A Democratic Republic or Authoritarianism

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Nazi's Nazis are leftwing. Hate to break it to ya.
[/QUOTE]Use Common Sense Instead of Believing in Shallow Academic Hermits

Stalin purposely provoked Hitler into blitzkrieging Russia. Pretending to be overrun, he held his real army in reserve until the Germans had fatally overextended their supply lines. Only then did he strike, grinding down the Germans mercilessly. His reward for this devious strategy was the annexation of Eastern Europe.
Capitalism - free market , supply side economics.

If supply side economics I.e., “voodoo economics” worked, we wouldn’t be 24 Trillion in debt.

Supply side economics, much like Trump, is a sham. It is Darwinism capitalism that has allowed the top 1% to garner the largest share of America’s wealth and greater power, to the cost of an ever shrinking middle class and an increase in the working poor.

Just today, a U.N. report proclaimed that the disparity in wealth with the rich get richer and poor get poorer is a threat to democracies. Of this I have no doubt. He who has the gold makes the rules. The rich aren’t about to give up power hence the rise of Trump on the right, Bloomberg on the left and Sanders the socialist democrat front runner which both sides see as a threat to their wealth and power.

Republicans have a choice to make. Either start raising taxes and give a greater share to the middle class and working poor or see the rise of democratic socialism in much the same vain as FDR’s great society that put republicans out of power an into the wilderness for forty years.
If supply side economics I.e., “voodoo economics” worked, we wouldn’t be 24 Trillion in debt.
Take a close look at this "War on Poverty" and how much it has cost the US. Do you see something that grabs at ya? If not then you are a fucking idiot.
$22 trillion
Supported by multiple sources
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA
Error 404

If you stopped paying people to sit on their lazy ass, then those people would either starve or find a job in this roaring economy that has 1.5 million non filled jobs. Not only would it lower the welfare costs but have new sources of tax revenue that would end up balancing the budge in under 5 years. But then those people would realize that the Demoncraps want to steal that money so they could buy votes from the poor. But if everyone is working and not poor, then there is no need for a Demoncrap party..

I don't know where you got the idea there is welfare in this country, but the only welfare that exists is for women with dependent children or the disabled. Unemployment is not welfare because it is your own money being paid back to you, and runs out.

The legacy of the war on poverty policy initiative remains in the continued existence of such federal programs as Head Start, Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), TRiO, and Job Corps.

Deregulation, growing criticism of the welfare state, and an ideological shift to reducing federal aid to impoverished people in the 1980s and 1990s culminated in the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996, which President Bill Clinton claimed "ended welfare as we know it."

War on poverty - Wikipedia
So you asked where the 24 trillion dollars of debt came from, I showed you, now you just deter like a typical whiney ass liberal.

I started working for $2.10 an hour, at McD's. It was a contract between me and them. After a few months I saw it wasn't going to lead anywhere. I got skills that could enable me to work on F-15s so I went overseas where I was paid $70,000 all tax free. I also was able to contribute to a 401 plan that paid me 3% for every 5% I contributed. I put in the most and came home with 1/2 million dollars. I left the comforts of home to make wealth, too many lazy liberal bums, just stay at home, collect welfare, do nothing, smoke pot, bitch and complain they dont have a life, then want the government to take from me what I have earned. Fuck off you Communist bitch, I am tired of shit wanting what I have.. You want it, go get a fucking job...

I never asked where the national debt came from because I know.
It came almost entirely from military borrowing and spending.
There has never been significant welfare in the US, and it would never have been legal to increase the national debt in order to finance welfare.
The War on Poverty did not increase the national debt at all, and no welfare has been available to males who were not disables, for many decades.

First of all historically the national debt has been illegal except for emergency allocations voted in by Congress during times of war.


But that changed with Reagan, who borrowed heavily for SDI during supposed peacetime.
Then Bush started borrowing for his illegal mideast wars,


If you think that the war on poverty added to the national debt, there is no evidence of that.
Again you ignored the FACTS, typical of an uneducated moron. 22 trillion dollars has been spent on an endless "War on Poverty" we still have poverty and I realize that you must be one of those who have nothing, so want the Socialist Bernie to take from me and give to you. Such a petulant little girl you are.

We will have to see how big of a concern this is. There isn't a more authoritarian candidate running than Bloomberg. If the (D)'s quickly crush his campaign then I'll believe it.

