8 year old drives car, proves that children should have equal rights


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
Now explain to me again why we need more restrictive laws?

Which one of you cons would prefer that this little child be driven by a drunk driver???

Drunk Dad Passed Out While 8 Year Old Son Drives Car Breaking News & Views on BlackMediaScoop

Billy Joe was passed out drunk while his son drove the family from Mississippi to Texas! Cops said they received an early morning call from a witness who noticed the truck driving erratically and peered in to see the boy behind the wheel. Madden’s 4-year-old daughter was also in the car, sitting in the back seat. the children were turned over to child protective services.
Did you ignore the part about the car "driving erratically"? The worst part is that the kids were turned over to CPS where they are statistically more likely to be abused and get STD's.

And of course you're probably happy about that because you're a Liberal and Liberals love misery.
How does this prove children need 'equal' rights? Equal rights to do what? Work? Get married? Vote?
I'm put in mind of Agna's 'campaign' to provide children equal rights.
Yes, it's a logical fallacy. Just like the nimrod who claimed that a girl that shot an intruder means we need fewer gun regulations.

Man, you wing nuts are so damn easy to bait. Hook, like, sinker....


What it is is that the lefties are so insanely stupid that they believe this kind of stuff, so we respond to it. Ravi actually thinks it's a relevant point she's making.

ravi and predfan together



what a fucking rube he is.
No...8 year olds can drive a drunk with a car regardless of whether she has the *right* to drive. The car would be there.

A girl wouldn't be able to shoot a gun if there was no gun in the house.

Get it? Huh? Get it?
Yes, it's a logical fallacy. Just like the nimrod who claimed that a girl that shot an intruder means we need fewer gun regulations.


That was not the claim, the claim was that we need the second amendment and all it obviously says and stands for. No sane person is against REASONABLE laws that make sense, have a purpose and PROTECT society.

What we don't need are laws that restrict ownership, criminalize ownership or legal use of weapons. We do not need an assault weapon ban nor any registration laws.

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