5 Common Myths about "The Settlements".

According to israeli's, terrorism isn't terrorism if its conducted against Arabs. Then its just "Police operation".

Yes. Funny how that works. When someone is attacking and attempting to kill your innocent civilian citizens, responding is called "law enforcement". This may come as a shock to you and your backward way of thinking, but those are the good guys.
Depends on where the rockets and mortars are being hidden.

Well, that is an interesting response. You mean to tell me that laws against killing innocent people can only be enforced under certain circumstances?
But having Gaza sitting on the edge of Israel is always going to be a tinderbox.
Perhaps if Israel stopped poking them in the eye...

Oh, of course, its all Israel's doing. Israel doesn't give Gaza enough concrete. If Israel would just give them more concrete, the Gazans would build houses and hospitals and schools instead of tunnels. Israel doesn't give Gaza enough electricity. If Israel would just give Gazans more electricity, they would stop lighting the tunnels 24/7 and let the people actually have enough to heat their homes. Israel doesn't let Gaza fish far enough out to sea. If Israel just let Gazans fish, they wouldn't smuggle any more weapons into Gaza.

Please. Do you really believe that?

I don't. I believe Hamas (and you) are offended by the presence of Jews. Hamas (and you) believe that Arabs must never be under the 'rule' of anyone other than Arabs and the idea of "Jew rule", as monte puts it, is especially offensive. Hamas (and you) believe that land belonging under Islam must always belong under Islam.

To Hamas, and others, this conflict is not going to go away until Israel is destroyed and the Jews killed or sent away.
Are you still pimping Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign?

It's hilarious how you are reduced to spamming with the same slogans and clichés when you're unable to address the issues raised.
I did address the Issue.

Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign.

I have to get a chuckle at your use of slogans and clichés as a means to excuse Islamic terrorism.

Tinmore does not believe the Palestinians are Islamic or even Arab. He does not understand the culture of the Middle East and probably has never been there. These aren't Western-style people. He should really take up a different cause--perhaps freedom for Tibet.
The Palestinians are NOT Arabs, Egyptians, nor Persians.

They are ancient Greeks who left the Greek mainland around the time of the Trojan War.

They settled along the coasts of Egypt towards Joppa because this was as close as the ancient Pharaoh's would let them get.

The Palestinians became moosleem when the Arabs conquered the Middle East in the 7th Century AD.

They are not Arabs, Egyptians, nor Persians. They are simply brother moosleems. But not blood brothers.

You're talking about the Philistines. The Palestinians of today aren't the same people as the Philistines.
Of course the ancestors of today's Palestinians include all the people who have lived in the area, Philistines included, to some extent, though most of their ancestors were Jews, Samaritans, Greeks, Romans etc. Those people converted to Christianity after 380 BC, when Christianity became the state religion of Rome. Non-Christians were not permitted to reside in the Roman province of Palestine.
I used to be “anti-settlement” until I visited one by accident. Since then, I’ve learned a lot about how the settlement issue is misunderstood and often twisted.

Myth 1: They’re on stolen Palestinian land
Most of the land that the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria were built on was Jewish-owned. In 1948, thousands of Jews who lived over the Green Line on land they had bought were forcibly removed from their homes when the Land became an Arab state – Jordan. Between 1948 and 1967, the Jordanians were desperate to fill that land with Arabs so that if the Jews got it back, they wouldn’t be able to live there because of all the land that was literally “given away” to Arabs. However, the “settlements” that are legal under Israeli law were not built on such land, even though it was literally handed out by Jordan to prevent future Jewish settlement. Amona is an example of a town that was evacuated by the Israeli government when it was determined that the land belonged to an Arab (who was an absentee land owner who didn’t care about it until leftist NGOs told him he should). It was an “illegal settlement” because part of it was on Arab-owned land. The current legal settlements under Israeli law are all built on Jewish-owned land, or within Area C as designated by Oslo.

5 Common Myths About “The Settlements”
Interesting article.

An apparent attempt to reverse propaganda with counter propaganda.

With the USA under DJT beginning to confront Iran now, there should be less terrorism money flowing into Palestine soon.

Then the Israelis will have a short period of complete peace again.

But having Gaza sitting on the edge of Israel is always going to be a tinderbox.

That will never change.

