A Historic Day for the Republican Party

1. What is lost in the chaos of today is that Republicans lost a Senate they were in firm control of. They lost TWO seats in solid RED Georgia. The wild rants of the President and accusations of fraud in Georgia elections played a key role.

2. Congressional Republicans engaged in wild political theater to attempt to get a Vice President to overrule the will of the States and to get Senators and Congressmen to disallow the will of the people.

3. A defeated Republican President filled an angry mob with lies and misinformation and sent them to spill their wrath on a Congress in session. A woman was killed.
This could be the end of the republican party.

Almost certainly the end of tRump's influence.
Or not.

Having lived and studied American politics for the last 50 years, don’t be surprised if Republicans control Congress come 2023.

They’ll continue to control most of the state houses.

And they control the judiciary.

Counting the GOP out would be a mistake.
Why would anybody vote for a republican after today. They have shown themselves over the last year to be gutless, unwilling to stand up to a bully. Trump's not a leader, he's a grifter and they knew it and still..
1. What is lost in the chaos of today is that Republicans lost a Senate they were in firm control of. They lost TWO seats in solid RED Georgia. The wild rants of the President and accusations of fraud in Georgia elections played a key role.

2. Congressional Republicans engaged in wild political theater to attempt to get a Vice President to overrule the will of the States and to get Senators and Congressmen to disallow the will of the people.

3. A defeated Republican President filled an angry mob with lies and misinformation and sent them to spill their wrath on a Congress in session. A woman was killed.
This could be the end of the republican party.

Almost certainly the end of tRump's influence.
Or not.

Having lived and studied American politics for the last 50 years, don’t be surprised if Republicans control Congress come 2023.

They’ll continue to control most of the state houses.

And they control the judiciary.

Counting the GOP out would be a mistake.
Why would anybody vote for a republican after today.
Because the alternative is a democrat. At least republicans are American.
This, I think, is the end of Trump as a force in the Republican party. He is being condemned by everyone who matters.

There was widespread talk about Trump as the Republican candidate for 2024.

I think this is the end of his political career. Trump is poison to his party. MAGA a will still worship him but the party as a whole can no longer tolerate his behavior
1. What is lost in the chaos of today is that Republicans lost a Senate they were in firm control of. They lost TWO seats in solid RED Georgia. The wild rants of the President and accusations of fraud in Georgia elections played a key role.

2. Congressional Republicans engaged in wild political theater to attempt to get a Vice President to overrule the will of the States and to get Senators and Congressmen to disallow the will of the people.

3. A defeated Republican President filled an angry mob with lies and misinformation and sent them to spill their wrath on a Congress in session. A woman was killed.
This could be the end of the republican party.

Almost certainly the end of tRump's influence.
Or not.

Having lived and studied American politics for the last 50 years, don’t be surprised if Republicans control Congress come 2023.

They’ll continue to control most of the state houses.

And they control the judiciary.

Counting the GOP out would be a mistake.
Why would anybody vote for a republican after today.
Because the alternative is a democrat. At least republicans are American.
Americans don't act like that mob did today..
This, I think, is the end of Trump as a force in the Republican party. He is being condemned by everyone who matters.

There was widespread talk about Trump as the Republican candidate for 2024.

I think this is the end of his political career. Trump is poison to his party. MAGA a will still worship him but the party as a whole can no longer tolerate his behavior
Not just for himself but his kids and in-laws who are outlaws.
Pence and McConnell did not mention him by name but I am willing to bet they are very angry...
Being a staunch Democrat, Mitch McConnell has not been one of my favorite politicians. However, the Senate floor has belonged to him for quite a while now. It seems like he's taking the riotous invasion of his place today personally.

He stood strong and damn near brought a tear to my eye.
1. What is lost in the chaos of today is that Republicans lost a Senate they were in firm control of. They lost TWO seats in solid RED Georgia. The wild rants of the President and accusations of fraud in Georgia elections played a key role.

