$36 Trillion for Clean Energy, IEA reports.


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
IEA calls for 36 trillion in clean energy funds - Jun. 12 2012

IEA calls for $36 trillion more in clean energy investments

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The International Energy Agency said the world's clean energyinvestments are sorely lacking and this week called for an additional $36 trillion of funding by 2050.

In a sharply-worded introduction to a 700-page report, IEA Executive Director Maria van der Hoeven said governments and private industry need to do far more if the world is to hold global warming to what most scientists say is an acceptable level.

"Our ongoing failure to realize the full potential of clean energy technology is alarming," said van der Hoeven. "Under current policies, both energy demand and emissions are likely to double by 2050."

The IEA consists of mostly industrialized nations and was set up in the early 1970s to counterbalance OPEC. It conducts energy market research and helps coordinate releases from strategic oil stockpiles.

Most of this will be paid by investors running into solar energy and out of coal!!! Solar is now the second most installed source of energy in this country as of last year.

The big dogs at the top of the private energy sector are going to invest trillions!
We must invest our retirement into clean energy, our insurance money must all go into clean energy.

All the money in the World must go into Clean Energy.

The Government must have all the money, period.


institutional investors – including pension funds and insurance companies - potentially have an important role to play in financing clean energy programmes. This is a potentially „win win‟ situation. Given the current
The World GDP is 67 Trillion. The IEA just wants to bankrupt everyone.

It will be done over 50 years and mostly from private investment! Certainly, they will get some government money to reduce cost in the short term, but as we can already see. Well, solar and wind are doing pretty good with very little of that.
Mostly from private investing? Although 100% mandated through government rules, laws and regulations.
Hundreds of thousands of private sector clean energy jobs have been created!!!!

Possibly millions more coming soon!!!! Wahoooo!!! Solar and wind rule over coal in 2014!!!
Earth to Matthew, Earth to Matthew...........


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    Mar 27, 2009 - ... at least 2.2 jobs in other industries will disappear, according to astudy from King ... In Spain, where wind turbines provided 11 percent of power demand last ... “The loss of jobs could be greater if you account for the amount of lost ...deciding to expand in South Africa and the U.S., according to the study.
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    Institute for Energy Research

    Colin Vance, Ph.D. According to the study, “Germany's experience with ... For every 1 green job financed by Spanish taxpayers, 2.2 jobs were lost as an ...
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    A Spanish study concluded heavily subsidizing renewable energy in Spain lead to aloss of 2.2 jobs for every one green job created. Spain's unemployment is ...
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    ... a loss of at least 2.2 jobs on average for each "green job" created, or about 9 jobs lost for ... A rebuttal to the Spanish study by the National Renewable Energy ...
$ 36 trillion dollars, I wonder if Congress can be bi-partisan, compromise, and work together to become filthy rich.
World wide. What's wrong with you? Can't you read?
Sorry, it just went up, $ 42 trillion dollars.


Decarbonising the world‟s energy system while providing energy access for all will require enormous investments. Achieving this economy-wide transformation will require cumulative investment in green infrastructure in the range of USD 36-42 trillion between 2012 and 2030,
$ 36 trillion dollars, I wonder if Congress can be bi-partisan, compromise, and work together to become filthy rich.
Read the link. That's $36 trillion over the next 35 years (an average of 1 trillion a year) spread over all developed nations.
Well, the economics dictate what will be. And solar, wind, and geothermal are soon all going to be cheaper than coal, gas, or nuclear. And no dangerous byproducts, no radioactive waste, no destruction of the landscape with strip mines, no fracking near the water table, or methane escaping into the atmosphere. The externalities alone will dictate that.

We are going to spend at least that, worldwide, on evergy in any case. We are going to spend more than that on the results of climate change by 2050.

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