It's too bad that the Palestinians cannot be relocated to Cyprus, or Malta, or Timbuktu.
You mean the Zionists,in 1910 they were offered Uganda and Mauritius...shame they were not forced to take either,because thes Syntethic Zionists had No reason to invade Palestine because they had no link to this Land
It's hilarious how you are reduced to spamming with the same slogans and clichés when you're unable to address the issues raised.
I did address the Issue.

Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign.

I have to get a chuckle at your use of slogans and clichés as a means to excuse Islamic terrorism.

Tinmore does not believe the Palestinians are Islamic or even Arab. He does not understand the culture of the Middle East and probably has never been there. These aren't Western-style people. He should really take up a different cause--perhaps freedom for Tibet.
The Palestinians are NOT Arabs, Egyptians, nor Persians.

They are ancient Greeks who left the Greek mainland around the time of the Trojan War.

They settled along the coasts of Egypt towards Joppa because this was as close as the ancient Pharaoh's would let them get.

The Palestinians became moosleem when the Arabs conquered the Middle East in the 7th Century AD.

They are not Arabs, Egyptians, nor Persians. They are simply brother moosleems. But not blood brothers.

You're talking about the Philistines. The Palestinians of today aren't the same people as the Philistines.
You are correct FEY,as the Philistines were eliminated by the Israelites like the Canaanites and Moabites before them,the remaining absorbed into the 12 Tribes

The general population of Arab Palestinians probably has a concentration of Jihadist, Deadly Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgent, Radicalized Islamist, and Asymmetric Fighters than any other signal population group; second only to DAESH ,which is a convention in strategy and tactics then it is terrorist. Some would say that the population of Somalia is a terrorist population, but it differs in several essential way.

• On the eve of PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s speech at the UN General Assembly, a number of Palestinian groups called for launching a third intifada against Israel.

• Abbas, the leader of Fatah, the PLO, and the Palestinian Authority praised the Palestinian “fighters” and “heroes” over the generations.
(SOURCE: MainAll NewsDefense/Security Abbas praises terrorists again)

• Abbas made his remarks in a condolence letter sent to the family of Saeed Amro this week, adding his hope that “God would wrap the martyr in his mercy, and that he will dwell in paradise.” (SOURCE: Abbas Praises Jordanian Terrorist As ‘Martyr Who Watered Pure Earth Of Palestine With His Blood’ by DEBORAH DANAN21 Sep 2016)

• If the first weeks of 2017 are anything to go by, Palestinian government-sanctioned terrorism targeting Israeli soldiers and civilians is showing no signs of slowing down. On January 8, a Palestinian terrorist rammed his truck into a group of Israeli cadets and officers who were getting off a bus in the Armon Hanatziv neighbourhood of southern Jerusalem. Four young Israelis were killed, and 17 were injured. (SOURCE: Terrorism and incitement remain biggest obstacle to Israeli-Palestinian peace Ben Shmuel
JANUARY 25 2017)

There is something seriously wrong with the social morays of a community or population that would, through the generations, promote conflict and incite hostilities (over an extended period of several decades) as opposed to seeking peace. There is something seriously wrong with the social morays of a Political Leader and Head of State that both incites and promotes Jihadism, Deadly Fedayeen Action, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence.

You cannot possibly claim that the Arab Palestinians did not:

• Hijacked aircraft until the security measures became stringent.
• Palestinian political violence included Fedayeen attacks in Jordan until crushed in 1971.
• Launch an attack on the Olympic Village.
• Take control of the MS Achille Lauro --- kill Leon Klinghoffer, and dump his body overboard.
• Attempt to assassinate King Hussein.
• Play the key role in the Dawson's Field hijackings, when three planes were hijacked.
• Was involved Maalot massacre where Palestinian militants massacred 21 school children.
• Celebrate the anniversary of the Murder of US Senator Ribicoff
• Infiltrate militants and attack southern Israel and killed 8 Israelis, including six civilians.
• Bombing attacks on Bus Stops and tourist buses.
• Launch thousands of rockets and mortars indiscriminately across the border.

Palestinian civil disorder tactics are intended to provoke a violent response to stone throwing, stabbing, shootings, and bombings. This is a deviation from the Geneva Code, Hague Regulation and the Customary Rules of Warfare. Normally we do not generally associate holding pathways to peace hostage. A Head of State that does not consider non-violent means to international peace and security more of a benefit than Jihad/Armed Struggle; has a problem with understanding the rule of law.

