A Detriment to America and to Western Civilization


Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

Letā€™s take a look at the patternā€¦.

1.ā€Four Congressional interns, who were selected as part of GOP Rep. Ken Buck's (CO-4) Diversity Internship Program which seeks to place African-American interns in Republican offices around Capitol Hill, were kicked out of an Uber ride Tuesday night because half of their party was carrying "Make America Great Again" hats.ā€
GOP interns: Uber driver refused us service because of MAGA hats | | thedusknews.com

No big deal, rightā€¦and certainly not ā€˜slaughter.ā€™ They could get another cabā€¦..

2. How about this?

ā€œVirginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trumpā€? Virginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trump

Still no biggie?

How about that the family was followed to another establishment, with continued harassment.

OKā€¦.we deal with itā€¦..they can't run every restaurant.....

3. Butā€¦.take it up a notch, to assault and batteryā€¦ ā€œFox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolisā€
Fox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolis

a. ā€œThe law defines assault and battery as an unwanted touching that is done in a rude or angry manner. It can be as simple as shoving someone, blocking their way, spitting on them, grabbing someone's arm, throwing something (liquid or otherwise) at them, or even grabbing something out of their hand.ā€ Domestic Assault and Battery: It does not take much

See the pattern developing?

4.If a real American, sayā€¦a conservative, did this, CNN and MSNBC would be running the video on a loop, 60 Minutes would be doing stories on it, TV trucks would be camped outside the culprits house, thereā€™d be calls for a civil rights investigation, Democrats would be calling for Republicans to denounce it.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

What? You donā€™t believe that the above is part of the same pattern as the Bolshevik homicidal rampages, or the Nazi Brownshirt mayhem?

Wait for the next postā€¦..

Which ā€œsideā€ mowed down a woman with their car? A Trump supporter.

Which "side" murdered 100,000,000 people in the 20th Century to forward their political aims? Socialists.

Hitler was a piker compared to the Socialists.

It not going to happen here.

Earlier in the thread, one of the true low-lives who posted actually made this quote when asked about the 100 million slaughtered...

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
FDR Admiration Society

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

Letā€™s take a look at the patternā€¦.

1.ā€Four Congressional interns, who were selected as part of GOP Rep. Ken Buck's (CO-4) Diversity Internship Program which seeks to place African-American interns in Republican offices around Capitol Hill, were kicked out of an Uber ride Tuesday night because half of their party was carrying "Make America Great Again" hats.ā€
GOP interns: Uber driver refused us service because of MAGA hats | | thedusknews.com

No big deal, rightā€¦and certainly not ā€˜slaughter.ā€™ They could get another cabā€¦..

2. How about this?

ā€œVirginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trumpā€? Virginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trump

Still no biggie?

How about that the family was followed to another establishment, with continued harassment.

OKā€¦.we deal with itā€¦..they can't run every restaurant.....

3. Butā€¦.take it up a notch, to assault and batteryā€¦ ā€œFox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolisā€
Fox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolis

a. ā€œThe law defines assault and battery as an unwanted touching that is done in a rude or angry manner. It can be as simple as shoving someone, blocking their way, spitting on them, grabbing someone's arm, throwing something (liquid or otherwise) at them, or even grabbing something out of their hand.ā€ Domestic Assault and Battery: It does not take much

See the pattern developing?

4.If a real American, sayā€¦a conservative, did this, CNN and MSNBC would be running the video on a loop, 60 Minutes would be doing stories on it, TV trucks would be camped outside the culprits house, thereā€™d be calls for a civil rights investigation, Democrats would be calling for Republicans to denounce it.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

What? You donā€™t believe that the above is part of the same pattern as the Bolshevik homicidal rampages, or the Nazi Brownshirt mayhem?

Wait for the next postā€¦..
Not liking MAGA hats now equates to Soviet Slaughter?

Why wouldnā€™t you like MAGA hats?

Negative connotations...


Why would there be negative connotations to a MAGA hat? Because that's the way Americans view cults.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

Letā€™s take a look at the patternā€¦.

1.ā€Four Congressional interns, who were selected as part of GOP Rep. Ken Buck's (CO-4) Diversity Internship Program which seeks to place African-American interns in Republican offices around Capitol Hill, were kicked out of an Uber ride Tuesday night because half of their party was carrying "Make America Great Again" hats.ā€
GOP interns: Uber driver refused us service because of MAGA hats | | thedusknews.com

No big deal, rightā€¦and certainly not ā€˜slaughter.ā€™ They could get another cabā€¦..

