A Democratic Republic or Authoritarianism

Do you support Trumpism?

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Which do you support:

Today it is clear we are living in a new normal. The current Senators, under the leadership of McConnell has demonstrated that one person can have a major impact on our form of government. There is no doubt that Authoritarianism is now, with no thanks to 51 Senators, a new form of governance, i.e. Trumpism.

IMO, Trumpism is akin to fascism, and a reader with an open mind and who has watched the behavior of Trump and McConnell will see much similarity to these 14 points:

14 signs of fascism - Google Search


Why do you schlubbs keep acting like all this "fascism" that you're wringing your hands over, just sprung into being out of nowhere on 20 Jan '17?

Grow the fuck up.


Odd, why do they do this? Because they create a narrative, that is why.

Everything Trump tried to do, they took him to court. He won some, he lost some, and abided by the rulings. The same people made these rulings, that made the rulings for Obama, but somehow, Trump is a Fascist?!?!?!?!?!

The Left is full of propaganda, it is just that simple. They believe that if they can change the minds of 20% of the 1% of the vote that MIGHT believe this crap, they will push their Democratic nominee over the top.

It ain't nowhere near that close! They better start convincing a lot more people than that, or get totally smoked in November. They need HARD ideas to implement, not soft narratives, to get themselves in office.

Badly, or maybe sadly for them, all evidence points that Americans are going to soundly REJECT those ideas. Sooooooooooo, if the Left wants to waste it's time chasing 20% of 1% of the vote which they may get 40 % of which means NOTHING, my advice is---------->LET THEM WASTE THEIR TIME!

Why do you schlubbs keep acting like all this "fascism" that you're wringing your hands over, just sprung into being out of nowhere on 20 Jan '17?

Grow the fuck up.


Why don't you get an education, and learn how to write something more than your usual curmudgeonly act? We have never had a POTUS such as trump, who has more personality disorders than you have in your tool box.

wry you are just not used to a guy who burps and farts in public....find a candidate who can beat the guy instead of coming up with bottom of the barrel people and you wont have to do threads like this....

I have very thick skin, I've dealt with some of the worst of the worst in my 32 year career, words don't hurt me. In my opinion trump is on the bottom of the barrel; he is both inept and antisocial. Both factors make him dangerous; especially now that The Senate has given him carte blanche, and he has never shown to have empathy.

Oh, you poor little liar. Whenever someone refutes your arguments you call them names and pout like a little girl.

Oh the irony. When has anyone refuted my argument? Post one which has in this thread!

Your arguments are absurd so need no counterargument. They deserve no attention.
hmm, really
Really.. I dont see Trumpsters beating up gay guys like ANTIFA did. I dont see Trumpsters hating on Jews like You libtards do. I dont see Trumpsters running over people because they dont think like they do. The hateful group is you, you ,you....
You forgot about Charlottesville and Heather Heyer?

One case. One. How many hundreds of videos of you left wing nutjobs are there on YouTube and all you have is that one case to counter ALL of the left wing violence.

Get a life clown boi.
All US extremist killings in 2018 were from the far right.

Who on the left is killing people? Connor Betts?
He killed his own sister.

Right-wing terrorism is once again responsible for more deaths on U.S. soil (107) than jihadi terrorism (104) since 9/11, according to data collected by New America.
I notice that when black on black murders that are more than the extremist, that is left out of the picture because it doesnt fit your liberal agenda. By the way, Far Right Socialists (Fascists) are the ones doing it, not Law Abiding Citizens who are NRA members.

Now I will apologize...I am sorry that you are dumber than a box of rocks, and need to be dumped in the deepest part of the Pacific.
The subject is extremist killings and terrorism. Politically motivated killings.
hmm, really
Really.. I dont see Trumpsters beating up gay guys like ANTIFA did. I dont see Trumpsters hating on Jews like You libtards do. I dont see Trumpsters running over people because they dont think like they do. The hateful group is you, you ,you....
You forgot about Charlottesville and Heather Heyer?

