Trump's accomplishments

312-226 biotch. Looks like most people don't believe your lies.
The subhuman will make believers out of your cult when he jumps the shark with his big mouth running even worse then his first term.

And the jerkoffs & bottom feeders he's appointing are the perfect fit for the shitshow that's coming.

I'm stocking up on popcorn. You & your herd can stock up on Kleenex.
As you MAGGOTS get high off the stink of Trump's ass. That's one hell of a reason to vote for somebody.
Once again, we see the inability of leftists to come up with anything original.

You're all like a blond, who, upon hearing a blond joke, gets all huffy and tells the exact same joke, only substituting "brunette" for "blond"...and flounces off.

This is where you flounce off.
The subhuman will make believers out of your cult when he jumps the shark with his big mouth running even worse then his first term.

And the jerkoffs & bottom feeders he's appointing are the perfect fit for the shitshow that's coming.

I'm stocking up on popcorn. You & your herd can stock up on Kleenex.
After the election was called, you curled up in the fetal position and cried for hours, didn't you? Maybe peed your pants?

That's what happens when your entire life is run solely on emotion.
As you MAGGOTS get high off the stink of Trump's ass. That's one hell of a reason to vote for somebody.
  • Incited an insurrection against the government.
  • Mismanaged a pandemic that killed nearly half a million Americans.
  • Separated children from their families.
  • Lost children in the bureaucracy.
  • Tear-gassed peaceful protesters for a Bible photo op.
  • Tried to block all Muslims from entering the country.
  • Got impeached twice.
  • Had the worst jobs record of any president in modern history.
  • Pressured Ukraine to dig dirt on Joe Biden.
  • Fired the FBI director for investigating his ties to Russia.
  • Bragged about firing the FBI director on TV.
  • Took Putin’s word over U.S. intelligence.
  • Diverted military funding to build his wall.
  • Caused the longest government shutdown in U.S. history.
  • Called Black Lives Matter a “symbol of hate.”
  • Lied nearly 30,000 times.
  • Banned transgender people from serving in the military.
  • Ejected reporters who asked tough questions.
  • Vetoed a defense funding bill over renaming military bases.
  • Refused to release his tax returns.
  • Increased the national debt by nearly $8 trillion.
  • Had three of the highest annual trade deficits in U.S. history.
  • Called veterans and soldiers who died in combat losers and suckers.
  • Coddled Saudi Arabia’s leader after the execution of a U.S.-based journalist.
  • Refused to concede the 2020 election.
  • Hired his unqualified daughter and son-in-law to work in the White House.
  • Walked out of an interview with Lesley Stahl.
  • Called neo-Nazis “very fine people.”
  • Suggested injecting bleach to fight COVID.
  • Abandoned Kurdish allies to Turkey.
  • Pushed tax cuts for the wealthy, hesitated on help for working Americans.
  • Incited anti-lockdown protests during the pandemic.
  • Withdrew from the Paris climate accords.
  • Withdrew from the Iranian nuclear deal.
  • Withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
  • Insulted his own Cabinet members on Twitter.
  • Pushed Montenegro’s leader aside at a photo op.
  • Failed to reaffirm U.S. commitment to NATO.
  • Called Haiti and African nations “shithole” countries.
  • Called Baltimore “the worst in the nation.”
  • Claimed he brought back the phrase “Merry Christmas.”
  • Forced Cabinet members to publicly praise him.
  • Believed he should receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Berated Attorney General for recusing himself from Russia probe.
  • Suggested the U.S. should buy Greenland.
  • Colluded with Mitch McConnell to push through federal judges.
  • Repeatedly called the media “enemies of the people.”
  • Claimed fewer COVID tests would mean fewer cases.
  • Violated the emoluments clause.
  • Mistakenly thought Nambia was a country.
  • Told Bob Woodward COVID was serious but downplayed it publicly.
  • Called his vice president a “p---y” for following the Constitution.
  • Nearly led the U.S. into a war with Iran over a tweet.
  • Nominated a corrupt head of the EPA.
  • Nominated a corrupt head of HHS.
  • Nominated a corrupt head of the Interior Department.
  • Nominated a corrupt head of the USDA.
  • Praised dictators while criticizing allies.
  • Refused to allow the presidential transition to begin.
  • Insulted John McCain, even after his death.
  • Played golf excessively after criticizing Obama for it.
  • Falsely claimed he won the 2016 popular vote.
  • Called London’s Muslim mayor a “stone cold loser.”
  • Falsely claimed he turned down Time’s Man of the Year.
  • Considered firing Robert Mueller.
  • Mocked wearing face masks for COVID prevention.
  • Locked Congress out of confirming Cabinet officials.
  • Called COVID the “China virus.”
  • Associated with and pardoned convicted associates.
