~ 9 days left and here's how it actually looks


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Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
Romney will end up with around 301 Electoral College Votes OR MORE and the poor incumbent will end up with ~239 or fewer.

A thread headline to correct leftwhiner's silly thread headline seemed appropriate.


Consider it a public service correction effort. Can't have libs like leftwhiner spreading their disinformation like that unchallenged.

Thank me.
Romney will end up with around 301 Electoral College Votes OR MORE and the poor incumbent will end up with ~239 or fewer.

A thread headline to correct leftwhiner's silly thread headline seemed appropriate.


Consider it a public service correction effort. Can't have libs like leftwhiner spreading their disinformation like that unchallenged.

Thank me.

President Obama 290 Governor Romney 248

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map No Toss Ups

President Obama 295 Governor Romney 243

Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog - NYTimes.com

President Obama 63% to Governor Romney 37%

Intrade - Home



Between Ohio and the other battleground states, Mr. Obama held leads in 11 polls on Friday, against four leads for Mitt Romney’s and two ties.

Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog - NYTimes.com
That’s how it actually looks.
it is refreshing though to have a counter balance for rw's horseshit.
President Obama 290 Governor Romney 248

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map No Toss Ups

President Obama 295 Governor Romney 243

Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog - NYTimes.com

President Obama 63% to Governor Romney 37%

Intrade - Home


Thumb sucking libbies STILL place "value" in bullshit like "intrade."

That's just real funny.


And the other "polls" are engaged in Dim over-sampling.

Watch and learn.

There has been quite a bit of talk lately of the pollsters underestimating the Hispanic vote. I have no clue, but if true, it could give Obama a huge boost and might even give him Florida. And yes I know that the Cuban vote is not the same as the rest of the Hispanic vote. This thing is close, but I do believe it will move one way or the other and we will have a clear winner on election night.
President Obama 290 Governor Romney 248

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map No Toss Ups

President Obama 295 Governor Romney 243

Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog - NYTimes.com

President Obama 63% to Governor Romney 37%

Intrade - Home


Lol - I see you've had to adjust your Real Clear Nonsense reports to no toss-up states. And of course, it predicts Obama in the very best possible outcome of 290. Just days ago, I told liberal drones that 290 was the absolute best Obama could hope for and they scoffed.

Nate Silver? He'll be proven a hack. The NYT should be embarrassed that they're trumpeting that hack.
Romney will end up with around 301 Electoral College Votes OR MORE and the poor incumbent will end up with ~239 or fewer.

A thread headline to correct leftwhiner's silly thread headline seemed appropriate.


Consider it a public service correction effort. Can't have libs like leftwhiner spreading their disinformation like that unchallenged.

Thank me.

Did you come up with those numbers by using the libaculator and turning it upside down?

Libaculator noun
1) A mathematical machine that aides liberals in doing the hard stuff, like counting.
often confused with obamaticians, but those are actually people who are confused with obamabots, since neither actually think.

see also; liberal math
Start with RCP as is. ADD to the Mitt totals, FL, NC, VA and CO. Then for fun, toss in NH. Maybe Wis. Probably not PA (although still possible). And OH is going to Mitt. Sorry my lib pals.

I won't taunt you after Mitt wins.


(Except to the extent that I will taunt you mercilessly, of course. But, other than that.)
I currently have Romney locked into 257 with the toss-up states Nevada, Iowa, Ohio, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Michigan, Pennsylvania still in play. Romney also has outside shots at Maine, Minnesota, NJ, Connecticut and Oregon and New Mexico.

Obviously, I'm very cautiously optimistic. Of course, on election night, I'll still be closely monitoring states like Virginia, Florida, NC and Colorado who I'm currently calling locked for Romney.
I currently have Romney locked into 257 with the toss-up states Nevada, Iowa, Ohio, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Michigan, Pennsylvania still in play. Romney also has outside shots at Maine, Minnesota, NJ, Connecticut and Oregon and New Mexico.

Obviously, I'm very cautiously optimistic. Of course, on election night, I'll still be closely monitoring states like Virginia, Florida, NC and Colorado who I'm currently calling locked for Romney.

Ohio is in the Mitt column. PA, probably not (but still some shot for Mitt). Maine? Nah. Minnesota? No. NJ. No way. Ct? Unlikely.

Oregon? I don't t'ink so. NM? Doubtful.

BUT, MI? Yep. NH? Probable. VA, NC, FL are going to Mitt. As is CO. Throw in WI for good measure.

Mitt will win.
I'll still be closely monitoring states like Virginia, Florida, NC and Colorado who I'm currently calling locked for Romney.

Really? Why do you consider it "locked" to the guy in 2nd place?

10/26/12 Gravis Marketing Obama 48% - Romney 48%
10/26/12 Washington Post Obama 51% - Romney 47%
10/25/12 Purple Strategies Obama 47% - Romney 47%

2012 Virginia Presidential Election - Election Projection

Because I go by more trusted polls. I don't go into a panic whenever hack dot org says I should.

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