Bloomberg is a Republican running as a Democrat. The country needs a younger, foreward thinking President. Old white billionaires make lousy Presidents. No 70+ year olds need apply. That includes Biden and Warren. You've had 40 years in government to fix things and you haven't. Get out of the way.
We will have to see how big of a concern this is. There isn't a more authoritarian candidate running than Bloomberg. If the (D)'s quickly crush his campaign then I'll believe it.

Bloomberg is a Republican running as a Democrat. The country needs a younger, foreward thinking President. Old white billionaires make lousy Presidents. No 70+ year olds need apply. That includes Biden and Warren. You've had 40 years in government to fix things and you haven't. Get out of the way.

It's too bad there aren't any younger candidates that want to do right by the country.
If supply side economics I.e., “voodoo economics” worked, we wouldn’t be 24 Trillion in debt.

Supply side economics, much like Trump, is a sham. It is Darwinism capitalism that has allowed the top 1% to garner the largest share of America’s wealth and greater power, to the cost of an ever shrinking middle class and an increase in the working poor.

Just today, a U.N. report proclaimed that the disparity in wealth with the rich get richer and poor get poorer is a threat to democracies. Of this I have no doubt. He who has the gold makes the rules. The rich aren’t about to give up power hence the rise of Trump on the right, Bloomberg on the left and Sanders the socialist democrat front runner which both sides see as a threat to their wealth and power.

Republicans have a choice to make. Either start raising taxes and give a greater share to the middle class and working poor or see the rise of democratic socialism in much the same vain as FDR’s great society that put republicans out of power an into the wilderness for forty years.
If supply side economics I.e., “voodoo economics” worked, we wouldn’t be 24 Trillion in debt.
Take a close look at this "War on Poverty" and how much it has cost the US. Do you see something that grabs at ya? If not then you are a fucking idiot.
$22 trillion
Supported by multiple sources
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA
Error 404

If you stopped paying people to sit on their lazy ass, then those people would either starve or find a job in this roaring economy that has 1.5 million non filled jobs. Not only would it lower the welfare costs but have new sources of tax revenue that would end up balancing the budge in under 5 years. But then those people would realize that the Demoncraps want to steal that money so they could buy votes from the poor. But if everyone is working and not poor, then there is no need for a Demoncrap party..

I don't know where you got the idea there is welfare in this country, but the only welfare that exists is for women with dependent children or the disabled. Unemployment is not welfare because it is your own money being paid back to you, and runs out.

The legacy of the war on poverty policy initiative remains in the continued existence of such federal programs as Head Start, Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), TRiO, and Job Corps.

Deregulation, growing criticism of the welfare state, and an ideological shift to reducing federal aid to impoverished people in the 1980s and 1990s culminated in the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996, which President Bill Clinton claimed "ended welfare as we know it."

War on poverty - Wikipedia
So you asked where the 24 trillion dollars of debt came from, I showed you, now you just deter like a typical whiney ass liberal.

I started working for $2.10 an hour, at McD's. It was a contract between me and them. After a few months I saw it wasn't going to lead anywhere. I got skills that could enable me to work on F-15s so I went overseas where I was paid $70,000 all tax free. I also was able to contribute to a 401 plan that paid me 3% for every 5% I contributed. I put in the most and came home with 1/2 million dollars. I left the comforts of home to make wealth, too many lazy liberal bums, just stay at home, collect welfare, do nothing, smoke pot, bitch and complain they dont have a life, then want the government to take from me what I have earned. Fuck off you Communist bitch, I am tired of shit wanting what I have.. You want it, go get a fucking job...

I never asked where the national debt came from because I know.
It came almost entirely from military borrowing and spending.
There has never been significant welfare in the US, and it would never have been legal to increase the national debt in order to finance welfare.
The War on Poverty did not increase the national debt at all, and no welfare has been available to males who were not disables, for many decades.

First of all historically the national debt has been illegal except for emergency allocations voted in by Congress during times of war.


But that changed with Reagan, who borrowed heavily for SDI during supposed peacetime.
Then Bush started borrowing for his illegal mideast wars,


If you think that the war on poverty added to the national debt, there is no evidence of that.
Again you ignored the FACTS, typical of an uneducated moron. 22 trillion dollars has been spent on an endless "War on Poverty" we still have poverty and I realize that you must be one of those who have nothing, so want the Socialist Bernie to take from me and give to you. Such a petulant little girl you are.