One case. One. How many hundreds of videos of you left wing nutjobs are there on YouTube and all you have is that one case to counter ALL of the left wing violence.

Get a life clown boi.
All US extremist killings in 2018 were from the far right.

Who on the left is killing people? Connor Betts?
He killed his own sister.

Right-wing terrorism is once again responsible for more deaths on U.S. soil (107) than jihadi terrorism (104) since 9/11, according to data collected by New America.

Nazi's are leftwing. Hate to break it to ya.
Richard J. Evans: ‘It Would Be Wrong to See Nazism as a Form of, or an Outgrowth From, Socialism’

The right needs to stop falsely claiming that the Nazis were socialists

Did you forget the nazis and communists were fighting each other? Did you forget nazis hated communists as much as they hated jews?

And then you people equate socialism with communism, as if the nazis and soviets were friendly with each other.
Really.. I dont see Trumpsters beating up gay guys like ANTIFA did. I dont see Trumpsters hating on Jews like You libtards do. I dont see Trumpsters running over people because they dont think like they do. The hateful group is you, you ,you....
You forgot about Charlottesville and Heather Heyer?

One case. One. How many hundreds of videos of you left wing nutjobs are there on YouTube and all you have is that one case to counter ALL of the left wing violence.

Get a life clown boi.
All US extremist killings in 2018 were from the far right.

Who on the left is killing people? Connor Betts?
He killed his own sister.

Right-wing terrorism is once again responsible for more deaths on U.S. soil (107) than jihadi terrorism (104) since 9/11, according to data collected by New America.

Nazi's are leftwing. Hate to break it to ya.
Richard J. Evans: ‘It Would Be Wrong to See Nazism as a Form of, or an Outgrowth From, Socialism’

The right needs to stop falsely claiming that the Nazis were socialists

Did you forget the nazis and communists were fighting each other? Did you forget nazis hated communists as much as they hated jews?

And then you people equate socialism with communism, as if the nazis and soviets were friendly with each other.

I'll go with what hitler said "our natural allies against capitalism are the communists"
Which do you support:

Today it is clear we are living in a new normal. The current Senators, under the leadership of McConnell has demonstrated that one person can have a major impact on our form of government. There is no doubt that Authoritarianism is now, with no thanks to 51 Senators, a new form of governance, i.e. Trumpism.

IMO, Trumpism is akin to fascism, and a reader with an open mind and who has watched the behavior of Trump and McConnell will see much similarity to these 14 points:

14 signs of fascism - Google Search
You don't know what authoritarianism is. Your "14 signs of fascism" was debunked long ago. The guy who wrote it is a marketing executive.
Which do you support:

Today it is clear we are living in a new normal. The current Senators, under the leadership of McConnell has demonstrated that one person can have a major impact on our form of government. There is no doubt that Authoritarianism is now, with no thanks to 51 Senators, a new form of governance, i.e. Trumpism.

IMO, Trumpism is akin to fascism, and a reader with an open mind and who has watched the behavior of Trump and McConnell will see much similarity to these 14 points:

14 signs of fascism - Google Search

I wouldn't waste one second reading that garbage. Word of advice, Democrats needs to start talking about policy and stop all the bull$hit divisiveness.

One case. One. How many hundreds of videos of you left wing nutjobs are there on YouTube and all you have is that one case to counter ALL of the left wing violence.

Get a life clown boi.
All US extremist killings in 2018 were from the far right.

Who on the left is killing people? Connor Betts?
He killed his own sister.

Right-wing terrorism is once again responsible for more deaths on U.S. soil (107) than jihadi terrorism (104) since 9/11, according to data collected by New America.

Nazi's are leftwing. Hate to break it to ya.
Richard J. Evans: ‘It Would Be Wrong to See Nazism as a Form of, or an Outgrowth From, Socialism’

The right needs to stop falsely claiming that the Nazis were socialists

Did you forget the nazis and communists were fighting each other? Did you forget nazis hated communists as much as they hated jews?

And then you people equate socialism with communism, as if the nazis and soviets were friendly with each other.