2. How about this?

ā€œVirginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trumpā€? Virginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trump

Still no biggie?

How about that the family was followed to another establishment, with continued harassment.

OKā€¦.we deal with itā€¦..they can't run every restaurant.....

3. Butā€¦.take it up a notch, to assault and batteryā€¦ ā€œFox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolisā€
Fox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolis

a. ā€œThe law defines assault and battery as an unwanted touching that is done in a rude or angry manner. It can be as simple as shoving someone, blocking their way, spitting on them, grabbing someone's arm, throwing something (liquid or otherwise) at them, or even grabbing something out of their hand.ā€ Domestic Assault and Battery: It does not take much

See the pattern developing?

4.If a real American, sayā€¦a conservative, did this, CNN and MSNBC would be running the video on a loop, 60 Minutes would be doing stories on it, TV trucks would be camped outside the culprits house, thereā€™d be calls for a civil rights investigation, Democrats would be calling for Republicans to denounce it.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

What? You donā€™t believe that the above is part of the same pattern as the Bolshevik homicidal rampages, or the Nazi Brownshirt mayhem?

Wait for the next postā€¦..
Not liking MAGA hats now equates to Soviet Slaughter?

Why wouldnā€™t you like MAGA hats?
Because they do not fall under the idea of freedom of speech only if it agrees with what I think or feel.

You don't think they actually endorse free speech.....do you???

The violence has to escalate. There is nowhere else for the left to go.

5. Definition of ā€˜pattern:ā€™

A regular and intelligible form or sequence discernible in the way in which something happens or is done.

ā€˜the murders followed a repeated patternā€™ pattern | Definition of pattern in English by Oxford Dictionaries

6. In the OP, we went from Democrat/Liberal discrimination, to verbal assaults, to assault and battery.

Andā€¦up a few more notches to watch the pattern unfoldā€¦.

Democrats whip up their minions into a violent, killing frenzyā€¦ ā€œIsmaaiyl Brinsley shot and killed two NYPD officers before committing suicide in Brooklynā€™s Bed Stuy neighborhood just before 3 p.m. on December 20. ā€¦ walked up to the copā€™s patrol car and opened fire, ā€œexecutionā€ style. The murdered cops have been named as officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos. Both cops ā€¦ were pronounced dead just after 5 p.m.

ā€¦Brinsley thought of the shooting as a revenge mission for Eric Garner and Michael Brown.ā€ Ismaaiyl Brinsley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Brinsley was a prototypical Liberal jihadiā€¦.after executions of the police, he killed himself.

Still donā€™t see a pattern???

Next postā€¦.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

Letā€™s take a look at the patternā€¦.

1.ā€Four Congressional interns, who were selected as part of GOP Rep. Ken Buck's (CO-4) Diversity Internship Program which seeks to place African-American interns in Republican offices around Capitol Hill, were kicked out of an Uber ride Tuesday night because half of their party was carrying "Make America Great Again" hats.ā€
GOP interns: Uber driver refused us service because of MAGA hats | | thedusknews.com

No big deal, rightā€¦and certainly not ā€˜slaughter.ā€™ They could get another cabā€¦..

2. How about this?

ā€œVirginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trumpā€? Virginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trump

Still no biggie?

How about that the family was followed to another establishment, with continued harassment.

OKā€¦.we deal with itā€¦..they can't run every restaurant.....

3. Butā€¦.take it up a notch, to assault and batteryā€¦ ā€œFox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolisā€
Fox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolis

a. ā€œThe law defines assault and battery as an unwanted touching that is done in a rude or angry manner. It can be as simple as shoving someone, blocking their way, spitting on them, grabbing someone's arm, throwing something (liquid or otherwise) at them, or even grabbing something out of their hand.ā€ Domestic Assault and Battery: It does not take much

See the pattern developing?

4.If a real American, sayā€¦a conservative, did this, CNN and MSNBC would be running the video on a loop, 60 Minutes would be doing stories on it, TV trucks would be camped outside the culprits house, thereā€™d be calls for a civil rights investigation, Democrats would be calling for Republicans to denounce it.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

What? You donā€™t believe that the above is part of the same pattern as the Bolshevik homicidal rampages, or the Nazi Brownshirt mayhem?

Wait for the next postā€¦..

Which ā€œsideā€ mowed down a woman with their car? A Trump supporter.