Only a community of Psychopaths could consider this to be a suitable Head of States.

Thirty-six years ago, a current senior adviser to Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas was involved in the cold-blooded murder of a U.S. senator’s niece, and last week – on the very day that Abbas visited the White House – his Fatah movement back home was celebrating the anniversary of that murder.

From the White House, President Obama praised Abbas as “somebody who has consistently renounced violence.” On Capitol Hill, the U.S. Senate took no notice. Nor did the incident merit a mention in the pages of a single major American newspaper.

The forgotten victim, Gail Rubin, was the niece of U.S. Sen. Abraham Ribicoff, D-Conn. Gail was an acclaimed nature photographer whose works had been exhibited at the Jewish Museum in New York City and in other prestigious venues. She happened to be on a northern Israeli beachfront one morning in 1978, taking photos of rare birds, when a group of Palestinian terrorists came ashore.
(SOURCE: Abbas aide killed U.S. senator's niece Exclusive: Benyamin Korn exposes Fatah movement's celebration of murder Published: 03/24/2014)

Similarly, what kind of community must it be for a Head of State (like Khaled Mashal) to advocate Jihad as the only means of a solution and peace.

Most Respectfully,
Oh jeese, another slime the Palestinians post. How do you benefit from siding with the crooks and liars?

So... my take away is that you're left to moan and whimper about your tender islamo-sensibilities being offended by your islamic terrorist heroes being held accountable for their acts of depravity.
Are you still pimping Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign?

It's hilarious how you are reduced to spamming with the same slogans and clichés when you're unable to address the issues raised.
I did address the Issue.

Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign.

I have to get a chuckle at your use of slogans and clichés as a means to excuse Islamic terrorism.
I have to laugh. This reminds me of when I was listening to the Bill Bennett show in 2006 during Israel's slaughter in Lebanon. Nutandyahoo was touring the rightwingnut radio circuit supporting Israel.

In an 8 minute segment he played the terrorist card 17 times like he was selling a box of soap powder.

This was radio, but I could see Bennett nodding like a bobble head doll.
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So... my take away is that you're left to moan and whimper about your tender islamo-sensibilities being offended by your islamic terrorist heroes being held accountable for their acts of depravity.
Are you still pimping Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign?

It's hilarious how you are reduced to spamming with the same slogans and clichés when you're unable to address the issues raised.
I did address the Issue.

Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign.

I have to get a chuckle at your use of slogans and clichés as a means to excuse Islamic terrorism.
I have to laugh. This reminds me of when I was listening to the Bill Bennett show in 2006 during Israels slaughter in Lebanon. Nutandyahoo was touring the rightwingnut radio circuit supporting Israel.

In an 8 minute segment he played the terrorist card 17 times like he was selling a box of soap powder.
I have to laugh too, you're oblivious to the fact of your heroes in Hamas being designated as one of many franchises of Islamic Terrorism Intl., Inc.

It seems you are the one selling something.
Of course the ancestors of today's Palestinians include all the people who have lived in the area, Philistines included, to some extent, though most of their ancestors were Jews, Samaritans, Greeks, Romans etc. Those people converted to Christianity after 380 BC, when Christianity became the state religion of Rome. Non-Christians were not permitted to reside in the Roman province of Palestine.

And the ancestors of tomorrow's "Palestinians" will include all people who have lived in the area. They will be known as "Israelis".

If you are going to argue that invasion, conquest and cultural replacement is valid and gives rise to valid humanitarian rights -- then the Israelis are taking ownership of those rights. You can't have it both ways.
If you are going to argue that land can be morally overtaken, then you can't very well argue that it can't be morally won back.
Are you still pimping Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign?

It's hilarious how you are reduced to spamming with the same slogans and clichés when you're unable to address the issues raised.
I did address the Issue.

Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign.

I have to get a chuckle at your use of slogans and clichés as a means to excuse Islamic terrorism.
I have to laugh. This reminds me of when I was listening to the Bill Bennett show in 2006 during Israels slaughter in Lebanon. Nutandyahoo was touring the rightwingnut radio circuit supporting Israel.