Both parties are tax and spend liberals. The difference is where they spend it. Both parties are responsible for all of the debt.

Why do you schlubbs keep acting like all this "fascism" that you're wringing your hands over, just sprung into being out of nowhere on 20 Jan '17?

Grow the fuck up.


You are either reality challenged or a supporter of and want to live under the jack boot of The President. And not only the jerk currently in the office of POTUS but all future presidents who believe they are above the law.

Are you that stupid?

I'm beginning to believe you are.
Take a close look at this "War on Poverty" and how much it has cost the US. Do you see something that grabs at ya? If not then you are a fucking idiot.
If you stopped paying people to sit on their lazy ass, then those people would either starve or find a job in this roaring economy that has 1.5 million non filled jobs. Not only would it lower the welfare costs but have new sources of tax revenue that would end up balancing the budge in under 5 years. But then those people would realize that the Demoncraps want to steal that money so they could buy votes from the poor. But if everyone is working and not poor, then there is no need for a Demoncrap party..

I don't know where you got the idea there is welfare in this country, but the only welfare that exists is for women with dependent children or the disabled. Unemployment is not welfare because it is your own money being paid back to you, and runs out.

The legacy of the war on poverty policy initiative remains in the continued existence of such federal programs as Head Start, Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), TRiO, and Job Corps.

Deregulation, growing criticism of the welfare state, and an ideological shift to reducing federal aid to impoverished people in the 1980s and 1990s culminated in the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996, which President Bill Clinton claimed "ended welfare as we know it."

War on poverty - Wikipedia
So you asked where the 24 trillion dollars of debt came from, I showed you, now you just deter like a typical whiney ass liberal.

I started working for $2.10 an hour, at McD's. It was a contract between me and them. After a few months I saw it wasn't going to lead anywhere. I got skills that could enable me to work on F-15s so I went overseas where I was paid $70,000 all tax free. I also was able to contribute to a 401 plan that paid me 3% for every 5% I contributed. I put in the most and came home with 1/2 million dollars. I left the comforts of home to make wealth, too many lazy liberal bums, just stay at home, collect welfare, do nothing, smoke pot, bitch and complain they dont have a life, then want the government to take from me what I have earned. Fuck off you Communist bitch, I am tired of shit wanting what I have.. You want it, go get a fucking job...

I never asked where the national debt came from because I know.
It came almost entirely from military borrowing and spending.
There has never been significant welfare in the US, and it would never have been legal to increase the national debt in order to finance welfare.
The War on Poverty did not increase the national debt at all, and no welfare has been available to males who were not disables, for many decades.

First of all historically the national debt has been illegal except for emergency allocations voted in by Congress during times of war.


But that changed with Reagan, who borrowed heavily for SDI during supposed peacetime.
Then Bush started borrowing for his illegal mideast wars,


If you think that the war on poverty added to the national debt, there is no evidence of that.
Again you ignored the FACTS, typical of an uneducated moron. 22 trillion dollars has been spent on an endless "War on Poverty" we still have poverty and I realize that you must be one of those who have nothing, so want the Socialist Bernie to take from me and give to you. Such a petulant little girl you are.


Both parties are tax and spend liberals. The difference is where they spend it. Both parties are responsible for all of the debt.
So there is one group who gets spending, because they are out their morning, noon and night, in the defense of this country. I guess you dont like that funding. Then there are those that sit on their liberal miserable asses all day, smoking pot, dropping babies because they get more money, shop at Walmart and use WIC, while smoking cigarettes and malt liquor, while also getting other free stuff like Medicaid. That spending is okay for you? There wouldn't be a country without the military, while those empty Holes in society who can work, should be taken to Cuba and left there..

Why do you schlubbs keep acting like all this "fascism" that you're wringing your hands over, just sprung into being out of nowhere on 20 Jan '17?

Grow the fuck up.


You are either reality challenged or a supporter of and want to live under the jack boot of The President. And not only the jerk currently in the office of POTUS but all future presidents who believe they are above the law.

Are you that stupid?

I'm beginning to believe you are.

And not once did you Express outrage when obummer violated the civil Rights of political groups opposed to him. Not once did you declare your disgust for his spying on reporters who were actually reporting his bad deeds.