I'll go with what hitler said "our natural allies against capitalism are the communists"
Did Hitler actually say that?

One case. One. How many hundreds of videos of you left wing nutjobs are there on YouTube and all you have is that one case to counter ALL of the left wing violence.

Get a life clown boi.
All US extremist killings in 2018 were from the far right.

Who on the left is killing people? Connor Betts?
He killed his own sister.

Right-wing terrorism is once again responsible for more deaths on U.S. soil (107) than jihadi terrorism (104) since 9/11, according to data collected by New America.

Nazi's are leftwing. Hate to break it to ya.
Richard J. Evans: ‘It Would Be Wrong to See Nazism as a Form of, or an Outgrowth From, Socialism’

The right needs to stop falsely claiming that the Nazis were socialists

Did you forget the nazis and communists were fighting each other? Did you forget nazis hated communists as much as they hated jews?

And then you people equate socialism with communism, as if the nazis and soviets were friendly with each other.

I'll go with what hitler said "our natural allies against capitalism are the communists"

Except that Hitler could never has said or intended anything remotely like that.
Hitler was not elected but appointed by Hindenburg, after being approved by the coalition of the aristocracy, military, and industrialists. Like Mussolini, Hitler was as capitalist and right wing as one could possibly get.
Hitler had all the communists murdered or arrested, like the Spartacus League, the local communist party in German after WWI had been targeted by the National Socialists.

The Spartacus League (German: Spartakusbund) was a Marxist revolutionary movement organized in Germany during World War I.[1] The League was named after Spartacus, leader of the largest slave rebellion of the Roman Republic. It was founded by Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg, Clara Zetkin, and others. The League subsequently renamed itself the Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (KPD)
After the Russian Revolution of 1917, the Spartacus League began agitating for a similar course: a government based on local workers' councils, in Germany. After the abdication of the Kaiser in the German Revolution of November 1918, a period of instability began, which lasted until 1923. On 9 November 1918, from a balcony of the Kaiser's Berliner Stadtschloss, Liebknecht declared Germany a "Free Socialist Republic". However, earlier on the same night, Philipp Scheidemann of the SPD had declared a republic from the Reichstag.[6]

In December 1918, the Spartakusbund formally renamed itself the Communist Party of Germany (KPD).[7] In January 1919, the KPD, along with the Independent Socialists, launched the Spartacist uprising. This included staging massive street demonstrations intended to destabilize the Weimar government, led by the centrists of the SPD under Chancellor Friedrich Ebert. The government accused the opposition of planning a general strike and communist revolution in Berlin. With the aid of the Freikorps (Free corps), Ebert's administration quickly crushed the uprising. Luxemburg and Liebknecht were taken prisoner and killed in custody.

The National Socialists and Communists were always bitter enemies.

Hitler was appointed by a coalition of capitalists, who were his main supporters.
Who do you think paid for all those stadium events Hitler put one, since he was penniless?
Which do you support:

Today it is clear we are living in a new normal. The current Senators, under the leadership of McConnell has demonstrated that one person can have a major impact on our form of government. There is no doubt that Authoritarianism is now, with no thanks to 51 Senators, a new form of governance, i.e. Trumpism.

IMO, Trumpism is akin to fascism, and a reader with an open mind and who has watched the behavior of Trump and McConnell will see much similarity to these 14 points:

14 signs of fascism - Google Search
You don't know what authoritarianism is. Your "14 signs of fascism" was debunked long ago. The guy who wrote it is a marketing executive.

Authoritarianism is when the rule of law is ignored and the executive does whatever it wants.
That clearly was the case in the invasion of Iraq, the War on Drugs, gun control, etc., where there was no legal justification and it greatly harmed individual rights.
The constitution gives absolutely ZERO federal jurisdiction over firearms or drugs.
Which do you support:

Today it is clear we are living in a new normal. The current Senators, under the leadership of McConnell has demonstrated that one person can have a major impact on our form of government. There is no doubt that Authoritarianism is now, with no thanks to 51 Senators, a new form of governance, i.e. Trumpism.