In an 8 minute segment he played the terrorist card 17 times like he was selling a box of soap powder.
I have to laugh too, you're oblivious to the fact of your heroes in Hamas being designated as one of many franchises of Islamic Terrorism Intl., Inc.

It seems you are the one selling something.
Pfffft. whatever.

A lot of people buy soap powder too.
I used to be “anti-settlement” until I visited one by accident. Since then, I’ve learned a lot about how the settlement issue is misunderstood and often twisted.

Myth 1: They’re on stolen Palestinian land
Most of the land that the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria were built on was Jewish-owned. In 1948, thousands of Jews who lived over the Green Line on land they had bought were forcibly removed from their homes when the Land became an Arab state – Jordan. Between 1948 and 1967, the Jordanians were desperate to fill that land with Arabs so that if the Jews got it back, they wouldn’t be able to live there because of all the land that was literally “given away” to Arabs. However, the “settlements” that are legal under Israeli law were not built on such land, even though it was literally handed out by Jordan to prevent future Jewish settlement. Amona is an example of a town that was evacuated by the Israeli government when it was determined that the land belonged to an Arab (who was an absentee land owner who didn’t care about it until leftist NGOs told him he should). It was an “illegal settlement” because part of it was on Arab-owned land. The current legal settlements under Israeli law are all built on Jewish-owned land, or within Area C as designated by Oslo.

5 Common Myths About “The Settlements”
Interesting article.

An apparent attempt to reverse propaganda with counter propaganda.

With the USA under DJT beginning to confront Iran now, there should be less terrorism money flowing into Palestine soon.

Then the Israelis will have a short period of complete peace again.

But having Gaza sitting on the edge of Israel is always going to be a tinderbox.

That will never change.

It's too bad that the Palestinians cannot be relocated to Cyprus, or Malta, or Timbuktu.
You mean the Zionists,in 1910 they were offered Uganda and Mauritius...shame they were not forced to take either,because thes Syntethic Zionists had No reason to invade Palestine because they had no link to this Land

Take your mindless babble elsewhere.
It's hilarious how you are reduced to spamming with the same slogans and clichés when you're unable to address the issues raised.
I did address the Issue.

Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign.

I have to get a chuckle at your use of slogans and clichés as a means to excuse Islamic terrorism.
I have to laugh. This reminds me of when I was listening to the Bill Bennett show in 2006 during Israels slaughter in Lebanon. Nutandyahoo was touring the rightwingnut radio circuit supporting Israel.

In an 8 minute segment he played the terrorist card 17 times like he was selling a box of soap powder.
I have to laugh too, you're oblivious to the fact of your heroes in Hamas being designated as one of many franchises of Islamic Terrorism Intl., Inc.

It seems you are the one selling something.
Pfffft. whatever.

A lot of people buy soap powder too.
But only a select few buy in to your propaganda.

Once again, when confronted with facts, you're left to shuffle off with irrelevant piffle.
Here's another settlement, a treat for tinmore :):

Again propaganda, the European Jews had flooded into Jerusalem since the 1850s, prior to that there were a handful of Jews in Jerusalem. But there are actual film documentaries that expose the Zionist propaganda, for example:

Of course, Palestinian Jews were cleansed from Jerusalem prior to the establishment of the Zionist movement.
The Arab peasant revolt started in the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem.

Palestinian Jews were also expelled and massacred in Sefad, Tiberias and Hebron just prior to that.

So much for the 'peaceful coexistence'.

So do You have any argument except the usual 'zionist propaganda' mantra?
I used to be “anti-settlement” until I visited one by accident. Since then, I’ve learned a lot about how the settlement issue is misunderstood and often twisted.

Myth 1: They’re on stolen Palestinian land
Most of the land that the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria were built on was Jewish-owned. In 1948, thousands of Jews who lived over the Green Line on land they had bought were forcibly removed from their homes when the Land became an Arab state – Jordan. Between 1948 and 1967, the Jordanians were desperate to fill that land with Arabs so that if the Jews got it back, they wouldn’t be able to live there because of all the land that was literally “given away” to Arabs. However, the “settlements” that are legal under Israeli law were not built on such land, even though it was literally handed out by Jordan to prevent future Jewish settlement. Amona is an example of a town that was evacuated by the Israeli government when it was determined that the land belonged to an Arab (who was an absentee land owner who didn’t care about it until leftist NGOs told him he should). It was an “illegal settlement” because part of it was on Arab-owned land. The current legal settlements under Israeli law are all built on Jewish-owned land, or within Area C as designated by Oslo.

