirty-four percent of the revenue the nation takes in at that time, today the rate is nineteen percent in another ten years it will be twenty-two percent and in twenty years it will be twenty-seven percent - historically it was eleven percent! Economists will say this relationship of national debt payment to incoming revenue doesn't matter they say it is the amount of the overall debt compared to the country's Gross Domestic Product that is critical but these so-called experts are actually idiots on this issue, sovereign debt investors act like banks in the loaning of money it is the borrowers income that is critical that determines the debt load they can readily pay the obligations on! Responsible elected officials recognize that America has this fatal national debt disease (it is fatal now because elected officials over the past eight years failed to tax appropriately and over spent so that now the national debt is beyond fixing practically through budget cuts and revenue raising) and seek to try to manage the problem just like a good doctor tries to manage a fatal medical disease a person might have the doctor manages the disease to put off as far as possible the day the disease kills the patient.

Not Bob Casey he is down there in Washington spending money like money grows on trees, "unnecessary spending" and "wasteful spending" are not phrases in Bob Casey's vocabulary; Bob Casey has his foot on the "deficit spending" gas pedal and he will play a role in driving America right off the economic cliff if we don't yank him out of Washington! These pandemic era relief bills the nation saw in 2020 thru 2022 were stark examples of enormous wasteful spending there was so much that books could be written detailing all the wrong and Bob Casey didn't try to stop the waste (if he tried and failed I wouldn't hold it against him), Bob just signed on - get all the pork and give away money from Washington you can for your state and the finances of the country be damned that is Bob Casey's character! One pandemic era spending program that embodies this waste was Employee Retention Credit program. It was a program that allowed employers to get a refundable tax credit for up to fifty percent of the wages they paid an employee during 2020 &2021 and the credit could be worth up to $10,000 per year, it applied if the employer met one of three criteria: it was subject to a government covid operating restriction, had a significant drop in revenue or thirdly, the business started in 2020 and it was a small business. Considering the nations national debt problem at the time and the generous loan programs for employers and the enhanced unemployment program and other financial relief programs in the Pandemic relief bills this program should have been considered unnecessary. Also, the program was irresponsible it should have been made to kick in if the employer lost money for the year taxpayers money shouldn't be used to uphold earnings. Further, the law should not have allowed essentially a three year window to file for the tax credit it should have been the balance of the year after the normal April 15 deadline to allow for tax preparers that made an error in filing a tax return to correct it, it is disgraceful the way it was set-up the only legitimacy of the program is that it would get or keep people employed that would otherwise not be; but with this generous window the nation sees many employer tax filers that did not even consider the program in their analysis on whether or not to employ a worker and this tax credit is amounting to just a windfall for them; this is further evidenced by the shameful cottage industry that arose across the nation getting employers to amend their tax returns to claim the tax credit - resulting in a program projected to cost $55 billion actually going to cost the government $220 billion. This program was really Washington corruption at its worst the initial program was part of the CARES act passed in March of 2020 but the program was expanded in March of 2021 with the American Rescue Plan Act where the percentage was raised from fifty to seventy percent of eligible wages and the yearly cap on the credit was raised from ten thousand dollars to twenty-eight thousand dollars; this expansion was unnecessary in March of 2021 the nation had the Covid vaccine and people were receiving and representatives knew that during this year 2021 the Covid vaccine would be available to anyone that wanted it and so the pandemic would be ending!