  • Gave Presidential Medal of Freedom to two conspiracy theorists.
  • Got into a fight with Australia’s leader.
  • Secretary of State reportedly called him a moron.
  • Forced press secretary to claim largest inauguration crowd.
  • Botched the COVID vaccine rollout.
  • Got banned from Twitter for dangerous propaganda.
  • Charged Secret Service inflated rates at his properties.
  • Constantly interrupted Joe Biden in a debate.
  • Claimed COVID would “magically” disappear.
  • Called a U.S. Senator “Pocahontas.”
  • Criticized Nordstrom for dropping Ivanka’s merchandise.
  • Opened federal lands to development and drilling.
  • Entered a tariff war with China that needed taxpayer bailouts.
  • Ignored daily intelligence briefings.
  • Skipped honoring American war dead in France due to rain.
  • Redesigned Air Force One to look like Trump Shuttle.
  • Claimed to have “love letters” with Kim Jong Un.
  • Threatened social media companies over free speech.
  • Mishandled Hurricane Maria response in Puerto Rico.
  • Pressured Georgia’s governor to “find” votes for him.
  • Mistook the Virgin Islands’ status.
  • Used a Sharpie to alter a hurricane forecast map.
  • Allowed White House staff to use personal emails.
  • Rolled back protections against mercury and asbestos.
  • Pushed COVID snake-oil remedies.
  • Rolled back river pollution protections.
  • Held campaign rallies at the White House.
  • Tried to strip health insurance from Americans.
  • Refused to attend Biden’s inauguration.
  • Nominated an inadequate Education Secretary.
  • Threatened judges who opposed him.
  • Attacked Dr. Anthony Fauci.
  • Promised Mexico would pay for the wall (it didn’t).
  • Let political appointees override climate science.
  • Stumbled while walking down a ramp after criticizing Biden.
  • Called an African-American Congresswoman “low IQ.”
  • Threatened federal aid to Democratic-led states and cities.
  • Held maskless rallies amid COVID.
  • Claimed investigations of him were “witch hunts.”
  • Suggested airports existed during the American Revolution.
  • Demanded “total loyalty” from the FBI director.
  • Supported the conspiracy theory that Democrats were Satanic pedophiles.
  • Gutted the Voice of America.
  • Appointed a partisan hack to lead the Postal Service.
  • Claimed Obama administration bugged Trump Tower.
  • Suggested allowing more immigrants from Norway.
  • Said COVID wasn’t bad because he recovered with treatments unavailable to others.
  • Overturned energy conservation standards.
  • Reduced refugee admissions.
  • Insulted Congress members and media with childish nicknames.
  • Awarded Rush Limbaugh a Presidential Medal of Freedom.
  • Appointed a young head of personnel previously fired for impropriety.
  • Eliminated White House office of pandemic response.
  • Used soldiers as campaign props.
  • Fired advisors who disagreed with him.
  • Demanded a Soviet-style military parade.
  • Hired white nationalists.
  • Politicized civil service.
  • Did nothing after Russia hacked the U.S. government.
  • Lied about Boy Scouts praising his speech.
  • Claimed Black people would overrun suburbs under Biden.
  • Insulted reporters and women reporters of color.
  • Approved China’s oppression of Uighurs.
  • Attacked Supreme Court rulings against him.
  • Pressured Pennsylvania leaders to overturn election results.
  • Spent hours watching Fox News.
  • Refused administration compliance with Congressional subpoenas.
  • Hired Rudy Giuliani as his lawyer.
  • Tried to harm Amazon because of unfavorable coverage by the Washington Post.
  • Treated the Attorney General as a personal lawyer.
  • Attempted to get federal protection in a sexual assault lawsuit.
  • Held undisclosed meetings with Vladimir Putin.
  • Paused press briefings for extended periods.
  • “Ordered” U.S. companies to leave China.
  • Ran a party without a policy platform.
  • Claimed Article II gave him absolute powers.
  • Tried to get the U.K. to hold the British Open at his golf course.
  • Suggested nuking hurricanes.
  • Claimed wind turbines cause cancer.
  • Claimed a natural science aptitude.
  • Fired election cybersecurity chief after a secure election.
  • Disclosed classified information to Russia.
  • Pushed the G7 to meet at his Florida resort.
  • Fired the acting attorney general over Muslim ban disagreement.
  • Hired Stephen Miller.
  • Discussed national security in public at Mar-a-Lago.
  • Stopped FBI relocation plans that might compete with his hotel.
  • Abandoned Iraqi allies of the U.S.
  • Sought Russia’s G7 reentry.
  • Held a COVID superspreader event.
  • Appeared to think Frederick Douglass was alive.
  • Lost 60 court cases over election fraud claims.
  • Claimed reopening factories that weren’t reopening.
  • Used European attacks to justify anti-immigrant policies.
  • Never released a healthcare plan.
  • Failed to introduce an infrastructure plan despite “Infrastructure Weeks.”