5 Common Myths About “The Settlements”
Interesting article.

An apparent attempt to reverse propaganda with counter propaganda.

With the USA under DJT beginning to confront Iran now, there should be less terrorism money flowing into Palestine soon.

Then the Israelis will have a short period of complete peace again.

But having Gaza sitting on the edge of Israel is always going to be a tinderbox.

That will never change.

It's too bad that the Palestinians cannot be relocated to Cyprus, or Malta, or Timbuktu.
You mean the Zionists,in 1910 they were offered Uganda and Mauritius...shame they were not forced to take either,because thes Syntethic Zionists had No reason to invade Palestine because they had no link to this Land

Take your mindless babble elsewhere.
Coming from a Synthetic Whore,that is a bit rich
Here's another settlement, a treat for tinmore :):

Again propaganda, the European Jews had flooded into Jerusalem since the 1850s, prior to that there were a handful of Jews in Jerusalem. But there are actual film documentaries that expose the Zionist propaganda, for example:

Of course, Palestinian Jews were cleansed from Jerusalem prior to the establishment of the Zionist movement.
The Arab peasant revolt started in the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem.

Palestinian Jews were also expelled and massacred in Sefad, Tiberias and Hebron just prior to that.

So much for the 'peaceful coexistence'.

So do You have any argument except the usual 'zionist propaganda' mantra?

According to monte, only 5 Jews lived in all of Palestine at this time, so how could all of those Jews have been expelled from Sefad, Tiberias, Hebron and Jerusalem? (Sarcasm)
Here's another settlement, a treat for tinmore :):

Again propaganda, the European Jews had flooded into Jerusalem since the 1850s, prior to that there were a handful of Jews in Jerusalem. But there are actual film documentaries that expose the Zionist propaganda, for example:

Of course, Palestinian Jews were cleansed from Jerusalem prior to the establishment of the Zionist movement.
The Arab peasant revolt started in the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem.

Palestinian Jews were also expelled and massacred in Sefad, Tiberias and Hebron just prior to that.

So much for the 'peaceful coexistence'.

So do You have any argument except the usual 'zionist propaganda' mantra?

The Palestinians realized too late the Illegal Zionist Filth only intent was to wipe them out,which of course,they ultimately failed....but still murdered 300,000 in the process of Stealing Palestinian Land,which still goes on today...You can trust a Zionist /Settler about as far as you can SPIT THEM.....They are not even Real Jews
Here's another settlement, a treat for tinmore :):

Again propaganda, the European Jews had flooded into Jerusalem since the 1850s, prior to that there were a handful of Jews in Jerusalem. But there are actual film documentaries that expose the Zionist propaganda, for example:

Of course, Palestinian Jews were cleansed from Jerusalem prior to the establishment of the Zionist movement.
The Arab peasant revolt started in the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem.

Palestinian Jews were also expelled and massacred in Sefad, Tiberias and Hebron just prior to that.

So much for the 'peaceful coexistence'.

So do You have any argument except the usual 'zionist propaganda' mantra?

According to monte, only 5 Jews lived in all of Palestine at this time, so how could all of those Jews have been expelled from Sefad, Tiberias, Hebron and Jerusalem? (Sarcasm)

Here's another settlement, a treat for tinmore :):

Again propaganda, the European Jews had flooded into Jerusalem since the 1850s, prior to that there were a handful of Jews in Jerusalem. But there are actual film documentaries that expose the Zionist propaganda, for example:

Of course, Palestinian Jews were cleansed from Jerusalem prior to the establishment of the Zionist movement.
The Arab peasant revolt started in the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem.

Palestinian Jews were also expelled and massacred in Sefad, Tiberias and Hebron just prior to that.

So much for the 'peaceful coexistence'.

So do You have any argument except the usual 'zionist propaganda' mantra?

The Palestinians realized too late the Illegal Zionist Filth only intent was to wipe them out,which of course,they ultimately failed....but still murdered 300,000 in the process of Stealing Palestinian Land,which still goes on today...You can trust a Zionist /Settler about as far as you can SPIT THEM.....They are not even Real Jews

intellect oozing...

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