50 years of green fAiL


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Fabulous article!! :eusa_dance: :eusa_dance:

2022 Same Shit, Different Year: 55 Years Of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions | ZeroHedge

50 straight years of ghey...

What do the eco-warriors have to show for it?

A country that gets 6% of it's electricity from solar/wind!:2up:

Who's not winning??!

Fabulous article!! :eusa_dance: :eusa_dance:

2022 Same Shit, Different Year: 55 Years Of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions | ZeroHedge

50 straight years of ghey...

What do the eco-warriors have to show for it?

A country that gets 6% of it's electricity from solar/wind!:2up:

Who's not winning??!

View attachment 743736


First............you're expecting that they can READ???!!!!! Seriously?

Secondly.........NOBODY reads food labels. If they did and REALLY knew what they were reading, the grocery stores would go out of business.
Fabulous article!! :eusa_dance: :eusa_dance:

2022 Same Shit, Different Year: 55 Years Of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions | ZeroHedge

50 straight years of ghey...

What do the eco-warriors have to show for it?

A country that gets 6% of it's electricity from solar/wind!:2up:

Who's not winning??!

View attachment 743736
From glow ball cooling to glow ball warming to klymate chaing to OzOnE holes to the ray-done gas scare to cell phone brain cancer, the junk food scare to the tobacco scare the over population/glow ball starvation scare, & too many other scares to even continue listing, all missed their projected doomsday! The left would have been right if they had not turned left!
So far ... only one doomsday prediction has ever come true ... how many trillions of trillions of doomsday predictions have failed? ...

Here's mine:
It will be another twenty years before we get serious about nuclear power ... and in another twenty years we'll run out of fossil fuels, with finest nuclear power plant designs possible ... safety will be the first casualty ... we'll throw these plants up as fast as possible, anything to get juice in the grid ... and accidents will fill the environment with radioactive debris ... miscarriages, birth defects, poisoning ... whole regions across the Earth's surface rendered unfit for human habitation ...

The wolves will rule ...

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