A Detriment to America and to Western Civilization

7. The Liberal drumbeat of propaganda, right from Obama, about police out to murder black Americans, has led to the actions of this Democrat holy warrior, slaughtering five Dallas police officers.

“DALLAS — The heavily armed sniper who gunned down police officers in downtown Dallas, leaving five of them dead, specifically set out to kill as many white officers as he could, officials said Friday.

The shooting was the kind of retaliatory violence that people have feared through two years of protests around the country against deaths in police custody, forcing yet another wrenching shift in debates over race and criminal justice that had already deeply divided the nation.” Five Dallas Officers Were Killed as Payback, Police Chief Says

8. Where could the rationalization, the encouragement, the insistence, of such savagery come from?

And it went on:

"Obama Met With Ferguson Activists – Said He’s Concerned They “Stay on Course”
President Obama met with Ferguson protest leaders on November 5th, the day after the midterm elections. The meeting was not onhis daily schedule. He was concerned that the protesters“stay on course.”

What does that mean?" Obama Met With Ferguson Activists - Said He's Concerned They "Stay on Course" - The Gateway Pundit

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?
If the threat to western civilization is so great then it is up to the left to end such a threat. Pick up whatever weapons you can and wipe out the enemy. Your fathers did it, your grandfathers did it.

Of course if its just blow hard, continue your crybaby and useless tears.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

Let’s take a look at the pattern….

1.”Four Congressional interns, who were selected as part of GOP Rep. Ken Buck's (CO-4) Diversity Internship Program which seeks to place African-American interns in Republican offices around Capitol Hill, were kicked out of an Uber ride Tuesday night because half of their party was carrying "Make America Great Again" hats.”
GOP interns: Uber driver refused us service because of MAGA hats | | thedusknews.com

No big deal, right…and certainly not ‘slaughter.’ They could get another cab…..

2. How about this?

“Virginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trump”? Virginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trump

Still no biggie?

How about that the family was followed to another establishment, with continued harassment.

OK….we deal with it…..they can't run every restaurant.....

3. But….take it up a notch, to assault and battery… “Fox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolis”
Fox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolis

a. “The law defines assault and battery as an unwanted touching that is done in a rude or angry manner. It can be as simple as shoving someone, blocking their way, spitting on them, grabbing someone's arm, throwing something (liquid or otherwise) at them, or even grabbing something out of their hand.” Domestic Assault and Battery: It does not take much

See the pattern developing?

4.If a real American, say…a conservative, did this, CNN and MSNBC would be running the video on a loop, 60 Minutes would be doing stories on it, TV trucks would be camped outside the culprits house, there’d be calls for a civil rights investigation, Democrats would be calling for Republicans to denounce it.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

What? You don’t believe that the above is part of the same pattern as the Bolshevik homicidal rampages, or the Nazi Brownshirt mayhem?

Wait for the next post…..
Not liking MAGA hats now equates to Soviet Slaughter?
And Trump and his supporters are Nazi's right ?

Wrong. Trumpism has made Sinclair Lewis prophetic:

Reading the Classic Novel That Predicted Trump

From the link:

"The anxiety began well before the Cleveland convention, where the candidate of the “Forgotten Men,” the one who declared Americans “the greatest Race on the face of this old Earth,” seemed likely to clinch his party’s presidential nomination. Doremus Jessup, the protagonist of Sinclair Lewis’s 1935 novel “It Can’t Happen Here,” sees something dark and terrible brewing in American politics — the potential for “a real fascist dictatorship” led by the up-and-coming populist candidate Berzelius Windrip. Friends scoff at this extravagant concern. “That couldn’t happen here in America, not possibly!” they assure him. But Jessup, a small-town Vermont newspaper editor and a “mild, rather indolent and somewhat sentimental liberal,” worries about the devastation ahead. “What can I do?” he agonizes night after night. “Oh — write another editorial viewing-with-alarm, I suppose!”

"When Election Day comes to pass, Jessup learns that his editorials have not done the trick. The reality of the new situation feels unspeakably awful, “like the long-dreaded passing of a friend.” Jessup faces the presidential inauguration in a state of high distress, convinced that the nation is careering toward its doom, but that nobody — least of all his fellow liberals — can do much to stop it."
7. The Liberal drumbeat of propaganda, right from Obama, about police out to murder black Americans, has led to the actions of this Democrat holy warrior, slaughtering five Dallas police officers.

“DALLAS — The heavily armed sniper who gunned down police officers in downtown Dallas, leaving five of them dead, specifically set out to kill as many white officers as he could, officials said Friday.