Another irresponsible spending program that Bob Casey signed on to was the $91 billion dollar bailout of multi-employer pension plans in the American Rescue Plan enacted in March of 2021, these are the pension plans of major unions which the American people know are major backers of the Democrat Party. This was egregiously irresponsible because the Federal Government had a good policy on handling such insolvent multi-company pension plans, that is, when unions don't negotiate proper funding of their collective bargained pensions and the pension plans become insolvent and are taken over by the Federal Government "Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation" retirees in the pension plan sometimes get their pension cut from what was promised if it is over the maximum allowed by Congress. The important principle here which the Democrats cast aside is that the system needs an incentive to insure that unions and the employers negotiate funding pension plans and are reasonable on the numbers for these pensions; this is the problem that the nation was facing at that time union officials negotiated good pensions for their rank and file but did not do the hard negotiations guaranteeing the funding of the pensions. The Democrats just threw away this important moral hazard on this issue. The public should be aware that these retirees in these bailed out pension plans get social security like everyone else the pensions the American taxpayers are picking up the tab here are for private pensions which most Americans don't and won't get when they retire. The other disgraceful thing about this multi-employer bailout program is that shirked an opportunity to fix the multi-company pension plan program for the government's Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation program, this government agency essentially insures two types of plans the individual and these multi-company pension plans. The individual plan program is set-up responsibly the maximum guarantee pension for insolvent plans is reasonably set and put on an inflation index; the multi-company pension plan program's maximum guarantee pension for insolvent plans hasn't been updated in over twenty years, for a retiree with thirty years of service in one of these insolvent plans the maximum yearly pension that person can get is twelve thousand and eight hundred and seventy dollars per year. Democrats didn't use this $91 billion to fix the multi-employer plan and increase the maximum pension a beneficiary can get because it would have caused them to be responsible in bailing out all the current union pension the insolvent pensions in some cases would have had to reduce the pensions provided to reasonable levels but also the Democrats shafted the American people twice because the current multi-employer program with its inordinate low maximum pension sets up the nation to be pressured and manipulated to do another major union bailout in the future. PBGC has already granted or loaned that practically won't be paid back on over fifty billion of this $91 billion dollars. Pennsylvania voters should tell Bob Casey this November that it isn't okay that Democrats pay off their union supporter with a pension bailout that cast aside good public policy!

It is alarming how Bob Casey lost his character and moral compass in Washington back in 2006 when Bob was first elected he was a staunch pro-life politician. What that means is that you believe that the fetus at some time during the nine-month gestation period becomes a human being, a human person just like the three-hundred and fifty plus million people walking around America today and has fundamental civil rights like the right to life. Today Bob Casey is fully on board with the progressive party's agenda about passing a national law on abortion. And no this agenda isn't about passing a federal law guaranteeing a women the right to an abortion if her life is endangered by her pregnancy or the pregnancy was the result of rape or incest which is compatible with the moral belief in the right to life; no, swamp creature Bob Casey is on board about enacting a law that codifies the Roe case which will across the nation allow a women to have an abortion for any reason at all up to the point of viability of the fetus meaning when the fetus can survive outside of the womb which is commonly believed to be twenty-three weeks into a pregnancy. How can a guy go from believing staunchly that a fetus in a womb that has a human shape and a working heart and brain is a human person with a critically important civil right of the right to life that I am now gung ho to vote in favor of a bill that will sanction across the nation killing such a human being? The guy is character depraved in the extreme and should not be considered suitable to be a Senator representing Pennsylvania in Washington.

Bob Casey's lack of caring about the welfare of America really knows no bounds; his reversing his position and now supporting doing away with the Senate's legislative filibuster rule is a perfect example. The Senate filibuster rule requires sixty Senators to vote to end a debate on a bill and bring it up for a passage vote and Bob now supports allowing a majority of Senators that is fifty one to end a debate on a bill. This filibuster rule is a critical rule because practically it stops the extreme wing of the majority party from enacting into law their extremists agenda it forces compromise to get bills passed into law; it is widely agreed upon that with gerrymandering and the huge amount of money needed to win elections and other flaws in our society it has resulted in the major parties embracing extremists agendas. This is an utmost serious issue because when this rule is done with the far left part of the Democrat Party will be able to enact its full agenda which will entail a national sales tax and across the board extremely high taxes and social engineering and other things that Ruby Red states will not tolerate these strong Republican states will ban together and secede from the country it will bring about the permanent demise of America. In 2017 Bob Casey signed a letter with a lot of other Senators requesting Senate leadership preserve the legislative filibuster; then in 2021 with Democrat Joe Biden taking over the Presidency Bob Casey reverses course and says he is open to doing away with the filibuster - Bob's signing on to move the progressive agenda forward fateful consequences be damned.