IMO, Trumpism is akin to fascism, and a reader with an open mind and who has watched the behavior of Trump and McConnell will see much similarity to these 14 points:

14 signs of fascism - Google Search
You don't know what authoritarianism is. Your "14 signs of fascism" was debunked long ago. The guy who wrote it is a marketing executive.

Authoritarianism is when the rule of law is ignored and the executive does whatever it wants.
That clearly was the case in the invasion of Iraq, the War on Drugs, gun control, etc., where there was no legal justification and it greatly harmed individual rights.
The constitution gives absolutely ZERO federal jurisdiction over firearms or drugs.
Wrong. Authoritarianism can be entirely legal, and normally is. Mostly authoritarianism is the desire to control other people. It's the essence of liberalism and socialism.
Really.. I dont see Trumpsters beating up gay guys like ANTIFA did. I dont see Trumpsters hating on Jews like You libtards do. I dont see Trumpsters running over people because they dont think like they do. The hateful group is you, you ,you....
You forgot about Charlottesville and Heather Heyer?

One case. One. How many hundreds of videos of you left wing nutjobs are there on YouTube and all you have is that one case to counter ALL of the left wing violence.

Get a life clown boi.
All US extremist killings in 2018 were from the far right.

Who on the left is killing people? Connor Betts?
He killed his own sister.

Right-wing terrorism is once again responsible for more deaths on U.S. soil (107) than jihadi terrorism (104) since 9/11, according to data collected by New America.
I notice that when black on black murders that are more than the extremist, that is left out of the picture because it doesnt fit your liberal agenda. By the way, Far Right Socialists (Fascists) are the ones doing it, not Law Abiding Citizens who are NRA members.

Now I will apologize...I am sorry that you are dumber than a box of rocks, and need to be dumped in the deepest part of the Pacific.
The subject is extremist killings and terrorism. Politically motivated killings.
So when a black man goes shooting through a neighborhood that isnt terrorism, just typical black actions? Man, are you a fucking racist dick.
One case. One. How many hundreds of videos of you left wing nutjobs are there on YouTube and all you have is that one case to counter ALL of the left wing violence.

Get a life clown boi.
All US extremist killings in 2018 were from the far right.

Who on the left is killing people? Connor Betts?
He killed his own sister.

Right-wing terrorism is once again responsible for more deaths on U.S. soil (107) than jihadi terrorism (104) since 9/11, according to data collected by New America.

Nazi's are leftwing. Hate to break it to ya.
Richard J. Evans: ‘It Would Be Wrong to See Nazism as a Form of, or an Outgrowth From, Socialism’

The right needs to stop falsely claiming that the Nazis were socialists

Did you forget the nazis and communists were fighting each other? Did you forget nazis hated communists as much as they hated jews?

And then you people equate socialism with communism, as if the nazis and soviets were friendly with each other.

I'll go with what hitler said "our natural allies against capitalism are the communists"

Except that Hitler could never has said or intended anything remotely like that.
Hitler had all the communists murdered or arrested, like the Spartacus League, the local communist party in German after WWI had been targeted by the National Socialists.

The Spartacus League (German: Spartakusbund) was a Marxist revolutionary movement organized in Germany during World War I.[1] The League was named after Spartacus, leader of the largest slave rebellion of the Roman Republic. It was founded by Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg, Clara Zetkin, and others. The League subsequently renamed itself the Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (KPD)
After the Russian Revolution of 1917, the Spartacus League began agitating for a similar course: a government based on local workers' councils, in Germany. After the abdication of the Kaiser in the German Revolution of November 1918, a period of instability began, which lasted until 1923. On 9 November 1918, from a balcony of the Kaiser's Berliner Stadtschloss, Liebknecht declared Germany a "Free Socialist Republic". However, earlier on the same night, Philipp Scheidemann of the SPD had declared a republic from the Reichstag.[6]

In December 1918, the Spartakusbund formally renamed itself the Communist Party of Germany (KPD).[7] In January 1919, the KPD, along with the Independent Socialists, launched the Spartacist uprising. This included staging massive street demonstrations intended to destabilize the Weimar government, led by the centrists of the SPD under Chancellor Friedrich Ebert. The government accused the opposition of planning a general strike and communist revolution in Berlin. With the aid of the Freikorps (Free corps), Ebert's administration quickly crushed the uprising. Luxemburg and Liebknecht were taken prisoner and killed in custody.