  • Forced Secret Service agents to drive him during COVID infection.
  • Told Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”
  • Messed up the Census.
  • Withdrew the U.S. from the World Health Organization.
  • Barely worked, leaving press statements to cover his inactivity.
  • Violated the Hatch Act repeatedly.
  • Seemed not to know Lincoln was a Republican.
  • Bragged about his election win at the CIA memorial.
  • Claimed mistreatment worse than any president, including assassinated ones.
  • Claimed Jackson could stop the Civil War despite dying years before.
  • Said unfavorable polls were fake.
  • Claimed other countries mocked the U.S. pre-Trump while leaders laughed at him.
  • Claimed the military was out of ammunition before his term.
  • Created a commission to whitewash history.
  • Retweeted anti-Islam videos from a notorious racist in Britain.
  • Claimed the Pulse shooting would not have happened if someone had a gun.
  • Hired a senior staffer citing the non-existent Bowling Green Massacre.
  • Had a press secretary who denied Nazi Germany’s use of chemical weapons.
  • Overcharged the Secret Service for stays at his properties.
  • Allegedly sold pardons upon leaving office.
  • Stripped protected status from 59,000 Haitians.
  • Falsely claimed Biden wanted to defund the police.
  • Said CDC head didn’t understand COVID.
  • Attempted to rescind DACA protections.
  • Gave himself an A+ for pandemic management.
  • Called for a Goodyear boycott based on an internet hoax.
  • Said U.S. COVID rates were high because of blue states.
  • Deported U.S. veterans who served but were undocumented.
  • Claimed to have done more for Black Americans than any president since Lincoln.
  • Touted a dubious “super-duper” missile.
  • Retweeted a gif calling Biden a pedophile.
  • Pushed security clearances for family.
  • Suggested police rough up suspects.
  • Implied Biden used performance-enhancing drugs.
  • Tried to restrict transgender student bathroom rights.
  • Said cruise ship COVID patients would raise U.S. numbers.
  • Nominated a climate change skeptic.
  • Retweeted doctored Biden footage with “F *** tha Police.”
  • Hugged numerous U.S. flags.
  • Called Democrats “traitors” for not applauding.
  • Said Parkland shooter evaded capture due to Russia focus.
  • Mocked Christine Blasey Ford’s Kavanaugh testimony.
  • Obsessed over low-flow toilets.
  • Called for a garden of heroes with a Canadian statue.
  • Hijacked 4th of July celebrations for partisan speech.
  • Took advice from the MyPillow guy.
  • Called migrant caravans drug dealers and rapists.
  • Stayed silent on Putin poisoning opposition.
  • Ignored Melania’s “Be Best” anti-bullying campaign.
  • Falsely claimed mail-in voting fraud.
  • Announced troop withdrawal from Syria, benefiting Russia and ISIS.
  • Insulted leaders of multiple allied countries.
  • Falsely claimed NATO dues increase was his doing.
  • Skipped Asia summits despite virtual attendance.
  • Lied about time at Ground Zero with 9/11 responders.
  • Said Japanese would “watch Sony TVs” during U.S. attack.
  • Left a NATO summit early in frustration.
  • Stared directly into an eclipse.
  • Claimed he was a “very stable genius.”
  • Refused to commit to a peaceful power transfer.
But, on 'infrastructure', with both houses, he couldn't get it done, yet Biden got it done, bipartisan, in his first 300 days, and there are 60,000 infrastructure projects going on in America, Biden is literally rebuilding America, but no, they couldn't see past inflation, which was caused by the pandemic, as both inflation and the pandemic were world wide. So, what did they do? They elected an asshole for president, a guy who is so stupid he can't figure out that the 2020 election wasn't stolen. No president in history was that dumb.
I had forgotten many of those gaffes. America needs to get used to being a laughing stock again.
The subhuman will make believers out of your cult when he jumps the shark with his big mouth running even worse then his first term.

And the jerkoffs & bottom feeders he's appointing are the perfect fit for the shitshow that's coming.

I'm stocking up on popcorn. You & your herd can stock up on Kleenex.

You should stock up on Zoloft.
The Russians and the Chi/Coms couldn't have done a better hate filled propaganda rant. Maybe they did. Democrats impeached Trump on faked evidence, they tried to bankrupt and put him in prison on frivolous charges, they weaponized the judicial department and tried to embarrass him with a federal raid including going through his wife's underwear drawer for evidence that could have been turned over with a phone call. Worst of all a case could be made that rogue elements in the democrat party set him up for two assassination attempts when all else failed. Now the disappointed hypocrites on the left reach out to our enemies both foreign and domestic for propaganda that they hope will undermine the new administration. No surprise.

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