The shooting was the kind of retaliatory violence that people have feared through two years of protests around the country against deaths in police custody, forcing yet another wrenching shift in debates over race and criminal justice that had already deeply divided the nation.” Five Dallas Officers Were Killed as Payback, Police Chief Says

8. Where could the rationalization, the encouragement, the insistence, of such savagery come from?

And it went on:

"Obama Met With Ferguson Activists – Said He’s Concerned They “Stay on Course”
President Obama met with Ferguson protest leaders on November 5th, the day after the midterm elections. The meeting was not onhis daily schedule. He was concerned that the protesters“stay on course.”

What does that mean?" Obama Met With Ferguson Activists - Said He's Concerned They "Stay on Course" - The Gateway Pundit

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

Funny how the right brings up a minor incident from ten years ago where Obama criticizedthe actions of two police officers

Meanwhile, they attack the entire FBI because they dare to investigate one of their own
9. Whipped into a murderous frenzy by Obama and the Democrats, the result is ambush on the baseball field…

Bernie Sanders’ volunteer and advocate, James Hodgkinson opened fire on Republicans practicing for a softball game.

“…Hodgkinson, who was living in his vehicle, which was located in the parking lot of the YMCA on East Monroe Avenue, is believed to have exited his vehicle with two weapons, a 7.62mm caliber SKS rifle and a 9mm handgun, for which he had a holster on his person.

He approached the baseball fields where practice for a Congressional charity baseball game was taking place. Acting alone, Hodgkinson shot in the vicinity of the field where members of Congress and staffers were standing. Immediately adjacent to the field were two United States Capitol Police special agents who were detailed to a member of Congress and who engaged Hodgkinson. Alexandria Police Department officers responded to the scene of shots fired and also engaged Hodgkinson who, over police radio, was reported down at 7:14 a.m.”
Law Enforcement Shares Findings of the Investigation into the June 14 Alexandria, Virginia Shooting

What could have inspired Hodgkinson to plan on killing the Democrat's political opponents?

Oh.....of course......the Democrats.

Their Bolshevik predecessors would have been so proud.
9. Whipped into a murderous frenzy by Obama and the Democrats, the result is ambush on the baseball field…

Bernie Sanders’ volunteer and advocate, James Hodgkinson opened fire on Republicans practicing for a softball game.

“…Hodgkinson, who was living in his vehicle, which was located in the parking lot of the YMCA on East Monroe Avenue, is believed to have exited his vehicle with two weapons, a 7.62mm caliber SKS rifle and a 9mm handgun, for which he had a holster on his person.

He approached the baseball fields where practice for a Congressional charity baseball game was taking place. Acting alone, Hodgkinson shot in the vicinity of the field where members of Congress and staffers were standing. Immediately adjacent to the field were two United States Capitol Police special agents who were detailed to a member of Congress and who engaged Hodgkinson. Alexandria Police Department officers responded to the scene of shots fired and also engaged Hodgkinson who, over police radio, was reported down at 7:14 a.m.”
Law Enforcement Shares Findings of the Investigation into the June 14 Alexandria, Virginia Shooting

What could have inspired Hodgkinson to plan on killing the Democrat's political opponents?

Oh.....of course......the Democrats.

Their Bolshevik predecessors would have been so proud.

A Second Amendment supporter
10. Did I mention that the atavism of the Left, its knee-jerk default to violence….Democrats, Liberals, Bolsheviks, Nazis, etc.,… is a threat to humanity, societal evolution, and western civilization itself?
‘Cause, it is.

So let me mention it.

“Kill as many as you can who don’t toe the Liberal line!”
While the Democrat/Liberal political and media establishment may not use the word “kill,” the message is loud and clear to their followers.

Certainly clear to Floyd Lee Corkins

“Family Research Council Shooter Planned to Rub Chick-fil-A Sandwiches in Victims' Faces

According to prosecutors, Corkins not only told FBI investigators that he wanted to "kill as many people as possible," but that he also planned on rubbing the Chick-fil-A sandwiches in their faces after the fact. Doing so, he claimed, would have sent a message to the Family Research Council and Chick-fil-A, both of which opposed same-sex marriage.

Corkins also told the FBI that he picked the Family Research Council because the Southern Poverty Law Center had declared it a "hate group."
Family Research Council Shooter Planned to Rub Chick-fil-A Sandwiches in Victims' Faces

To advance the Liberal cause.

“The gunman, Floyd Lee Corkins II, 29, shot a security guard FRC on Aug. 15, 2012, during a struggle when he was trying to enter the Christian conservative group’s headquarters with the intent to kill as many employees as possible, he told officers after the incident. He was targeting FRC because of its views, including its opposition to gay marriage.” FRC shooter sentenced to 25 years

Wanna see that ‘silent dog whistle’ that sent out that message?