Which "side" murdered 100,000,000 people in the 20th Century to forward their political aims? Socialists.

Hitler was a piker compared to the Socialists.

It not going to happen here.

Itā€™s already happened. Youā€™ve elected a President who is already doing a form of ā€œethnic cleansingā€ by cancelling the special visas of hundreds of thousand of immigrants who arrived after disasters in Central and South America, and the Caribbean. Some have been in the US 20 years or more. Anyone who isnā€™t white is going home.

Heā€™s now talking about revoking citizenship and deporting US citizens back to where they came from. Iā€™m betting the people he wants to revoke citizenship for arenā€™t from Norway.

I am grateful for businesses who refuse to do business with whose who lie for this President. Who support policies which run counter to the foundations of the country and which are destructive to the rights of others. Which elevate one class of citizen and make it acceptable for them to discriminate against and deny public accommodations to other citizens and then claim it is their right to do so.

Had regular German people held Hitler and his minions accountable when he first seized power and began allowing Jews to be abused, the Holocaust might never have happened.

But there were too many assholes liked you Billy. Too many that hated Jews and like to see them get their come uppance, or who saw a way to profit from fanning the flames of hate to fools like you.

Your ridiculous conflation to deflect from Socialist history is amusing at best.

As to the immigration issue, no one has a right to break into my house, eat my food, or make use of any assets of mine for any reason. Should one do so, chances are one will be separated from something other than their children.
The violence has to escalate. There is nowhere else for the left to go.

Indeed, they are nearly cornered. They will eventually lash out, and that will be their end here.

Well....it took 70 years for their predecessors in the USSR to implode....

Can we really wait?

I don't believe Democrats will ever get that kind of power here.

One of 'em opened concentration camps for American citizens......

....and he's still their hero.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

Letā€™s take a look at the patternā€¦.

1.ā€Four Congressional interns, who were selected as part of GOP Rep. Ken Buck's (CO-4) Diversity Internship Program which seeks to place African-American interns in Republican offices around Capitol Hill, were kicked out of an Uber ride Tuesday night because half of their party was carrying "Make America Great Again" hats.ā€
GOP interns: Uber driver refused us service because of MAGA hats | | thedusknews.com

No big deal, rightā€¦and certainly not ā€˜slaughter.ā€™ They could get another cabā€¦..

2. How about this?

ā€œVirginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trumpā€? Virginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trump

Still no biggie?

How about that the family was followed to another establishment, with continued harassment.

OKā€¦.we deal with itā€¦..they can't run every restaurant.....

3. Butā€¦.take it up a notch, to assault and batteryā€¦ ā€œFox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolisā€
Fox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolis

a. ā€œThe law defines assault and battery as an unwanted touching that is done in a rude or angry manner. It can be as simple as shoving someone, blocking their way, spitting on them, grabbing someone's arm, throwing something (liquid or otherwise) at them, or even grabbing something out of their hand.ā€ Domestic Assault and Battery: It does not take much

See the pattern developing?

4.If a real American, sayā€¦a conservative, did this, CNN and MSNBC would be running the video on a loop, 60 Minutes would be doing stories on it, TV trucks would be camped outside the culprits house, thereā€™d be calls for a civil rights investigation, Democrats would be calling for Republicans to denounce it.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

What? You donā€™t believe that the above is part of the same pattern as the Bolshevik homicidal rampages, or the Nazi Brownshirt mayhem?

Wait for the next postā€¦..
Not liking MAGA hats now equates to Soviet Slaughter?

Why wouldnā€™t you like MAGA hats?

Negative connotations...


Why would there be negative connotations to a MAGA hat? Because that's the way Americans view cults.
A cult? Is that a buzzword? A dog whistle? What do you mean by cult? Didnā€™t your side use that cult business on Romney over his religion? Who sets the rules and the language on your side? And no, your side does not speak for ALL AMERICANS! Those who love AMERICA are proud of her and want her to be great again. I have seen a lot of ugly snarling faces on your side screaming that America was never great. The President you elected went around the world apologizing! You guys are haters of America and Americans and the flag! Itā€™s a short life you have you should find a country you can be proud of. Take Michelle with you when you find it.
Facts are facts --- blacks commit 87% of the crimes not just in the US but world wide -- blacks are less intelligent, not only in the US but worldwide, blacks are 876% more likely to have STD's than all other races, 92% of blacks commit their first crime by the age of 9 -- white women are 78 times more likely to be raped by a black than any other race in existence -- yes they are inferior and we need to deal with them
Sorry but this sounds just as crazy as the posts by Trump haters claiming heā€™s Hitlet incarnate. There are bad eggs in every group, doesnā€™t mean the party representative of their beliefs should be compared to evil historical regimens.