I am calling on Pennsylvanians to fire Bob Casey this November, but I am not anti-Democrat on the Presidential ticket this year. Yes, Kamala Harris is pretty progressive but she is still a trillion times better than Donald Trump; it is a lesser of two evils by a trillion fold. A concise assessment, Donald Trump isn't smart it is not that his IQ isn't high it is he lacks wisdom. With his signature legislation in his first term the 2017 tax reform legislation, he should have just made it a deficit neutral bill that is what Republicans historically wanted he could have got it and it would have still been an outstanding bill and most importantly it wouldn't have destroyed the Republican Party's reputation about really caring about deficits and the national debt. The country likely would not be in the tragic situation it is in today with yearly budget deficits topping $1.8 trillion if the Republicans had credibility on the issue. Trump will be worse than Harris on inflation, all his planned tax cuts will put so much money in the economy that the Democrat pandemic spending will look like chicken feed; Trump wants to not tax over-time pay, Social Security income, tip income, do away with the limits on State tax deduction on Federal taxes, etc. plus he will bring about the Federal Reserve Board lowering interest rates so America can create a great economy all resulting in alarming inflation befalling America. Trump will do much worse on America's illegal immigration crisis; yes Trump will beat the hell out of Mexico and get them to hold asylum seekers in Mexico but Trump won't be that effective at stopping the illegal flow because to stop the flow a President needs legislation to narrow asylum eligibility and have these eligibility determinations made at a much higher rate at the border. Trump would need the bipartisan immigration bill that Trump killed earlier this year enacted into law and Democrats in Congress won't give it to him first because they hate the guy, second because he killed the bill just because he wanted to use the issue to campaign on and third Harris/Biden are good on helping people from failed countries emigrate to the U.S. which progressive Democrats like and so they don't mind helping on the problem, the media describes this as the humanitarian parole program for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans which Trump won't continue because adamantly believes it is wrong! It is not too hard for Pennsylvanians to vote for a Democrat President and a Republican Senator in sufficient numbers for these two candidates to win, we did it in 1992 we elected Bill Clinton President and Arlen Specter as our Senator!
If Pennsylvanians send Bob Casey back to the Senate this November 5th, they will be betraying Pennsylvania and America! Seventeen years ago Pennsylvanians sent a principled Bob Casey to Washington to represent them in the Senate and he has become a swamp creature, he has become corrupted to the core by the environment in Washington that works for special interests and the political machines, he now epitomizes America's long standing modern problem with the representatives that they send to Washington once they get there these men and women make their top priority holding on to their job, they vote on bills and work for agendas that will get them the votes they need to be reelected, the welfare and the best interests of the of the country and the American people gets cast aside!

America has a budget deficit and a national debt problem that are on a trajectory that will cause an economic catastrophic event with consequences that will permanently leave ordinary Americans with a lower standard of living. This event will involve the world's sovereign debt investors begin rejecting buying U.S. Treasury bonds or demand unviable high interest rates to buy them and the ultimate fallout of this catastrophic event will be the nation cycling between higher interest rates and the government being the lender on the various types of loans our society needs to function both resulting in high inflation and other serious economic problems. Economic data and analysis from the U.S. Treasury Department and the Congressional Budget Office and computations from such indicate this day of Economic Armageddon will almost certainly have arrived in thirty years because in thirty years America's yearly interest payments will equal thirty-four percent of the revenue the nation takes in at that time, today the rate is nineteen percent in another ten years it will be twenty-two percent and in twenty years it will be twenty-seven percent - historically it was eleven percent! Economists will say this relationship of national debt payment to incoming revenue doesn't matter they say it is the amount of the overall debt compared to the country's Gross Domestic Product that is critical but these so-called experts are actually idiots on this issue, sovereign debt investors act like banks in the loaning of money it is the borrowers income that is critical that determines the debt load they can readily pay the obligations on! Responsible elected officials recognize that America has this fatal national debt disease (it is fatal now because elected officials over the past eight years failed to tax appropriately and over spent so that now the national debt is beyond fixing practically through budget cuts and revenue raising) and seek to try to manage the problem just like a good doctor tries to manage a fatal medical disease a person might have the doctor manages the disease to put off as far as possible the day the disease kills the patient.