But Western civilization isn't about brute force. It's about the power of ideas—one of the greatest of which is the rule of law and that as all men are created equal, ...” Brad Thor

Someone should explain that to Liberals.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

Let’s take a look at the pattern….

1.”Four Congressional interns, who were selected as part of GOP Rep. Ken Buck's (CO-4) Diversity Internship Program which seeks to place African-American interns in Republican offices around Capitol Hill, were kicked out of an Uber ride Tuesday night because half of their party was carrying "Make America Great Again" hats.”
GOP interns: Uber driver refused us service because of MAGA hats | | thedusknews.com

No big deal, right…and certainly not ‘slaughter.’ They could get another cab…..

2. How about this?

“Virginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trump”? Virginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trump

Still no biggie?

How about that the family was followed to another establishment, with continued harassment.

OK….we deal with it…..they can't run every restaurant.....

3. But….take it up a notch, to assault and battery… “Fox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolis”
Fox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolis

a. “The law defines assault and battery as an unwanted touching that is done in a rude or angry manner. It can be as simple as shoving someone, blocking their way, spitting on them, grabbing someone's arm, throwing something (liquid or otherwise) at them, or even grabbing something out of their hand.” Domestic Assault and Battery: It does not take much

See the pattern developing?

4.If a real American, say…a conservative, did this, CNN and MSNBC would be running the video on a loop, 60 Minutes would be doing stories on it, TV trucks would be camped outside the culprits house, there’d be calls for a civil rights investigation, Democrats would be calling for Republicans to denounce it.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

What? You don’t believe that the above is part of the same pattern as the Bolshevik homicidal rampages, or the Nazi Brownshirt mayhem?

Wait for the next post…..

Which “side” mowed down a woman with their car? A Trump supporter.

Which “side” shot up a Republican softball game? We could play tit for tat all day long, but it’ll never get us anywhere.

My point exactly…there are nut jobs in every ideology. The multiple claims of some sort of conservative purity are moronic. Agreed?

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

Let’s take a look at the pattern….

1.”Four Congressional interns, who were selected as part of GOP Rep. Ken Buck's (CO-4) Diversity Internship Program which seeks to place African-American interns in Republican offices around Capitol Hill, were kicked out of an Uber ride Tuesday night because half of their party was carrying "Make America Great Again" hats.”
GOP interns: Uber driver refused us service because of MAGA hats | | thedusknews.com

No big deal, right…and certainly not ‘slaughter.’ They could get another cab…..

2. How about this?

“Virginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trump”? Virginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trump

Still no biggie?

How about that the family was followed to another establishment, with continued harassment.

OK….we deal with it…..they can't run every restaurant.....

3. But….take it up a notch, to assault and battery… “Fox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolis”
Fox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolis

a. “The law defines assault and battery as an unwanted touching that is done in a rude or angry manner. It can be as simple as shoving someone, blocking their way, spitting on them, grabbing someone's arm, throwing something (liquid or otherwise) at them, or even grabbing something out of their hand.” Domestic Assault and Battery: It does not take much

See the pattern developing?

4.If a real American, say…a conservative, did this, CNN and MSNBC would be running the video on a loop, 60 Minutes would be doing stories on it, TV trucks would be camped outside the culprits house, there’d be calls for a civil rights investigation, Democrats would be calling for Republicans to denounce it.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

What? You don’t believe that the above is part of the same pattern as the Bolshevik homicidal rampages, or the Nazi Brownshirt mayhem?

Wait for the next post…..

Which “side” mowed down a woman with their car? A Trump supporter.

Which “side” shot up a Republican softball game? We could play tit for tat all day long, but it’ll never get us anywhere.

My point exactly…there are nut jobs in every ideology. The multiple claims of some sort of conservative purity are moronic. Agreed?

You've seen my list.....where's yours?

......every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.
Yes PC, you are A Detriment to America and to Western Civilization:

Why some may ask. The answer is simple and obvious, you are 100% DIVISIVE.
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Yes PC, you are A Detriment to America and to Western Civilization:

Why some may ask. The answer is simple and obvious: DIVISIVE

I've already prove you incapable of defending your doctrine, smashed that custard pie in your ugly kisser....

...why have you slithered back???

Get lost, loser.
Yes PC, you are A Detriment to America and to Western Civilization:

Why some may ask. The answer is simple and obvious: DIVISIVE

I've already prove you incapable of defending your doctrine, smashed that custard pie in your ugly kisser....