EVERYONE needs to stop with the Nazi comparisons.
The violence has to escalate. There is nowhere else for the left to go.

Indeed, they are nearly cornered. They will eventually lash out, and that will be their end here.

Well....it took 70 years for their predecessors in the USSR to implode....

Can we really wait?

I don't believe Democrats will ever get that kind of power here.

One of 'em opened concentration camps for American citizens......

....and he's still their hero.

True, but people largely trusted the government in that time. That is not the case now.
Facts are facts --- blacks commit 87% of the crimes not just in the US but world wide -- blacks are less intelligent, not only in the US but worldwide, blacks are 876% more likely to have STD's than all other races, 92% of blacks commit their first crime by the age of 9 -- white women are 78 times more likely to be raped by a black than any other race in existence -- yes they are inferior and we need to deal with them

Please find another thread to haunt.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

Letā€™s take a look at the patternā€¦.

1.ā€Four Congressional interns, who were selected as part of GOP Rep. Ken Buck's (CO-4) Diversity Internship Program which seeks to place African-American interns in Republican offices around Capitol Hill, were kicked out of an Uber ride Tuesday night because half of their party was carrying "Make America Great Again" hats.ā€
GOP interns: Uber driver refused us service because of MAGA hats | | thedusknews.com

No big deal, rightā€¦and certainly not ā€˜slaughter.ā€™ They could get another cabā€¦..

2. How about this?

ā€œVirginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trumpā€? Virginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trump

Still no biggie?

How about that the family was followed to another establishment, with continued harassment.

OKā€¦.we deal with itā€¦..they can't run every restaurant.....

3. Butā€¦.take it up a notch, to assault and batteryā€¦ ā€œFox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolisā€
Fox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolis

a. ā€œThe law defines assault and battery as an unwanted touching that is done in a rude or angry manner. It can be as simple as shoving someone, blocking their way, spitting on them, grabbing someone's arm, throwing something (liquid or otherwise) at them, or even grabbing something out of their hand.ā€ Domestic Assault and Battery: It does not take much

See the pattern developing?

4.If a real American, sayā€¦a conservative, did this, CNN and MSNBC would be running the video on a loop, 60 Minutes would be doing stories on it, TV trucks would be camped outside the culprits house, thereā€™d be calls for a civil rights investigation, Democrats would be calling for Republicans to denounce it.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

What? You donā€™t believe that the above is part of the same pattern as the Bolshevik homicidal rampages, or the Nazi Brownshirt mayhem?

Wait for the next postā€¦..

Which ā€œsideā€ mowed down a woman with their car? A Trump supporter.

Which "side" murdered 100,000,000 people in the 20th Century to forward their political aims? Socialists.

Hitler was a piker compared to the Socialists.

It not going to happen here.

Earlier in the thread, one of the true low-lives who posted actually made this quote when asked about the 100 million slaughtered...

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
FDR Admiration Society

Not surprising.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

Letā€™s take a look at the patternā€¦.

1.ā€Four Congressional interns, who were selected as part of GOP Rep. Ken Buck's (CO-4) Diversity Internship Program which seeks to place African-American interns in Republican offices around Capitol Hill, were kicked out of an Uber ride Tuesday night because half of their party was carrying "Make America Great Again" hats.ā€
GOP interns: Uber driver refused us service because of MAGA hats | | thedusknews.com

No big deal, rightā€¦and certainly not ā€˜slaughter.ā€™ They could get another cabā€¦..

2. How about this?

ā€œVirginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trumpā€? Virginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trump

Still no biggie?

How about that the family was followed to another establishment, with continued harassment.

OKā€¦.we deal with itā€¦..they can't run every restaurant.....

3. Butā€¦.take it up a notch, to assault and batteryā€¦ ā€œFox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolisā€
Fox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolis

a. ā€œThe law defines assault and battery as an unwanted touching that is done in a rude or angry manner. It can be as simple as shoving someone, blocking their way, spitting on them, grabbing someone's arm, throwing something (liquid or otherwise) at them, or even grabbing something out of their hand.ā€ Domestic Assault and Battery: It does not take much

See the pattern developing?