2. Congressional Republicans engaged in wild political theater to attempt to get a Vice President to overrule the will of the States and to get Senators and Congressmen to disallow the will of the people.

3. A defeated Republican President filled an angry mob with lies and misinformation and sent them to spill their wrath on a Congress in session. A woman was killed.

What is lost in the chaos of today is that Republicans lost a Senate they were in firm control of.

Firm control of?

they barely had a majority.

and now, it's 50-50.

One devastating case of Covid, car accident, heart attack, and a republican governor could replace a democrat with a republican senator to fill out the term.

Keep your fingers crossed

So you are wishing a Democratic Senator to die..... And you wonder why your side lost?
1. What is lost in the chaos of today is that Republicans lost a Senate they were in firm control of. They lost TWO seats in solid RED Georgia. The wild rants of the President and accusations of fraud in Georgia elections played a key role.

2. Congressional Republicans engaged in wild political theater to attempt to get a Vice President to overrule the will of the States and to get Senators and Congressmen to disallow the will of the people.

3. A defeated Republican President filled an angry mob with lies and misinformation and sent them to spill their wrath on a Congress in session. A woman was killed.
This could be the end of the republican party.

Almost certainly the end of tRump's influence.
Or not.

Having lived and studied American politics for the last 50 years, don’t be surprised if Republicans control Congress come 2023.

They’ll continue to control most of the state houses.

And they control the judiciary.

Counting the GOP out would be a mistake.
Why would anybody vote for a republican after today.
Because the alternative is a democrat. At least republicans are American.
Republicans..are in the process of destroying Trump...he gave them the prefect chance....Congrats Mr. President..you finally unified the country..against you and your ilk!
Pence and McConnell did not mention him by name but I am willing to bet they are very angry...
Being a staunch Democrat, Mitch McConnell has not been one of my favorite politicians. However, the Senate floor has belonged to him for quite a while now. It seems like he's taking the riotous invasion of his place today personally.

He stood strong and damn near brought a tear to my eye.
Crisis brings out the best in us..sometimes.

Business as usual next month...LOL!
Pence and McConnell did not mention him by name but I am willing to bet they are very angry...
Being a staunch Democrat, Mitch McConnell has not been one of my favorite politicians. However, the Senate floor has belonged to him for quite a while now. It seems like he's taking the riotous invasion of his place today personally.

He stood strong and damn near brought a tear to my eye.

Pence shocked me with his speech and the Oklahoma Senator gave a fine speech...
1. What is lost in the chaos of today is that Republicans lost a Senate they were in firm control of. They lost TWO seats in solid RED Georgia. The wild rants of the President and accusations of fraud in Georgia elections played a key role.

2. Congressional Republicans engaged in wild political theater to attempt to get a Vice President to overrule the will of the States and to get Senators and Congressmen to disallow the will of the people.

3. A defeated Republican President filled an angry mob with lies and misinformation and sent them to spill their wrath on a Congress in session. A woman was killed.

What is lost in the chaos of today is that Republicans lost a Senate they were in firm control of.

Firm control of?

they barely had a majority.

and now, it's 50-50.

One devastating case of Covid, car accident, heart attack, and a republican governor could replace a democrat with a republican senator to fill out the term.

Keep your fingers crossed

So you are wishing a Democratic Senator to die..... And you wonder why your side lost?

No, asshole...

I'm saying the makeup of the Senate can turn at a moments notice.

I do wonder tho...

If it should happen, will McConnell be reinstated as Majority Leader?
Pence and McConnell did not mention him by name but I am willing to bet they are very angry...
Being a staunch Democrat, Mitch McConnell has not been one of my favorite politicians. However, the Senate floor has belonged to him for quite a while now. It seems like he's taking the riotous invasion of his place today personally.

He stood strong and damn near brought a tear to my eye.

Mitch lost his job as Senate leader today

He has to salvage what he can of his legacy. But anyone who has spent his life in the Senate cannot appease this attack on Government by the President.

How can Mitch not attack the President for this atrocity?

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