The National Socialists and Communists were always bitter enemies.

Hitler was appointed by a coalition of capitalists, who were his main supporters.
Who do you think paid for all those stadium events Hitler put one, since he was penniless?
Hitler was not elected but appointed by Hindenburg, after being approved by the coalition of the aristocracy, military, and industrialists. Like Mussolini, Hitler was as capitalist and right wing as one could possibly get.
and you are such a fucking liar...
2 types of Socialism
Far Left Socialism - Communism.
Far Right Socialism - Fascism/Nazi
2 types of Capialism
Cronie Capitalism - Obama's economy.
Capitalism - free market , supply side economics.

All US extremist killings in 2018 were from the far right.

Who on the left is killing people? Connor Betts?
He killed his own sister.

Right-wing terrorism is once again responsible for more deaths on U.S. soil (107) than jihadi terrorism (104) since 9/11, according to data collected by New America.

Nazi's are leftwing. Hate to break it to ya.
Richard J. Evans: ‘It Would Be Wrong to See Nazism as a Form of, or an Outgrowth From, Socialism’

The right needs to stop falsely claiming that the Nazis were socialists

Did you forget the nazis and communists were fighting each other? Did you forget nazis hated communists as much as they hated jews?

And then you people equate socialism with communism, as if the nazis and soviets were friendly with each other.

I'll go with what hitler said "our natural allies against capitalism are the communists"

Except that Hitler could never has said or intended anything remotely like that.
Hitler had all the communists murdered or arrested, like the Spartacus League, the local communist party in German after WWI had been targeted by the National Socialists.

The Spartacus League (German: Spartakusbund) was a Marxist revolutionary movement organized in Germany during World War I.[1] The League was named after Spartacus, leader of the largest slave rebellion of the Roman Republic. It was founded by Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg, Clara Zetkin, and others. The League subsequently renamed itself the Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (KPD)
After the Russian Revolution of 1917, the Spartacus League began agitating for a similar course: a government based on local workers' councils, in Germany. After the abdication of the Kaiser in the German Revolution of November 1918, a period of instability began, which lasted until 1923. On 9 November 1918, from a balcony of the Kaiser's Berliner Stadtschloss, Liebknecht declared Germany a "Free Socialist Republic". However, earlier on the same night, Philipp Scheidemann of the SPD had declared a republic from the Reichstag.[6]

In December 1918, the Spartakusbund formally renamed itself the Communist Party of Germany (KPD).[7] In January 1919, the KPD, along with the Independent Socialists, launched the Spartacist uprising. This included staging massive street demonstrations intended to destabilize the Weimar government, led by the centrists of the SPD under Chancellor Friedrich Ebert. The government accused the opposition of planning a general strike and communist revolution in Berlin. With the aid of the Freikorps (Free corps), Ebert's administration quickly crushed the uprising. Luxemburg and Liebknecht were taken prisoner and killed in custody.

The National Socialists and Communists were always bitter enemies.

Hitler was appointed by a coalition of capitalists, who were his main supporters.
Who do you think paid for all those stadium events Hitler put one, since he was penniless?
Hitler was not elected but appointed by Hindenburg, after being approved by the coalition of the aristocracy, military, and industrialists. Like Mussolini, Hitler was as capitalist and right wing as one could possibly get.
and you are such a fucking liar...
2 types of Socialism
Far Left Socialism - Communism.
Far Right Socialism - Fascism/Nazi
2 types of Capialism
Cronie Capitalism - Obama's economy.
Capitalism - free market , supply side economics.


And quora is wrong too. ANY type of authoritarian government is leftwing. The absence of government is rightwing. Crony capitalism is fascism light.
Capitalism - free market , supply side economics.