4.If a real American, sayā€¦a conservative, did this, CNN and MSNBC would be running the video on a loop, 60 Minutes would be doing stories on it, TV trucks would be camped outside the culprits house, thereā€™d be calls for a civil rights investigation, Democrats would be calling for Republicans to denounce it.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

What? You donā€™t believe that the above is part of the same pattern as the Bolshevik homicidal rampages, or the Nazi Brownshirt mayhem?

Wait for the next postā€¦..

Which ā€œsideā€ mowed down a woman with their car? A Trump supporter.

Which ā€œsideā€ shot up a Republican softball game? We could play tit for tat all day long, but itā€™ll never get us anywhere.
Sorry but this sounds just as crazy as the posts by Trump haters claiming heā€™s Hitlet incarnate. There are bad eggs in every group, doesnā€™t mean the party representative of their beliefs should be compared to evil historical regimens.

EVERYONE needs to stop with the Nazi comparisons.

I look forward to your equally well constructed thread of the Right behaving in this manner.

If you can't do so......you might better spend your time looking up the meaning of 'moral equivalency.'

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

Letā€™s take a look at the patternā€¦.

1.ā€Four Congressional interns, who were selected as part of GOP Rep. Ken Buck's (CO-4) Diversity Internship Program which seeks to place African-American interns in Republican offices around Capitol Hill, were kicked out of an Uber ride Tuesday night because half of their party was carrying "Make America Great Again" hats.ā€
GOP interns: Uber driver refused us service because of MAGA hats | | thedusknews.com

No big deal, rightā€¦and certainly not ā€˜slaughter.ā€™ They could get another cabā€¦..

2. How about this?

ā€œVirginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trumpā€? Virginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trump

Still no biggie?

How about that the family was followed to another establishment, with continued harassment.

OKā€¦.we deal with itā€¦..they can't run every restaurant.....

3. Butā€¦.take it up a notch, to assault and batteryā€¦ ā€œFox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolisā€
Fox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolis

a. ā€œThe law defines assault and battery as an unwanted touching that is done in a rude or angry manner. It can be as simple as shoving someone, blocking their way, spitting on them, grabbing someone's arm, throwing something (liquid or otherwise) at them, or even grabbing something out of their hand.ā€ Domestic Assault and Battery: It does not take much

See the pattern developing?

4.If a real American, sayā€¦a conservative, did this, CNN and MSNBC would be running the video on a loop, 60 Minutes would be doing stories on it, TV trucks would be camped outside the culprits house, thereā€™d be calls for a civil rights investigation, Democrats would be calling for Republicans to denounce it.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

What? You donā€™t believe that the above is part of the same pattern as the Bolshevik homicidal rampages, or the Nazi Brownshirt mayhem?

Wait for the next postā€¦..

Which ā€œsideā€ mowed down a woman with their car? A Trump supporter.

Which "side" murdered 100,000,000 people in the 20th Century to forward their political aims? Socialists.

Hitler was a piker compared to the Socialists.

It not going to happen here.

Itā€™s already happened. Youā€™ve elected a President who is already doing a form of ā€œethnic cleansingā€ by cancelling the special visas of hundreds of thousand of immigrants who arrived after disasters in Central and South America, and the Caribbean. Some have been in the US 20 years or more. Anyone who isnā€™t white is going home.

Heā€™s now talking about revoking citizenship and deporting US citizens back to where they came from. Iā€™m betting the people he wants to revoke citizenship for arenā€™t from Norway.

I am grateful for businesses who refuse to do business with whose who lie for this President. Who support policies which run counter to the foundations of the country and which are destructive to the rights of others. Which elevate one class of citizen and make it acceptable for them to discriminate against and deny public accommodations to other citizens and then claim it is their right to do so.

Had regular German people held Hitler and his minions accountable when he first seized power and began allowing Jews to be abused, the Holocaust might never have happened.

But there were too many assholes liked you Billy. Too many that hated Jews and like to see them get their come uppance, or who saw a way to profit from fanning the flames of hate to fools like you.

Please provide evidence for every one of your claims. Thanks.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

Letā€™s take a look at the patternā€¦.

1.ā€Four Congressional interns, who were selected as part of GOP Rep. Ken Buck's (CO-4) Diversity Internship Program which seeks to place African-American interns in Republican offices around Capitol Hill, were kicked out of an Uber ride Tuesday night because half of their party was carrying "Make America Great Again" hats.ā€
GOP interns: Uber driver refused us service because of MAGA hats | | thedusknews.com

No big deal, rightā€¦and certainly not ā€˜slaughter.ā€™ They could get another cabā€¦..