Not Bob Casey he is down there in Washington spending money like money grows on trees, "unnecessary spending" and "wasteful spending" are not phrases in Bob Casey's vocabulary; Bob Casey has his foot on the "deficit spending" gas pedal and he will play a role in driving America right off the economic cliff if we don't yank him out of Washington! These pandemic era relief bills the nation saw in 2020 thru 2022 were stark examples of enormous wasteful spending there was so much that books could be written detailing all the wrong and Bob Casey didn't try to stop the waste (if he tried and failed I wouldn't hold it against him), Bob just signed on - get all the pork and give away money from Washington you can for your state and the finances of the country be damned that is Bob Casey's character! One pandemic era spending program that embodies this waste was Employee Retention Credit program. It was a program that allowed employers to get a refundable tax credit for up to fifty percent of the wages they paid an employee during 2020 &2021 and the credit could be worth up to $10,000 per year, it applied if the employer met one of three criteria: it was subject to a government covid operating restriction, had a significant drop in revenue or thirdly, the business started in 2020 and it was a small business. Considering the nations national debt problem at the time and the generous loan programs for employers and the enhanced unemployment program and other financial relief programs in the Pandemic relief bills this program should have been considered unnecessary. Also, the program was irresponsible it should have been made to kick in if the employer lost money for the year taxpayers money shouldn't be used to uphold earnings. Further, the law should not have allowed essentially a three year window to file for the tax credit it should have been the balance of the year after the normal April 15 deadline to allow for tax preparers that made an error in filing a tax return to correct it, it is disgraceful the way it was set-up the only legitimacy of the program is that it would get or keep people employed that would otherwise not be; but with this generous window the nation sees many employer tax filers that did not even consider the program in their analysis on whether or not to employ a worker and this tax credit is amounting to just a windfall for them; this is further evidenced by the shameful cottage industry that arose across the nation getting employers to amend their tax returns to claim the tax credit - resulting in a program projected to cost $55 billion actually going to cost the government $220 billion. This program was really Washington corruption at its worst the initial program was part of the CARES act passed in March of 2020 but the program was expanded in March of 2021 with the American Rescue Plan Act where the percentage was raised from fifty to seventy percent of eligible wages and the yearly cap on the credit was raised from ten thousand dollars to twenty-eight thousand dollars; this expansion was unnecessary in March of 2021 the nation had the Covid vaccine and people were receiving and representatives knew that during this year 2021 the Covid vaccine would be available to anyone that wanted it and so the pandemic would be ending!

Another irresponsible spending program that Bob Casey signed on to was the $91 billion dollar bailout of multi-employer pension plans in the American Rescue Plan enacted in March of 2021, these are the pension plans of major unions which the American people know are major backers of the Democrat Party. This was egregiously irresponsible because the Federal Government had a good policy on handling such insolvent multi-company pension plans, that is, when unions don't negotiate proper funding of their collective bargained pensions and the pension plans become insolvent and are taken over by the Federal Government "Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation" retirees in the pension plan sometimes get their pension cut from what was promised if it is over the maximum allowed by Congress. The important principle here which the Democrats cast aside is that the system needs an incentive to insure that unions and the employers negotiate funding pension plans and are reasonable on the numbers for these pensions; this is the problem that the nation was facing at that time union officials negotiated good pensions for their rank and file but did not do the hard negotiations guaranteeing the funding of the pensions. The Democrats just threw away this important moral hazard on this issue. The public should be aware that these retirees in these bailed out pension plans get social security like everyone else the pensions the American taxpayers are picking up the tab here are for private pensions which most Americans don't and won't get when they retire. The other disgraceful thing about this multi-employer bailout program is that shirked an opportunity to fix the multi-company pension plan program for the government's Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation program, this government agency essentially insures two types of plans the individual and these multi-company pension plans. The individual plan program is set-up responsibly the maximum guarantee pension for insolvent plans is reasonably set and put on an inflation index; the multi-company pension plan program's maximum guarantee pension for insolvent plans hasn't been updated in over twenty years, for a retiree with thirty years of service in one of these insolvent plans the maximum yearly pension that person can get is twelve thousand and eight hundred and seventy dollars per year. Democrats didn't use this $91 billion to fix the multi-employer plan and increase the maximum pension a beneficiary can get because it would have caused them to be responsible in bailing out all the current union pension the insolvent pensions in some cases would have had to reduce the pensions provided to reasonable levels but also the Democrats shafted the American people twice because the current multi-employer program with its inordinate low maximum pension sets up the nation to be pressured and manipulated to do another major union bailout in the future. PBGC has already granted or loaned that practically won't be paid back on over fifty billion of this $91 billion dollars. Pennsylvania voters should tell Bob Casey this November that it isn't okay that Democrats pay off their union supporter with a pension bailout that cast aside good public policy!

It is alarming how Bob Casey lost his character and moral compass in Washington back in 2006 when Bob was first elected he was a staunch pro-life politician. What that means is that you believe that the fetus at some time during the nine-month gestation period becomes a human being, a human person just like the three-hundred and fifty plus million people walking around America today and has fundamental civil rights like the right to life. Today Bob Casey is fully on board with the progressive party's agenda about passing a national law on abortion. And no this agenda isn't about passing a federal law guaranteeing a women the right to an abortion if her life is endangered by her pregnancy or the pregnancy was the result of rape or incest which is compatible with the moral belief in the right to life; no, swamp creature Bob Casey is on board about enacting a law that codifies the Roe case which will across the nation allow a women to have an abortion for any reason at all up to the point of viability of the fetus meaning when the fetus can survive outside of the womb which is commonly believed to be twenty-three weeks into a pregnancy. How can a guy go from believing staunchly that a fetus in a womb that has a human shape and a working heart and brain is a human person with a critically important civil right of the right to life that I am now gung ho to vote in favor of a bill that will sanction across the nation killing such a human being? The guy is character depraved in the extreme and should not be considered suitable to be a Senator representing Pennsylvania in Washington.

