'A Big Explosion Indeed'

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Policing the Media: National Review Fires John Derbyshire | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

I suggest that the situation is ultimately unstable. As the appeals to implicit White attitudes continue to get more and more graphic and more and more commonplace as a result of competition among the mainstream conservative media, the explicit disavowals of attitudes disapproved by the New York Times (and my academic colleagues) sound more and more hollow. The entire exercise becomes transparently threadbare and an obvious sham. The needle keeps getting pushed. And at some point it will be clear to everyone that the Republican Party or its successor is the party not only of implicit Whiteness, but also implicit race realism and perhaps even implicit anti-Semitism. And at that point, it’s a short step to where it all becomes explicit.

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