2. How about this?

ā€œVirginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trumpā€? Virginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trump

Still no biggie?

How about that the family was followed to another establishment, with continued harassment.

OKā€¦.we deal with itā€¦..they can't run every restaurant.....

3. Butā€¦.take it up a notch, to assault and batteryā€¦ ā€œFox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolisā€
Fox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolis

a. ā€œThe law defines assault and battery as an unwanted touching that is done in a rude or angry manner. It can be as simple as shoving someone, blocking their way, spitting on them, grabbing someone's arm, throwing something (liquid or otherwise) at them, or even grabbing something out of their hand.ā€ Domestic Assault and Battery: It does not take much

See the pattern developing?

4.If a real American, sayā€¦a conservative, did this, CNN and MSNBC would be running the video on a loop, 60 Minutes would be doing stories on it, TV trucks would be camped outside the culprits house, thereā€™d be calls for a civil rights investigation, Democrats would be calling for Republicans to denounce it.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

What? You donā€™t believe that the above is part of the same pattern as the Bolshevik homicidal rampages, or the Nazi Brownshirt mayhem?

Wait for the next postā€¦..
Not liking MAGA hats now equates to Soviet Slaughter?

Well, you know how the story goes...

"First they came for the MAGA hats"
Slippery slope

MAGA hat will get you in a gulag
Facts are facts --- blacks commit 87% of the crimes not just in the US but world wide -- blacks are less intelligent, not only in the US but worldwide, blacks are 876% more likely to have STD's than all other races, 92% of blacks commit their first crime by the age of 9 -- white women are 78 times more likely to be raped by a black than any other race in existence -- yes they are inferior and we need to deal with them

Please find another thread to haunt.
Oh, you prefer your racism to be more covert? Don't be a coward, we must combat these mongrels overtly if we want to save our nation!!!

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

Letā€™s take a look at the patternā€¦.

1.ā€Four Congressional interns, who were selected as part of GOP Rep. Ken Buck's (CO-4) Diversity Internship Program which seeks to place African-American interns in Republican offices around Capitol Hill, were kicked out of an Uber ride Tuesday night because half of their party was carrying "Make America Great Again" hats.ā€
GOP interns: Uber driver refused us service because of MAGA hats | | thedusknews.com

No big deal, rightā€¦and certainly not ā€˜slaughter.ā€™ They could get another cabā€¦..

2. How about this?

ā€œVirginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trumpā€? Virginia restaurant refused to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for Trump

Still no biggie?

How about that the family was followed to another establishment, with continued harassment.

OKā€¦.we deal with itā€¦..they can't run every restaurant.....

3. Butā€¦.take it up a notch, to assault and batteryā€¦ ā€œFox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolisā€
Fox News Pundit Tomi Lahren Had a Drink Thrown at Her While at a Restaurant in Minneapolis

a. ā€œThe law defines assault and battery as an unwanted touching that is done in a rude or angry manner. It can be as simple as shoving someone, blocking their way, spitting on them, grabbing someone's arm, throwing something (liquid or otherwise) at them, or even grabbing something out of their hand.ā€ Domestic Assault and Battery: It does not take much

See the pattern developing?

4.If a real American, sayā€¦a conservative, did this, CNN and MSNBC would be running the video on a loop, 60 Minutes would be doing stories on it, TV trucks would be camped outside the culprits house, thereā€™d be calls for a civil rights investigation, Democrats would be calling for Republicans to denounce it.

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

What? You donā€™t believe that the above is part of the same pattern as the Bolshevik homicidal rampages, or the Nazi Brownshirt mayhem?

Wait for the next postā€¦..

And I thought your thread meant the greatest threat to West. Civilization was Donald Trump, as most rational people in the Western World believe.
Sorry but this sounds just as crazy as the posts by Trump haters claiming heā€™s Hitlet incarnate. There are bad eggs in every group, doesnā€™t mean the party representative of their beliefs should be compared to evil historical regimens.

EVERYONE needs to stop with the Nazi comparisons.

I look forward to your equally well constructed thread of the Right behaving in this manner.

If you can't do so......you might better spend your time looking up the meaning of 'moral equivalency.'

I agree the left is losing it, but I donā€™t agree with your assessment.

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