Bob Casey's lack of caring about the welfare of America really knows no bounds; his reversing his position and now supporting doing away with the Senate's legislative filibuster rule is a perfect example. The Senate filibuster rule requires sixty Senators to vote to end a debate on a bill and bring it up for a passage vote and Bob now supports allowing a majority of Senators that is fifty one to end a debate on a bill. This filibuster rule is a critical rule because practically it stops the extreme wing of the majority party from enacting into law their extremists agenda it forces compromise to get bills passed into law; it is widely agreed upon that with gerrymandering and the huge amount of money needed to win elections and other flaws in our society it has resulted in the major parties embracing extremists agendas. This is an utmost serious issue because when this rule is done with the far left part of the Democrat Party will be able to enact its full agenda which will entail a national sales tax and across the board extremely high taxes and social engineering and other things that Ruby Red states will not tolerate these strong Republican states will ban together and secede from the country it will bring about the permanent demise of America. In 2017 Bob Casey signed a letter with a lot of other Senators requesting Senate leadership preserve the legislative filibuster; then in 2021 with Democrat Joe Biden taking over the Presidency Bob Casey reverses course and says he is open to doing away with the filibuster - Bob's signing on to move the progressive agenda forward fateful consequences be damned.

I am calling on Pennsylvanians to fire Bob Casey this November, but I am not anti-Democrat on the Presidential ticket this year. Yes, Kamala Harris is pretty progressive but she is still a trillion times better than Donald Trump; it is a lesser of two evils by a trillion fold. A concise assessment, Donald Trump isn't smart it is not that his IQ isn't high it is he lacks wisdom. With his signature legislation in his first term the 2017 tax reform legislation, he should have just made it a deficit neutral bill that is what Republicans historically wanted he could have got it and it would have still been an outstanding bill and most importantly it wouldn't have destroyed the Republican Party's reputation about really caring about deficits and the national debt. The country likely would not be in the tragic situation it is in today with yearly budget deficits topping $1.8 trillion if the Republicans had credibility on the issue. Trump will be worse than Harris on inflation, all his planned tax cuts will put so much money in the economy that the Democrat pandemic spending will look like chicken feed; Trump wants to not tax over-time pay, Social Security income, tip income, do away with the limits on State tax deduction on Federal taxes, etc. plus he will bring about the Federal Reserve Board lowering interest rates so America can create a great economy all resulting in alarming inflation befalling America. Trump will do much worse on America's illegal immigration crisis; yes Trump will beat the hell out of Mexico and get them to hold asylum seekers in Mexico but Trump won't be that effective at stopping the illegal flow because to stop the flow a President needs legislation to narrow asylum eligibility and have these eligibility determinations made at a much higher rate at the border. Trump would need the bipartisan immigration bill that Trump killed earlier this year enacted into law and Democrats in Congress won't give it to him first because they hate the guy, second because he killed the bill just because he wanted to use the issue to campaign on and third Harris/Biden are good on helping people from failed countries emigrate to the U.S. which progressive Democrats like and so they don't mind helping on the problem, the media describes this as the humanitarian parole program for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans which Trump won't continue because adamantly believes it is wrong! It is not too hard for Pennsylvanians to vote for a Democrat President and a Republican Senator in sufficient numbers for these two candidates to win, we did it in 1992 we elected Bill Clinton President and Arlen Specter as our Senator!
Since he's running ads about how he sided with tRump the DNC needs to pull all support immediately.
The funniest part?

Casey's latest commercial touts him backing Trump policies and explicitly saying "I AGREE WITH TRUMP".

But yeah, Kamala must be doing great in PA!
Casey is like all establishment Democrats. He'll vote for everything they propose but when it comes to campaigning, he'll lie and weasel and make like he's the second coming of Trump. Turn the page Pa. We need new blood that will actually represent the people. Vote for McCormack. MAGA
Bob Casey Jr. is a typical Democrat liberal.

He will say whatever it takes to gain power.

His dad was pro-life, and so was the son.

Until he wasn't, and he switched from pro-life, to rabidly anti-life because he thought that was the way to go.

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