...why have you slithered back???

Get lost, loser.

If you were a lady I would not say this, but in the immortal words of Dick Cheney, "go fuck yourself" - since no one else will.
Yes PC, you are A Detriment to America and to Western Civilization:

Why some may ask. The answer is simple and obvious: DIVISIVE

I've already prove you incapable of defending your doctrine, smashed that custard pie in your ugly kisser....

...why have you slithered back???

Get lost, loser.
PC is a known Nazi sympathizer who wanted FDR to make peace with Hitler and give him Western Europe
Yes PC, you are A Detriment to America and to Western Civilization:

Why some may ask. The answer is simple and obvious: DIVISIVE

I've already prove you incapable of defending your doctrine, smashed that custard pie in your ugly kisser....

...why have you slithered back???

Get lost, loser.

If you were a lady I would not say this, but in the immortal words of Dick Cheney, "go fuck yourself" - since no one else will.

I love it when I force you Leftists to expose what low-lives you are.

It's like clockwork....I post material that leaves you speechless, and you foam at the mouth, and resort to vulgarity.

Now....do what I said.....get lost, loser.
The thread proves the dangers of allowing totalists.....Liberals, communists, Progressives, Nazis, etc., to gain power......

...and the mouth-foaming Leftists post everything but any refutation of the premise

Soooo....let's aggravate 'em further:

11. Earlier Democrats unleashed their military arm, the KKK, to do violence….

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

Latter-day Democrats produced this paramilitary…

“Black-clad antifa members attack peaceful right-wing demonstrators in Berkeley” Black-clad antifa members attack peaceful right-wing demonstrators in Berkeley

White-clad, or black-clad......the same thugs come from the Democrats/Liberals


12. Think the message only gets through to the low-education contingent?

Here’s another savage, a Democrat/Liberal college professor:

“Ex-DVC professor Eric Clanton remained in custody in lieu of $200000 bail ... Alleged Antifa bike lock attacker Eric Clanton held in Berkeley jail ... "
Berkeley: Professor used bike lock in beatings, police say

“Eric Clanton (born August 27, 1988) is an American adjunct lecturer of philosophy at Diablo Valley College.[5] He was involved in the April 2017 Rally Violence at Berkeley with Antifa where he assaulted people with a bike lock.” Eric Clanton

The Bike Lock Professor Eric Clanton waging terrorist attack at Berkeley

Democrats/Liberals are as filled with hate and violence as a sock is filled with foot.
Last edited:
The thread proves the dangers of allowing totalists.....Liberals, communists, Progressives, Nazis, etc., to gain power......

...and the mouth-foaming Leftists post everything but any refutation of the premise

Soooo....let's aggravate 'em further:

11. Earlier Democrats unleashed their military arm, the KKK, to do violence….

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

Latter-day Democrats produced this paramilitary…

“Black-clad antifa members attack peaceful right-wing demonstrators in Berkeley” Black-clad antifa members attack peaceful right-wing demonstrators in Berkeley

White-clad, or black-clad......the same thugs come from the Democrats/Liberals

12. Think the message only gets through to the low-education contingent?

Here’s another savage, a Democrat/Liberal college professor:

“Ex-DVC professor Eric Clanton remained in custody in lieu of $200000 bail ... Alleged Antifa bike lock attacker Eric Clanton held in Berkeley jail ... "
Berkeley: Professor used bike lock in beatings, police say

“Eric Clanton (born August 27, 1988) is an American adjunct lecturer of philosophy at Diablo Valley College.[5] He was involved in the April 2017 Rally Violence at Berkeley with Antifa where he assaulted people with a bike lock.” Eric Clanton

The Bike Lock Professor Eric Clanton waging terrorist attack at Berkeley

Democrats/Liberals are as filled with hate and violence as a sock is filled with foot.

The KKK is a branch of the Republican Party

KKK slogan........Don’t be stupid, be a smarty.......be sure to vote for the Republican Party
13. “…Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., issued a clarion call to Democrats outraged at the policies of the Trump administration: It's time for mob action. In the wake of mobs targeting Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen and Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, Waters explained: "God is on our side! On the side of the children ... Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere."

[The Democrat favorite,] Waters has always been a fan of mob action. She infamously touted the violent and brutal 1992 Los Angeles riots, which did approximately $1 billion in property damage and ended with 63 people dead. Waters called the events a "rebellion," labeling them a "spontaneous reaction to a lot of injustice and a lot of alienation and frustration."