If supply side economics I.e., “voodoo economics” worked, we wouldn’t be 24 Trillion in debt.

Supply side economics, much like Trump, is a sham. It is Darwinism capitalism that has allowed the top 1% to garner the largest share of America’s wealth and greater power, to the cost of an ever shrinking middle class and an increase in the working poor.

Just today, a U.N. report proclaimed that the disparity in wealth with the rich get richer and poor get poorer is a threat to democracies. Of this I have no doubt. He who has the gold makes the rules. The rich aren’t about to give up power hence the rise of Trump on the right, Bloomberg on the left and Sanders the socialist democrat front runner which both sides see as a threat to their wealth and power.

Republicans have a choice to make. Either start raising taxes and give a greater share to the middle class and working poor or see the rise of democratic socialism in much the same vain as FDR’s great society that put republicans out of power an into the wilderness for forty years.
Which do you support:

Today it is clear we are living in a new normal. The current Senators, under the leadership of McConnell has demonstrated that one person can have a major impact on our form of government. There is no doubt that Authoritarianism is now, with no thanks to 51 Senators, a new form of governance, i.e. Trumpism.

IMO, Trumpism is akin to fascism, and a reader with an open mind and who has watched the behavior of Trump and McConnell will see much similarity to these 14 points:

14 signs of fascism - Google Search

My gosh but your hyperbole knows no bounds does it. I didn't hear you condemning obummer for his blatant disregard of the COTUS, and when Trump actually follows it you claim he's a dictator.

Grow up.

Trump's a wannabe dictator and an asshole who ruins people's lives. "blatant disregard for COTUS" Prove it!!!

And, this is not the time or place to attack Obama, or Clinton or Carter. Odd isn't it that under Nixon, Reagan and now Trump, more members of their Administration went to prison. Eat that, it's a fact.
Which do you support:

Today it is clear we are living in a new normal. The current Senators, under the leadership of McConnell has demonstrated that one person can have a major impact on our form of government. There is no doubt that Authoritarianism is now, with no thanks to 51 Senators, a new form of governance, i.e. Trumpism.

IMO, Trumpism is akin to fascism, and a reader with an open mind and who has watched the behavior of Trump and McConnell will see much similarity to these 14 points:

14 signs of fascism - Google Search

You poor lil boi......so afraid of shadows
Why don't you get an education, and learn how to write something more than your usual curmudgeonly act? We have never had a POTUS such as trump, who has more personality disorders than you have in your tool box.

wry you are just not used to a guy who burps and farts in public....find a candidate who can beat the guy instead of coming up with bottom of the barrel people and you wont have to do threads like this....

I have very thick skin, I've dealt with some of the worst of the worst in my 32 year career, words don't hurt me. In my opinion trump is on the bottom of the barrel; he is both inept and antisocial. Both factors make him dangerous; especially now that The Senate has given him carte blanche, and he has never shown to have empathy.

Oh, you poor little liar. Whenever someone refutes your arguments you call them names and pout like a little girl.

Oh the irony. When has anyone refuted my argument? Post one which has in this thread!

Your arguments are absurd so need no counterargument. They deserve no attention.

Just admit you lack the ability and education to do so. It's so sad that all you can ever offer are logical fallacies; stop lying to yourself.
Which do you support:

Today it is clear we are living in a new normal. The current Senators, under the leadership of McConnell has demonstrated that one person can have a major impact on our form of government. There is no doubt that Authoritarianism is now, with no thanks to 51 Senators, a new form of governance, i.e. Trumpism.

IMO, Trumpism is akin to fascism, and a reader with an open mind and who has watched the behavior of Trump and McConnell will see much similarity to these 14 points:

14 signs of fascism - Google Search

You poor lil boi......so afraid of shadows

Hey, you're 19, when I was your age I had completed two years at CAL and then went on active duty (USNR) for nearly two years on a DD, returned to CAL for my BA and then went to SFSU for my graduate work. When you've gotten your GED, if you can, then you can call me a little boy (and by then you might be able to spell).

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