In other words, go fuck yourself.
I don't know where you got the idea there is welfare in this country, but the only welfare that exists is for women with dependent children or the disabled. Unemployment is not welfare because it is your own money being paid back to you, and runs out.

The legacy of the war on poverty policy initiative remains in the continued existence of such federal programs as Head Start, Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), TRiO, and Job Corps.

Deregulation, growing criticism of the welfare state, and an ideological shift to reducing federal aid to impoverished people in the 1980s and 1990s culminated in the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996, which President Bill Clinton claimed "ended welfare as we know it."

War on poverty - Wikipedia
So you asked where the 24 trillion dollars of debt came from, I showed you, now you just deter like a typical whiney ass liberal.

I started working for $2.10 an hour, at McD's. It was a contract between me and them. After a few months I saw it wasn't going to lead anywhere. I got skills that could enable me to work on F-15s so I went overseas where I was paid $70,000 all tax free. I also was able to contribute to a 401 plan that paid me 3% for every 5% I contributed. I put in the most and came home with 1/2 million dollars. I left the comforts of home to make wealth, too many lazy liberal bums, just stay at home, collect welfare, do nothing, smoke pot, bitch and complain they dont have a life, then want the government to take from me what I have earned. Fuck off you Communist bitch, I am tired of shit wanting what I have.. You want it, go get a fucking job...

I never asked where the national debt came from because I know.
It came almost entirely from military borrowing and spending.
There has never been significant welfare in the US, and it would never have been legal to increase the national debt in order to finance welfare.
The War on Poverty did not increase the national debt at all, and no welfare has been available to males who were not disables, for many decades.

First of all historically the national debt has been illegal except for emergency allocations voted in by Congress during times of war.


But that changed with Reagan, who borrowed heavily for SDI during supposed peacetime.
Then Bush started borrowing for his illegal mideast wars,


If you think that the war on poverty added to the national debt, there is no evidence of that.
Again you ignored the FACTS, typical of an uneducated moron. 22 trillion dollars has been spent on an endless "War on Poverty" we still have poverty and I realize that you must be one of those who have nothing, so want the Socialist Bernie to take from me and give to you. Such a petulant little girl you are.


Both parties are tax and spend liberals. The difference is where they spend it. Both parties are responsible for all of the debt.
So there is one group who gets spending, because they are out their morning, noon and night, in the defense of this country. I guess you dont like that funding. Then there are those that sit on their liberal miserable asses all day, smoking pot, dropping babies because they get more money, shop at Walmart and use WIC, while smoking cigarettes and malt liquor, while also getting other free stuff like Medicaid. That spending is okay for you? There wouldn't be a country without the military, while those empty Holes in society who can work, should be taken to Cuba and left there..

You're pretending that Democrats don't fund the military or haven't been engaged in the foreign policy of interventionism right along with the old Republicans.

Nobody likes welfare cheats
So you asked where the 24 trillion dollars of debt came from, I showed you, now you just deter like a typical whiney ass liberal.

I started working for $2.10 an hour, at McD's. It was a contract between me and them. After a few months I saw it wasn't going to lead anywhere. I got skills that could enable me to work on F-15s so I went overseas where I was paid $70,000 all tax free. I also was able to contribute to a 401 plan that paid me 3% for every 5% I contributed. I put in the most and came home with 1/2 million dollars. I left the comforts of home to make wealth, too many lazy liberal bums, just stay at home, collect welfare, do nothing, smoke pot, bitch and complain they dont have a life, then want the government to take from me what I have earned. Fuck off you Communist bitch, I am tired of shit wanting what I have.. You want it, go get a fucking job...

I never asked where the national debt came from because I know.
It came almost entirely from military borrowing and spending.
There has never been significant welfare in the US, and it would never have been legal to increase the national debt in order to finance welfare.
The War on Poverty did not increase the national debt at all, and no welfare has been available to males who were not disables, for many decades.

First of all historically the national debt has been illegal except for emergency allocations voted in by Congress during times of war.


But that changed with Reagan, who borrowed heavily for SDI during supposed peacetime.
Then Bush started borrowing for his illegal mideast wars,


If you think that the war on poverty added to the national debt, there is no evidence of that.
Again you ignored the FACTS, typical of an uneducated moron. 22 trillion dollars has been spent on an endless "War on Poverty" we still have poverty and I realize that you must be one of those who have nothing, so want the Socialist Bernie to take from me and give to you. Such a petulant little girl you are.