No civil society can humor such overtures to mob action and remain civil for long.”
Ben Shapiro - The Rise of the Mob

Gustave Le Bon, in his groundbreaking 1896 book, “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind,” was the first to identify the phenomenon of mass psychology. Both Hitler and Mussolini used his book to understand how to incite a mob.

So, to, do Democrats/Liberals.


Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

Let’s take a look at the pattern….

1.”Four Congressional interns, who were selected as part of GOP Rep. Ken Buck's (CO-4) Diversity Internship Program which seeks to place African-American interns in Republican offices around Capitol Hill, were kicked out of an Uber ride Tuesday night because half of their party was carrying "Make America Great Again" hats.”
GOP interns: Uber driver refused us service because of MAGA hats | | thedusknews.com

No big deal, right…and certainly not ‘slaughter.’ They could get another cab…..

2. How about this?

“Virginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trump”? Virginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trump

Still no biggie?

How about that the family was followed to another establishment, with continued harassment.

OK….we deal with it…..they can't run every restaurant.....

3. But….take it up a notch, to assault and battery… “Fox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolis”
Fox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolis

a. “The law defines assault and battery as an unwanted touching that is done in a rude or angry manner. It can be as simple as shoving someone, blocking their way, spitting on them, grabbing someone's arm, throwing something (liquid or otherwise) at them, or even grabbing something out of their hand.” Domestic Assault and Battery: It does not take much

See the pattern developing?

4.If a real American, say…a conservative, did this, CNN and MSNBC would be running the video on a loop, 60 Minutes would be doing stories on it, TV trucks would be camped outside the culprits house, there’d be calls for a civil rights investigation, Democrats would be calling for Republicans to denounce it.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

What? You don’t believe that the above is part of the same pattern as the Bolshevik homicidal rampages, or the Nazi Brownshirt mayhem?

Wait for the next post…..

And I thought your thread meant the greatest threat to West. Civilization was Donald Trump, as most rational people in the Western World believe.

No the only people who believe that are those who’ve been spoon-fed propaganda since July 2015.

You really need to work on you logical fallacies, your ad hominems are weak and really very silly.

The people who feel Trump is not a threat to Western Civilization fail to understand that Trumpism is iconoclastic in nature, and is destructive. His MAGA talking point is just that, a talking point; his policies, speeches and tweets do the opposite.

It’s not ad hominem. I’m not trying to insult or belittle as this is what I believe. Anti-Trump propaganda has dominated the news cycle since July 2015 and before you bring up Fox News and other right-wing outlets, yes, I’m aware they’re capable of misleading Americans too, but the vast majority of the mainstream media has made it their goal to demonize Trump at every opportunity. Millions of people believe he’s said things that he hasn’t, in fact, said—things that do nothing other than make him look bad. Like “All Mexicans are rapists and criminals,” which he never said and that “women should be punished for having an abortion,” when what actually happened was the reporter asked him “if abortion was ILLEGAL, should a woman be punished for having one” to which he said yes bc people who break the law should be held accountable. The media leaves the part out that he was asked a hypothetical question and just goes with “He wants to punish women for having abortions!”

Trump runs the show morning, noon and night. Do the media have to dedicate every second of their time to the president? Of course not, but they do anyway. Even the dumbest things that don’t make a lick of difference in the scheme of things, like Melania’s shoes, Barron’s behavior or Donald’s food intake is scrutinized. They’re obsessed and in turn influencing millions to become obsessed—and I am NOT saying you in particular are obsessed bc I don’t know you.

Why is he such a threat to the Western world? I’d like specific examples NOT based on lies or rough speculation.
Democratic Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen on Monday called for the “military folks” to save America from President Donald Trump after Trump’s much-criticized press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Where are our military folks? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!” Cohen wrote on Twitter, using language suggestive of a military coup.

Cohen’s bizarre tweet was similar to one from former Obama CIA Director John Brennan, who claimed on Monday that Trump’s press conference was “treasonous.”
House Democrat Calls For ‘Military Folks’ To Stop Trump

Ironic, huh, for John Brennan to use the term 'treasonous'....

"CIA Director Once Voted for Communist Presidential Candidate

CIA Director John Brennan voted for the Communist Party candidate in the 1976 presidential election.

Brennan told a congressional panel last week that he "froze" while taking a CIA polygraph test four years later when the questioner asked him if he had ever worked with or for a group that was "dedicated to overthrowing the U.S.," CNN reported.

"This was back in 1980, and I thought back to a previous election where I voted, and I voted for the Communist Party candidate," Brennan said at a panel discussion regarding diversity in the intelligence community during the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s annual conference."
CIA Director Once Voted for Communist Presidential Candidate

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