Both parties are tax and spend liberals. The difference is where they spend it. Both parties are responsible for all of the debt.
So there is one group who gets spending, because they are out their morning, noon and night, in the defense of this country. I guess you dont like that funding. Then there are those that sit on their liberal miserable asses all day, smoking pot, dropping babies because they get more money, shop at Walmart and use WIC, while smoking cigarettes and malt liquor, while also getting other free stuff like Medicaid. That spending is okay for you? There wouldn't be a country without the military, while those empty Holes in society who can work, should be taken to Cuba and left there..

You're pretending that Democrats don't fund the military or haven't been engaged in the foreign policy of interventionism right along with the old Republicans.

Nobody likes welfare cheats
Since I was in the military, all the time the Demoncraps were taking away funds thus closing bases, having less military men(who actually do work) because then they can put more money into the Demoncraps social programs keeping impoverished people depended on them. Dumbasses like you, think you know everything, yet again, I proved you wrong.

Bill Clinton and the Decline of the Military
US military has become so depleted under Obama it can no longer achieve its objective of being able to fight two simultaneous wars, report claims | Daily Mail Online
I don't know where you got the idea there is welfare in this country, but the only welfare that exists is for women with dependent children or the disabled. Unemployment is not welfare because it is your own money being paid back to you, and runs out.

The legacy of the war on poverty policy initiative remains in the continued existence of such federal programs as Head Start, Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), TRiO, and Job Corps.

Deregulation, growing criticism of the welfare state, and an ideological shift to reducing federal aid to impoverished people in the 1980s and 1990s culminated in the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996, which President Bill Clinton claimed "ended welfare as we know it."

War on poverty - Wikipedia
So you asked where the 24 trillion dollars of debt came from, I showed you, now you just deter like a typical whiney ass liberal.

I started working for $2.10 an hour, at McD's. It was a contract between me and them. After a few months I saw it wasn't going to lead anywhere. I got skills that could enable me to work on F-15s so I went overseas where I was paid $70,000 all tax free. I also was able to contribute to a 401 plan that paid me 3% for every 5% I contributed. I put in the most and came home with 1/2 million dollars. I left the comforts of home to make wealth, too many lazy liberal bums, just stay at home, collect welfare, do nothing, smoke pot, bitch and complain they dont have a life, then want the government to take from me what I have earned. Fuck off you Communist bitch, I am tired of shit wanting what I have.. You want it, go get a fucking job...

I never asked where the national debt came from because I know.
It came almost entirely from military borrowing and spending.
There has never been significant welfare in the US, and it would never have been legal to increase the national debt in order to finance welfare.
The War on Poverty did not increase the national debt at all, and no welfare has been available to males who were not disables, for many decades.

First of all historically the national debt has been illegal except for emergency allocations voted in by Congress during times of war.


But that changed with Reagan, who borrowed heavily for SDI during supposed peacetime.
Then Bush started borrowing for his illegal mideast wars,


If you think that the war on poverty added to the national debt, there is no evidence of that.
Again you ignored the FACTS, typical of an uneducated moron. 22 trillion dollars has been spent on an endless "War on Poverty" we still have poverty and I realize that you must be one of those who have nothing, so want the Socialist Bernie to take from me and give to you. Such a petulant little girl you are.


Both parties are tax and spend liberals. The difference is where they spend it. Both parties are responsible for all of the debt.
So there is one group who gets spending, because they are out their morning, noon and night, in the defense of this country. I guess you dont like that funding. Then there are those that sit on their liberal miserable asses all day, smoking pot, dropping babies because they get more money, shop at Walmart and use WIC, while smoking cigarettes and malt liquor, while also getting other free stuff like Medicaid. That spending is okay for you? There wouldn't be a country without the military, while those empty Holes in society who can work, should be taken to Cuba and left there..
Twist Every Preppy's Smirking Lips Until They Bleed

Most of all deserving of deportation are the richkids, mooching degenerate weaklings whose Daddies always get them out of having to fight for our country, which in no way should be theirs. Since they also control Liberalism, that explains why they love all the other lazy trash.

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